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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 53, no. 1360: April 7, 1894

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Apiil 7,1891 Record and Guide. a-iO •(ioiirana, Manfred T F—0 F Smitli. 1894.519 4(1 Cirimths, William—The Haliiiis Distilling Cn. ISOii..................................lOii i!8 Hammond, Millard F—Jlincrvii Dominick. 1894.....................................1,(i7!l l,i ■Henue, Xavier-Charles Miiger. Isoi.....24(1 811 Kearuey, Henry S—\V H Mead as exr, I.s7s.7;i9 05 Lielimann Bros Cn-Siiiiiiicl Sinn. 1SU4,10,!175 S.'i Liizarns, .Inlin—Hyniiiii Sonn. ]8ii:{........ 50 00 Levy, Julius and Jennie — Lonis .Varon. 1893.......................................109 3(1 McCoi-mack.GeoW—Fiiinl,-Goldman. 1885,32(1 h7 Maurer, (ieorge—Leopold Jliller. IS94..... 03 87 McDowell, Heury B — E B Holladav. 1891.....................................3,750 03 -MeNallv, Patk M—The Peojile Stateps' Y, 1894.......................................1(1(1 0(1 Miller, William-Frank Lawson. 1S94....I43 4<1 O'Connor, Mary—Tho Fire Dept Citv N Y. 18X9................................'.......100 00 Overton, Virginia S ami Clias C—I!eiiiiiig- ton Paper Co, ],«!13.....................281 17 (I'Shea, 'Thomas—Bertha A Deane 1M93..4K3 23 Pereira, Sarah E—John lliitlou. 1891......527 h2 Phillips, Edward—E F Tierin-v. Ih92...... :{7 0(1 Pirson, (ieo H—T E Cireaicii. Is;i3......... 80 29 Preuseh, Leonanl (i—Frank (inldiiiiiii. ls.K.-|.32(i s7 Prendergast, Marsaret-.V 1, Foss. 18!I3,,.254 52 I'lllt 1, Isidor—H J (iolilsmitli. 1893......IISI 68 lingers, Miitilda an iiifiiiit li.y Tlinmaa Hiiyiiiiind, Lewis H—JIarshall Le'tterts. '93,,107 59 Keclit, Carl, other-J wise ' ,V A Tliomson. 1S!I4...118 73 lieclit. ChaaJ S Knlirs, Herniiin—J J (inil-ll. 1891........1.024 02 8cliiilc, Marie—H W WiUiama. IS9.1........2.«5 00 Siiiison, Simon—Bihviii Walliiec. 1x91____2ii4 03 Stephenson, ,Ii>.seiih B—H A Peck. ].ss(i...272 11 Kogersliergiiiird-JaneACiilwcH. 1s9lj.ii7 -j2 Sclioenfeld, Elise-Hyman Sonn. 1S93..... 5(1 00 Smith, .Vf.'iies H—'The Broadwav Impt Cn. 1894.........................'.............126 65 The Hiinmer tt Andcrsnn Drv Bafterv Co- F U Biltnll. ispt.......'..........'....... 98.-54 The Lowerre Cn- Hatch & Cn. 1K94........"lOH 32 The X Y Centi-al & Hudson River K R Co- Xicoln Fnlln as admr. 1894.............275 00 8aiue------same ls94......................275 00 The Cnminercial Uninn .Vssurance t'o (Lim) nf I.nndiiu-Heuricttil Hecht. 1894...4,935 17 The N Y Central tt Hudson Biver K K Co— (i H Birdsall as ailiiii-. IMill...........1,200 00 Wright, Elii!iiiicth-E E JIcBiiruey, 1894..103 ."ili Wcstlie. Louis and Karnliiie—Lorriu An¬ drews. 1894...............................'29 50 •Vacated by order of Court. tSnapeuded ou Ap p^al. !Released. JReveraal. llSatisUed by Exe cution. MECHANICS' LIENS. NEW YORK CITY. M.Mirll 31. Mount Hope pl, s s, 511 c Flcefw.....1 ii\ , ."lUx too, Thomas Johiistnii ii'.'t Calliariue Newman, owner, and Corni'liiis Terwilli¬ ger, cniitriictiir............................))<11 HI (10 1st st. No 92, 11 a. 229 e 1st av, 21 \105.1 1. M Abbntt's Sons a^t William .Vstnr and Mary A Rawsou, owners, and .vltied .V Sliarks, contractor.......................... iio 53 Aral I. 2. Perry »t, a w cor 4th st, 00x72. The Jliit- dleiiort Mfg Co agt Harnld Reid. ownci- anit eontractiir............................2.l5ii un .-sth av. 11 e cor 114th st, 25.1 1n1ii(1x75x20x 100.11x1-20. Peter Roesch aut Simnn Pe.vser and (Ieorge aud Ilaniiii Wolfe, iiw'ners, and Simon Peyser, eontractor___ 21 75 71st .at, Xos 426 and 428, a s, 175 w .Vv .V. .50x100. Leo Oppenheimer asrt Tbos K ('ooke ami Cooke ]4, s w cor 85ih st, 1(12.2x100. Richaiil J Cullen agt .lohu G Prague, owner aini contriictnri Charlea Striiaa as assignee.................202 (i."i Pike St. No 53, c s, 35 n Mniirne st, 20x5(1.0. Loiiia Dreyer agt Natlian I'crlicr, owner, aud Balthasar iliehl, enntractnr..........297 (HI Ai'Hii. 4. 104th at. Nil 213, n s, 150 w Amsterdam av, 25x100. Lewia S Davis agt l-i Kiirpf, owuer and contractor...................... 11 (1(1 72d St. n s, 448 e Av A, 100x01.1. Nii- thanicl Wise agt Harohi Uciil, owner aiid contractiir.................................. 71 00 Arm I. (I. 72d Bt, n s, 448 e -Vv A, Kidx iilil Kid. John H Diitl'.v as admr a.uf Iliirnlit Keid, owner ami cnntractor......................1 75 23 7th av, u e cnr lllth st. 25,2x100. Louis .Vroninvitz agt Wieilerniaii ct liosciiiianiii. owners and coiitriicfors..................1,17ii On Kith av, Nos ."i93 and .-i95, n w cnr 43d sl, 5(1x75. Wm F Hilly :igt Dietrich Knick- niiiii. owner, iuifl John ,Toi-iliiii. ciMifrac- tor.......................................... 30 00 Broadway, a w cor Prince st. 50x100. C (i it W (i ncwisiiu agt Charles I and Moritz Frecilniiin. owners, and John Bnyil anil Miltnn Schllilier, cnlltl-iictiir-............2,321 2(1 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS, NKW I link. M.Micn ill. Madisnn St. Xn 2H9, u s. Lnuis Aroiiowlt/, ant Dora Sokolski auil Morris Berkowiti'. (Lien tiled Oct 7,1893)....................1(175 00 Same jiroiiertv, IMorris Berkowitz agt Dnra Sokolski. ((lets, 1893)....................225 00 Tinton av, Nns 890 and 892, c s, 150 11 Kilst st, 31.4x1(10. John Lanzer agt Christina Buchta. Anllmch it Heidcn. (.March 19, 1894)............................lilM ."lO A cm I. 2, Broadwiiy, No 699, 11 w cor 4tli at, Vclliiw Pine Co agt Jere C L.Mius. (March 20, 1SI.I4)......................................3,1111 04 Milthsf, n s, 250 1- BoilleViii-il, .5(1x100, Jaiiics Fliiuan'aii as-'t Sliaw * .McCartv. (.Mareh 7, 1894).............................KIO 5(1 Niicglc av, w s, 325 s Ilycknian st, 25x1(1(1. Alii-idiain Steers and Nelson H Siilisliiiry as as.signee agt Josejili U'Clcmeiit anil Jobn W Run. (Dec 2H, lM9:i)..............5(i2 92 ■■LlOfh st, n s, -2,50 c Boulevaril, SOx—, John Biiei- anil ann agt Slia«- .t Mc(-iii-tv. (Nov 15, 1S93).................................... 18 ,50 AI-IIII. 3. llSfllst, 11 \v cnr Lcxillgtnll iiv, 40x10(1. (irriii D Person agt Heiii-\' C Tuke. (llec 12, 1893)....................................83(1 7(1 liiwond av, w a, 25 11 (inlilc jil, 25x100. Dimock & Fink agt .Nicholas and .Vnna Eichler. (Aug 17, ls93)...................3(iil (III -ViiRii. 5, 113th st. No 427, u a, '293 w Pleaaant av, 25 xioo, Dnmeuicn (I Pi-ciira agt Aiiniiu- ciata and .Vntniiin (iPiicci. (llec 1.1893).153 00 4sth st. Nils iini! anil 355, n a, 214 c 9tli av, 4(l\—. Titsink it Eising agt .Miirv Scntt. (Fell 1,1891).......................;........ 01 95 .VPHll. (i. Brnniiic st. Nil 114, n e cnr Wtllell st, 25x 87.0. .-^iimiicl Fleischmann agl II Werth¬ eim and Wiedcrniiiu it Rosciiliaiim. (Nov 2, ISilii)...............................275 (1(1 Same jiropertv. Finn, C'ule & C-o agt same (Nov II, 1893)..............................509 46 .Same jiropertv. (i'hristian Reichert agt same, (llec II. 1S93I......................775 OO Same pi-iiiiert\-. .liii-ob Lijiklii agt aame (Jan 19, IS94)..............................250 00 Same inoiicrtv. Sameagt same (.Ian 19, 1S94I....................................... H.S 00 Same prn|ici-ly. Balthasar Diehl agt Her¬ niiin Wert heim. (Nov Is, lH9:i).........h,3(1(1 (id Same proiiertv. Wiederman & Roaeiiliaiim agt H Wcitlieim. (Nov 13, 1H93).......5,9.50 00 Same pi-njieitv. Millie Slimmer iigt aame and Jacnli Lijikiii. (Dec 21, 1893)........ sS 00 Lexiiigtnn av, n e cnr 73d at, :i4x9s.2. Perth Amliiiy Terra Cotta Co ant M J Miihoiiey. (,laii 20, 1894).................025 (10 -Discliargeil by dejioalts, ~ BUILDINGS PROJECTED. The first nituic is that nf Ihe owner : ar't stands for ttrehilecl. iii'ii for mason, c'r for caipenter aufl'b'r for tiiiiltltr. When I hitractcr of roof is not mentioned it is tobe understood that the rtxif is to be of tin. NEW YORK CITY. SOtiTH OF 14th STUKK-r. Plan iiS9—Brooine .st. No*2H8. one 6-st.y iind biiaemeut Ink store and faetorv. 22x56 ;" coat. !til6.000: Jnhn .Schween, 44 7th .st: art, W (iranl, i>7i{—lledforil .at, No 95, oue 4-stv brk atable and ilwell'g, 25x96.Sx9.'?.6; i-o.s"t. I}il4,000; lleriiau Schade, Sili Cireenwich st. 1)76—Heiiry at. No 210, lear, one li-stv and baseuient brk .syungogue, 21!.6x40, tin roof: enst,-------; Meyer Lev.y, 210 Henry st; ar't, S Siiaa : c'r, JI lierknw itz. ni-.TWEKX 14TII .\X1> S9TII STKKKTS. :i6I-29tii st, Xo 412 E, one 1-aty brk elec¬ trical Jiower, 16x94.9. corrugated iron rnnf i i-nst, *2.000: Luifed Electrical Pnwer Cn. (J II ,iacKaiin, jires't, ou jiremises: ar't, II W York. •H69—52d st, n s. (!,S c 10th av, one Ink liuililiug lor store and lofts, li6.10x'29 and 50.5; cost. ;t*:t.OOO; Alexander C'adno, :!i?4 W ISth st: ar't, J W (.'nie, ItKlWIiK.N 59T1I AND 125X11 STKKKTS, KAST (IF OTH AVENIK, r!.5Ii-l(i;id st, 11 a, 100 e 1st av, l-stv frame abed for stone yard, 4HxllL(i: cost, ^400 ; Hy Hiiulien, 1 .2 1-', 92(1 st; ar't, I" Weuneiner. :i52—I04tli af, 11 a, 250 e Sth av, two S-sty Ink and stone flats, 25 and liixs7,6; ccst, $19,000 each: Hv Mublker. 14 E 114th sti ar't, \{ K Davis, ilSS—iill av. No 1871, rear, 1 sty brk biikc- hiiuse, 10x20; cost, ;f!250 ; Poliert JlcCiitterty, 745 Park av : ar't, KW liinkley, iist Park ay, liKTWKKN 59T1I A.ND 125TII STliKKT.*. WKST 111' CKNTK.VL I'AKK WKST AMI STH .WK.M'K. 1174—72il at, N'n •24'.^ W. nue ,5-stv Ink and liniestnue ilwell'g, 20x8;j.4, tin ioof;, fJOJiOO: Hugh Lamb, 265 Broiidway; ar'ts, Liiiiib iV Itich. i{75-!li{d af. a s, I!2S w- Central Park West, t\\ n .5-st.\' t'liiin lirnwnatnnc, i{7.(l and 211,(ix 9(1,s. tin rnnf: enst,------: (harles (ialiren, 71 W 92(1 st: iir't, II Andei-sen; b'r, uot sc- lecleil, 36S—Amsterdam av,c .-j,'20,5 s 66th .st, 5-sty Ink stable, 40x78,'L'ravel rnnf: cost, ,■♦: 15,0(K) ; J J Jlooney, lil2 W SSth st ; ar't, ,1 W Cole H4It—7s"fh at, Xns 206, 2(IK, 210 and 212, s a, 100 w .Vinaterilani av, t'niir li-aty and Iiase¬ ment brown.stone ilwell'ga, 18,9x55, exteil- sinua 14 ft ; cost, $20,(100 each : Kobert Auld, sth av and SSth at: ar'ts, Hnefer & Dri.sehler, SSth at aud Bi-oaihvay. HJ6—SSth st, u s, 275 w West Eud av, nine 4-Nty and baseuient bik a-iil terra cotta dw-ell'gs, 20x60 each : cost. $20,0110 each; ow'r and iii'ii, .lames Liviiigstou, 57 W 84tli st; arts. 'I'lioni & Wilsou. lUs-94th st, 11 s, 100 w Sth av, four 4-sty Ink and liinestoue dwell'gs, Iwii Is, one 19 and one 20x72: ( each, ifil.S.OOO: ow'r aud ar't. V W Hawkins, 125 E ISth st. 1151-.Vrasterdain av, Xn 861, rear, one 1-sty Ink store, 2s.4x25; cost. $2,500; John Hi-uggemann, 252 4tliiiv; art, J Carl; b'r, not selected. MIKTII (IK 12STI1 STHr,l-.T. H49—.Vuisterdaiu iiv and 19 Ith at, abt 11 i> cor Et Wendel, elevator tower and bridge, deck of tinver 1.5 feet wide; cost, $7,000; Louis Wendel, ,Ii-, 181st st and .Vmsferdain av ; ar'ts. (Itis liriia A: Co. H6i5—Sfh av, s e i-or KiSth st, one .S-st.v brk and brownstoue store and teiiein't. i50.6.\ 89.11 and 95.11; cost, $40,000: Alon.'.o C Jlonson, US Williain st; ar't, (I Uiibiu.aiiu. iiSO-7tli av, n w cor 126tli st, six l-«t.v feinjiorar.y stores, four ou a\'and two nn at, '2,i ami 24.11x(i(l. stone glasa and galyiinized irnn frnut, tin or gravel rnofa; cost. $2,000 each; DJ Dwyer,-IilO W 147th ,st: ar't, P V Higgs. siis liriiiiilway, 2:iD AXli 24Ttl WAKlis, i!S4—.Vckerman at, e a, 100 n Kiverdale av, '2-st.v frame jilumbiug slinp, ■2'2xl(i, shingle rnnf: enst, $400; I JI Dyckniiin, Kingsliridge ; ar't and b'r, S L Berrian. H40—Eastbiiru st. II w cor 174tli st, 2-sty frame dwell'g, 2;ix45; cost, $4,000; (icii and Eva Jl Vogeler. a w cor Eiistbnrii and 17H(l .sts; ar'ts, F J Jliller & Cn. iUI-Hne av. w s. 125 n 167tli .st. ■2-sty fl-aine dwellg. 20x40: (oat. $ii.OOO: Henri¬ etta .\I Jliinfrnss. 224 JV lllOtli st; ar'ts. F .1 Jliller A Co. i!l7—Inwood av, Xn :!29, 1-aty frame pii-klo atnii', 2.5x.5(); enst, ,$150; J X Kngener, 7211 llthav; b'r, P Witzelbergei, H44 —JIarion av, w s, 75 u Cole st, 2-aty and iittic frame ilwiH'g, 21xi:i.6, shingle ronf; cost, $4,00(1; Sarah V Lisk. 2625 JIariou av ; ar't, E K Bniinie ; b'r, T (' Lisk, ;i42—J'aiidi-rliilt av, ue cnr Kistli at. 4-Nty Ink tenein't. 2Sx9ll;, $2,100 I fl; ,1 l-'.ieli- ler Brewing Cn, l(i9th st and lid av : ar'ts, E J Jliller A Cn. H57—\ ilia av, e s, 4i!S.,'! n Snntliern Bnnle- Viird. 2-stv franie dni'H'g, 21x!}6; cost, $2,000; Clara Kelly, 2594 Sth av; ar't, I. D Carter. 248 W 124tli sf. I!7'2—Bi-niidwiiv. e s. ;)50 frnm JlcCoinb st, l-sty frame stable, 14x:iO, shingle roof: cost, $'200: JIar.v Hammiind, Kiii-xsliridge. ilOli—Ereeman st, n s. 7,5 w Vyse av It w o av, 40 u of Freemau st S 2-st\ frarae ilwell'gs, 2Iix42, idate rnnf; cost, .$3.- 500 each : Jlarsraretlie Strasc, 2ii6 Willia av ; ar't, Johu De Hart. i!71—158th sL s a. 200 e Courtlandt av, 2- aty frame workslinp. 2 4xif2; cost, $600; Krauier Broa, 62i5-629 E ISSth st: -aFt, H Horenburger. I!64—KiKthst, ss. 100 e Boston av. 2-sty frame dwell'g, 20xH7, slate roof; cost, $3,"- 000; Geo C Dawson, 94;! Home sti art, .John De Hart. 367—.Vuthony av, e a, i;!'2 feet u'I'ravius st, 2-stv franie dwell'g, 15x28; cost, $1,300; ahiugle roof ; H Jlurlbiicb, 107 E 53(1 at ; ar't and b'r, JVilliam Scliinitf, 370—Arthur 11V, w s, 100 s isdtli st, 2-sty and basement Ink and frame dwell'g, 20x36; cost, $2,000; Jlra Eliza Carrick, -13 Kector st: ar't, H Hnrubnrger, :!H(i—Bathgate av, w a, 172 11 182il st, 2^_>-stv frame ilw-eU'g. 19.(lxli2. shingle roof; coat. $ii.O(M); .Mary O'Brien. 1 S2il st and Bath- gati- av ; ar't. Chas S Clark. iiliO—Prospect av. W" a. 160 s 1 Siith st, two 3-stv franie dwell'gs, 21x45; enst, $4,i5(H) each; Fredcriek JlcCarthy, 1019 E 162dst: ar't, H II Carter. 362—JV'ales av, e s, 25 s Crane .at, 2-aty frarae dwell'g, 18x30:, $sOO : JIary "Fet-zer. 471 Brook av ; ar't, ,liihii De Hart. ' 358-Willia av. w a. 18.10 a 1 10th st. 3-stv Ink ilweirgand stnre, 20x66,1 ; enst, $10,()00"; Edwiu D Bertine, 670 Eliidfh st ; ar't, A Balschin. .Ir. ALTERATIONS. Plan 421—(ith av, Xo 275, front altered: cost, $350: .lohn N 'ronncle, 48 E 68th st; ar't. Franz Osterlof, 216 Kidd av, Brooklyn. 422—.Vv B, X'o 221. frnnt wiill shnred up, new steel bcanis, new store frnut, galv.auizeil irnu i-nruicc ; cost. $300; L'achel .loseph, ou preniises; ar't, JVm Graul. 423—Broome sf, Xo 2so, frnnt bii.sement i-emoved and steel beams inserted, new store front, galvanized iron cornice; cost, .$600; A Schlesinger, on premises; ar'ts, Kurtzer & Kohl, 424-11th av, X'o 772, e s, 20 s 54th st, re¬ jiair damage bv hie; cost, .$2,000; Martin Wiiitt exr estate C llcilshoni, 301 E 78th st ; ar't, P Jlichel, 42.5—154tli st, s s. 100 w- Courtlaudt av. 1-sty I'rainc extensiou, 19.10x14; cost, $1,-