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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 53, no. 1368: June 2, 1894

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882 Record and Guide. June 2,1894 been favorably reported bv the House Comniittee on Labor, with little or no opposition, because of the respect tluit aiiiiuiites the individual members of the two chambers for the hibor vote. However, this is destined to be a year of absurdities, with populism, and other creations of weak intellect and stroug conceit, aud it will matter very little if another is added to their nuinber, and if the President is empowered to declare for the Uuion a daj- consecrated to Vulcan that is already so nuirked by the laws of several States, but viewed b.v the condi¬ tions of the working chisses to-day it cannot be less absurd. Present Condition of Big Building Enterprises. A LlSr of THE mo Bt'ILDI.VGS FOR WHICH PI-AiVS HAVE BEKN FILED nruiN'i; the last sevf.x months, and the condition of the WORK UPON THEM AT THIS TIME. The season for planning of big building enterprises is rapidl.y drawing to its The time for coustructiou is well advanced. Froni tbis standpoint the buildiug industries are geuerall.y able to deterniiue, approximatel.y. the extent of the season's operations. Some work is being done on plaus tiled earl.v last .year, and even dur¬ iug the previous .year, but this does not eoiiut witb inaterial meu or coutraetors iu this .year's operations. The Recokd .vnd GriDK has taken a list from the records ot jilans filed .since Si'pt. 1 last, ot all building auiountiug to #100,000 and over, and eauvasseJ tbe work with a view to ascertaining the present conditiou of sueh work. The results aie given herewith : Hroadway and Pine st, s e cor. .-Vineritan Surety Co.. 20-stv otliee bnilding. Bruee Priee, ar't; Clia.s. T. WiUs. Vr; exeavatioii in progress. ,tl.2.")0.000 Leouard and Elm sts :iiid Catliariue laue. .New York l.ile Co. 12- st.v'ollice building. S D Hatch, ar't; Liiiieelot W ."Vrmstroug, masou aud foundations; Norcross Brothers, uiarble front; Post & MeCord, striietur;il iron iind steel work ; Hiidojpli Hil- hrand, carpenter and cabinet work. The Perth .Anilmy Terra Cotta Co. have the contract for the fire-prooting. Founda¬ tious buildiug. 1.000.000 Nassau and .Spruce sts, s e cor, American Tract .Society's •2;i-st.v office building. K.H.Robertson, ar't: John Dowue.y, b'r; excavation and piling for foundations iu progiess. 900.000 nth av and 18th st. ii e cor. Constable estate, 14-sty otliee build¬ ing. William Seliiekel & Co. ar'ts; .steel frame nearly finished; luiirble front Inilf linished; fire-jiroof floors all laid; con¬ tracts all let. 7.-)0.0l Gerry's ti-.sty aiiart¬ ment house. .V /.inker, ar't: foundatious and iron-work underway; LA- K Weber, m'us; ,1 H & .J M t'oriiell, iron¬ work : .Sloane &, Muller. c'rs. 400,000 Broadway, Nos 47;i and 47.^. and Mercer st, Nos 46 aud 48. .1 J Little aud Harry Chati'ee. N-st.v uieieantile building; Kalph S Town,send. ar't; up to first story : all eoutiiicts let. 300.000 Broadwa.v, Nos (327 and 029. aud Mercer st. N'os l!bj and 198. Daniel Ricters 10-sty warehouse; Louis Koru, ar't; at .work on foundations: all eontraets let. .SOO.OOO 23d St. Nos lit) and 121 \V. aud 24th st.Nos 112 and 114 \V. Sachs Brothers' 10-st.v stores aud lofts; Wm Schickel i t'o. ar'ts; .Tere T .Smith, m'u : .lames Elgar & Son, e'rs; I'ounda- tious building. 250,000 Boulevard and 72il ,st, n w cor, 155.5 and 12t). 1 x9(>.2, S-sty brk aud browustone hotel. Robert Robertson : A Craig, ar't: C O Perrv, b'r; about half finished. 300,000 Maideu lane. Nos 44^2 aud 4l>, and Liberty st, NV.s 37 aud 39, 13-.sty brk and limestone ottico building, iawyers' Title lusurauce Couipan.v; C G Haight, ar't; D H Kiug, Jr, b'r; nearly finished. 250,000 13th and 14tli sts,> o[ Lst av, church fmissiou buildiugs. Grace Episcopal Churcli; Baruey & Chapman, ar'ts: all contracts let; work well under wa.v. 250.000 Pearlst. Noa 113-117. aud Beiiver st. Nos 60-70. O-sty exchange and othce building. Cott'ee Exchange; K W Gibson, ar't; John H Parker, b'r; Jaekson Architectural Irou \\'orks, iron. 213.(K)0 Johu and Nassau sts, s w cor, 10-sty brk aud terra cotta office building, 69.5x50.2. Matthew Wilkes, Outario, Canada ; C'lin¬ ton & Russell, ar'ts; Robiuson & Wallace, b'rs. who will let sub-contracts; excavation in jirogress. 190,000 Sthav. Nos 151-155. 6-.sty brk aud steel frame office building. Clias Scribner's Sons; E Flagg, ar't; Chas T Wills, b'r: nearly complete—eleauing up. 150,(KKI Broadway. No 704. 6-st.y store aud wiirehouse. Adolf Boskowitz ; De Lemos & Cordes. ar'ts; McCabe Bros, m'us; excavation in progress; other contracts uot let. 150,000 o5th st, Nos 413-419 E, 5 and 6-sty brewer.v. Peter Doelger; J Kastner, ar't; contracts all let; work nearly finished. loO.IKK) West st. Pier (uew) No 13, 1 aud 2-sty isteel and iron pier shed. John H Starin; William Barclay Parsous, ar't and engineer. Contracts all let: work nearly finished. 120,000 Park av and 92d st, n w cor, 7-8tv apartment house. Qnackcn- bush estate ; A B Ogdeu & Sou. ar'ts. Contr.acts uot let. 150.000 Oth av and 58th St. u w cor, 71.t!x96.5, 5-sry brk flat. William F Rohiig, Mt Vernon; Buchman &, Deisler. ar'ts ; excavation itl progress; contracts not let. 120,(X>0 Central Park West and 96th st. u w cor. Scotch Presbyterian Church; WH Hume, ar't; finished. 100.000 Gold St. w s, from Beekmau to .Vuu st, 7-sty olfice builib'iig, 23.7 x96. John Pettit; .1 M Karnsworth. ar't. 100.000 4th and Greene sts, s w cor, 7-sty store aud lotts. Loius M Jones; Cleverdon Jtrl^utzel. ar'ts; Johu II Parker, m'u; contracts all 1h|. At \Mirk oil excavation and foundations. 100.000 4 1st st. No 143 W. 7-.sty hotel (additiou to St Cloudi. Johu .lacob Astor: 1'C Browu, ar't: .fobu R Downey, contractor. Up to tirst sty. 100,(X>0 BroadwiO. No 710, 10-siy and basement brk warehouse. Henr.v and Is.iiii- Meiuliard: Cleverdon & Putzel. ar'ts; Johu Deeves it Bill, eontraetors; at work ou fonnilatiou.«. 100,000 Pearl .st, Nos 1:10-132. 7-sty office building. John Pettit ; J M Farusworth, ar't; finished, 100,000 M.adison av. No 297. 4-st.y and biisemeut dweU'g, Mrs .\bby S Thompson ; Montrose W Morris, ar't; contracts all let; work¬ ing on interior. lOO.OOtt This list does not include some important buildiugs, the plans for whieh are not yet filed, hut for which excavation has already beguu or soou will be. These iuclude the C'le;iring House, iu Cedar street; the Fidelity and Casualty Building, iu Cedar, Thames aud Church streets, and two or three buildings contemplated by Johu Pettit. To Secure Rapid Transit. Editor RKioiiii AND Gi'IDe: I beg to extend luv eongratulatioii to your valiuilde [i iper ou the sueeessful issue the question of Rapid Trausit is as,suuiiiig, which, lieriiiit me to state while the iiueKtiou of luiinicipal ownership was eoinparativel.v unheard of, your jiiijier was one of the first to come to the trout in its advocaev, for w liieli permit iue to sa.v with all justice the City of New Vork should it ultiiuiitelv secure real Kajiid Transit owes your valuable jia per and the t'bamber ut Coiiiuiene a debt ol gratitude wliieli it eau never re]ia,y. Tbe ret'erendiim clause being inserted iu tbe bill, leaves veiy imjiorant work yet to be done, that is the jiromulgation of tbe knowl¬ edge of its vital imiiortauee amoug the masses in order to get au iiitelligeiit vote III its favor to more than otiset the game of politics ol the eueniies of Rajiid Transit, which will,! assume, be a most IMiteut faetor against Rapid Transit at the next election. It behooves the press and all iutelligeut citizeus, therefore, who biive the welfare of our eity at heart to begin au early campaign in favor of the issue. K. .\. Kinkel. The Prince &. Kinkel Iron Works. 729 and 731 1st aveuue, between 41st and 42d streets. New '^ork. May 26. 1n!U. Our Anniversary Number, J'fi the Etlitor o/The Recokd axd Glide : It is with a great deal of pleasure aud .satist'actiou that 1 inclose you ui.v check for the advertisement iu your recent iiuni versary uiiui- iier of The Rkcord and Glide. I think uothing of receut years has beiu juiblisbed tbat seems to have so thoronghl.v engrossed the atteiitioii of those eugaged iu tbe building liue, such as your reeent production. The public, and par¬ ticularl.v the trade, are greatly indebted to you for the valuable work. Ronald T.^yi.or. 15 State street. New Vork, May 28. 1894. Notice to Property-Owners. ■St. Nicholas aud Fort Washington I'ark.s.—Aiiplie.atiou will be made to the Suiireme Court ou .5tli iust. for tlieii|ipoiutiiieiit of Coni¬ missiouers of Estimate and Assessment. Riverside aveuue, ojieuiug betweeu 127th street aud Claremont place.—Bill of costs, exjieiises, ete., will be presented to the .Supreiue Court for taxation ou 5th inst. Kast 137tli street, openiug from Loeiist avenue to the Southern Boulevard.—Claims, etc.. to be filed ou or before the 12th inst.; hearings thereon b.y the Couimissioners of Estimate and A.ssessnient w ill begin on 19th inst. 88th sireet, school silo, betwecu 2d aud 3d aveuues.—The report of tbe Conimissiouers of Estimate is filed and eau be inspected at the otliee of the Boiiid of Education. Claims aud objeetioiis must bo Hied on or before 3d inst.: h.'arings thereou will begin on 7tb inst. and aiiiilication made to the Supreuie Court for eoufiriiiafioii of the t'ominissiouers' report on 20tli. ,♦ I * ,. ff 164th stieet. opening from Edgeeombe road to .Viusterdani aveuue. —Bill of costs, eharges. ete.. will be presented to the .Supreme Court for taxation ou Sth iust. Brook avenue, ojieuiug from East 156th sireet aud \\ ebster aveuue lo Wendover avenue.—Claims for propert.y taken, etc, to be filed on or before the 16th iust.; hearings thereou will begin ou the 21st iust. it tt tt it East 1.56th street, widening between Kltou avenne and 3d ave¬ nue.—The liill o£ costs, charges, etc., incurred in this improvement will be presented to the Supreme Court for taxation on the 12th iust. East 156tli streei, ojieuiug from Railroad aveuue East to Elton avenue, and from St. Ann's avenue to Prospect avenue.'—Claims for real estate to be takeu, etc., to be filed before the 17tli iust,; hearings thereou will begiu ou the 22d. tl It it It Stebbins avenue, opening from Dawson street ta Boston road.— Claims for real estate to be t.aken, etc., to be filed on or before 17th iust,; hearings thereou will begin ou 22d, tt it tt tt Kapjiock street, openiug from .Spuyten Duyvil Parkway fo John- sou avenue.—Estimate aud assessment are completed aud open for inspection until IOth inst.. until which date objections will be- received and hearings thereou begiu. Tbe application for confirma¬ tion of the report will be made to the Supreme Couit ou 26tU inst.