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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 50, no. 1268: July 2, 1892

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July S. 1892 Record and Guîde. 29 70th st. n e, 100 e West Eud sv, four three- story and hasement stoue dweli'gs, Í8,6xl9î55, tinroofs; cost, 8HÍ,I)00 eacb; Annette Shsnuon, .^40 WestSlst st; ai't, J. O. JBurne. Plan 169. NOKTH OF 135TH STREKT. I33d st. s s. 335 e 7th av, three four-story brk flats, 35x84.3, tin roofs; c^st. $:2,000 eacb; Prank E Wiggins, M,t. Hope, N. T , or J. McKenna, 14 West 9+ch st; ar't, J. H. Valentine. Plan 1S9. 14^2^ st. D s. ĨOI) w Boulevard.two five-story brk flftts. •2.5s'>9 II, tin roofs; coît, $íO,000 eacb; J. Vix, 458 West I5Utb st; art, G, H, Griebei, Plan 174. 187th st, n s, 95 w Wadsworth av, sii three- stor.v frauie dwell'gs, 16.8x34, tin roofs; cost. Î2,,5b0eacb; L. O'Bii n, Kingsbridge road and 187ta st; ar't, J, KirKpatricU. flan 173, 2.3d amd 24th WAEDa, Kockfield st, n s, 250 w Bftinbridge av, one- story íraiue stahle, 25x14, shingle roof; cost, $150; Elizĩbeth Wainwright, Bedford Park; ar't, F. D. Miller; c'r, C. W. Vreelaud, Plan 144. Eftgle av, e s, 96 w Westchescer av, sis two- stoi-y aod basemeut brk, stone and terra cotta dweil'gs, 19s4i', tin rools; cũst, each, $5,000; F, Kobrs, 303 East 126tb st; ar't, J, Barrett. Plan 154. ytebbins av, e s, 613 n 165tb st, two-story frame buiiding, lSs'6'i, liu roof; cost, $1,800; Biizabeth p, Parker, It-i^ TiÊEany st; c'r, G. Parker, Plan 148. Tiutou ftv, e s, 125 n Kelly st, three-story ftnd basemeu', bi'k dwell'g, atix.55, tin roof; cost, abt $15,1100; Rev. A. Edelbrock, 763 Porrest av; ar'D, O. Baxter. Plan 152. V)liaav, ws, 139s VauCourtlandtftv, two-story and bBsement frame dwell'g, 22ĸ35, tin roof: cost, $2,3'O; F, Pistone, Bedford Park, New York: ar't, F. D. MiIIer. Plan 143. WiUis av. Nos, 48'^-492, three two-story brk, stoneand terra cottadwell'gs. 4S.fiĩ23.7. tinroof; cost, each. $J,,50t,: Tufts & Addison, 207 West l2lthst; ar't. J. B. Kranklin, Plan 147, Rogers pl, w s, 583 n WBStehester av, two two- story frome dwell'gs, Ĩi^íii6, tin roofs; cost$2,0(N) each; J. G. Patton, aii69 3dav; ar't, R, E. Rogers; c'r, J. J. Pielder. Plan 175, 134thst, s s, 375 0 Trinity av, thirteen two- storv frame dwe l'gs, 17.3 to 17 7x48, tin roofs; oost, ÎH,00i) eacb; J. Cotter, lãHth st and Willis av; ftr't, C. A. Millner. i'lan 176. 1.52d st, s s, lOu w Courtlaodt av, four-story brk flat, 35x66, tm roof; cost, $13,tKHi; Sarah J. Masoo, (i3I Coui-t.tandt av ; ar't, M. J. Gaívin. Plan 168. Clinton av, n e cor Rronx River roaÃ, two- atory trhniedweirg, 20x45, gravelroof; cost, $2,- 000; ow'r aud b'r, J. A. Knux, Fordbam, N. Y. Plan 165, Forest av, w s, 280 n Ĩ56th st, four two-story and basemeot brk and fraine dwell'gs, 18 9x40, tin roofs; cost, $:i,5oo eacb; F. Schwab, 614 Tin- tou ftv: ar'c, C. F. Lohse. Plan 178. Franklin av, es, 175 s 177tb st. two-story frame dwell'g. 33s;î0, shĩogle roof; cost, $3,900; Annie E. líeville, 19S4 Prankhn av; ar't, E. M. Patter- son; b'rs, Blom & Fogg. Plau 167. Jerome av, e s, 11,5.7 s Van Courtlandt av, three-story frame dwell'g, 26x45, tin roof; cost, $4,000; P, Pistone, on premises; c'r, H. Ce- burre. Pian 179. MÉlrose av, n e cor 153d st. four-story brk and stone fiat, 3 x72. tin roof: cost, $Í2,00i'; A. Zehííer, on premises;ar't, C. F. Lohse. Plau 177. Sedgwick sv, w s, n'ô^, q Cedar at, three-story írame dnell'g. S6,6x.53, shiDgle roof; cost, $9,000; J. .1. Araory, Morrĩs Heights; ar'f, A. Jaeger; b'rs, Mead & Taft, Plan 166, KINIiS C4>0NTT. Plan 1155—Sntter av, n s, 25 w Alabama av, one ODe-iiiid-a-half-siory frame staole, 36x20, shingle roof; cost, ĩiySU; CÍiarles Hauptner, 1280 Broad- way. New York ; ar't, G. E. Poiter. 1156—.'•tiue ftv, w .s. 150 s Lĩberty av. two three-story frame (brlt fllled) ^'well'gs, 20x36, tiu roofs: cosl, $4,001 ; David Oxelroth, Tbatfurd av, 11.57—Alabama ai, d wcor Sutter av, onethree- story franie siore and dwell'g, a,5x40, tĩn roof; coít, $4,.50ii: Chiirles Haiiptner, 1280 Broadway, Hew Yoi k; ar't, G. E, fotter. 1158—St, Marbí, uv, s S, 200 w Nostraud av, gix tbree-stnry and basement Ijrownstone dwell'gs, 2uj47, liu roi fs, in n cornices; cost, paeh, $l:i,000; Ch, H. Roberts, ^3 Reid av ; ar't, M. Dahlauder. 11.59—Greene av n s, UiO w Hamburg av, four three-stoiy frame (brk filled) tenem'ts, 25x63, tiu rouis; cosi, eacb, $.-,000; ov.'i- and b'r, W. Ber- líneer, 1251 Gret-ne ft\ ; ar't, H Vollweiler. 1160—Futnam av, s a, 34'i e Bushwick av, three three-scorj Irame (lirk flllpd) dweii'gs, 20x,'>2, tiu ronfs; cosi, $>;,11(10; oiv'r, ar'taud b'r, JohnMene- han. i!5 Bleeclitr st. 1161—Lindeii st, n s, 175 w Central av, two three-story frame (brk filled) tenfeDa'cs. 25x57, tiu roofs; cost, $1,000; ow'rs and b're, Van Ness Bros.. 11 0 Albftuy av ; ai'c. H. VoUweÍler. l'6-2—KiDg st. s w cor Conover st, four four- story brlt sr,ore and tenera'ts, :í5x.5S, tín roofs, iron coruices; total cost, $35 000; c. Plate, on premises; ar't, R. H. Sailor; b'r.D, J, Lvncb. 1163—3d av, w s, 170 n '2d st. one ODe-story brk electnc power statiou, 75x--'3ĩ, siate ruof, copper and irou cji-DÍce; eost, $,50,00fl; Ailantic Av R, R.; BDgineer and ar't, L. 4. Mclntire; b'r, J. 1164—Monroe st. No. 309, 300 from Marcy av, one oce-story brk wagon shed. 43x12; gravei roof;cost, $125; A. F, HaÊf, 4u4 Nostrand av; b'r, F. P. Rae. 1165—Hendrix st, No. 230, e s, abt 175 n East- ern Parkway, one two-and-a-balf-story frame dwell'g. ■Sixé'i, tin ronf; cost. $2,7uO; Thos. Lau- ney, 2.:8 Hendrix st; b'r, P, H. Doane, 1166—3^thst.,ss, 10iiw7tb av, one one-story framestable, 25x30. felt roof; cosl, $200; G, A, Wessman, 51 Albiny av. 1167-Railroadav, w s, 110 s Jamaica av, one two-story frame dweii'g, 18x33, tin roof; cost, SS^i"'-; Mr. Busbwill, Railroad av and Ridge- wood av; b'r, J. A. Reichert, 1168—Rftilroad av, w s, 150 s Griffin pl, three two-siory frame dwell'gs, 16.8<36, titi roofs; cost, $4,000; Bersej Rei^hert, Rai road sv, near Grif- fia pl; ar'c aod b''-, J. A. Reicbert. 1169—Seigel st, No. 40, one five-story brk tailor shop, 25x35, tin roof, woodeu cornice; cost. $4,- 0011; Sĩmon & Meyer, East Broadway, New York; ar't, H. Smitb; b'r, A, Huber. 1170—Cooper st, s s, 50 e Evergreen av, two thr^e-story frftme (brk filled) stores and tenem'ts, 3.5x55. tin roofs; cost, SS.ftuO; Ch. Wehr. 1355 Bushwick Bv; ar't, B. Finkensieper; b'r, not se- lected. 1171—Chestnut, 1,075 n Record pl, one two-story franie dwell'g, ^ũnSy, tin roof; cost, $1,800; ow'r and m'n, P. Lanuftn, 155 Vermont av; ar't and c'r, D. McDicken. 1172—Bailroad av, e s, 433.2 n Atlantic av, one two-story frame dwell'g, 17x30, tin roof; cost, $I,40U; Geo. M, Epworth, on premises. 1173—Warwick sĩ, w s. 95 n Sutter av, four two-story frame (brk fiUed) dwell'ss. 18.9xS2, tin roofs; cost. eacb $1,500; ow'r and b'r, Prederick Eiermann, 26s Scbeuck av, 1174—57th st, s s, 300 6 4th av, tbree two-story basement and attic framø (brk filleo) dwell'gs, 20x40, tĩn roofs; cost, each $3,0i)U; Wamson B, Onlton, 519 6th av; ar't, G, M. Millcr, 1175—Beaver st, No. 9U, one one-story frame BtaWe, 121-12, tin roof; cost, $50; Jobn Beisel. 532 Bushwick av, 1176—Lorimer st, s w cor Conselyea st, one three-story frame (brk fîĩled) store and tenem't, 25x60, tin roof; cost, $6.5IjO; ow'r aud e'r, Hahn Bros,. 286 Central av; m'n, V, Herold. 1177—Stanhope st, n s, 1,50 e Evergreen av, oue three-story frame (brk fllled) tenem't, 35x63, tm roof; coat, $6,000; Geo, M. Rothstein, 10U4 Wil- longbbyav; ar't, Th, Engelhardt. 1178—42d st, n s, 260 w 4tb av, one three-story frame (brk filled) tenem't, 20x45, tin roof; cost, $3,000; Elien Busby, 4th av, cory9th st; ar'ts, H. L. Spieer & Son; b'r, J. H. Prench. 1179—Greeupoint av, No. 128, ss, one ooe-story frame sbed, 30x90, gravel rooí; cost, $33o; F, Writbington, 13U Greenpoint av; b'r, J. W. Moore. 118u—South ĩst st, s s, 55 wUnionav, onefonr- story brk teoem't, 25x60, tiu roof, iron cornice; cost. $10,000; Martin Hollerer, South Ist st, eor Union av; a'rts, D. Acker & Son, 1181—KoscÍUBko st, s s, iuO w Tbroop av, two two-story and basement brk dwfil'gs, j5x45. tin roofa, iron comices; cost, eaen $;i,0')i'; Jos. C. MiUer, 290 Ko^ciusko st; a'rt, I. D. Reynolds & Sod; b'r, not selecied. 1182—36th-Bt, w s. 128w 5th av, five three-story brk stores and dw«Il'gs, 20x50, tm roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each $4,000; Charles Hart, 710 Degraw st. 1183—Bainbridge st, n s, 95 w Stuyvesaut av, thirty-tbree tbree-story and ba^ement brown- stonedwell'gs, 20x45, t)nroofs,iroucornices; total cost, $397,(jO(J ; Walter T, Ciayton, 3o5 Stuyvesaut av; ftr't, M. Dahlander, 1184—Vvashin^tOQ st, e s, 75 and 100 s Concord st, one one-siory brk shed, 24ĸ,54, gravel rooí; cost, S6u0; J. R. Howard, 47 Kast luDh st. New York; ar't, W. A. Haruey; b'rs, i'. Mullrean and C. Haolej;. 1185—Watkins st. e s, 100 s Eastem Parkway; Rockaway av. e s, 175 s Belmout av, aud Kocka- way ftv, e s, 25 w Sutter av, nine three-scory brk siores and tenem'ts, <í5x.55; rast, $^,000 each; ow'rs and e'rs, Scoeinfeld and McCord (?), Livonia av, near Thatford av; ar'c, A. J. Warren. 1186—Berry st, n w cor North 3d st, one one- story brk fac'ory, 3-2x92.6, tin roof; cost, $3,000; ow'rs ftud ar'ts, American Stamping Co., on preaiises; m'us, Í, & J, Van Riper & Co,; c'r, not seiecied. 1187—Schenck av, e s, 40 s Repose pl, one two- story frame (brk filled) dweU'g, 2Ux3t), tiu roof; coít, $2,000; ow'r and o'r, G, B. Blydenburgh, 15 Cedar st; ar't, H. Vollweiler. 1188—FairfdX st, u s. 100 e Bushwick av, six two-story and basement frame dwell'gs, 211x45, tin roofs; cost, $3,000 each; James Graham, 123 Cleveland st. 1189—Bleeckerst, Nos. S.30 and 333, two three- story frarae {brk fllled) tenem'ts, 20x,50, tin roofs; cost, $3,50u eacb; ow'r, ar't and b'r, H. Etinger, on premises, 119U—VVfttkina st, es, lOOs Eastem Parkway; Rockaway av, e s, 175 s Belmont av, ftud Rucbii- wayav, es, ;t;35 n Sutter av, rears, niũe iwo- story frame lailor shops, 2U-x'iri, tin roofs; cost, $1,000 eacb; ow'rsand c'rs. Schreufeld or ttchein- feld & McCord; ar't, A. J, Warreu. 1191—Easiern Parkway, s s, 46.6 w Osbom st, three three-story frame siores aud dweb'gs, 17,9i 40, tin roofs' cost, $4,000; ow'js aud c'rs, & Gettelsohn, 93 Thatlord av; ar't, A, J. Warren. 119.'—Osbom st, 6 B, 100 B Belmont av, oue one-story frame tailor sbop, l&x38, tĩn roof; cost, $400; ow'r auíi b'r, Cfcarles itattDer; ar't, ^. p4D^cher. 119S—Logan st, n e cor Eastern Parkway, one tbree story frame store and teoem't, 20x,56, tin roof; cost, $2,500; Prank Bart, Vau Biclen av; ar'ts, Danmar & Fischer; b'r, not, selecteiĩ. 1194—33d st. n s, li~0 e Kd av, six two-story frame (brick filled) dweii'gs. I6,8x4a. tin root; cost, each $I,mi1); Wm. E. Kny, Biytbeboume, L. I ; ar'c end b'r,-----Ahrabamson. 1195—Stone av, o s, lUO n Dean st, one one- story freme shed, 14x8, gravel roof; cost, $.50; John Wiclî, on premisBs, 1196—Summit st, n s, 30 e Hamilton av, one four-story brk blacksmitb sbop and tenem't, 25x 55, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $7,000; Alex. Corcorau, on premi=es; ar't and b'r, D. J. Lynch, 1197—Van Pelt st, s s, 88 w Grabam av, oue nue-slory frame sbed, 16s5U; cost, $75; ow'r and c'r, Joiíeph Goete, 53l Grabam av. 1198-.vlĩlton and Noblu sts, 1 bĩock west of sts and 50 from bulkbead, ooe onostnrv frame stor- age, 80>50, gravel roof. cost, S200; F. E, Perkins & 8ro.,59 Weslst. 1199—North LSth st, s s, 125 e Kentav, one two- story frame carpenter sbop, 4"25lOO, gravel roof; cosl, $b',ilO'i; Jaue Coughran, 77 Berrv st; ar't, H, A, Aĸerly. 120U—Putnam av, 8 e cor Evergreen av, one two-story frame (brk flUed) stable, 30x25, tin roof; coBT, $1,000: Henry brehm, 1164 Putnam av; ar't, L, H, Kroder; b'r, J. Bueger Build- ing Co. ALTERATIOSS RÍEW fORK €ITI, Plan 146—9ta st, No. 307 E., five-story exten- sion, J3x11; cost, $3,500; W. Morris, 3o3 East 9th Bt; er't, P, Baylies. 177—Grammercy Park, No. 7. windows and areaaltered; cost, 800; D. C. Leach, on premises; b'r, J. Kell:r. 178—Madison ftv, No. 191, interior alterations andnew bay vtíudow; cost, $2,00ii: J. E, JanorÍD, ou premises; ar't, T. Brush; b'r, G. ilulIigaD. 179—fsrk row, No. 3St, interĩor alteratioDs; cost, $7,000: lessees, Comuiercial Advertiser As-oc, on premises; ar'ts, C. W.and A. A. btoughton, 18u—143d Bt. n s, 475 w Grand Boulevard, one- story extension. 3.5x:S0; cost, $2i 0; W. G. Leeson and ano,, f,02 West 145th at; ar't, J, A. Webster. 181—5Uth st, No. 7 W., two-siory extensĩon, 35x'J3; eost, «5,000; Alice H Westervelt, on premises; ar't, W. W. Kent. )82—2Iat st, No, 161 W,, two-story exteosion, 20x43,4; cost, $3.000; M. W. Maclay, att'y, 13 WestSlstst; at'ts, Lienau & Nash;'b'rs. Hoe's SODS. 183—Coliege av, bet 145th aud 146th sts, one- Btory extension, 24330; coat, $1,-200; Mayor, &c , City Hall; ftr't, C B. J. tíDyde-r. 184—2d st, No. 372 E., aew chimney; cost, $500; ow'r and ar't, sftme as iast. 18.Í—Greenwieh av, Nos. 78-84, new store fronts; cost, $:ĩ,000; D, Peters, agent, 155 West 14tb st; ar't, 0. Reniz, 186—Bowery, No 223, interior alterations; cost. $141); Mrs. A, W. Gouid, Tarrytown, N, Y. 187—Bruadway, No. 7p4, ĸiterior alterationa, two new eĩevaiors aud sbafts; í-ost, $i^,00li, ex- cluĸive of elevators; Henry Hilton, 7 West 34th st: b'r, J. H. Browne. 188—71st st, No 33 W,. new bay window, 9.4x 7.6; cost. $175; ilrs. L. E. Mitchell, on premises; ar't, D Burgess. 189—Park row, No. 83, interior alterations and wall.saltered; cost, abt SSUO; iessee, L. Milier, SIS Eftst 58th st. 190—l,52d st, No. 458E.,raited to grade and movea bdCií, interĩor aiterations and new front; cost, $-^,000; R. Reilly, on premises; ar't, Ã. F. A. Scbmitt. 19l-l;6th st, No.46E., two-story and basement extension, 0 6x14, interĩor alteratious and walls altered; cost, $8,000; A. F. Walcott, on prem- ises; ar'ts, AicKim, Mead & White. 192-Mftdisou ftv, n e cor 35ch st, new spire, S9 ft. higb; cosc, $lii,5ui!; J. McLeao, chairman, .53 Eftst 55tb st; ai'tí, HfcinB & Lft Farge; m'ns, Mulligau & Son, 193—5tb ftv, No. 363, interĩor alterations and walls a'tered; cost, 54,001'; Ie=see, D ^euman, 604 Lexingtunav; ur'cs, Cltverdon & Putzel. 194—;j7tl) st, No, 27 vv., mterior ftlteiatîons and wallsaltared: cnst, $5(0; G, W, Carĩetíin, oti premiíes; ar't. T. Nash; m'ns, Robinson & Wal- Iftce; c'r, R, H. Gase.v, 19!i—.57th st, Nos. 350-354 E., interior aJtera- tions, walls altered and new porch; ccst, $4,000; E. Felbel, chaĩrmaD, 362 Easi 5Utb st; ar't, J. F. Millpr; c'r, H, Berry, 196—Edgecombe av, No. :í39, interior altera- tiousand jepairs; eost, S^ĩũll; Emma BeiTÍan, on premises; ar'f, W. ã. Berrian. 197—Pikesĩ, No. 36, uewfront; cnst. $500; D. Coben, ou premises; at'ts', Borenburger & Straub. 198—Oichard st, s w cur Bruome st, new front; co.ii, $51 0; W. liHlIeisen, agent, 194 Moore st; ar'ts, Horenburger & btraub. 199—5atb st, No. 'M W., oDP-story extensĩon, 0..8xl3, and new snyligbt; cosi, $Æ0; A &alîs, on preniise;; m'na, W. A. & F. Jí, Couover; c'rs, Hoe'iSoDs. VOO—55ih st, No. 51 W.. two-story extension, 8.6x15; cojt, $1,000; H. E, Drew, agent, 1W9 Fi'aDklin av ; c'r, E. OuEWttter. 201—r2tb st, No. I()3 W,, roof raised; cost, $1,- ■ ; G. W. Mii ar. on premises; ar't, J. E, Ter- huũe; c'r, W. Vaii Dorn. ííuS—44tb st, No. 47 E., interior alterations and new elevator; cost, ê^i^.ĩOU; C. A. Dards, 3^1 ĩlailisoaav; ar't, J. E. Terkune. •