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Real estate record and builders' guide: no. 56, no. 1433: August 31, 1895

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August 31,1896 Record and Guide. 273 11\ \^^ \ established'^ (WpHSW^ 1868. Dp^jteD to RfA.LEsTUE.BuiLoif/c Af^crfiTECTURjE >(ouseUou> DBJtUfmi, BusiriESs Alto Themes of GeSeriI iKtra^l, PRICE, PER YEAR IN ADVANCE, SIX DOLLARS. Fublished every Saturday. Telephone.......Costlandt 1370 CoamouloatlonB should be addressed U) C. W. SVt'EET, 14-16 Veaey Street. J. 1. LINDSEY. Business Manager. Brooklyn Office, 276-282 Washington Strbbt, Opp. Post Offiob. "Entered at the Post-office at New York, If. Y., as second-dass matter." al)Ie at all the governineiit and bank offices m the Empire. In other tlircetioiis proffiess is also being uiatlc. Eyeii in the Argcntiiia, it is said, it only requires the settlement of the bouudary disimte with Chili to enable the recovery of Imsitiess to be more rapid aud thoroiigb. ¥ Vol. LVI. AUGUST 31, 1895. No. 1,433 NOTWITHSTANDING that the demaud for exchange has again compelled large shipments of gold, stock market prices have had very sfroug aud general busiuess coutinues to improve all along the line. This latter improvement, however, has not yet gone so far as to make the demands for mouey at all compare with the fuuds seeking employment. This is oue of the reasons why prices of securities advance under conditions that would assuredly produce a contrary effect in times of great commercial activity. As it is, all^^ that is wanted for general business is readily supplied, while leaving large amounts which cannot command an" ri^tnrn except in investment secui^" ' "'^'•'"- '^"ze, 16x75 each. Cost, $10- ■1««^ /raiiT*;.: .5 ^^^^^ plans beiug drawn; uo contracts let; see 2 strefil. u 9. 400 e 14tb '■ creai^'i^Yock'^**m^n^?'-''^^''"^'"«'»*^P*'^''-^'"yo"^ valuable paper: I large jmb.-_pf seijCL-.TJit. VeruoTj.O'iier) ha"^ f y v.'t. ..b"c. dim v^n ec, &-C, "" ~ ~ , MAYOR, STRONG has agaiu before him a resolution of the Board of Alderraeu giving the Third AyemieRailway Com¬ pany a monopoly of the street railroads in the upper West Side district. Thi,s resolution is framed to meet the objections made by the Mayor to its predecessor, but it is only in a perfunctory aud technical way, aud uo more than tho previous one does it give the territory affected a fair show iu the matter of its trav¬ eling requirements. It is to be hoped, therefore, that Mayor Stroug will be able to go a little farther than he has yet done and refuse to give his sanction to auy proposition that does not provide adequately for those requiremeuts. The vote by which this last resolution was passed iu the Board of Aldermen iudi- (;ates that, if he disapproves it, it will be passed over his veto, but his disapproval would be a great assistance to the property- owners and residents in auy further i)roceediags they may take to secure to themselves the kind of service that is necessary to the legitimate development of the large aud important territory lying between 125th stieet and Kingsbridge. The people on the East Side below 125th street have already direct communication witb this territory, aud it is only fair that those on the AVestSide below 125th street should have equally direct connection with it. This being the, and tbe Irishes of the property-owu ers aud residents of the upper West Side being so overwhelmingly m favor of the coutiuuation of the present West Side cable lines up to Kiupsbridge, the action of the Board of Aldermen ■ ^oii^.,jVv,.,'Jr...-Mi any grounds of pure argument. What trcat- architecta, Carere & Haoti-sn may expect should the Third Ave- 1413.-Two-story aud ativ. tbeir endeavors to obtain a R. 5 .-1U \-,T*W^'*^° Tidge.—One two-story aud attiti f.'- ■ creaLH'^s \y to Frank .^^^„„^^^^^-p.^^^, .,,„„«„',. V„V.V..i.i^ Pliiliii Brai; >"lr Hoi-);- W Losee. Lots 5 Siif.^ Eetnt-eu, .Toliu A to ljUij,.^.*ix ! Orabl^'. Condi*-lr.n—jilfi'-jsie -. MaspeiO. ' A>i *"f osee. Frank E to Clias 6.*ind 50 block T aud lot -iO hlock S, ■' man. /" ,' l ' Levisnn. Elizabeth R to Citv nf HronkL i, ' Plot aoj h) R Levisou aud City of Bro'^k- lyn, Jamaica. SOO i Lyou,.Iolni to Wm D Carter. Reed av, u e 1 cor Woods av, Rockville Centre. 1,500 Mackintosb, James to Win Hyde. Lots 1- 4, 6-8 and 11-17 uiap Linrencevillc. ;{00 Manuheimer, Js.iac to Damiau Hubn. 9tb , ., , . . ,■ av, e a. 375 a Rroadwav. J>1' tv ^--tish railroad aud banking ^Mantel, .leanjy-to Jiise-iliiJe half of the year it is found that both ^« '= Q., been unsatisfactory. The results on the railroads were the s§ii!s.j for auy similar period since 1886, aud the banks with i» ■>.»,ndvknown by^the policy j^ with him to say to B hia eommission on tbe lots Wi/* Amsterdam ^/ u !• .>bu(-. iiuii vitLii ij &ijauiou to '^ Waguer. Q C. Aug 8. lev Strca"„;i^ :^^eek ' ' <:ot"P^"y' P'' .„ o«j ..u ,^ u.o ^„....,o..=,:,ii,u «u ..uv. .„.,o „,Ai amsieraam robably, would serve its own pecuniary interests-- ■■ L^.at :,-".x''A"l,';i:" Cen- I d. the same opportunities. The ouly thing ----- Neumau, l&,^."k-^ laVquate service is compelitiou, and this can '«„ r^ tral av. s s, adj laud Roe'!lL'r'"t?Kduiuud Schlssel. Kane av."'<''"'ittiiig the Metropolitan Traction Company s. adj land T F Jones, 50x100, Rocki>i,erritoiy. Other stroug arguments in favor of this Heach, Russell. Helen R t^ i5f w s, 200 sP'-"-' See-"- !^»^te"'ged resources have earned less than they did iu the same 'i° ^i, ^\^^^ year. ' ePoT^'^hc railroads have doue much better, especially iu pas- Since the opening of the .second half year, how- ^^. J?S cbusiness; this it is hoped, ami no doubt with j>:ood reason, pj-*^J"~Tisage of improvement in trade generally. Money is too ^•a'o"t-i(^/i'l aud rates couseqtieutiy too low for the banks to benefit ^i a§,ishiinse at once, but as increased trade moans a propor- On a.-$j Mil '.'.I ft'"_<_i^^iy increased demaud for money the banks will in due :' - .Sg ^>mo in for a share of the national prosperity. The demand ij, _ ~f,.'''jvernnient bonds has ceased to be sufficieut to advance *'" f«,j, aud that is a good sigu because it indicates that capital is ng some of the timidity that has characterized it for .so loug id venturing out for samething more tbau the meagre i-eturus that these bonds give. Ifc may be concluded that quota¬ tions of securities of the highest class have reached their maximum for the time being and that recessions rather thau advances will be in order as expanding commerce demands the use of money aud credits. The issues of the Spanish govern¬ ment are attracting the attention of the speculator and fiuctu- atiog ou the news from Cuba. In conuectiou with our remarks last week ou South African speculation it is interesting to note that the increase for fifteen mouths iu market valuations of three classes of opeialions, the Witwatersrand gold mines, the De Beers diauMuid mines aud the South African Company amounts to a total of over !t?400,000,00(>. The foreign trade returns of Fiance maintain their encouraging features; iu July uot only were the totals of both imports aud exports larger, but the latter makes the showing of the two. In (Jcrmany, while bourse operations are not all that could be wished for, the demaud for textiles on the part of the United States aud of iron from Russia keeji the advices from the Emiiire from being gloomy in tone. The break iu (certain railway shares ou the, owing to the refusal of the government to con¬ summate a deal that had been arranged for its acquisition of au extensive system of railroads, has giveu a setback to the market. The dual-governmeut is proceeding vapidly with the reform of the currency. The Imperial Bank of Russia, aa a further step to the adoption of a gold standard by its government, uow issues certificates for gold bullion or foreign gold coins, subse¬ quently redeemable iu Russian gold coins and meantime receiv- o-.H-_- ...ave been gone over before aud do not ueed repetition here. No arraugement Ihat does not provide a continuous serv¬ ice on the West Side from one end of the island to the other cau be satisfactory to any but a very small minority of the property' owaers and residents, becau.