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.July. 26, 1902. RECORD AND GUIDE. 121 ^e> ESTABUSHm ^ UfS^HBl^ De/oiB} xo Rfjj.EsTAjz.Building A[?QrfrrE(mjREi{ousEtfouiDE«njjioS, Busii/ess A»i[> Themes of GeHw^ iKnJigaii PRICE PER YEAR IN ADVANCE SIX DOLLARS published eVerp Satardag Communications ehould be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 14.16 Vesey Street, New YorR J, T. LINDSET. Business Manager Telephone, Cortlandt 3167 "Entered ~d he Pos Ojiic at New Tori. JV. T., as second" la s matter." Vol. LXX. JULY 2G. 1902, No, 1793. The Iiidcr lo Vuliime LXIX of ihe JRecord find Guide, cover- itif/ the jierifid heiireoi January 1 aud June liO, 1002, is now ready for delirery. Prive.^l, This Index in its eniart/ed ,f'orm is now recognised as indisi>ensrible fo ei-cry one engaged or interested in real estate and. building operatiuns. It rovers all transactions ~ deeds, mortyages, leas