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jQue"!, 18 9S Record and Guide. 9.11. ESTABLISHED-^IAWPHSl'i^ieeft^ DeAteD to Re*J- Estw^ . SoiLDif/o %;KrmCTifl^ ^{ousEtfoiD D£aitun(!i BilsnlESs Ali) Themes of GejIerjI iKiCTfai. PRICE, PER YEAR IN ADVANCE, SIX DOLLARS. published every Saturday. TbLBPHONB,......OOHTLANDT 1370 Oommunloations should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 14-16 Veeey Street. /. 1. LINDSET. Bnsiness Manager. Brooklyn Opkice, 276-282 Washington Street, Ofp. Post Office. politics in Austria-Hungary are artecting movemtints ou the hourse and miners' ,strikes interrupting trade. "Entered at lh« Posl-o£ice al New Tork, N. T., as second^dase maU^.' Vol. LV. JUNE 1, 1895. No. 1,420 i^i>r Brookli/n matter, see BrooMyn Department inwiediatel'y following Neio Jersey records (page 9361. THERE ia uolhiog yet to suggest any halt in the improvement that has been going ou continuously for eome months uoyv. The damage done to crops by the frost, while serious enough, was not so great as was lirst reported. First reports are always exaggerated. Besides, injury done now by frost is not wholly irremediable, as it would be later in the year. Where wiuter wheat is destroyed tbe farmer can plant corn, and where corn is touched it can be replanted. That too much has been made in the East of the eftects of the cold weather on Western crops is showu by tbe more encoiiragiug' statements that come fi'om the West auil the instauces here aud there where earnings are im- Itroviug in a substantial way. Take those of the Atchison sys¬ tem, foi instance, yet the larger part of that system isin Kansas, which has, accordiug to advices received East, beeu subjected to it regular siicceasion of hot and eold blowings, tbat, if true, would be disastrous. Of course, it would bave been better it' (he crops in the ground bad matured and yielded well, but wbat might to be insisted ou i,-* wbat we have pointed out, that it is gooil, under the circumstance of failure, wherever that has oe- iriirred, that the farmer has still a chance, and a good clianee, to raise another croji. The agricultural results for tbe year can be better gauged in sixty days from now. Meantime, we are jiisti- lied in hoping for the best. The movements in tbe Industrial j^roiip on tbe Stock Exchange are very indicative of better busi¬ ness conditions, Cordage, of course, always excepted. The hitter imfortimate has certainly to go tlu'ougb some form of re-