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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 73, no. 1882: April 9, 1904

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786 RECORD AND GUIDE April 9, 1904. FFE Plot 100x100 North Side of 67th St.^ bet. Amsterdam & Eleventh Aves. FOR CASH. ON EASY TERMS. NO BUILDING LOAN. CITY SECURITY CO. 106 WALL STREET. WANTED eood Tenement Prooerty in New York and Brookiyn for Cash Buyers. Brokers are invited. Send fuil oarticulars to C. TUOTI &. CO., _________________206 Broadway, City. 2ND MORTGAGES, Vi'e have a party with money Eor the purchase ot second mortgages, large or small amounts. One or two years to run. Improved property pre¬ ferred. Only amply secured mortgages con- M. MORCENTHAU,JR., &CO. I3S BROADWAY. 'PLoDe 7655-6 Cort. Broadway Reliance Realty Co, wishes to purchase some new law flats and tenements in Harlem or Bronx. 135 BROADWAY. OWING TO EXPIRATION ol coparluership, a broker with an established business would con¬ sider an opening with an active brokerage con¬ cern on a fair basis. Advertiser has valuable connections and handles only high class proper¬ ties. "BOX 20," Record and Guide. REAL ESTATE BROKERS PLEASE Bear in mind tliat tliis is the only residence with ■ AUTOANIVEX |B FOR SALE IN TM? CITY Thoroughly Fireproof Up-To-Date Beautifully Fijiished C. C. BROWN OWNER W. Cor. 53d St. and Madison Ave. I 123 BrOadway AT COST Two small private residences, aroimd the corner from Kapid Transit Express Station. Three-story, high stoop, brick and stone 16.8 houses, on easy terms, at $14,000—15,000. E. LOGAN, Atty, 106 Wall St. YOUNG MAN with some leisure time at his disposal each day would like to obtain an outside position with good real estate concern. E.tperi¬ ence rather than amount o£ compensation the object. Address WM. I. GRAHAM, 408 Bain¬ bridge St., Brooklyn, N. Y. NORTIf SIDE OF 7STH STREET, near Park Avenue, 3-story and basement dwelliug; best of condition; must be sold at once. E. GREEN, 87 Nassau St, Tel,, 3858 Cortl._____________ MAN WANTED to solicit and sell properties. One familiar with flat and teaement properties prelerred. Salary and commission. Address, with lull particulars, "B," care Record and Guide, OWNERS OR AGENTS.—Thorough business man, with 12 years' experience in the renting, sale aud management of R. E. properties—hold¬ ing highest references for ability and integrity- desires position as superintendent or apartment house or private estate (city o or connection with city R. E. office. "S," BOX, Record and Guide._______________ READY BUYERS for good property in ITAL- I.\N N.EIGHBORHOODS, Send full particulars to L, PORRINO, 153 Bleecker Street. N. Y. JACKSON ST.—'Morris Franklin has sold through N. Walker to Meyer Mayers, Reuben L. Lester and Abraham Hymanson, 41 and 43 Jackson st, two 5-sty tenements on plot 50x100, Williaiu K. Vanderbilt Buys. STH AV.—William K. Vanderbilt has bought from tbe Coe estate 6GS Sth av, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 26x100, The parcel ad¬ joins the main house, 666, which Mr. Vanderbilt bought about five years ago. The present Vanderbilt house is on the adjoining northwest corner of 52d st, and it is said to be Mr. Vanderbilt's intention to alter his two latest purchases to conform with his own mansion. 56TH ST.-B. L. Wise has sold to William B. Koller for a client the two 5-sty double flats 350 and 352 West SGth st, on lot COxlOO. 54TH ST.—Prancis X. O'Connor has sold to Dr. Matthew Beattie 247 West 54th st, a 3-sty and basement brownstone dwelling, on lot 18,9x100.5. 50th ST.—Dr. Walter E. Lambert has sold to Mrs. C. H. Stan¬ ton, of Brooklyn, 59 West SOth st, a 4-sty brownstone front dwelling, on lot 20x100,5, Columbia College leasehold. 2D ST.—Joseph Goldberg has sold 102 East 2d st, a 6-sty tene- rnent on plot 48x106. Society of Civil Engineers to Build Addition. 57TH ST.-The American Society of Civil Engineers has bought the lot on the south side of 57th st, 140 feet east of Broadway, immediately adjoining its building on the west. Plans will be prepared immediately for extending the structure over this lot, which has a frontage of 25 feet and a depth of 114 feet. The lot. wbich was bought from the United States Realty and Con¬ struction Co., is at tbe easterly end of a large vacant parcel at tbe southeast corner of Broadway and oith st, all of which is owned by that corporation. At the southerly end of this block, at the northeast corner of Broadway and 56th st, the new Broad¬ way Tabernacle is nearing completion. SSTH ST.—Colin M, Eadie sold for Runkel Brothers to a client 532 to 536 West 3Slh st and 533 to 537 West 37th st, a plot 75x200, which will be immediately improved with a 6-sty factory building. Activity in Maiden Lane. MAIDEN LANK.-The estate of Geo. Kemp has sold 82-84 Maiden lane, running through to 10 Cedar st. Tbe plot has front¬ age of 54.2 feet on Maiden lane and 26 feet on Cedar st. with a depth of 133 feet, and is now covered by old 5-sty buildings, The property faces the open space formed by the junction of Liberty street and Maiden lane, and is directly below the small triangular block, bounded by William st. Maiden lane, and Liberty st, now under option to a syndicate of insurance companies. The prop¬ erty which has just changed hands has >been owned by tbe Kemp family since 1868, William A. White & Sons and A. F. Gilsey were the brokers. CHRYSTIE ST.—Weil & Mayer have sold 15 Chrystie st. oTH AV.—Mrs. Leonard Jacob has sold 612 and 614 Sth av, two 4-sty and basement brownstone front dwellings, on plot 30x125 (Columbia College leasehold). Mrs, Jacob acquired 612 a few weeks ago from Mrs. Peter Van Zandt Lane, soon after the pur¬ chase of the adjoining northwest corner of 49th st by John Innes Kane. It is understood that Mr. Kane is the present buyer, and that he will erect for his own occupancy a large modern dwelling on the site. This purchase makes a plot 75x125. Horace S. Ely & Co, represented Mr. Kane in the purchase of the Cornelius Vanderbilt house at the northwest corner of 49tb st and Sth av. BLiEECKER ST.—G. Tuoti & Co, have sold for Polstein Bros. to a client, the northwest corner of Bleecker and Morton sts, a new G-sty building, size S2xS6. The same firm were the brokers in the sale of 77 Oliver st for Martin Garone. 52D ST.—John Miller has sold for Elizabeth Rlghtmier 145 East 52d st, 3-sty private dwelling. SUFFOLK ST.—David Cohen, of Golde & Cohen, has bought from the Selig estate, 95 Suffolk st, a 5-sty tenement, on lot 25x100, just north of the approach of tbe Wiiliamsburgb Bridge. HOUSTON ST.—William Sprague has sold to L. Rosenson 47S East Houston st, a 4-sty building, on lot 18.6x69. 48TH ST.—Robert H. Cheesebrough has sold 209 East 48th st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 17.6x100. ■CANNON ST.—W. & J. Bachrach have sold 122 to 126 Cannon st, old buildings, on lot 50x100, to Golding & Hillman. 39TH ST.—Grossman & Goodman have sold to Henry Rieffel 123 and 12.") East 39th st, a 6-sty flat, on lot 38x98.9. NORTH OF 59TH STREET. 70th ST,-^Pease & Elliman have sold for Mrs. George S. HaU 177 East TOth st. a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 12.6x100.5. AVENUE A.—Halprin, Lewin & Diamondston' have bought from Morris Kabn 1385 and 1387 Avenue A, two 5-sty tenements, on plot olxlOO.