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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 43, no. 1097: March 23, 1889

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March 88,18S9 Record and Guide. 417 LIS PENDENS, Ernes COCNTT. Mar. Surtav ss 288,3 w West Sth at, runs southlto Atlantic Ocean, x west 57 to west 10th st, z north to av, x84............................. Surf av, n w cor West Sth st, runs north 164 to N. T, & Couey Island R. R. Co, x west — x south 81 to av, X 890......................... New York & Coney Island K. E. Co.'s track, n 6, lot 19b common lands Gravesend, runs north 284 X east 335 to R, K. track, x west 272........ West 8tti st, w s. at intersection witb north line of New YorkiC Coney Island R. R- Co-'s track, runs north 970 x west 280 x south IS3 s east [|I48 xsouth 646 to R, R, Co,'s track, xnortbeast to beginning.................................... Action for possession for non-user. Town of Gravesend agt N. Y. & Sea Beach Railway Co,; att'y, Wm. J. Gaynor............................ Lewis av, s e cor Greene av, 100x300. Spencer Aldriclf agt Edward Eden; att'y, plaiutifll in person.......................................... (HorroU afc, 211.8 w HOTt st, 30x97.11- Henry EUl- ott trustee Joseph T. Whitehouse agt Marion L. Holdea; att'ys, Kolfe & Snedeker................ Wythe av, No. 620, s w s, 50 s e Taylor st, 26x100. WiUiam S. Hurley agt William Bunger; action on attachment; att'ys, Phillips & Avery........ Parcel of salt meadow in 18th Ward at west cor of upland o£ Francis Vaadervoort, contains 2 acres 1 rood and 15 perches, George D. Betta agt Michael J, GafEuey; att'ys, Jackson & Burr............................................ Evergreen av, sws, 2G:8 s e Troutman sfc, 35.3x 109.4x33x99.1. Theodore F. Jackson agt Mary Sauer; att'ys, Jackson & Burr................. De Kalb av, n s, 135 e Stuyvesant av, 46,8x100. Stephen ii. Sturges agt William J. Connolly; att'ys. Sturges ffi Roby ....................... Duponfc St. s s, 175 e Manhattan av, 25x100, Archi¬ bald K, Meserole agt John Haiford; att'ys, C, & T. Perry.......................................... Cooper st, n w s, 373,0 n e Eusbwick av, 16x11X1. MaryH- McCord agt Nellie M. McLain; att'y, W.H.Eent ..................................... Cooper st, nws, 305.S n e Bushwick av, 16x100. Sameagtsame................................. Clermont av e S, 54 a De Kalb av, 31x80. Richard S. and William M. Sayer, Jr., agt Francis Mc¬ Quade; actior ou attachment; att'y, RusseU T. Low........................................... Greene av, s s, 200 e Bedford av, 20x100. Corne¬ Uus N. Hoagland agt James W. Stewart; att'y, Wm. B- Hill.................................... St. Johns pl, n s, 344.7 e rth av, 20x100. George Tiffany agt .Arthur Richards; att'y, Chas. W. Wright....................................... 20 Madison st, n s, 280 w Lewis av, 20x100, William P. Johnson agt Mai-y Inslee; att'y, Adolpb Van- rein .............................................. 20 Hancock st, s s, 185 e Lewis av, 140x100. Charles M, Marsh agt Edward Eden; att'y, Charles M. Marsh ia person ............................. 20, 100.10nPoplar st, 17.6x77.1x50x03. Thomas Hunter agt Jonn A. Hunter; partition; att'y, Moses J. Han-is....................... 21 Hancock st, s 8, 185 e Lewis av, 140x100. Charies HI. Mai-sh agt Edward Eden et al,; Charles M. Mai-sh, New York, att'y in person............... 21 Kosciusko st. No. 135. n s, 388 e Nostrand av I5x 100, Catharine Malone agt Jacques Cortelyou and Eugene Jennings; att'y, F. X. Donoghue, Yoiikers,N,Y............................... 21 RECORDED LEASES. NBW TOKK. Per Year Baxter st. No. 53, all. Mary A. McBride to Antonio and Tomtnaso Strammiello; 2 years, from May 1, 1889................... 1,200 Bowery, No. 21, atore floor. Simon Epstein and Morris Jacoby to J. L, McCuUough; i years, 9 months and 6 days, from July 25, 1888 .....................................: 1,320 Bowei-y, No. 57!^, basement. John J. D. Meyer to Caroline and Moritz Hartfield; Syears, fromMay I, I88S.......................... 300 Christopher st. No-9, storeand two rear rooms. Gideon E. Fountain to Frederick Pieper; 3 J'ears, from Deo, 1,1888.................... 540 Christopher st, No. 9, westerly store and base¬ ment. Same to Chai-ies Berger; 5 years, from Feb. 15,1669........................... 600 Christopher st, No. 115, flrst floor and base¬ ment. Jeremiah W, Dimick to Henry W, Meyer; 5 years, from May 1,1639.......... 900 Delancey st. No. GG, front and rear houses. Augustme H. Donohue to Joel Evenstoft; 3 1-6 years, from Mar-1, 1889.............. 1,330 Delancey st. No. 315, stor", John Kaiser agent John Kipka to Carl Bernhardt; 13 moaths, from April 1, 1889, per month.............. 310 Delancey st. No. 34, easterly store and base¬ ment. Moses Shedhnsky to Henry Noll; 2 years, from May 1,1889.................... 636 Delancey st, No-147, store and four rooms on first floor. Herman Cohen to Ed. A- Eise¬ man; 3 years, from May 1, 18S9........... J.236 East Broadway, No- 143, two basements, Marcus Rosen and Solomon Alter to Isaac Levinson; 1 year, from May 1, 1889....... 270 East. Broadway, No, 274, John A, McManusto Emil Mayer; 5years, from May 1, 1889___ 900 Essex st, No. 138, south store and part cellar. WendoUn J, Nausa to (Jeorge Sinram; 5 years, from May 1,1889.................... fiOO Greenwich st, Nos, 248 and 250, Emily C. Watson to R. A. Tucker; S years, from Mayl, 1889................................ - 4,550 Hester st, No, 21, store and room known as stoop floor over basement floor and front part of second story over said stoop floor, Aaron Goodman to Hyman Harris; 4 yrs, fromMayl, 1889......... 730 Houston st, No, 325 W-, all- Thomas E, Keane . to Thomas FarreUy; 5 years, from May 1, 1880........................... 72)j Houston St. No. 91 W., west W of flrst floor M. Jacob MueUer to M, Simon &Sons; 3 years, from May I, 1889......... 420 Houston st. No. 403 E., store and cellar. Ber¬ nard E. Gafney and Mrs. Mary E. Butler to Sigmund Kraus; 5!^ years, from Jan. 1, 1869.............................. 2S0 MuiTay st. No. 67, lofts. Albert N. Brown to Hugo Cahn & Co.; 3 years, fromMay 1, 16S9 ....................................... 1 850 Park row. No, 102, north cor Duane st, Joaima ' L, St. Jobn to Frederick Buse and Herman Mfller; 10 1-8 years, from Mar, 1, 1888..... ....................................6,000 aud 6,600 Park row. No, 166, corner store and cellar, Jacob Finelite to Thomas Maher; 3 years, from May 1,1889.......................... 3,200 Sameproperty. Assign- lease- Thcs. Maher to The H, EUas Brewing Co................ nom Pittet, No. 58, aU. Mana Halsev to WiUiam Koster, Jr,; 5 years, from May I, 1889..... 300 Stanton st, No. 201, swcor Ridgest, No-131, all. Jane Saunders, extrx. Eran Lewis to Henry Koch; 3 years, from May ], 1889.-. 1,130 University pl. No. 76, Robert HomervjUe to WiUiam Moulds; 10 years, from May 1, 1667, taxes and.......................... 6,000 Warren st. No. 117. John Best to David G. Ryer; 3years,from Mayl,1889.......... 3,500 Same property. Agreement to repair. Same to same Washhigton sq. No, 8, n s, Benjamin D, Sil¬ Uman to William J- Palmer; 3 yeai-s..... 3,600 Watts st, No, 92, all- Pbilip Aarouson to C. Eadimacher; 5 years, from Jlay 1,1889___ 900 WUUam st. No. 167. Frederick fi. Vanderpoel and Charles A. Jones ti-ustees Deborah Williams to Herman Fajen; 5 years, from May I, 1889................................. 3,000 William st, Nos. 127 and 120. Alfred J. Taylor to The Thaddeus Davids Co; 5 yeai-s, from May 1,1887, taxes and, ■■.................. 6,E00 5tb st, Nos, 210 and 212, Beethoven Hall- Beethoven Manner Chor to Anthony Som¬ mer; 5 years, from May 1, 1868.......6,000 to 6,600 Bth St. No, il4, aU except basement floor, Louis Bemdt to Anthony Sommer; 5 years, from Jlay 1, 1888........................... 3,000 10th st. No. 2-39 W., store floor, extension and cellar. Gustav Boroheim to Ed, Reutlin- ger; 5 years, from May 1,1889 ........... 600 12fch st. No. 136 W. Francis JlcCabe to Celes- tineGriffen; 5 years, from May 1,1889..... 1,400 12th 6t, No, 126 E. John P, Scbucbmau to Charles Riek; 3 years l}/> months, from March]5,1689............................. 1,600 14th st, No. 237 E., all. Cbanning Ellery to Jean H. De Lorde; 5 years, from Feb. 1, 1889......................................... 2,400 14thst, No. 53 W., afl- The Farmer's Loan and Trust Co. trustees E- C. Center to Adolph Frankfield; ''years, from May 1, ISeo......................................... 8,000 16th et, NO-337E., aU- Otto J. Eggers trus¬ tee A. M, E. Unltart to Agnes Haase; 5 years, from May 1,1877.................. 1,275 33d st, No, 12 E-, basement and part cellar, Eduard Kearney and Jacob Sharp to Ja¬ cob O. Bebus; Syears, from May, 1, 1887 ..................................1,200 and 1,500 27th st, Nos. 331 and 833 E., 41x08. Caroline E. Randall to Emest Metz; 5 I-O years, from March 1,1889............................ 1,209 36th st, Nob- 207-217 W-, building in rear of these premises, Soplironia A- Stuart to James Hoi'rison; 10 years, from May 1, 1889....................................... 3,200 42d Et, No. 150 E., store and front basement. Dennis Britt to JohnD. O'Connell; 6 years, from May 1,1887........................... 060 49th st, No. 213 E. Ellen M. Hennessy to Sam¬ uel Adler; 5years, from May 1, i860...... 3,100 53d st. No. 504 W., s s, 75 w IOth av. west store and front basement, Elsworth L. Striker to Nickolas Reasner; 5J4 yeai-s, from Feb. 1,1889.................................... 430 65th st, 6 e, 130 e 3d av, BOxlOO.6, Jacob G, Sanders to Thomas F.Lowndes; lOyears, from May 1, 1889, taxes and..............300 to 500 75th st. No. 21 E., aU. Spencer C. Doty to GeorgeH. Eich; 6 years, from May 1,1889. 1,620 135th st. No. 161, n s, ld6 w 3d av, all, Emma L. Harris and Sarah C- Mitchell to Conrad Muller; Syears, from Mayl, 1889......... 2,200 Av A, No. 141, store and part cellar. Caroline Becker and ano. exrs. Daniel Becker to John F- Luth; 3 years, from May I, I8S9,.. 1,120 Av D, No. 26, store floor, (jorneha E. Paar exr. Jotm Paar to S-S. Bruuiley's Sou & Co.; 5M years, frora Feb, 1, 1889................ 640 Brook av, w s, 105 n 146th st, 20x25, Ellen Cal¬ lahan to Helena Beck; 5 years, from April 1,1889 .................................... .51 Lexington av, No, 837, Adolpbus E. Karelsen to Bernard Levy; 4 years, from Mayl, 1,300 Madison av. No, 1141, corner store. Henry Hildburgh to Henry Horstman; 5 1-6years, from March 1, 1889............ 1,200,1,300 and 1,400 Park av, No. 1961, fourth floor and front W part of third fioor. Henry Fechteler to Katz Bros; 4 l-U years, from March 1, 1889. 420 1st av, No. 2329, used as bowling alley. Mary Eadlein to Frederick L- Hohn; 5 years, fromFeb- I, 1889.......................... 1,500 3d av. No. 3258, store, &c. John Dunkak to Wm, F, Kobi'ing; 7 years, from May I, 18S9, taxes, and........................... 8,000 Same property. Assign, leaee, WilUam F, Kohring fco John W, Haaren............. nom 3d av. No, 78, sfcore and back room. William F. Schneider to Albert Martin; 5 years, from Feb. I, 1889......................... 1,2-25 .3d av. No. 170. Charies H. DugUss to Jobn C. Junker; 3 years, from May 1, 1889........ ................for one year 81,475 and after 1,400 8d av, No. 629. "Thomas E. Cooper to Charies Hoenninger; 5 years, from May 1,1889___ 1,200 3d av. No. 1803, inner ^ of corner store. Jo¬ seph A. Powelson to Fanny E. Levy; 2 years, from May 1, 1889................... S40 3d av. No 2207, all. Louis Arnheim to Fen¬ nell & Pye; 5 years, from May 1,1889..... 2,1H0 3d av, No, 2396, store and cellar, I^ouis Op¬ penheimer to August Loewenberger; 4 years, from May 1,1889................... 1,600 3d av, s w cor 130th st, runs west 110 x south 67-6 X west 35 x soufch 57.6 x east 135 to av, X norfch 125, excepting car entrance and passage way of lessor and starters' offlces and conductors' room, embracing ground floor, beginning at s e cor of demised f remises, runs north 40.5 along av, x west 4.8 X north 17,1 x wesfc llO.-I x south 57,6 x east 135. Third Avenue EaUroad Co. to Margaret, Patrick F., Thomas J. and Jer¬ emiah J- Mullen; 10 years, from May 1, 1889, taxes and.....................9,000 and 10,000 4th av, No. 259, all- Jane Snell to Antoine Escbbach; 7 years, from May 1,1886...... 3,000 4fch av. No. 261, aU. John T, White fco Antoine Escbbach; 7 years, from May 1,1889,-1,800 to 2,000 6th av, No. 885, sfcore and back basemenfc. Walden PeU to August Brakmann; 4 years, 7H months, from Sept. 15,1886............ 2,600 eth^av. No. 886, store and bosenient. John F. Boronowsky to Diefcrech and Ferdinand Brakmau; Syears, fromMay 1,1888....... 3,800 9fcL av, n e cor 83d st, store. John McKenna to Peter T. Radiker; O years, from Mayl, I860.......................1,300,1,800 and 1,403 10th a.v, No. 945, store and basement- Jobn Broderick to Philip Spengler; 6 years, from Sept, 1, 1888............................. 960 llth av, No. 584, Thomas Martin to Gottlieb Schitlenbelm; 2 years, from May 1, 1889., ........................................960 to 1,030 13th av, s e cor Gansevoort st, 25x40. George B, Lawton, Jr,, to Otto Meuaber; 4 years, from May 1, 1830........................... 4,000 CHATTELS. Note,—I7t« first name, alpliabetically arranged, ts ..hat of the Mortgagor, or party who gives the Mort¬ gage. The "JE " means Renewal Moi-tgage. NEW YORR CITT. March 15 to 21—Inclusive, saloon fixtures. Albrecht, C, 517I0thav___G Ehret. (Rl $375 Beik, F. 1448 1st av. - - - Schmitt & B. 355 Bender, E, 1350 1st av .,,Dora Goltze. Res¬ taurant. 175 Bennett, W. 940 7th av, ...H Elias B Co. (R) 2000 Blasius, P- 451 W 46th,...G Ehret- (E) 400 Brady, J- 446 Ilth av___D Stevenson, lOO Brady, J W. 238 E 45th.., P Doelger, Ice Box. nom Braendley, A. 648 Broadway___G Breiser. Resfcaui-aui. i aoo Bachem, 0- 13161stav—HEUasBCo- (R) 600 Bartsch, J. 208 Centre.---P Ki-asky- (R) i,000 Berkovits, K. E4 Rivingtou___CStein. 600 Beyer, O. 1185 Broadway A Kremer. 1,000 Brad? & McGratb- B59 1st av___V Loewers G B Co. 200 Busse, B. 13 Chrystie- --Budweiser B Co. (R) 550 Byrnes, J P. 38 Delancey___D Mayer. 1 200 Conradi, J. 617 E Oth ..-J Ruppert, iR) 300 Claussen, A F. 278 Pleasant av___Bernheimer & S. 1,000 Conradi, J- 617 6tb___P Ganhs. (R) 300 Cusick, J E- University pl, s w cor Sth sfc . J Everard. 5075 Davenport, J A. 567 2dav--. JOG Hupfel B Co. 105 Degnan, J, 119 E 108th___Katie Degnan, 1,600 De Spagna, R, 273 Mott — Bernheimer & S- 300 De Lorde, J B and Juliette Benezech, 337 E 14th — CR Ruegger- Hotel- 1173 Driscoll, Eliz, 183 South___J Graves, (R) 875 FbellQg, H, 310 E 64th----F Winter. 735 E