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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 69, no. 1782: May 10, 1902

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)r6 [ Manhattan] RECORD AND GUIDE. May IO, 1902, BOROUGH OF BRONX. Archer, Rolland B exr Charles Archer to Wm G Watt. All title. Jackson av, w s, 439.11 s 156th st, 6S,7xl07.2x6S.6xl0G.ll. May 7 190'' i.biiu Eracherr'Geo S to Henry J Klappert. Washington av. w s, 42o s 171st st, 50x150. May 3, 1002. l.OOO Brown Willie L to Harlem Savings Bank. 180th st, n s, we Tiebout av, 20.1x00. May 8, 1902. ^.500 Busch, Geo S and Fray L to Jeannie L Wuytack. Clay av, w s, 239.1 n 169tb st, 25x82,9x27x83. May S, 1902. nom Costello, Mary A to John F Boyle. Av B or Creston av, w s, 22o n 182d at, 37.6x125. May 8, 1902. nom Coeppicus, Joseph to Mary Coeppicus. Ail tiUe. Southern Boule¬ vard (133d at), n s, 69 e Alexander av, 22.0x80. May G, 1902^ Same to same. All title. Southern Boulevard (133d st), n a, 91.6 e Alexander av, 20x100. May 6, 1902. 4,000 *Dexter Alice M to Sarah E Mapes. De Milt av, n s. S4,l e FeH place, 34.1 x—xSS.4x— lot 22 map Penfleld property. May o 1900 1,GOO *Dorman. Harry H to Robt W Milbank. Palisade av. w s, 743 n South av, 13Sx360xl38x3o4, Riverdale, May o, 1902. 2,000 Greves, James 3 to James S Greves as trustee Mary T Porter. Wil¬ lard av, s s, 150 w Oneida av. oOxloO. ^ May G, 1902 600 Hirshkind, Max to Samuel Hyman. Union av. No 1143. May 2._ I'lO'^ ' HeideVman, Julius recvr of estate Frederick Schwab deed to^Rosma Volk. Jackson av, w s, 25 n 160th st, 23.10x