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Real estate record and builders' guide: Index: v. 53 (January-June, Inclusive, 1894)

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y Inc'ex to flecord and Guide Vol. Llll. For New York Conveyances, Projected Buildings and Advertisers. NOS. 1347 TO 1372. JANUARY--JUNE, INCLUSIVE. 1894. The following .semi-annual hidex of the Convevances and Projected Buildings in New York City, as published in I'liK Rkcoki) and GllDE during the Hrst half of 1894, Avill be found of great value to those of our suli- scribers who have preserved all the issues of this paper during that period. Care has lieeii taken to keep the Index up to tli(^ same standard which has characterized it in the jiast. The pages are given on which all the transfers of realty published in Volume Llll. (■an be found, and the streets and avenues are so subdivided that few refeiences are re- (|iiiied. For iustance, tr.ansfers of property on the Bowery appear in eleven Lssues during (he six months. Bowery in the Index is subdi¬ vided into seven parts, so that the least jiossi- l)le trouble need be incurred, jirftvided it is known Ix'tween what streets t'.ie iirojierty is located. In this volume we havi' confinucd to arrange the tran.sfers in such a manner that almost every street att'ected (Indow the llarlen.) can be seen at a glance liy furning to the pages which the Index calls for. Take for in.stance page 12 and ttnd thereon: Central Park West ) begins Central Park 9li(l St • West, w s. extends 93d St ) from 92d st to 93d st. 201.5x175, vaciint. The .above applies when a jiiiaa' of pro]iert.y is on the corner of any .street or avenue below the Harlem River and runs in depth iijion liofh streets more than 100 feet, or when a plot has buildings fronting on both streets, and also when the property begins on one street and runs to another. Although many of our sub¬ scribers have used the Index for years, sfune of them do not fully understand the coin, pleteness of the work. We are fre(|ueiitly fold of errors that our readers thhik they have dis¬ covered, which, upon investigation, prove to he errors of the searcher—not of the Index. For instance, iu the current number apuears the following: 135th and 136th sts (23d and 21th Wards), e of Willow .av, 15, the latter being the page on which a tran.sfer on said streets may be found. Now, turning to pagc^ 1,5, the average searcher would fail to find the item referred to, liecause it does not appear in the alphabetical order of streets. A close search shows the item under the head of Willow av. e s, extends from 135th st to 136th st, 200x125. The Index is, therefore, in .some cases con- denined for a .supposed error which is really the strongest evidence of the thoroughness with which it has been compiled. Where such an omission should occasionally seem apparent to the sub.scribcr. he should .search the whole jiage, and he will then find the item which is ret'irred to. The Projected Buildings are in¬ dexed in a similar manner, so that it can readily be a.scertained on what .streets ini. provemeuts have been made. Those wishing to keep a Hie for permanent reference slionld see that all the numbers are complete and have them bound. Cost of binding, .'j!2.()0 per volume. A suitable temporary binder, hold¬ ing one volume, can be obt.arned at the ollice of TiiK RKcoKn AND Guide, 14 and 16 Visey street; price, one dollar. Annexed will be found a table showing the bouiidaiy lines, also the number of blocks con¬ tained in each of the thirteen Sections, and under which all property is now iiidexes of New York City, according to law, whi(di went into effect Jan. 1, 1891. The tax maps are now being arranged in a corre- .sponding inanuer. Section ].—South of Grand and Watts sts, between P^ast and North Rivers. Blocks 1 to 315 inch 2.—From Grand and Watts sts to 14th st, East and North Rivers. Blocks316 to 6(i0 incl. 3.—From 14tli to 40th st, East .and North Rivers. Blocks 661 to 992 incl. 4.—From 40th to 96th st, west of 6th av, and line drawn parallel thereto. Blocks 993 to 1256 incl. 5.—From 40th to 96th st. east of 6th av, and line drawn parallel thereto. Blocks 1257 to 1592 incl. 6.—From 9(itli .st to Harlem River, east of 6th av, and line drawn parallel thereto. Blocks 1593 to 1819 incl. 7.—From 9lith to 155tli st. at Harlem River, west of Lenox av, and line drawn l)ar,illel thereto. Blocks 1820 to 2104 incl. K.—From 155th st to Spuyten Duyvil Creek, west of Harlem River. Blocks 2105 to 2259 incl. 9.—From Harlem River to 169th st, west of St. Anns and 3d avs. Blocks 2260 to 2542 incl. 10.—From Harlem River to 169th st, east of St. Anns and 3d avs. Blocks 2543 to 2781 incl. 11.—From 169th st to Pelhani av and King.s- liridge roads, bet Bronx and Harlem Rivers. Blocks 2782 to 3245 incl. 12.—From Pelhani av and Kingsbridge road and city line, bet Bronx River and Broadway. Blocks 3246 to 3401 incL 13.—From Harlem River and city line, bet Broadway and Hudson River. Blocks 3402 to .3428 incl. CONVEYANCES. NoTK.—The figures in parenthesis—for in¬ stance, p.age (849) under the lu'ad of Barclay street—denote that the transaction on the page given is Lea.sehold. an assignment of lease or a lease running for a long term of jears. This explan.ation is made so thjit subscribers .searching for tr.ansfers in fee can at once between the former and the latter without refeiTJiig to the pages mentioned. NEW YORK CITY. STREETS. Abingdon .sq... .136, 334. Academy___666. Albany... .536. AlIen,'from Division to Canal___95, 332,494, 847. Canal to Grand___12, 976, Gr.and to Broome___578, 709. Broome to Del.ancey... .218, S02. Delancey toRivington___177, 260, 891. Rivingfon to Stanton... .218, 536, 66t!, 976. north of St, 1020. Barclay, from Church st to College pi___ (849). Barrow, from Bleecker to Bedford___218, 536, 80], 976. Bedford to Hudson___6(i(i. Batavia___12, 260. Baxter, from Park row to Park st... .331, 759. Canal to Hester .373. Bayard, from Bowery to Mott.-..(1023). Beach, from West Broadway to Varick... 297, 331. 332. 536, 578. Varick to Collister... .(300), (541), 891, Beaver, from Broadway to Hanover___260, (894). Hanover to Pearl... .414. 454, 536. 666. Bedford, fnun Morion to Grove___5.36. 666. Bc'-kinan, from Gold to Pearl... .623. Birmingham....177. 709, 1020. Bleecker, from South 5th av to Thompson st ...177,218, 759, 802. Thomp.son to Carmine___(541), 578. Carmine to Christopher___218, 414. (417), (541). 10th to Charles.. .177, 297, .536. Charles to 11th... .(98), 709. llthstto8thav....l77, 454. Blooniingdale road (see Old Bloomingdale road)....97. 136, 89,3. Bond... .(54), .578. 709, 892, 891. Boulevard, from 60th to 66th... .218, 536. 74th to 80th-...(457), (541). 578. 86th to 90th..,, 177, 259. 92d to 96th,,, ,51, 623, 976. 100th to 102d,,..1060. 104th to 108th,,, ,137, 139, 802. 112th to 116th,,,. 12, 259. 120th to 124th... .136, 623, 666. 128th to 138th....53, 494, 893, 930. 140th to 152d../.297, 623, 666. 155th to 165th,.. .9.5, 848, 893, Bowery, south of Grand... (300), 891, (1023). e 8. from Delancey to Houston — 259, (376), 578. w s. Spring to Houston___1060. es, Houston to 1st....(139). w 8, Bond to Great .lones... .37.3. e 8, 3d to 4th.... 297, 536. north of 4th....(497). 934. Bridge, from Whitehall to Broad... .260,332, (979). Broad, from Wall to South... .536, 578, (979). Broadwav, south of Rector.. ..259, 536. froiii Wall to Fulton 136, 1020. Warren to Franklin 12. rMi;. (670). Franklin to Canal... .709, 710. Canal to Spring... .95, (139), 177, 536. Spring to Houston___^2. 177, 494. 4th to 9fh....(627), (670). (715), 759, 803, (849). (894). (935). (1023). !tth to 14th....(417). (806), (979). 14th to 23d,,, ,136. 259, 930. 23d to 26th. ...(762), (894). 26th to 29th.-.177, (376). 33d to 4l8t,,. ,332. 709. 802. 4l8tto4.3d,,,,177. (181), (806). 48th to 50th--..(54), 297, 373. 53d to 56th... .53, 219, 220, 805, 934. 5t!th to .59th,,,. 139. Maiihatt m to 133d,,.. 177, 373, 847. north of Hi2d (also sej Kingsbridge road).... 12, .540. Broiidway alley___761. Broome, east of Goerck___12, 51, 1060. from Sherittto Ridge. ...297, 759, 891. Attorney to Suffolk.... 177, 930. Norfolk to Essex... .494. Essex to Ludlow,,. ,51, 136. 802, 1060. Allen to Eldridge,,. ,494. Mott to Broadway,, ,177. 494. 666. Broadway to Greene,,, ,(262), 709. South 5th av to Sullivan st___177, (457), 494. ,536. Sullivan to Hud.sou___710. Burling .slip, from Front to South___(262). Canal, east of Division___709. from Orchard to Chrystie___51, 3,32, (670). Centre to Broadway___1020. Broadw.ay to West Broadway___373, 75'.t, 80"2, 847, 930, Greene to Wooster___759. Hudson to Greenwich___530. Cannon, from Del.ancey to Stanton___12, 53(i, 891. St.ant(m to Houston... .373, 454. Carmine.,, (806). Cath'rine. from Divison to Madison___51, (715), (806). Monroe to Cherry___259, 623, Cathedral Parkway___623., from William to Broadway___136, (ISl), 70i». Broadway to Trinty pi,,, .373, 1020. Greenwich to Washington___578. Centre, south of Reade,,, ,(221). from White to, ,51, 414, 9.30. V:uui\ to Grand,,, iMW. 891. 930. Central Park West, from 74th to 76th,,..51. 80fh to 85th,,, 51, 414, 494, 802. 85th to9:{d....l2, 1060. 95tli to OSth , ,373. 66(i, 930. lOHth to 10Stli,,.,177, 494, 759. Chambers, from Clnrch to Greenwich___ 578, (894). Washington to West___709. Charles, from 4th to Bleecker,,, ,218, 454. Bleecker to Hudson , ,414. 709. Greenwich to W.ashington___51.