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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 53, no. 1352: February 10, 1894

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Febrnary 10,1891 Record and Guide. 209 ESTf.OLISHED -^^y MAHCH Bl'-i^ 1868, De/oteD to f{cKl Estate . Buildi/^'o i^Kci^itecture .KouseHold DESOJij,TiorJ, Bi/s'in'ess aiJdThemes op Gej^ei^aL 1Ktei\e&t. PRICE, PER YEAR IN ADVANCE, SIX DOLLARS. Published every .Saturday. TKI.KI-llONlC,......CilRTI..\NDT 137(1 Cominunicatioiis ahoiild be addi'ca.sed to C. W. SWEET, 14-lG Vesey Street. J. ■/, LINDSEY. liusiness Manager. linilllKI.VN Ol-lIl'E, 27li-2Sl.' W.V.SIllNliKl.N' i^riiKET, Oi'C. Post Oii-k-k. "P.nterrd al the Post-office at Xew Tork. N. T., as second-class matter." Vol.. LIII. FEBRUARY 10, 1894, No. 1,352 For additional Brooklyn matter, sec Brooklyn Department immediately fnllowinij A'cw tfcrscy records (page 2:!,T). T features tlmt sive cucourngemeiit for holding- better for things in the stock market in the near future, notably the steps that have beeu taken to of tho Heading floating debt and the movement toward resuming the work on the Richmond Terminal leorgaiiizatioti. These are evi- deuces of a begiunin,!? of a movement for setting up the fallen and as sticli are vei-3' pleasant to contemplate, tlie coiuse ]ia\ iii.t;- tor so long been oue of throwing down. 'J'lie National Lead t'o. makes a good report for year and .sliows improved business during January, and as its trade is so extensive and touches so many interests, that fact may be .tccepted as an evidence of the growing improvement in general business. The iiiiiiorts of dry- goods for the past week HE tiuancial condition of all the great goveriiments of J- Europe is best expressed by the latest Punch cartoon to hand, in which .lohn Bull, Mile. France, Italy, Austria, Germany, Russia and (U-eece are geniall.y welcomed to the regions of national pauperism, knowu as budget deticiency, by that old- timer Turkey. That is the ]iictorial view. The news, however, is not all bad. AVIiile the new.s]iaper correspond¬ ents are trying to involve England and France in a war in whii-lr the rest of the great poweis will only take part as spectators, trade iu the tirst-iiamed country is reviving under the stimulus of the work that has been begun in the great centres of ship liuilding and of the dividendspaid by most of the great railroads for the last half of IsniJ, which, though ri'ductioiis, are better than had been expected and are takeu to express a confident belief of good .judges of the situation that better times are at hand. It is difficult to .see, however, how an.y improvement of British trade can lie permanent while the position of silver is so disorganizin.g to bu.siness in India and iu the far East. A threatened stain]i and tax ou all bouise transactions has iibout killed the little business that was being done on the Berlin .Stock Exchange, while the fate of the commercial treaty negotiations with Russia is eipially effective to stay a recovery of trade. The last-named measure is looked upon iu Germany much as the Wilson Bill is regarded here, and until the Reichsrath tiiially disposes of it, it will form the excuse for much dullness. There are, of course, other things that make the outlook bad, which are not spoken of so much as the jiolitical causes, though in reality they may be more iiiHiieii- tial. One, for instance, is the, fact that about !j