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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 60, no. 1529: July 3, 1897

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Record and Guide Tuly 3, 1^97- without many twinges of conscience. The ethics oE new stock iaeues and of watering etock are very nebulous. Private profite f rom corporate Iransactions are allowable withiu very ill deflned limits. Men who are honeat toward all the reet ofi the woild wîll, as conductors, cheat the cori^oration that employs them if they can. The meehanical devices for keepiug such employee formally honest are wouderful iu their iugeiuiity, aud theirper- feetionsuggests the great atteuuation of moial restraintsproper. Thisie not a specíally wicked and perverse geneiation because îts bueiness niethods have eouiewhat got ahead of its moral code. " New occasiona teach new duties," aud raoral codes need revieioD frora tirae totime, TheTeu Coramaudments haveworu yery well on thewhole, but one or two of them, as for instauce, " Thou shalt not steal," need to be amplified iind translated into the complicated terms oE modein business trausactions. Steal- iug, iu some of its modem forras, is avery elaborate process. A single iudividual only performs a emall part of it. lĩe needs to have his duties as part of a maehine that may be iised to steal with more clearly marked out for him. That this should be done as promptly and continuously as possible is essential to businese proeperity, for nou-moral or immoral busĩness caunot, in the long run, prosper. THE quarrel betwcen tbe American Society of Sculptors and Mesers. McKim, Mead & White regarding the statuary to be placed in the new Library Building of Oolnmbia Oollege. hae brought forth some interestiug and decidedly instructiTe cora- parisouB of the design for the Library Buildiug itself, which wasmadeby Messrs. McKim, Mead &; White, nith the deeign of acertain French church made by M.Eumpf as farback as 1816, and which figures in "Lee Grande prís d'Architecture, 1804 ã 1h31." The charge, of eouree, is tliat the Auierican architeete have plagiarized their design. Certainly ihe likeness of tbe library to the church is almost exact, and probably the New York firm of architects would not deny that they did substau- tially copy the Frenchman's work. A large part of the profes- sion will even be surprised at the idea that copying auother man's elevation ehould be regarded as irregular, or departing in auy way from the bealthy practice of a living art. Archifeclure with us to day is become almost entirely a jirocess of copying. There ie ecarcely any original designiug done in thia city, excei>t the vagaries of the incompeteut. The rest is mostly a cnpy- book reproductiou of classical and other detail whicb has become as stereotyped as the letters of the alphabet. This copy- ing, indeed, is a necessarj reeult of the conditioue of practice to-day. Successful architects have too much to do to be pre- eminently artists and to labor over the designs for their build- ings. Before all else they must be flrst-rate men of busioeee, men strougly imbued with the commercial spirit, and to men of tbis nature any labor-aaving method or practice for economiz- ing time naturally recommeuds itself very etrongly. The pro- duction of classieal detail cau be carried on wîth the nmchine- líke fisity that rules in the manufacture of tin cans. Hence the adoption of the " classic " as the ruling style, At all times, and everywhere, the .comraerciyl epiiit kills artistic vitality, and since we are so rapidly commercializing architecture nobody, not even the Ameiican Socicty of Sculptors, should be suprised that it is dying at the root. T' 'HE proposition to widen Ann street should never he heard _ of again, or,if agaiu.uotuntíl the city has money to spend OD mere elegancies. The scheme ia the most extravagaut ibat has been put on the cards for a very long tirae, and it is hard fo beiicTe that it waa not inspired and urged by private rather than by public necessities. Iraprovements of this sort belong not to a hard commercial age, when trade is dull and taxes are heavy, but to a happier period of opera-boufte when everybody makes merry over finding the wroug thing uppermost. THE PLASTERER5' STRIKE. Tlie plasterers' strike, as was foreshadowe(î in these columns, has ended in the complete defeat of the journeymen. The Oper- ative Plasterers' Society was not itself unanlmous in deairingr to eniorce the ruĩe that foremen in union shops shoulíĩ be elected by the union. At a meeting held on Wednesday evening last, and after the empĩoyers had begun to work with non-union men and an upheaval throughout the buildĩng tradea was threatened, it was resolved that the strike be declared off, and a further con- ference with the employers held, for the avoidance of future troubJe, by making an agreement for the ensuing twelve months. INDICES AND COPIES WANTED. Two dollars each will be paid for copies of Indices to Volume 41, delivered at our ofllce in good condltion. AIso wanted, coples Nos. l. 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6, pubUshed In 1868, and Nos, 616, 668, 1142, 1295 and 1296. THE ELM STREET AWARDS. Eelow will be found a list of people to whom awards will ba paid for property taken for the Elm street widenlng, with their addresses, as far as they could be ascertalned, together with the properties taken and the amount of the awards in these partlcular cases. This list contains the names of a large number of people ío whom some miliions of dollars wiil be paid ĩn the reasonably near future and who will need to reinvest this money, and a large proportion of whom will most probably desire new real estate in- vestments. The several properties condemned and the amounts of the awards have been published before, but not the llst of owners of the properties. It must be borne iii mind that these awards cannot be paid until the report of the Commission of Estimate and Assessment in the matter of the widenĩng of Elm street has been approved by the Supreme Court. The presen- tation of the report awaĩts the decision of the Commission on the assessments to tae levied for benefits and their area, whlch is not expected until October next. When íhe report is flnally presented for confirmation, some opposition may come from owners of the property within the area of assessment, and if so there will be further delay. The ComptroIIer, as we stated recently, is anxious to pay the awards as soon as possible because they carry 6 per cent interest from May Ist last, and he could boiTow the money necessary at 3 or 4 per cent; tout he is not permitted to etfect even this saving until íhe report has been confirmed and an order for payment duly made; Name and address. Property. and JohD T. Lord, ............................17 Great Jonea st Pearson S. Halstead, Produce Bxchange____11) " " Coster Est., E. E. Aniierson, 2i WiUiam st..21 " " 18 Bond et....... J. Archibald Murray, 21 Broad st.........16 Bond st........... Margaret O'Sltiff..........................14 " " .......... M. J. Wohigemutli. 12 BOũd st.............12 " " .......... J. L. Myers, ^O Broad st...................13 " " .......... Morris and Isaac Feigel, 119 Merí;er st......15 " " .......... W. M. Ryiin, 111 Broadway................17 " " .......... John Morgan, 53 Bleecker st..............53 Eleeclîer st....... M. Bayard Brown, 32 Nassau st............55 " " ...... Heory Kraus, 59 Bleeclîer st...............57 and 59 Bleecker at. Louis EttliDger, corner 19th st. and 4th av. .48 Bleeclter st. and 309 Mulberry st....... Abraham Mass............................50 Bieecker st........ Kenjamln Swan, Jr.......................52 " " ....... J. B. Cole, 1 Madison av..................54 " " ....... Cliurch oí San Savaitore, 3S Bieecker st...305, 307 Muiberry st... Joseph Sehwarzschiid, 806 Ist av.........301, 303 " " .. Abraham Schlesĩnger, 38 East Houston et. , .38 East Houston st. .. Henrietta Sedinberg ......................36 " " "... Otto P. Flack ...........................34 " " "... Theodore A. Havemeyer, 117 Wali st.......26-32 East Houston st. LiUian M. O'Connor, by Parsons, Shephard & Ogden, 111 Broadway ..............151 Crosby st........ LflUis Ettlinger, corner 19th st. and 4th av.. 153-157 Crosby st. ... D. Dazin, 327 Ca.nal st....................159, 161 Crosby st. ... James B. Warden ........................29 East Houston st.. . Antoinette Wood, by H. T. 'Bronson, 111 Broadway............................27 East Houston et. ,. Peter D. Jordan, 135 Crosby st............135 Crosby st........ Leo Schiesinger, 129 Crosby st.............1-5 Jersey ■•'t. and 129. 131 Crosby st..... r31-37 E. Houston stl Josepli Keppler & others,31-37 E, Houston st 17-15 Jersey st, and !■ 1273-283 Muib'ry st.J Howiey & Hoops, 267 Mulberry st..........2-6 Jersey st. and 85, 87 Marion st..... T. W. Weathered, 141 Centre st............79 Marion st. and 59, 61 Prince st...... Jane de Dion.............................60 Prince st. and 6T, 69 Marion st..... Mary McAdam and R. C. Orphan Asylum, cor. 5tli av. and 51st st................62 Prinee st. and 72 Marion st......... John Hayes, 114 Nassau sl................70 " " ......... Mr. Black,874 B'way, care McLaughlin Bros.68 " " ......... John Hayes, 114 Nassau st................62-66 Marlon st. and 99 Crosby st.......... Nichoias Murphy, 60 Marion st............60 Marion st......... Eilen McGrade, 444 East 5Sth st...........58 John H. Leith &. Bro., 215 West 125th st.. .56 Bradley Estaie, corner 18th st. and 4th av., . 54 Joseph Schultz ...........................52 George Ehret, 235 East 023 st............50 -- ■- ......... Thos. W Weathered, 141 Centre st........46, 48 Marion st..... Joseph Applegate, agent, 44 Marion st.....44 Marion st.......... Miss Everson, 42 Marion st...............42 " " ......... Henry Thoie, 63 Spring st.................40 " & 63 Spring F E Johnson, agent, 10 West 23d st.......Triangie 209, 211 Elm, 28. 281/2 Marion sts Augustus Sbarbaro, 14 Franklin st........207 Eim and 26 Marion Albert L Síre, agent, 99 Nassau st.......205 Elm at........... Albert L, Sire, agent, 09 Nassau st.......203 " " .......... Hugo J. Potosky, 541 Broadway...........201 " " .......... Albert L. Slre, agent, 99 Nassau st.......199 " " .......... James B. Waiden ........................197 Elm st........... Diedrick Kuabe, cor. Centre, Market pl. and Grand st.............................193 and 195 Eim st... Fannv M. Waiiace fJ. H. Rogan, agent), 38 Park row ..............................1"! Elm st........... Browning, King & Co., 412 Broome st.....185-189 Eim st. and 2-6 Am Exp. Co., owners, Broadway; Brownlng, Marion st........ Kins & Co., lessees. 412 Broome st.....406-412 Broome st. and ^ 183 Eim st........ Award. S47,500 46,500 62,000 49,000 50,000 29,000 68,000 55,000 91,500 43,280 45.000 .58.032 72,500 44,308 40,000 16,683 C7.550 34,398 10.915 48,185 48,185 89,925 11,549 20,481 14,360 47,000 34.500 15,000 96.722 & 91 Crosby " 89 Et.......... 184,840 124,000 19,874 28,100 8,568 8,852 29,715 8,633 8,809 28,130 17,815 12,476 14,365 43,843 20,062 8,583 36,500 34,049 11,300 13,770 14,005 33.400 11.500 15,625 23,850 10,497 64,100 93.791 Of which the owoer is to receive $36,266. and the lessees $57,525. Thos P Lawreoce and Joshua Hunt........414 Broome st. and ISl Elm st............ 47,000 Tames Suydara...........................^H Broome st. and 175 and 177 Elm st.... 65.000 D W Bruce Estate .....................400 Broome st........ 6,000 A. Trenkmann, 403 Broome St.............167-171 Elm st....... 76.57G Emily C. Curtis, by H. S. Ely & Co.. 64 Cedar st..............................165 Elm st........... 10,50æ Wm. Few, by H. S. Ely & Co., 64 Centre St.l63 " " .......... 10.500 Maria H. Willlamson......................161 " " .......... 11,000 W. P. Chrystie, Hastlngs-on-the-Hudson. .. 152-156 Grand and 157 and 159 Elm sta... 163,370 Jean Louis MiUer.........................153 Grand st......... 33,500 J. H. Heidgerd, 151 Grand st..............151 Graiid st. and 148 and 148 Elm st. ,,. 40,840 .A.. Kammittoi', by G. Freiteld, 32 Naseau et.lSS Graitd st........- 21,500 August Freutil. 147 Elm st................147 Elm st........... 13,500 Thomas Van Zant. .^12 TJniversity pl.........145 aud 143 Elm st----- 50,000 S. V. R. Cruger, 187 Pulton 8t.............139 " 141 " " .. 38.000 Phlllp Van Rens-selaer, by S. V- R, Cruger, 187 Fulton st.........................137 Elm et........... 18,300 A. l.. Slre, agent, 09 Nassau st.............10 Howard st........ 45,000