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September 13, 1890 Record and Guide. 336 Maps showing tbe contemplated changes are now on exfaibition in said office. Crrr ok New York, Finance Department, ) Comptroller's Office, Sept. 11, 1890. j In pursuance of Section 997 df tbe " New York City ConsoUdation Act of 1882," the ComptroUer gives notice to aU persons, owners of property affected by the foUowing assessment list, viz.: acquiring titlb. Lincoln av, from Southem Boulevard to 3d av. -which were confirmed by the Supreme Court September 2, 1890, and entered tbe Sth day of September in the Record of Tities of Assess¬ ments, kept in the "Bureau for the CoUection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents," that unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shaU be paid within sixty da]^ after the date of said entry of tfae assessment, interest wiU be coUected tfaereon at tfae rate of 7 per cent, per annum, from September Stfa. Payments to be made to tfae CoUector of Assessments and Clerk of Arrears, between 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. CiTT OF New York, Finance Department, } Comptroller's Office, Sept. 11,1890. | In pursuance of Section 997 of tbe " New York City Consolidation Act of 1883," the ComptroUer gives notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the following assessment list, viz ■ acquiring title. 132d st, between Boulevard and 12th av. 169th 9t, between 10th and lltb avs. —which were confirmed September 2d aud entered September 10th, 1890, unless aU assessments be paid witbia