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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 54, no. 1397: December 22, 1894

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936 Record and Guide. December 22, i 894 » 20 Veyrac. Victor L—L A Soule..eosta 99 17 Vau Veen, Moiris IR A Ruther- Van Veen, .loshna S ford..........236 18 Van Tasael I, Emory M— The Green¬ wich Iua Co, CityNY.......costs 65 18 Vau Court, Frederick—Johu Scbu¬ back..........................costs 870 18 Vandewatei-. Saml H—Philemon Wright..........................1,423 15 Welling, Richard W G assiguee— Central Trust Co, N Y, as sub- trustee........................costs 256 15 WaUcer, Herhert H—FH Walker.l,461 17 Weitzel, Henry—.Iohn Klein.......249 17 White, Frank'D-Mortlock Pettit,306 17 Wood. Whitney—Alliance Bauk,,. 71 17 Wavra. Wcnzl—J & M Haffen..... 45 17 the same------tbe eame...........221 17 Wilson, James G—I N Miller.......892 17 Ward. Hugh—Willia.u Frank...... 43 18 Woodruff, Jobu—Dep't Buildings. CityN Y............................259 18 Witkaski, Isaac M------tlie aame___239 18 Wellwood. Eliz J—William Wil¬ aon.................................120 18 the same-------Albert Pfl ugh......102 18 Waruer. Chaa S—A A Peek,........ 33 18 Wallack, Richard—J M Martin. ,1,057 18 WiUiama, James—Tne People State NY...............................1,500 19 Worms, Auachel-H J Schill".......182 19 Woolsey, Edwd J iudivid and as exr— The Rivcrhead Savings Bank...........................(D)987 lOtWeiasgerher. Auna—The Standard (Jas Light Co. City NY............ 50 19 Whitiug, Henry G—Hall, Gardner &■ Co...............................167 19*Wei88, Albert J .. nr n.r,^ i ncn Weiaa,Robert^ ^ ^ ^^^^"'^.....^•**^^ 19 the samc^—C A Anffmordt, ,1,774 19 Weichman. John—D M Frauk.....124 36 Wrieden, George-J W Haaren....242 20 Wallach, Kiehard—John Patterson 309 20 Ward, .lames J—Manhattan Rail¬ way Coandthe Metropolitan Ele¬ vated Kailwav Co...........eoata 141 20 Wright, JamesA 1 Wrigbt, W Redwood } E S Haud,, ,590 Wrigbt, Janies A ) 21 Werner, Max—The Metropolitan Telephone and Telegraph Co..... 85 21 Wavra, Josepb—Rudolpb Oclsner,147 21 Weston, Wm W—W 11 Appleton., H3 21 Walter. ClaraL-LilyW Ulinrchill trnstee.....................(Dl 11,867 21 Wallaee, Jamea /Herman Kaempf Wallace, Thos P S ...........costs 86 21 Wolf, Sauford—Julina Rohertsou.1.078 19 Yerger, Geo E—Thomas Ruaaell & Son..............................._.767 17 Ziegler, Harry L—Louia Berg.costs oO 17 the aame------Bernara Tim ...............................coats 95 18 Zeigal. Simon—Dep't of Buildinga, CityNY......................... ..259 53 78 38 22 81 01 34 07 79 34 83 86 42 23 92 69 87 00 90 50 SATISFIED JUDGMENTS NEW YORK. December 13 to aj—Inclusive. Adler, Albert A and Rosa—H C Nagel. 1814......................................ffi595 56 Same-----same. 1S94...................... 99 61 yArrastronir. Ainlvew—M A' Brown. 1894..2o(i 45 SBrandt, William—Alwiu Eipcrt. 1894.....105 55 ^BraJ.dt, WmH-----same. 1833.............416 (iS Bank ot N Y, Nat Banking Assoc—Ameri¬ can Dock and TrnstCo.' 1893..........421 45 Brophy. Win T-R L Jones. lSf>4...........1(>4 41 Bond, Chas F—Patrick Hney. 1894........70ii '39 Burchell, Jomes J—J H Barlow (C E Tlior- uall by assign). IRSll.....................122 6fi Burclieii, Jaiues ti—J J Burchell. 1-^91..1,113 Ho Same-----same. 1891....................1,129 90 BiircheU. Joseph—W H VnnderliiU., 'iM:,,,.205 69 Burns. Timothy—Tbe Laugtiun & Granger Bremug Cn (Lim), 1894................333 HO B-yi-ne, Johu—H Welister Co, 1894......... 67 57 Clarlt, Fraucis .\-W G Davis trustee. '94.,293 .'52 Curry, Hart.—Aslie Lupier hy Osear Kich¬ ter her gaard, 1S94....................3,625 28 Carey, James G-W H Busteed, 1894......1.S4 ii Cawley, Jaiuea—O J Dennis, iS94.........114 52 'Cohen, Davirt—Frederick Waudelt. 1894.618 37 CP Hawkins'Sous Brewing Oo—O J Deu¬ nia. 1894.................................114 52 Clapp, Oliver M—Faulltner, P.ajre Se Co. 1894.....................................4,983 S4 Same-----C F Doyle. 1894.................143 05 Davies, Johu T—Faiilliner, Pajre & Go. Iti94...........................:........4,983 84 Same^-----^CFDoyle. 1894................145 05 Duggau, Robt J—AlhcitEarekes. 1894., ,,202 78 Durand, A Waiter admr—Thomas Norton. 1894......................................242 13 Same-----same. 1894.......................829 80 Da.vid, Albert A—Fjedericlt Feist (8 D Sewards by assign). 1S93.............2.777 00 Davis, Johu E L—M J CaPauau. 1894......194 90 DeLa Vergne, Joliu C—W H Burr. lS8(i.., 18 55 Dowd. W B—C J Milne. 1891.........___1,0H8 '25 Same-----Joseph Park. 1891..............498 36 'Draper, Thomas—C E O'Connor rccvr. 1887.......................................734 (57 Deshon, Henry S—Margt G Westerlield. 1888.......................................883 05 •Fellowes. Eruesl T—W K Aeton. 1894,., .218 25 Forster, Thos V—J J EurchtU. 189i.....1.113 65 Same-----same. 1891....................1,129 96 Same-----WH VanderbUt. 1894...........205 69 Friedmau, Wolf—E B Ward trustee. 1894..534 50 Finch, Wiuifrert K—Almira H James. 1892. ...........-.............................3,270 32 ■Fltz(terald, Wm L—C E O'Connor recvr. 1887.......................................734 67 Forman, Walter A—Patrick Hoey. 1894.. .709 39 Forster, Thos V—J H Barlow (C E Thor- naD by assigu). 1891................,...122 66 Fisse, Mary—Albert Kavefces. 1894........202 78 ■ Friedhmder. Edward—Adolph Ladenburg. 1893...................................ia,421 19 Gauntt. jjOuis F—Faulkner, Page & Co. 1894....................................4,983 84 Same-----C F Doyle. 1894................145 05 Godfrey, Leah J—Alexander Henderson. 1894.......................................162 62 Same-----J J Flynn exr. 1894.............236 31 Hackett, EdM'rt M—James Hause. 1889.., ,254 k4 Hirsclilield, Wm J as Marshal—Morns Eich¬ ner, 1^93................................a99 16 ^Hiiys, William-Paul WilliauiK. 1892......3(.7 66 Harway. May A and Jamus L—The Fann- v.Ts' ami Drovers' Nat Bank oj Somers. 1891......................................890 66 Hildcsheim, Hermau-Adolpti Ladenburg. 1893.................................,,12.421 19 Hoes. Wm M, Public Admr—P J couklin, 1891.....................................1.930 02 .Tolm.stutie, RoM A—W P Lawrence. 1«94.394 91 Same-—^TUe irastfes ot Leake & Watts Orplian House, CityN V. 1H94.......2,026 18 Same^-----Johu Phillipa. 1^94............. •2'3 67 JacoliSPU, EliK A—C P Corbit (Abraham Locsei- by assijjui. 1892...............1,856 30 Jacobsou, Nathan—S W Koru. 1890.......513 96 Samo^-----Simon Micliel, 1890.............187 83 KantrowitK. Eplir.iim M—Louis Epstein. 1892.....................................1,48.') 37 Kesuer. Albert—B J King. 1889..........1,318 84 Same-----sarae. 1889....................],.'>18 84 S:im(.------Heu ry Kraus. 18^9............1,203 57 Kiausm-iin, Wm W—Tbe Anchor Post Co, 1894......................................172 86 Klenk, Frfdci-iik—Ciii-Dliiii- Karle. I,'<91,,5,:i52 17 Lcssi-r, Lazai-ii,— i;:i,-liiirr. 1893,,,,399 16 Li'vy, Saiuiii-l--()si-lier Wilt-ii.-^S9......;..............1.518 84 Same-----Hem-y Kraus. 1889............1,203 57 Mayer, Rudolph J-The Anchor Post Co. 1894......................................172 86 Mayer. Edgar A—Thomas McKav, 1892., 27 00 Maeauley, Daniel >„, p„|,„„ -,aa<, mi ii Motley, Thornton N ^" ^ Pciias. 1«9^..,.102 43 Same-----same. 1894......................lOS 2R Same-----same. 1892....................6,240 90 IIMnlrearly, Oweu—Joseph Beck. 1887....280 88 N Y Ceniral & Hudsou Kiver R R Co—Zena Kiivin'iky. 1894........................scfl 00 O'Brieu, Michacl-T A Juiison. 1894......397 37 Pelham, Alphonzo E — Thomas Housfun. 1884......................................324 -'^6 Robiusoi). Johns—iviary Le E King. 1894..401 37 saracco, Audrea—Giovanni Farengo iS D Sewards hy assign). ls=9___,.......'.....187 25 Selwyn, Arthur H—C H Moss. 1894.,......290 32 Solomon, Samuel aud Jacoli-Max Lam- l>ert. 1894................................354 31 ^Salisbury, Nelsou H a'signee—Mary A P Draper, 1894..........................2,036 05 Shandley, Heury—H WeLister Co. 1894___ 67 57 tSoiomou, CeceUa—Kosa Berman. 1892.,,224 04 Stewart, J.-xuies M—M E Viele. 1887........632 G4 Striker, Elsworth L—W A Magor. 1893.. ..150 20 *The Aldine Club—Schwarzsehiid & Sulz¬ berger Co, 1894..........................472 21 The U S and Bi-azil Mail Steamship Co- William Turner, 1894.................8.926 33 Thompsou, Oha,s D—Ingomar Goldsmith. 1S94......................................G36 29 'Uifelder, Lester and Oscar — Hermau Hahlo. 1893............................1,603 42 "Von Keller, Herman—W H Hibbard. 1894 2.^9 35 -Vi-tCcr, Michael—Sarah Piser. 1894......839 22 Wadaworth. Edwd G—The Coal Handling Machiuery and Coustruction Co. 1894 100 52 Weilis, Wm F—Faidkuer, Page & Co. 1894..........................r.........4.983 84 Same-----C P Doyle, 1894.................145 05 Wilner, Esther aud Isaac—E E Wood trus¬ tee. 1894.................................534 50 woodhouse, Daul A—J J Burchell. 1891. .1,113 65 Same-—-same. 1891....................1.129 96 S.iDic-—W R Vanderbilt. 1894...........-205 09 'Wright. Arlhiii- B—W K Astou. 1894......218 25 Woodhouse. Danl R-J H Barlow (C E Thornall by assign). 1891..............122 66 'Vacated by order of Court. t.Suspeuded on Ap¬ peal. IReleased. JReversa!. llSatismed by Exe- cation. MECHANICS' LIENS. NEW YORK CITY. December 15. 2d av.s ecor 125th st, 20,11x77.10. Bar¬ tholomew Walther agt Louis Harris, owuer and contractor..................^3 183 90 85th St. No 142, s s, .S61 e Amsterdam av, 18x102.3. The Mitchell-Vance Co ;igt Laura A Hall, owner, and Wm F Hali ageut................................ 1^90 'jo 85th St., No 1.14, s K, 439 w Columbus av, 1S.K102,2. Siime agt same........... 172 36 M;uh.sini:n-, Xi> l:J5, u c cor 31st st. Tlie i;i-.iillLy ,v rinrier Co (Lim) agt Eleanor.! Cliapiiiaii, uwiier, and J B Squire, cun- iractor............................. 1 (j25 oO SOth .St. No 121 W. Same agt John Doe. owuer, and CbasS Osborn, contractor___167 94 December 17. 103d et, s s, isr. w Madisou av, 75x84. vincenzo Margialetto and auo agt H Lewis Cohu. owner, and Guisoppo Dan- ^^Pll^i. contractor..............................^oo 00 SOth st, s s, 100 w Amsterdam av, 50.5x 100. GeoF Werner agt Wm H Ramsey, owuer and eoutraetor, and Youug "& Gerard, owners........................„...717 00 Madieon St. No 362, e s, 27.'i w Jackeon st. 20x94.5. Rider Engine Co agt Joseph Levin, owner and contrai tor..............130 00 10:irt St. as, 200 e .^tli av. 75sl0o. Orrin D Per.son agt H Lewis Cohu. owner aud contractor...................................807 3 4 ■'124rh 180.6 e 3dav, 44.tx1O0. Cle¬ ment CiemcDtsea jigt Fredk B Cole, owuer, and Hanuah .-^ Cole, coniractor,,, 14 85 Same pruperty, Raudall Peteisen agt same............................,;........... 9 90 Same projierty. Olavns Olsen agt same.... 14 4(1 Same proiierty. Johu Olsen agt same...... 18 45 Harlem River to 138tli st Uai'icm R R. Mai-tin Lyons agt The Harlem R R Co, owuer. ami We»tlii-ookife Clark, contrac- toi'Si and John GGeiit, wuh-couiraetor.... 32 36 ]36thst, Nos i:jo-i4o. .1 s, 245 w Lenox av, —X—. Peter Wir.-^iiigagt iM:iiy A Kelly, owner, aud Dull i- ileale. i-iuitraclni-,«.... 150 00 7Sth sl, u w COT 2d av, 4!x8o, James Mur- reu agt Thomas Doulon, oivner, and Jas J Benson, eonlrattor.......................415 00 Crosby sl. No91. e s, 190.1 s Iriueest, 261 x76x26x«0.............................. I Marion st. No .'16, w s, 202.2 s Prince at. I 26x72x26x80.............................I Richard Lamli agt John H Leith and Charles Glenn, owners, aud Beuedict & Fowler, coutraetors........................492 22 Decembeh is. 55tlist. N-i 1,54, s B. 113 w 3d av, 25x100. Same agt Isaac Griggs, owner, aurt same eontractors..................................226 28 87tli at, s 8, 50 c Columbus av, jjOxIOO. Same agt H Ives Smitb, owner, and same con tractors.................................^-ji (;■[ l-ieihst, u s, S.'iOe 7tli av, 75x100. Same agt Metropoliian Street Railway Co, own¬ er, aud samo contractors, aud James R Breeu & Son, suh-contractoi-B.............446 84 2{l av, w s, 25 u 51st fit. 25x100. Jacob Fey agt L Yesky. iwuer, and John Marx. eoutraetor................................... 83 00 Mainst, us. 322 w Boston road. 25x129. .losepli Zioli agt J C Leonliauser, owuer, and LE Blake, eontra;:tor.................253 66 I491.h St. No.'iSi? and 54!i, n .«, bet Court¬ landt and Mon-is avs, Hyde & Gload Mtg Co aet Wm H Niebulir, owner ami contractor..................................225 on Greenest, No 157........................../ 5oth st.No 154 E..........................i Gns Blass agt Henry Kress, owner and eoutraetor.................................. 96 50 De<-emeer 19. Clintou 1st and 2d sts. lot Nos 322 and 323 map Woodlawn Heights. Ru¬ dolph Hopuig ant Chas F Britton. N Y Buildiug Loan Banking Co aud Charles Seebi'uK, owners, aurt Mortou R Doremas, contractor..................................166 13 103rt st, 6 9. 200 e Sth av, 75x100.11. Gen¬ eroso Avallone agt H Lewis Cohn, owner and contractor..............................962 85 62rt St. n s, 275 wiotliav. 100x90. Dom¬ euico Peloso agt Yineeozo Lucchesie it Co. owners and contractors..............1,300 00 Jerome av, s ecor Vau Conrtlaudt av, 36x 100. Church E Gates <^' Co agt. Frank aud T Dursie, owners, and Olef iiergmark, contractor.................................. ,50 55 Same property. Olef Ber.gmark agt Frank anrt T Dursie, owuers, anrt Fr.auk Dursie, com raetor................................2.H20 00 1241)1 st, s 8, lS0.6e3dav. 44.5x100. Gust Anderson agt Kredk B Cole, owner, and Hauuah S Cole, contractor, and 8 other amt, 149 19 2d av, nweor 78tli st. Joseph W Binney agt -lames J Beusnn, owner, and Michael niflp Quinn, contractor..........................126 25 25th st, Nos 227-231 K. Same agt Lewis Boch. owner aud same contractor........ .^2 00 Amsterrtam av. s e cor 77th st, i;5xl()0. Isidor H Simnson agt Jennie CalrtweH. owuer, aud JamesC Caldwell, contractor. 79 IKi 61st t-I, No 212, s 8,175 vr loth av, 25x 100.5. James M Mapes agt Charles Saehs, owner. (Continued from Dec 20, 18931........................................ 51 50 West Enrt av. No 207. Isidor H Simpson ast Margt K Douglass, owner, and James S Douglass, contractor.................... 59 55 December 20. Bowery, No 128, w .s, 50.1 n Grand st, 50 1 xli'0.6..................................... i Grand st, Nos 222-228, u e cor Elizabeih f St. 100.1x101.1...........................J Johu H Shipwav & Brother agt The Bowery Savings BanH, owner, and David H King, eoutraetor, aud MoDunald & Co, siib-eou tractors...........................1,464 12th sf, Nos 514 and 516, s s 395,8 w Av B, 50.7x103 3. Aruoid Pfenning agt Wierti'mian & Rosenbaum. owuers and contractors...............................a,025 64111 st.No 41. n s, 475 w Ceutral Park Wi-st. 25x100.5. Nason Mfg Co agt Marv A Walsh, owuer, aud William Walsh, con¬ tractor......................................300 Cinalst. Nos 134 and 136, s s. 75 e Bowery, 45.8x75. Lonis Zimmerman agt Charles aud Yetta .Shulmau. owners aud eon¬ tractors....................................1,556 *124th St, s s, 180.6 c 3d av, 44.5x100. Au¬ gust Olsen agt Fredk B Cole, owner, and Hannah S Cole, contractor................. 30 Jei-inue av, s o cor Vau Courtlandt av, 36x mo, Churcli E Gates & Co agt Frank and T Dursie, owners, aud Frank Dursie, eo ill raetor.................................. 50 76th st. No 187, u s, 20o w 3d av, 2,^x102,2, Martin Ertl agt Frederic Telreon, owner, and William Main, contractor, and 1 amt 65 Madisou av, 11 w eor llGth st.60x110. The Rrnnklyn Elei-lrie Eijiiieuient Co agt I'raiiee.j .■^tcveus, owner anrt eoutraetor. 1.749 5ih av, u w cor 114th st, 50.5x100........> SOl.h st, S s, 150w Amsterdam av, 50x100, j 98 00 no 85 15 55 no -Edilorof The Record and Guide: Money for lieus flled against H, S.-* F. H. Cole ■above is deposited with A. R. Pago, and will l>p paid on productiou of satisfai-tions. JouxFESNti. ,\- En. B, Duss, alfy for lienors Alfked R. Page, atfy for owner. __________