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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 48, no. 1216: July 3, 1891

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ESTABLISHED-^ fi\ARpH 21^^ 1868. "Entered at the Post^ifflce at Neto York, N. T., at aecond^clasB matter." Vol. XLVIII.—No. 1,216. NEW YORK, JULY 3, 1891 Price, 16 <:enti> E, IT. LUDLOW & CO., ESTABUSHED 1836 AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 47 LIBERTY STREET. H. H. CAMMANN & CO., REAL ESTATE, 51 Liberty Street, N. Y. Telephone, 1338 Cortlandt. i EON AMD J. CARPEN2ER, REAL ESTATE, 41 LIBERTY STREET, Branch Oftice, 1181 3d Av. Entire caiarRe of Property D. Y. Swainson. A. H. Carpenter. E. E. Ctirpenter. JACOB APPELL, " REAL ESTATE BROKER AND HOUSE AGENT. Telephosa Call, 64-3 31st Street. 277 West 23d Strbit. Vf A. CRUIKSHANK & CO., MJit ESTABUSHED 1794. REAL ESTATE, 176 BROADWAY, - - - NEW YORK. 5E10N & WISSMANN, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 11 PINE STREET. Telephone, 1634 Cortland. Aijmui Skton, Ja. F. Dk RmtrsR Wissuann. JJORACE S. ELY, REAL ESTATE AGENT, No. 64 CEDAR STREET, N. Y. Branch Office, No. 103 West 68tb St. f FIELD GRIFFEN & CO., t'. suBUKBAN REAL ESTATE, Westchester Ctounty and Connecticut Property our Specialty. <2d STBEET (Opp. Grand Central Depot), IIOOM 6. PRESDEE & MOORE, REAJi ESTATE BROKERS, 9th avenue, cob. 87th STREET. INSDBANCE. Telephone, 406 Harlem. UORTGAGES. N(3TABT PUBLIC. Homer W. Presdee. Archibald T. Moore. TUfACLAY, DAVIES er of Real Estate Exchange._________ w J TANENBAUM, ^' REAL ESTATE BROKER, No. 529 BROADWAY, CORNER SPRING STREET. (Prescott Building.) Entire Charge Taken of Property._________ POTTER & BRO., 138 Broadway, cor. Cedar St., and 1384 9tfa Av. MANAGERS OF ESTATES. Large Amounts of Money to Loan at the Lowest Rates. Telsphokbs, 1292 Cortlandt^-680 39th St.______ A w. Mclaughlin & co., ^* — LOANS — On BOND and MORTGAGE EXCLUSIVELY. 146 Broadway, cor. Liberty Street. ____________Telephone 3793 Cortlandt._____________ ALDEN & STERNE, REAL ESTATE, 9 EAST 14th ST., NEW YORK Members of the Real Estate Exchange._______ J?RED'K SOVIHaCK, ^ REAL ESTATE. Special attention given to renting and selling ol property in the dry-goods, importing and adjoininjr wholes'ile business districts. Main Office, 401 BROADWAY. Branch Office. Ill BROADWAY ''RED. S. MYERS, REAL ESTATE OFFICE, 658 BROADWAY. Management of property a specialty. MATT TA YLOR PA VING CO., JXl GRANOLITHIC, ASPHALT, AND PAVEMENTS of ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Importers of Crude and Refined Trinidad Asphalt. Telephone 306 Pearl. Office, 15 STATE STBEET. COLWELL LEAD CO., PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES, 63 Centre Street and 681 Sixth Av.. New York. JACKSON, W. H, & CO., UNION SQUARE (old stand) N. Y. CIl Y. J ESTABUSBED OVER 60 YEARS. BUY OF THE MAKER.' Designers and Manufacturers. MANTELS, OPEN FIRE-PLACES, Grates, Fenders & Ctumney-Piece Novelties. Importers of Tile. Foundries and Shops, EAST 38tb and S9th STREETS. Only concern in our line having its Own Foundries. R 'EW YORK & ROSENDALE CEMENl CO., ROSENDALB HYDRAULIC CEMENT. ^gg- Warranted superior to any brand of Rosendale Cement manufactured for use under or oat of water. Especially adapted where tensile and compressive tests are required. Send for pamphlet on teste and testimonials showing superior quality of our Cement. HIRAM SNYDER, Secretary. Office, 229 Broadway, New York. CAYLOR'S P0R1LAND CEMENl. O STRONGEST, CHEAPEST, BEST AND ALWAYS FRuioii. For sale by all Dealers in Masons' Materials. JOHNSON & WILSON Gm> BAiAoENra, Bnd tat Deaerlptlve Pamphlet. ALDBICB CCUBT, 46 BBOADWAT. Nn Yore. DICHARD V. HARNETT & CO. AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 73 LIBERTY STREET. (Williamsburgh City Fire IiLsurance Co. Buildup RiCBAKD V. Harkbtt. Hr.vrt W. Donald. rEO. R. READ, REAL ESTATE, No. 9 PINE STREET, - - New YORk. (AsTOB Building). THOMAS & ECKERSON, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKEB* Entire Charge taken of Estates. Wallack Building, 35 West 30th Street. Wu. M. Thomas, Jno. C. B. Eckehbom CommlBsloner for the States.________Notary PubU«- pORTER & CO., REAL ESTATE, No. 311 West 185th St., NEW YORK. J EDGAR LEAYCRAF7, ' *^* REAL ESTATE, 1544 BROADWAY, Near 46th Street. Renting and Collecting a Specialty. J>ARTON& WBJ27EMORE, ■^ REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGES. Money to loan in any amount on bond and mort gage, at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. lOe BROADWAY, Cor. Pine St., New York. J^ERDINAND FISH, Member Real Estate Exchange, 149 BROADWAY, coH. LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK. Real Estate. Management and Improvement ot Estates. Business Property Sold, Bought and Rented. U/M. S. ANDERSON & CO., REAL ESTATE, No. 1243 TB IRD AV., Bet. 71st and 73d Sts. Telephone Call, 328—39th St. PYRILLE VARREA U, MANAGER OF ESTATES, APPRAISER AND BROKER, GRAND ST. AND BOWERY. Under Oriental Bank. riOUGLAS ROBINSON, JR., & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS & BROKERS, 55 Liberty Street, Corner Nassau St.,____________________NEW YORK. AMERICAN ENCAUSTIC JILINO CO. fi (Limited). •^^ Patentees and Manufacturers of Plain, Glazed, Pebbled, Inlaid, Ehbossed, Deco. - ATKD and Mosaic T I L E S for Floors, W»B« Fireplaces, Cabinet work & Architectural Enrichman'. 140 West 88d St., N. Y. ZanesviUe, OUo. J S. CONOVER & CO., ' Designers and Manufacturers of OPEN FIRE-PLACES AND MANTELS Grates and Fenders, Importers of Tiui. Established 1844. 23 and 30 W. 23d St., New York. CWARTW0U2 & CO., *-' REAL ESTATB 157 EAST 125th ST., and 347 WEST 126th St., N. T JOHN J. CODY, d REAL ESTATE BROKEB 1438 THIRD AV., Bet. 61st and 82d Sta. rjlBOMAS OSBORNE, STEAM STONE WORKS 9lBT AND 92d Streets, East Kiver. 1. Dealer in American and Imported Marble Brow Jtons. Nova Scotia. Ohio and all other Free Stonee. •pOBERT C. FISHER