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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 64, no. 1658: December 23, 1899

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,990 [Manhattan] RECORD AND GUIDE. December 23, 1899. Dreyer Henry H—S W Albro. $15,000. 2,205, 26. Ewing. Ed—Mutual Lite Ins Co of N Y. $6.000, 378, 226- Eiseman, Mayer—Herman Bernheimer- $.50,000, 926, 314. Parley, Patrick—Exrs of Louis C Hamersiey- $28,000, 2,617, 88. Pisher' Sidney-P Muhlbacher, $3.500, 1,947, 173, Hotfman, Michael A—Rosa Hoffmann. .$4,000, 2,631, 87, Kammer, Chas—Joseph Stern. $2,-500, 1,216, 114. Kimberly, Chas H—Union Trust Co of N Y. $20,000, 2,404, 64, Kahl Susan F—Wm A Huestall. $2,(flt0. 2,231, 66- Keller, Morris—N Y Life lus Co. $11,400, 1,741, 185. Kellner, Eva—August Freutel, $4.500. 2,135, 17. Lyon Dore—Cécile Rusoh as extrx. $9,000, 2,376, 108. McMann, Catheriue—Title Guaranlee aud Trust Co. $10,000, 2.280, 449- Mehlig. Calbarine—Mutual Life Ins Co of N Y. $1,800, 2,611, 106. McLaughlin, Mary E— Andrew Luk. $32,i.-vU, 2,503, 327. Nussbaum, Phil^Home Insurance Co. $-----, 613, 216. Rinaido. Lena—Ameiia C Van Bruni. .$-----. 2,518, 358. Reiss, Wm^Christina Schiamp. $S,000, 2,,516, 8. Rosenblum Aaron—Helen M Carie. $3,00O. 2,008, 4/9. Ryan Se Healy—Exrs Asa Sievens. $20,000, 2,386, 430 Saroe—Eame. .$'20,0l"10, 2.386, 434. Sarae-----same. .$20,000, 2,380, 438. Siedenberg, Diedrich—Julia Arthur, .$8,500, 2.533, 131, Soloraon, Abraham—John Stimme. $3.500, 2,433, 40, Schreiner Annie and John—India Wharf Co. $2.0'00, 2,026, 240, Schweyer, Ed—Rachel -M Hustace, $13,000, 2,13S_. 309. Voth, Mary—Exrs of Moritz Loewenstein, $ll,32o, 2,551, 103. Wynkoop. Aug—Francis Wynkoop as trustée. $3,750, 1.369, 448. Young Jas H and wife—Seamens Bank for Saviugs, $S,4I00, 2,199. 150, PROJECTED BUILDINGS. and store. 24.8x80.6; cost, $28,300; B A Klein, 125 E 120th st; ar't, G P Pelham, 303 Ôlh av, 2132—Water sl, No3_678 and 680, two 6-sty and hasement brk aud stoue flats and store, 2ox86.10; total cost, $50,000; Jos L Buttenwieser. 233 Lenox av; ar't, G F Pelham, 503 Sth av. 2131—Norfolk st. No -59. 6-sty brk fiât and store, 25.9x86; cost. $24,- 000; estate C M Meisinger, 30 Norfolk st; ar't, G P Pelham, 503 5th av. The first narae is that of the owuer; ar't stands for architect; m'n for mason; c'r tor carpenter, and b'r for builder, Wben character of i-oof is not meuUoned. it is to be understood thaï the . jof is to be oE tiu. BOBOUGH OF MANHATTAN. SOUTH QF UTH STREET. 2003—Grana si. Nos 283 ana 287, two G-sty brk flats, 25xS6,6; total cost, -$50,00O; B A Klein. 35 Nassau st; ar'ts. Schneiaer & Herter. 4fj Bible House. (Corrects error as lo sj. Nos in last issue.) 2033—lst st u s, 223 w lst av, O-sty and basement brk flat and slore, 25x144.8; cost, $4O,O0O; B A Klein, 125 E 12l,ith st; ar'l. G F Pelham, âOS Slh av, „„ , 20ae—2d st, s 6, 2m.S w lst av, O-sty and basement brk flat, iSù,4x 112; eosl $60,000; ow'r and ar't, same as Iast. 0037—lst av, w s, 75 u lst st, 7-sty brk liât and store, 36,Sx irreg; cost $.50,000; ow'r and ar't. same as last, 2010—lst st, n s, 100 w lst av, three 6-sty and basement brk flats aud stores, 23x111; total cost, $112.000; B A Klein, 123 E 120th st; ar't, G F Petham, 503 Slh av. , , ,. . 2041-Grand st. Nos 45S aod 400, 6-sty brk flat and store, 43.10x88.1; cost, $45,000; Rosenberg fi Feinberg, 129 Vernon av, Brooklyn; ar'ts, Sass Sl Smallheiser, 23 Park row. 2042—William st, s e cor Liberty st, 12-sty brk and stone office bidg, 60x1^1,7; ccst, $300,000; David W Bishop, 11 Madison av; ar'ts, Clinton & Russell, 32 Nassau st- -2043_Monroe st. Nos 266 aud 208, two O-sty brk flats and stores, 2o.2 x70, 7S; total cost. $60,00o; Louis Kahn, 235 E 114lh st! ar't, Edward Wenz, 1491 Sd av. 2053—Park row, s w (n w?) cor Baxter st, 7-sty brk and stone store and flat, 30x83.10; cost, $SO,000; David Pinelite, S64 Lexington av; ar't, W H Boylan, 60 Liherty st, 205S—I2lh et. No 325 E, 6-siy hrk flat and store, 22x83.6; cost, $1S,- 000; Francis Elfe, 335 E ISih st; ar'ts, Kurtzer fi Robl, 190 Bowery. 2062—Orchard st. No 1S4, 6-sty brk teuem't and slore, 25x75; cost, $12,000; Peter L Ronaids, Newtown, L I; ar'ts, Youngs fi Cornell, 281 4lh av. 206S—'Madison st, n e cor Scammel si, 6-sty brk tiat aud siores. 41.3x 90.0; cost, $40,000; Lowenfeld & Prager, 115 Broadway: ar't, G F Pel¬ ham, 303 Slh av, 2076—Thompson st. Nos 26 and 28, 6-sty brk flal, 39.7x82.2; cost, $40,000; R W Marasco and ano, 278 Mott st; ar't, A G Rechlin, St James Building. 20S1—Sth st, Nos 734 lo 73S. two C-sly brk flats. 26, 40x81.8. SS.S; total cost, $60.000; Danl Lowenlhal, 73S Sth st; ar'ts, Horenburger fi Straub, 122 Bowery. 20S3—Houston st. No ISO E, O-sty brk flat, 24.10x98,3; cost, -$40,000; Elias Sobel and auo, 148 Henry st; ar't, M Bernstein, 243 Broadway. 20S4—Norfçlk st. No 73, 6-sty brk flat, 23x8/.3; cost, $25,000; Saml Wacht and aùo, 165 Henry st; ar't. M Bernstein, 245 Broadway. 2093—Broadway, Nos 838 and S40, 12-sly brk lotis and stores, 50.7 x95; cost, $350,000; Henry Corn, 21 E 76th st; ar't, Robt Maynicke, 725 Broadway. ■ ■2093—Broadway, Nos 599 and 601 |12-5ty and baseraent stone loft and Houston st. Nos 15 and 17 \ ofHce buiiaing, ,50 x 200; cost, Mercer sl. No 172 i $500,000; Predk Ayer, 2S2 Beacon st, Bostou, Mass; ar'ts, A J Manning, 160. Sth av. 2097—7th Et, No 213 E, 6-sty bi'k teuem't, 33.4x84; cost, $30,000; Ber¬ nard Reich, 271 7th st;_ar't, A De Saldern, 130 Broadway, 2102—Henry st. No 4o, 6-sty and basement brk tenem't and store, 25 x8S; cost, $30,000; John Davis, 2S W Olst sl; ar'l, Geo F Pelham. 303 Sth av, 2103—llh st, s s, 144 e Av D, three 6-sty and basement brk tenera'ts and stores, 27.11x84; cost, $29,000 each; Lowenfeld Se Prager, 124 E 64th si; ar't, G P Pelham. 303 Sth av. 2104—Varick st, n w cor Broome st, two 6-sty brk tenem'ts and stores, 33, 30x8-ï,4 and 80.3; cost, -$60,000 total; Lanrowitz fi Pine, 390 Broome sl; ar't, Geo F Pelham, 503 Slh av. 2110—lOtb st, No 250 E, 6-sty ana basemenl brk teuem't, 22x77.9; cost, $2(1,000; Francis Elfe, 335 E ISth st; ar'ts. Kurtzer & Robl, Bowery and Spring sl, 2117—7th Et, n s, '207 e lst av, l-sty brk and stone church, 52.8x97- cost, $70,000; Church St Stanislaus, 43 Stanton st; ar't, A Arctander', 360 Alexander av. 2121—Thompson st. Nos 170 anfl 172, four 6-sty brk flats and stores 25xS7,3; toial cost, $100,000; Michael Rofrano, 71 James st; ar't, M Bernstein. 245 Broadway, 2124—fllh _av. No 140, 12-sty brk and stone lotts and stores 27,7x 160: eosl, -$3oO,000; Henry Corn, 21 B 76th st; ar't, Robt Maynicke. 725 Broadway. 2125—Broadway, Nos 395 to 399, 13-sty brk and stone lofts, office and stores. 51x127; cost, $350,000; P J Merrick, 111 Broadway; ar't, Roht -Maynicke, 723 Broaaway. 2131—St Marks pl. No 109, 6-sty and basement brk and stone flat BETWEEN UTH AND 59TH STREETS, 2054—30th st, Nos 342 and 344 W, S-sty and basement brk ienem't, 33x87.1; eost, $40,000; Robert Smith, 3.30 W 79th st; ar't, G F Pelham, 503 Sth av. 2103~21st st. Nos 218 and 220 W. 7-sty brk and stone flat. 46,10x SS.S; cost. $73,000; I and S Boehm, 35 Nassau st; ar't, G F Pelham, 503 Slh av. 2109—loth st. Nos 338 ana 340 B, 7-sty and basement brk flat, 42x 87.9; cost, $35,009; Shaff & Silberman, 83 Canal st; ar'l, M Bernstein, 245 Broadway. 2113—12d st. Nos 207 to 2'il W, 3-sty brk and stone théâtre, 69x 100.4; cost, $200.000; Oscar Hammerstein. 42d st and 7lh av; ar't. A'E Westover. 307 W SSd st. 2120—I8th st. Nos S3Ô and 338 E, 6-sty and hasement brk flat, 40x 76.10; cost, ."rSS.OOO; Adelson & Slone, 95 Liberty st; ar't, M Bernsteia, 245 Broadway. 21311—24th st. Nos 231 to 235 E, lwo 6-sty and basement brk and slone fiais and stores, 2i>,4x8S.6; total cost, $00,000! B A Klein, 125 B 120ih st; ar't. G F Peiham, 503 Sth av, 21S6—19th st. Nos 417 aud 419 W, 6-sly and basement brk flat. 4-MO xfi6; cost, $40.000; Lowenfeld fi Prager, 124 B 64lh st; ar't, G P Pel¬ ham, -lus 5lh av. BETWEEN C9TH AND 125TH STREETS, BAST OF STH AVENUE. 2038—lst av, s w cor lOlst st. four O-sty brk flals and siores, 23, 23,5x95. 86,6; total cost, $U)6,OO0; Janpole fi; Werner, 200 Broadway; ar't, G F Pelham. 503 Sth av. 2(J39—62d_st. n s, 105 w 2d av. two 6-sty aud baseraent brk flats and siores. 25xS(.3; total cost. $48.000; Lowenfeld & Prager, 115 Broad¬ way; ar't, G F Pelham, 503 Slh av. 2014—lst av, e s, 75.9 n ,108lh st, 2-sty stone fronl stable, 25.1x95; cost, $6.000; James Serrettelia, 240 E 109th st; ar't, David W King, 202 Broadway. 204-3—Slst ,=t. Nos 209 and 211 E, two O-sty hrk flats and stores, 25-5 x88.7; cost, $28,000 each; Peter Hener, 1032 Lexington av; ar'ls, P Herter fi Son. 1032 Lexinglon av, 2046—97th st. s s, So w Lexinglon av, six 5-sty brk flats. 25x82; total cost, $130.1100: John J Mahony. 51 W y4th si; ar't, A De Saldern, 130 Broadway. 2'n4S—Madison av, No 645, 6-sty brk and stone lofts and ofBces, 2-3x 90; cost, $30,000; J J Buckley, 99 Nassau st; ar't, DNB Sturgis. 220 4th av. ,203.3—lOIst SI, s s., il,,, w lst av, nine 6-sty and basement brk tene¬ ments and stores, 23x87,9; total cost, .$243,000; Janpole fi Werner, 206 Broadway; ar't, G P Pelham, 503 Stli av. 2000-Park av, n w cor SSd st. 5-sty hrk collège. 35,5x84; cost, $80,- OOO; Church Si Ignatius Loyola, 980 Park av; ar'ls, Schiekel & Dit- mars, 111 Sth av. 2061—lst av, s e cor 74th st, two 6-sty brk flats, 25x95, lOS; lotal cost, $50,000; John W Love. 43 B 61st st; ar't, Geo M Walgrove, 42 B 23d st. '2089-86th st, n s, 133.4 w Park av. 7-sty brk and stone flat, 102.2x 90.4: cost, $150,000'; Mary E Dempsey, 347 Jamaica av, Astoria, L I; ar'ts, Neville & Bagge. 217 W 125lh st. 2092—SOlh st. No 223 B, 5-sty brk factory, 22.4x92.2; cost. $18,000; Thos Nugeut. 321 W 64th st; ar'ts, Neville & Bagge, 217 W 125th st. "2094-OSth st. No 35 E. S-sty and basement slone front dwell'g, 2,5x 100.5; cost, $120,000; Mary D Dunham, S98 Madison av; ar'ts. Carrere & Ha3iin_gs. 28 E 41st st; b'r, C T Wills, 156 Sth av. 2ia-5^i4ih st. s s, 113 e lst av, eight 6-sty and basement brk and stone flats and stores, 25x88.8; cost, $24,000 each; M K Wallach, 240 E 79th st: ar't, G F Pelham. 503 Sth av. 59TH Se 11!5TH STS,, WEST OF CENTRAL PARK WBST AND STH AVE. 2039—Riverside Drive, n e cor llSth sl, 7-sty brk and stone flat, 103 xllO.O. 81, 105; coat, $223,000; H J Beaudel, 132 Nassau st; ar't, Geo Keister, 140 W 34th st. 208S—Broadway, w s, 60 s lOlst st, i-sty brk and stone flat and stores, 60x90; cosi, $120,000; Thos J McLaughlin, 418 W llSth st; ar'ts. Ne- ville fi Bagge. 217 W 125th st- 2126—West End av. s w cor SOlh st, 7-sty brk flat, 102.2x95; cost, $225,000; Arthur D Hyde, 308 W Slst st; ar't, C Steinmetz, fiO Liberty st, 2l2i—Broadway. Nos 252S and 2530. 7-sty brk and stone flat, ■ô0.4x 100.10: cost. $100,000; Herman Fuerst, Jersey City, N J; ar'ts, Hill fi Turner, 150 Sth av- NORTH OF 125TH STREET. 1^047-143d sl, s s, 89.3 w Hamilton pl, two 6-sty brk flats, 50x89.11; total eosl, $200,000; Chas F Rcgers. 1663 Amsterdam av; ar't, Henry Anderjen, llSO Broadway. 206i—Sth av, w s. 49.11 n lllst st, two 5-sty brk flats and stores, 25 xS6,7; total cost. -$44.000; Wm Cumraing, Jr. 121 Manhattan av; ar'l, G F Pelham, o03 Sth av. ■2006-ISlst st. No 526 W. 5-sty brk and stone flat, 21.6x80; cost, $1S,000; Mrs S Fury, Virginia: ar't, S D Cohen, 203 Broadway. 2108-Park av, w s, from ISOth to ISlst st. two 6-sty brk and stone lofts and stores, 199.10x80; cost. $2-20,000 each; G W HaU, 305 W 90th st; ar'ts. McGuire Se Hall, 26 Cortlandt st, 211,5—156th st, s s, 350 w Amsterdam av, two o-sty brk flats, 25x 82.2: iotaî cost, $50,000; Henry Gottlieh, 525 W ISSth st; ar't. Chas Stegmayer, 306 E S2d st. 212S^Broadway, n s. 367 e Terrace View av, 3-sty frame flat ;ind store, 23x55: cost, iHo.OOO; John Mara, Amsierdam av and 179th sl; ar't, Robt Gienn, S77 Brook av, 2137-Slh av. s w cor 112d st. lwo 5-sty hrk flata, 24.11, 25x55, 8t).7;' total cost, $57,000; Wm Cumming, Jr, 121 Manhattan av; ar't, G F Pel¬ hara, 503 Sth av. BOROTTCRH OF BRONX. 2030—Park av, e s, lOO s 174th st. three 2-sty frame dwell'gs, lO.Sx 60; cost, -$4,000 eaeh; Albert C Hencken, SO W S7th sl; ar't. W C Diclc- erson, 149lh st and 3d av- (Corrects error as to Plan No in last issue.) 2031—ISOth st. No 4SI E, 1-sty frame photo gallery, 30x30; cost, $1,- 000; ow'r and ar't. Henry Huber Co. on premises. 2032—Prospect av, e s, 308.9 n lOoth st, two -S-sty frame flats and siores. 22x irreg; totai cost, $11,000; Caroline Wiegand, 1051 Prospect av; ar't, J W Limer, 2557 Sd av. -■'033—Crotona Park Norlh, n s. 24.3 c Crotona av. lhree 2-sty trame dwell'gs, 18x52; toial cost, $12,000; C V Halley, 1014 e I7,5th st; ar't, W C Dickerson, 149th st and Sd av. oo.g4_3d av. No 3479, 5-sty brk tenem't, 25x84.6, 86.2; cost, $14,000;.