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.JannaiT 5, 1895 Record and Guide. .3d avenue. New York, has prepared plans for a three-story frame club-bouse to be built for Home Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. The building will cost about $10,000. .ind have hot-air heating, concrete and pine floors, plumbing, gas fixtures and conveniences. White Plains, N. Y.—A club-house will be erected on Lexington avenue, near Fisher avenue, for the White Piaina Concordia. No contracts let. Hackensack. N. J.—The directors [of the^Y. M. C. A. have about decided to select a plot opposite the post-office as a site for .a new association building. No architect yet designated. HOTFX—Liberty, N. Y,—ChristoplierMyers, No. 261 Broadway, New York, is the architect for a l'our-,story frame hotel to be built here for Cotter Bros. Tbe buildiug will cost about$15,000, and contain ste.ani lieating, pine floors, ti'iug, range, bath aud laundry fittings, dumb¬ waiter, electric bells, annunciators, pine and hardwood [trim, wood mautles, .and plumbing. Long Branch. N. .I.—A, H. Wood, No. 153 Broadway, New York, baa plans for a large hotel to be erected here for M.'Noble. All . improvements will be introduced. LiURARY.—South Orange, N. J,—The South Orauge Free Circula¬ ting Library Association will bnild a one-story library from plans drawn by De Witt Clinton, of Clinton & Russell, No. 32 Nassau street, New York. Cost. $8,000. Manufacturing.-White Plains, N. V.—C. Schwartz will build a one-story brick machlue shop from plans drawn by L. D. Watson, of this place. Public Buildings.—Poughkeepsic, N. Y.—The supervisors have had plans prepared for an addition to be made.to the alm.shonse at this place. Bi'cwsteis, N. Y.—The Town Clerk can give detailed Information of a new town hall to be built at au estimated cost of $20,000. Dwellings.—Rye, N. Y.—R. P. Waiuwright, No. 287 4th avenue. New York, is the architect for a two-story aud attic frame dwelling, about 20x35, to be erected here for Mry. H. C. Schenck. Shingle roofing, hot-air heating, concrete, pine and hardwood fioors, in.slde blinds, range, bath and laundry fittings, gas fixtures and plumbing are specified. Cost, $7,000. ■ Elizabeth, N. J.—Charles M. Fowler will build Ave two-story and attic frame dwellings, about 25x45 each, from plans prepared by J. Oakley, Jr. Hot-air heating, copper-work, pine and hardwood floors, tiling, range, bath and laundry fittings, gas fixtures and plumbing are specified. Total cost, $25,000. New Rochelle, N, Y.—Wm. D, Grey, of thla place, will erect a two- story and atlic frame dwelling, to have hot-air heating, pine and hardwood floors, tiling, bath and laundi'y fittings, a range, gas fix¬ tures and pbimblng. Estimated cost, $5,000, Kingston, N. Y.—D. S. Youman. of Brooklyn, representing a party of men, has purchased a large tract of laud in the famous Stoney Grove of the Catskill Mountains, near Phoenicia. They propose to estab- ll.th a cottage park similar to Twilight and Onteora Parks. Work will commence on a few of the cottages in the .spring. BEYOND THE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT. Albany, N. Y.—The board of managers of the Albauy Homeopathic Hospital has purchased a si te and will erect a now Jbuilding to have all improvements. Estimated cost, $50,000. Philadelphia, Pa.—Plans will be drawn for au addition to be 'uuilt to the ball of the Young Manuercbor, No. 310 North 6th street. iJost, $28,000. New Haven. Coun.—Cady, Berg & See, No. 31 East 17th street, .^ew York,ihave;])lans for a brii.'k andjstone apartment building to be erected at TrumbuHiand Temjde streets, for Mrs. J. E. Winchester. Medford, Mass.—A new brick aud stone hotel ia to be built at this place. Bids for the erection of the building wilt bo received nntil .January 10th by Fayette Shaw, of the building committee. Churches.—Mt. Airy, Pa.—I'he congregation of Mt. Airy M. E. Church will erect a two-story .stone chapel and a one-story atone church, from plans prepared by A, B. Jennings, No. 145 Broadway, New York. The buildings will cost about $25,000, and have hot-air heating, iron-work, pine and liardwood floors and trim, plate and stained glass, marble-work, gas fixtures, decorations aud ornaments, and church furniture. Bridgeport, Conn.—The congregation of the Greek Catholic Church will build a new edifice to cost about $8,000. Philadelphia, Pa.—Thomas P. Lonsdale, Manhattan Life buildiug, Jias prepared plans for a Baptist Church to bo erected on Bebnont avenue. The structure will cost about $40,000, aud contain steam- heating, electric wiring, slate roof, stained glass, wood carving, interior marble-work, aud church furnishings. SXAliLE.—York River, A'a.—AVcrner &■ WindoJph, No. 60 Liberty street. Now York, have plans for a two-stoiy frame stable and barn, 27x70, to be built here by Robert H. Greachen. Estimated cost, $1,200. The contract will be placed with a local builder. TliEATHE.—Washington. D. C—Wood & Lovcll, of Chicago, are the airchitects for a four-story and basement brick, stone and steel fire-proof theatre, to be erected on Lafayette square, for a Chicago syndicate, of which Paul W. Connor is the Washington representa tive. The structure will cost about $250,000, and will be equipped with a stage of stool coustruetlon, asbeatos curtain, elevators a.nd modern llieatre fittings. Edi.:i,!ATioxal.—Bnilalo. X. Y.—M. Beebo. No. 202 M.ain street, has comiilcied plans for a three-story brick and stone public school bnilding to be erected at an estimated cost of $40,000. Bids for the constiHiction of the bnilding will be received by IJ. ('•. Par.*ons, of the B