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January 18,1896 Record and Guide. 83 # DEt&iED 10 R^L EsTWi. BiiiLoiKc *;R,cKrrE(rTUKE J-iousEHoiB Drai^m Bi/sBfess juId Themes of GEftoviL iKnspi PRICE, PER YEAR IN ADVANCE, SIX DOLLARS Published every Saturday. rSLBPaONB,......OOBTLAKOT 1870 Oommnnloatlone should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 14-16 Vesey Street. J, 1. LINDSET. Business Manager. "Entered at the Post-offlce at New York, N. Y., as second-class matter." Vol. LVH. .JANUARY 18, 189G No. 1,4,53 Thi. Rrcord and Gijidr icill furnish you with daily detailed reports of all building operations, compiled to suit your business specifically, for 14 cents a day Ton arc thus kept 'informed of the entire market for your goods. No guess work. Every fact verified. Abundant capital and the thirty years' I iperience of The Rfcord an'D iiv iDK guarantee the com¬ pleteness and authenticity of this service. Sendto 14 and 16 Vesey street for information. THE better feeling that pervades (he business world, now that they are assured that tlie new Uovernmeiit loan will be a success and see the war clouds disp. rsiug, enipha,sizr8 the fact that the elements of iinprovenieDt were very pronounced just prior to President Cleveland's outburst. Mauiilactur.-rs and jobliei'8 report an uu(-xpectedly good demand in several import¬ ant lines ; such a demand in the present circumstances can only mean that the country has got down to a point where bitjiug is a necessity. As everything is being done not only to make the popular lo.nu a success, but to reduce the conseqm-nt derange- mcntof the money market to the .smallest possible jiropoilions, there is reason to believe that the rext thirty days will be a period of coutinueil im|ii
ard of Al.lermen, bounded by Ninth and Tenth avenues and Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets, and one by a lepre.seiitative of the Theological St miliary, be- twee.i Twentieth and Twenty-first streets, which latter is barred by the limitations of tbe area of choice in the act. The Board, howe'ver, has taken no actiQij whatever. It cannot have