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INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX, OF RECORD AND GUIDE. Contains Index to New York Conveyances and Biiildinojs, also our .\dvertisers. ADVERTISERS IN THE RECORD AND GUIDE CLASSIFIED. The naines ijĩivn below ivill be fuuiiil of vatiie bij Bank, Tyust itnd Insiiranee Coinpanies, Eslates, Builder.'i, Oiimers of fíealti/, Heal Estate Brokers, Architects, ctc, who are continually tuniing to the^e paf/esfor referenee to the official filingsrecoriled durinij thefirst hatf of ISQ'i, aiid iiiiJilishcil in l'n/ĸ/nc A'Zy/.V. o/The Record and GuiDB. We ijivc beluw a classifiud Directorij of tlie ijearlij advertiscrs now in Tde Record and CtOIDE, icith thc addrcss nfeach, ĸo that furthcr refcrence is unnecessary. in a scnse this forms a coinplete selecl Trade Directory conlaining the naines oflheprincipal leading houses in the several trades andprofessions represented. ACIDS POR BUILDERS' USE. Morgan, James L., & Co .. .47 Fulton. APPHAISERS. Bennet, O. G .. .160 Broadway. BlackweU, Wilson H., & Co... 67 Liberty aud •2,59 W(st l'2.5th, Carreau, Cyrille___Grand st aud Bowery, Fairchild & Yoran,., 171 Broadway. How, Hall J,,&Co....l71 Broadway. Jayne, S. F., & Co....364 West 23d aud 69 Liberty. Keunclly, Bryan L___CO Liberty. PhUlips, L, J,, & Co,,,.149 Broadway, U'J5 Columbus av and 14'Jth st and od av. Real Estate Loan aiid Trust Co___30 .Nassau, White, Wm. A., & Sons___409 Broadway aud 115 Broadway. ARCHITECTS. Andersou, Hcnry___IISO Broadway. Cole, James W... .403 West Slst. Eteliug, Prederick___3 Istav. Funk, Herraann E___ISO Tbroop av, Brooklyu Hauser, Jobn___1441 ;;d av. Hertcr Bros___19] Broadway. Van Norden, J. H___The Alpine, Broadway aud o3d st. Wenneuier, Prauk___'204 Esst SOlh. Wenz, Edward.., .1491 3d av. ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHERS,ETC. DarUng, C. M.... 1'22 West :i(ith. Langill, C. C.....10 East 14th. ASH CANS. Schwarz, L. I___187 South 6th av. ASPHALT AND CEMENT PAVEMENTS, SIDEWALKS, ETC.. HUgers, Williara.. ..163 Wcst 104th. Lawreuce, F. W___10 Exchange pl. Tice & Jacobs___510 Pearl. VanderbiU, Gec___14th st and lOtb av. AUCTIONEERS. Blackwell, Wilson H., & Co,,,,C7 Liberty and 259 AVest 125th. Buermann, Chas., & Co___!)0 Broadway and 509 Grand st. De 'W^alltearss, S___171 Broadway. Fairchild & Yoran___171 Broadway. Golding, John N___11 Pine. Harnett, Ricbard V., & Co.. .73 Liberty. »Henriques, Horatio,,. (32 Liberty. How, Hall J., & C0....171 Broadway. Kennelly, Bryan L___00 Liberty. Kennelly, Wm.. .47 and 49 Liberty. Ludlow, E, H,, & Co...,47 Liberty. *Mapes, H. C, & Co... .59 Liberty st, New York City, and Main st, Westchest»r, N Y. •Muller, A. H., & Son... .1 Pine. Pbilhps, L. J., & C0....149 Broadway, 1195 Columbus av, aud 149th st and iidav. Smyth & Ryan___111 Broadway. *Smytb, Johu F. B... .09 Libcrty. »WcUs, James L___.59 Liberty. AWNINGS, CANOPIES, ETC. Skelton, P___1325 Broadway. Vause, L. N., & Son. . .804 Broadway. BELL UANGERS, ELECTKICAL WORK, ETC. Bray. Joseph F., & Co___55 Dey st. Haggerty, Geo. A___803 3d av. BOILERS. Babcock & Wilcox Co.., ..30 Cortlandt. Sbeppard, 1. A., & Co___Pbiladelpbia or Balli- inoro. (Wm. Kcrby, agent, 4 Peck slip, N. Y. City, and 403 Madison st, Brooklyn ) BRASS AND BRONZE WORKERS. Jackson Architectuial Iron Works. ..315 East 2Sth. Palmer's Son, J. F.. .12 Eas-t 17th. Steufzer, H., & Co.,., 474 fo494 Leouard st aud 4!) to 01 Van Pelt av, Brooklyn, N, Y., aud :39 Dey st, New York. Waguer, J. T___108 Cbambers. BRICKS. Burns, UusíeU & Co .. .Balfimore, Md. Boston Terra Cotta Co ...Tiines Buildiug, New York aiid ;3!)4 Pederal st, Bostou. (Eugel- hardt & Mayland, agents, Tinies Buildiug, N. Y., and 73 and 75 North 7fh st, Brook- lyn.) Pleming, Howard___'23 Liberty. GrifTeu Enameled Brick Co___Times Building. Hendrickson, I. C, agent___'2:37 Broadway. Klots, WalterT., & Bros. Sons .. .Meserole stand Morgan av, Brooklyn. Lorillard Brick Works Co___!)3 Liberty st. Maurer, Henry, & Son___430 EasC '23d, and Maurezs, N. J. New York Architectural Tcrra Cotta Co___38 Fark row. Perth Araboy Terra Cotta Co... 100 Broadway. Raritan HoUow and Porous Brick Co___874 Broadway. Robbins, Gco. B., & Co___3d av aiid 130th st, and Broadway, n w cor 37th st. Sayre & Fisber Co___Bennett Building, Fulton and Nassau sts. Schermerhorn, J. M . ..Tiraes BuUding. Staten Island Terra Cotta Lumber Co . Broadway, and Woodbridge, N. J. Weeks, Cbarles R., & Bro___74 Murray st. .1'20 BUILDERS, CARPENTERS, MASONS ANU 1 CONTRACTORS. Atlas Iron and Construction Co___Times Build" I ing. Gallagher, P___822 Broadway. Kennelly, M. V___50 Barclay. Lithgow, George W... .41 King. DRIDLE IRONS AND BUILDING ANCH0R8. McDougal & Fotter... .55th st and North River. BUILDERS' HARDWARE. White, Van Glabn & Co... .15 Cbatham fq. CABINET MAKERS AND DECORATORS. Americau Encaustic Tiliug Co___140 West 2;3d. Browu, Geo. aud CIilTord.,. .40 East 14tb st aud 377 West 12th st. Buffalo Door aud Sasb Co. . Columbus av and ]24th st. Kurtz, Henry W... .Isl av , cor 04th st, New York Lumber and Wood Working Co----- 173 Broadway, New York, and Tonawanda, N, Y. Smitb, Jarvis B....174 East UOth st. Wood, Jenks & Co___3 Uniou sq. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, SHADES, ETC. Dobson, Jobu & Jaraes___40 West ]4th st, Lester's Sons, Andrew___!i;i9 Sth av. Rauch, H., & Son.,..24 AvB. CEMENTS, Camp, Hugh N,, & Sons___55 Liberty. Fisher, Erskine W^___IS B>oadway. Fleming, Howard___23 Liberty. Jobuíon & Wilson___45 Broadway. Kanter, Emil___12(1 Liberty. Klots, Walter T., & Bros. Sons, and Morgan av, Brooklyu. New York& RosendaleCeraentCo___280Broad- way. Tomkius, Calvin Co___1.50 Broadway. Thiele, E. ..78 William. . Meserole st CHIMNEY TOPS AND CAPS. L.ine, Ira G... .207 East 64th. COLORS FOR MORTAR. Fisher, Ei-skme W___18 Broadway. Tomkins, Calvin Co___150 Broadway. COMMERCIAL PRINTIKG. Record and GciDE Prcss___14 Barclay and 14 and 16 Vesey st, New York City. COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS AND NOTA- RIES. Adams Bros___432 5tb av. Brown, J. Romaiue, & Co___59 West :3;3d. Disbrow, Griffin B___50 East 2;ki. Kempner, D., & Son___003 8tb av. McVay, Geo. P. H....358 West 125tb.