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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 51, no. 1301: February 18, 1893

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February 13,18S8 Record and Guide. 978 BBTWZBN 59th AND 1S5TH STREETS, WEST OP CBNTBAL PARK WB8T AND STH AVENDE. 64th nt, s 8. 201 6 Amsterdam av, two flve-atory atone flats, 20x85 and 30s8>*; totil cost, *,50,000; J. Yule, IM West 96th st; ar'c, H. Davidson; m'n, R, Crage- Plan 16(i. 70th Bt, n 8, 275 w AuHterdain av. four three¬ story and basement dwell'ga, oue lN*5i, tbree 19x55, all witb extension; cost, HHi.OlNl each; Egan & Hallecy, 284 Columbus av; ar'f, Neville & Bagge. Plan 164. 75th flt, n 6. 20O w West Eud av, eight four¬ story and basemeut brk aud stone dwell'gs, 20, 23and25sfii); cost, J'iO,|lou eacb; P, M.Stewart, 33-i West 7rth at; ar'ts, Kafka & Mott. Plan 150, SSd st, G s, 110 w West End av, four tbree-story and basemeut stoue dwell'gs, lit and 18.6x52; cost, $17,000 each; Edelmeyer & Morgan, 333 West 4ftth st; ar't, G. F. Pelham. Plan 154. Columbus av, e 8, 57.6 n ySd st, une-story brk and Btone store, 18.7x(ifi; cost, $3,51)0; lessee aud c'r, J. R. Eakeus, 6^7 (Jolumbus av; ar't, J. H. Valentine. Plan 159. (^Substituted for Altera¬ tion plan 59, 1393 1 NORTH OF 125th STREET. 146th Bt, n 6, 135 w St. Nicholasav, three Ihree- story and basement brk and stone dwell'gs, two 16.6 and one 17x55; cosl, #9,000 each; J & C. Watkins, ISit Madisou av; ar't, W. H. C. Hor¬ num. Plan 163. 23d and 24th WABoa, Fort Independence st, G s, ;W0 u Monlgumery av, two-story frame dwell'g, 23x30; cost, {2,HUL; W. Stark. B8 West 134th st; ar't, ,C. E. Ahoe- man. Plan 157, Foxst. w s, 1.50 n 16.5th st, two-rtory frame stable, 16x16; cost, $150;'A, Johnson, on v-rem- iBeB;Br'ti, A. P. A. Schmitt. Plan LW, 155th st, s 6, 25 w Me'rose av, tbree-story frame tenem'c, 33x44.3aod 56; cost $4,600; J. Arm, 336 Easb 155th si; ar't, G. iSchwsrz Plan US. Walton av, e s, 87 s lOld at, cne-and-a-balf- atory frame stable. 33x15; cost, $175; J. Dalton, 3462 3d av; c'r, U. H. Bausber. Plan 152. 3d av, s w cor 16 !d st, four-story brk flat, 34x 76' cost, $18,000; F. P, Mott, 760 East l«3d st; M, J, Garvin. Plan 158. Jennings st. s s, 18 e Union ar, two-story frame dwell'g, 19x47; cost, $3,.50U;F. J. Ritter, 307 East 52d8t;ar't, R. E Rogers. Plan 168. Travers st, n s, 50 e Bi iggs av, two-a"da-half- story frame dwell'g, 20x30; cost, $3,5(10; ow'r and b'r W. McMabon, Fordbam, N. Y.; ar't, C. S. Clark. Plan I7f'. 157th st, u s, 100 w Courtlandt av, two three¬ story frame" tenem'ts, 16.6x61; cost, $7,500 each; G. atolz, 2966 3d av; ar't, A. F. A. Scbmitt. Plan 176. 177tb St. n s, 100 e Jerome av, two-story frame stable, 18x4ll;co3t, $1,800; E. E. Stevens, 309 East 177th st; ar't, A. Spenee, Plan 169. Briggs av, w s, 17.i u Travers st, two-and-a balf- story frame dwell'g, 2Us3ii; cost. $3,500; ow'r and b'r, W. J. Lee, Fordham, N. Y.; ar't, C. IS. Clark. Plan 174. Cauldwell av, e s, 175 n 1 eist st, two and-a-balf- story and basement brk and frame dwell'g, als 43; cost, $5,5U0; F. Deimel, 813 Trinity av ; ar'ts, Pfund & Horenburger. Plan 167. Cypress av, e s, 3u0 s 149fb sfc, tbree-story frame tenem'c, 17x56; co*t, $S,00i); J, A. Brautigau, 518 Cypress av ; ar't, A. Pfeiffer. Plan 164. Melrose av, es, 70 b 160tb st, two-story frame dwell'g and store, 30k31; cost, $3,0(K> ; T. Reddy, :650Eastl6Jth tt; ai-'D, C. F. Lohse. Plan i7l. KINGS COUNTY. Plan 144—De Kalb av, s s. 83 e Wyckcff av, one two-storv frame stable, 17x30, tin roof; cost, $400; A. Voltz, 1065 Greeue av; ar't. H. Voll¬ weiler ; b'r, not selected. 14s—SchaefEer st. n s. 100 e Broadway, one four-story frame (brk filled) tenem't, 35x65, tin roof; cofjt, $6,5110; Carolina Skillmauu, 71 Lea av; ar't. A. Herbert. l^H—Van Voorbis st, H 3,100 e Broadway, one four-story frame (brk filled) teuem't, 25x6.5, tin roof; cost, $6,500; on 'r, ar'c and b'r, same as last. 147—Hamburg av, n e cor Woodbine st, one one-story frame Ibrk fillpd) slable, 25x20, tin roof ;coBt, $400; Charles Dillmann, 331 Hamburg av; ar'c and b'r, M. Scbumm. 148^N Bsauav, secor Humboldt st, two tbree- story frame (brk filled) stores and tenem'ts. 25x 63, tin root's; cost, each. $4,000; ow'r and b'r, D, Mabr, 67 Diamond st; ar't, B Finkenfieper, 149—Howard av, n e cor Jefferson av, two four¬ story brk stores and tenem'is. 25x69, tin roofs, iron cornices; cost, $32 000; F. W, & C. P. Kaiser, 28 Harman st; ar't, F. Hoimberg, L'iD^Prince st, w s, 217.3 s Myrtle av, one one¬ story brk and terra cotla Cburch and Sunday Scbool, 41.10 and 39x84, gravel roof; cost, $9,00i ; -SUoam Pres, Churcb, Priuce st: ar'cs, Parfitt Broa.; b'r, R. B. Fergueson. 151—Greene av, n s, 115 e Irving av, one two¬ story frame storage rooms, 15x20, tin roof; cost, iiiW; ow'rs and b'ls. Blank Bros,, 1403 Myrtle av; ar't, W. B. Wills. 152—Park pl, n s, 390 e Schenectady av, five ' two-story aod basement frame {brk filled) dwell¬ ings. i6s40,tiQ roofs; cost, each, $1,600, ow'r, ar't and b'r, F. Dhuv, Jr., 3iH McDonough st. 153—Schenectady av, w s, 68 n Dean st, one tbree-story frame Ibrk filled) store and teuem't., ]^x40, tin roof; cost, $2,801; J, Donovan, 86 Schenectady av. L54—Nortb 10th bt. s 8, 100 w, Bedford av, one four-story frame (brk filled) tenem'c, 25x62, gravel ruof; cost, $4,000; Tbos. Conway, 236 North llthst; ar't, J, C, Bostwick. ■l^S'-Oreene rvj n S\ W e Irving av, two threa Btory frame (brk fllied) tenem'ta, 25x60, tin roofs; coet, $4,.500 each; ow'rs and b'rs, Blank Broe,, 14'i3 Myrtleav; ar't, W. B. Wills. 1'6—Essex Bt, w s, 100 n Eastern Parkway, one two-story and attic frame dweU'g, 20x48, tin roof; cost, $3,51 0; ow'r and b'r, Joseph Fruhauf, Glen¬ more av. nes- Linwood at; ar'c. L F. Scbillinger, 157—Market st, e s, 291,6 n Atlantic av, tix two-story frame (brk filled) dweli'gB, I8x40, tin roofs; cost, fci.jlK' each; ow'r and c'r, Louis Use- maun, Asbford st, near Atlantic av; ar't, L. P. ycoillinger. 158—Flushing av, n s, 50 e Johnson av, one two¬ story aud altic frame |brk flUed) dwell'g, 25x40, tin roof; cost, $8,000; Christian James, Johnson av ; b'r, Geo L. Chapman. 159-Halsey st, ss, 321 HwRalphav, seven two¬ story aud basement brk acd mone dwell'ga, 17,3x 45, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost. $3,500 each; ow'r and ar't, Thoa, H, Radcliffe, 846 Fulton st; m'n, M. P" Reynolds; c'r, J. Anderson. 160—Driggs av, n w cor Nortb 3d st, one four¬ story brk atore and tenem't, .^3,2 and 50x51.4 and 39, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $12,000; Ferdi¬ nand A, Sieghardi-, 480 East 85tb st. New York; ar'ls, Kurtzer Sc Rohl. 161—Paciflc Bt, Nos. l;i82-12S6, s 8,290 e Nos¬ trand av, one four-story and basement brk and brownstone dwell'g, 25.6x50. tin roof and iron cornice;cost, ?30,000;ow'r, ar't and b'r, J.O. Car¬ penter, 1180 Fulton at. 16'i^Parkav. sw cor Scbeuck st, one four¬ story brk dwell'g, 25x65, tin roof and iron cor¬ nice; cost, $S,00li; Cody Bros., 32 IScbenck st; or't, F. Jacobsen. 163—yomers at, n e. 150 w Stone av. foi:r three¬ story and basemeut brk dweirgs, 19x40, tin roofs and wooden cornices; cost, each, i'6J)0i -. Jobn Walters, Jr., 71 Willoughby ai; ar't, H, S. Thur¬ ber. 164—Franklin av, & e cor Prospect pl, five four¬ story brkstores and tpaem'ts, 19.6k46. 1 and 27z 48, tin roofs and iron cornices; total cost, $35,000; ow'rand h'r, Thoa. Monahan, 633 Douglass st; ar'fc, W, M. Coots. 165~Hart at, s e s, 175 n e Bushwick av, tbree four-siory brownstone tenem'ts, 27.10x6J, tin roof 5 and iron cornices; coit, eocb, $9,000; Wm. Mogk, Room 33** Potter Building, Park row. New York; ar't. A, E. Fischer. 166—Nostrand av, n w cor Hancock st, one flve-story brownstone tenem't, 22x71, tin aod slate mansard roof and iron cornice; coat, $iO.- (KIO; Wm. H. Reynolds, Franklin Trust Building; ar't. M. Dahlander. 167—SUtb st, n s, 350 e 5tb av, one two-storv framedwell'g. 19x36, tin roof; cost, $3,.5iiO; Mich¬ ael Kennedy, 517 Grand st, Hobokeu; ar't, C. Reekie. 168—19tb st, 8 8, 300 e 6th av, one one-and-a- half story frame stable. 20x10. tin roof; cost, $40; Joseph Van Voaat, 330 IPtb st. ISy^btoneav, w s. 2508 Dumont av, one three¬ story brk tailor sbop, 20x45, tin roof, wooden coruica; coat, $3,500; Joseph Levin and S. Bom- stein, Watkms si; ar't, M. Dahlander; c'r, J, Levin; m'n, not selected. ALTERATIONS NEW fOUKCITl. Plan 179—Madison av. No, 578, interior alter¬ ations; coat, $1,000; W, Littauer, 1426 Broadway; b'r, T. Bailey. 180—Robbins av, e s, 250;8 147th at, two-story extensii-n, 11x13,6; coat, $500; Carolina Hauck, 464 Robbius av ; b'r, S. Hauok. 181—3d av. No. 213, repair damage by fire; cost, $300; B. Suseman, 208 3d av; ar't, E. W. Greis; c'r, J. Klein. 183—Webster av, n e cor 175th st, one-story extension, 6x40; cost, $200; J. W. Kalzenberger, on premises; ar'C, J. J. Vreeland; b'r, W. Naigle. lo3—3d av. No, ;i374, walls and interior altera¬ tions, new Iront; ccst, $500; H. Hunneke, 1507 Washingtonav; ar't, J. J. Vreeland, 181—Bouth st. Nob. 51 and 5 J, roof, interior and walls altered; cost, $.0,00U; H, Baumann, 313 EaBt79tbst; ai'C, J Hauaer. 185^Vanderbilt av, s w cor 43d st, repair dam¬ age by flre; coat, $510; Mrs. E. Charles, 486 Lex¬ ington av, c'lB, Mackey & Co, 186—78th st. Ho, 179 E., front altered; cost, $500; fc, a. tichwartz, 23 Av A; ar't, W. Graul. 187—Washington av, e s, 5u n lti4tb st, new show window; cost, $80; lessee, H. Biederman, ou premises; ar't, M. J, Worvio. 188-3d av, No. 1.531, walls altered; cost, $50; Sonn Bros., 134 WoBi 74th st; ar't, J. C. Bourne. IS'J—5th av No. 176, interior alterations, new elevator and stairs; cost, $9,000; D. C Conuell, '.liT Madison av ; ar'ts, Berg Sc Clark; m'n, C. T. Wills, 190—140tb st, s s, 65 e Locust av, moved and raised one story; cost, |2,0OU; J. Eckert, on prem¬ ises; ar't, C. Baxter. J9l—Camps lane, e s, 83 n I7'.ih st, interior and walls allered; cost, $4.00i. ; O. Heylman, 561 Buckbout st;ar't, J. J. Vreeland; b'rs, Lally & Co. 192—74tb St. No. 5 E , one-story extension, 13.8 x5; cost, $500; R. Croker, 26 Mt. Morris av; b'rs, Woollev &Co, l!)3_Sc. Marks pl. No. 33, uue-story extension, 25.8x23, interior and walls altered; cost, $1,000; agent, C, Pranklin, 88 Cbarles st; ar't, 0. Wirz l<)4_78th st, No. 101 W., raised one story and interior alterations; cost, $9,ii0( ; H B. Auchin¬ closs, Orange, N. J.; ar't, A. F. Leicbt. 195—Norfolk st, No. la?, inteiior and walls altered; cost, $500; E. Tauezig, 297 East Houston Ht;.ar'C, F, Jenth. 196-Sdav, Nos. 2371 and 2373, walla, foui da- tion and roof altered; cost, $6,000: Manhattan Railway O,, 71 Broadway. 197—Sth av. No. 321, interior alterations; cost, $225; ElizabethB, Underbill, 292 Madison av. 198—Bowery, No. 301, chimney alterationa; cost. $435; I, O, Miller, 76 Nassau st. 199—Peck slip, s e cor Front sf, interior alter¬ ations; cost, $3,5fO; J, H. Irwin, 235 Front st; ar't, G. W. La Baw; m'n, J. Kennedy; c'r, Han¬ son & Chriatennon. (Substituted lor Alterttion plan No. 9b0. 1393) 200—Morris av. No. 1692, one-rtory exteoeion, 11,6x6.3; cost, ll.'O; F. M. Mellert, on premises. 201—lOtb BV, n w cor SIsi bi, walls altered and new front; cost, $40f'; lessee, M. J. O'Donnell, 465 West 4 tb st; ar't, J W. Cole. 202—,60th s', n s, 75 w Courtlandt av, moved to new foundation; cost, $l,!iOO: Chiistina Bohmer, 817 Courtlandt av; ar't, A. Pleiffer. 2(i3—Brook av. w e, 25 n 142d st, walls altered; cost J3'iO; H. Mundbeim, 757 East 14*d st; ar't, A. Pfeiffer. 204~3d av. No 1550, tank on roof; cost, $2(0; H. D. Greenwald, 168 East 93d st; b'r, P. H, Murpby. 20.5—3d av, No. 3785, onestory extension, 13 6 il7,6, interior atd walls alteied; cost, $3,650; J. R Perlbefter, 2787 3d av; ar'te, Pfucd & Horenburger. 306—Elton av. No, 776, two-story extension, 4,6x5; cost, $.500; J. Paul, 668 East 157tb8t; ar'ts, Pfund Sc Horenburger. 207—Grand at. No 454, interior and walls altered ; cost, $2,00i ; H, Muhlenbtucb, 448 Grand st; ar't, E. W, Greis VOS—TbompBou st. No, 90. interior alterations; cofli, $6'in; C. P. Ketterer, exr., 39 West y2d st; ai't, F. & W. E Bloodgood. 21'9—155tb at, Nos 641-643 cl., raised one storv, interior and nails altered; cost, $750; J. C. Smith, 639 East 155tb st.' 2.0—Broome at, Nos. 45C-i52, interior altera¬ tions; co.'rt. $1 00('; W, Hyams, Hotel Vendome; t»'r, E, M, Hackett. 31.—78th st. No, 60 E,, raised oue story, two- storv extension, yxl6, walls altered; cost, $3,00(i; E. R. Satterlee, Dobbs Ferry, N. "X.; ar't. i. D. Hunter, Jr. 2,2—54th Bt, No. 211 E,, raised two rtorifs, in¬ terior and walls altered; cost, $Lu,00<'; Kress Brewing Co., ou piemiseB; ai'r, C. Rentz. 213—Sth av, No. 365, lank on roof: cost, $475; A Schick, 316 7tb av; m'n, O, W, Cook; c'r, J. H. McDonald, 214—Grand st. No. 45, one-swry estension. 11 9x 16; cost, $S0O: F. C. & G. E. Loeble, 236 Lewis av, Brooklyn; ar't, W, Gtaul. 315—Broad st, Kos. 35 aud 37, uew staircase, chimney, roof and walls altered; cost, $3(l.lli;0; agent, H. H, Caiumann, 43 West 33tb st; ar'ts, Lleoau & Nash. 316-15.'d st. No, 469 E, raiied oue story; cost, $600; WilbelminaPennemann.ou premiaes; ai't, C. H. Heck. 217—llth av, n w cor 4Sd st, walls al'ered; cost, $500; A. Duncber, 601 West 43d sl; ar't, C. Fuchs, Jr,; c'r. C. Woll. 318—59tb st, B R, 1.50 e 2d av, oue-story exten¬ sion, 25x45, interior and walls altered ; cost, $3,- OOf; A. Kreielsbeimer, Morns av and l64tb st; ar't, C. F. Lohse. 219—146th Bt, s s, 275 w St, Nicbolas av. moved to pew foundation; cost, $1,000; G. Hackett, 438 WeBtl4fithst. 220—Washington av. No, 97a, two-story and basement exteasion, 20.6sbi, and interior altera¬ tions; cost, $3,00* ; N. Frank, 335 East 52d st; ar't, A. F A. Scbmitt. KINGS COUNTY. Plan 87—Putnam av. No. 752, two-story and basement brk extension, l2xl5, tar or gravel roof; coat. $1,000; ow'r and ar't, W. W. How¬ ard. DeKalb av, cor Bushwick av; m'n, W. Gibson; c'r. P. John50U. b8~Uyrtle av, so cor Jefferson sf, ore-story frame extension, 18.3 and 6113 and 17, tin roof, interior alterations, &c.; cof't, $0'jO; H. J. Hol- termann, on premises; ar'i, T. Engelhardt; h'r, □ot selected. 89—Atlantic av. n e cor Gunther pl, store front; coat. $4; Oito Ohils,17 Truitton st; ar'ts and b'rs. H. Ramsay Sc Siju. 90—Chauneey st, s b, 17ft w Reid av, one-story frame extension, 20x9, liu ronf; cost, $75; Thomas Meehan, 114 Cbauncey si; b'r, 1'. Gal- braith, 91—Bush at, Smith st and Hamilton av, front aud interior alterations; cost, $5, '■ ; B. C. R R. Co., i7J Montague st; ar't, A. W. Dickie; b'r, F. J. Ashfield. 92—Bergen st. No 313, repair damage by flre; cost, abt $i,30i'; E. Wulard Jones, 49 Nassau st, New York; ar't, W. H. Holmes; b'r, Holmes Bros. 93—Himrod st. No. S'i. two-story frame exten¬ sion, 8.6x15, tin roof; cost, $30(); John Falkeu- burg, OQ premises; ar'c, H. Vollweilei; b'r, D. McCarthy. 94—Liberty av, No, 552, onestory frnme ex¬ tension, 20x2u, tin roof; cost, $500: Samuel Baer, on premises; ar'c, L. P. Ischillioger. 95—Belmont av,sH, 75 e Watkins st, two-sttry frame extension, l&xjl, tin roof ;cost, $8u0; Mayer Kurlandsib, Watkina^t; c'r, a. Seerman. 96—Hudson av, NO-: 491, iron columns; cost. $ia5; Jacbsoo Sc Couwenhoven, Fulionst, uear Navy Bt; c'r, R. Fentou. OV-North 2d 8t, n s, 75 w Grabum av, four- Btory brk extension, 23x21, tin roof; cost, $1,800; Rocco Bruno, 377 Broome Bt, New York; ar^ts, C. L. Johnson's Sous, 08—Atlantic av, » a, 20 e Albany av, oue-story frame extenaion, 14x9, giavol roof; cost, $30; ow'r and ar't, J, i. Berger, 33M Warren et. *