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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 74, no. 1908: October 8, 1904

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October 8, 1904 RECORD AND GUIDE 72s and the Bronx, to be In full tide next spring, is a reasonable expectation. The following schedules for trains is announced: Express trains will be run under a two-minute headway during the rush hours, 7,30 to 9.30 a. m.. and 4.30 to 6.30 p. m. These will make three stops between the Brooklyn Bridge and OGth st, and from there up will stop at all stations. Express trains wiil consist of eight cars, with a seating capacity of 52 each and standing room for 100 more, making the capacity of a single train 1,200, and the nnmber of persons that can be carried during two rush hours 72,000. In the rush hours local trains of five cars each will operate M'ith a one-minute headway, and during that time can handle a maximum of 90,000 passengers. The average running time for the local trains between OGth st and the City Hail wiil be 20 minutes, or 5 minutes longer than the expj-ess time. Ali through the day the express trains will be ' run every 15 minutes and the locals every 3 minutes. After the ■ rush hours at night the express trains will run every half hour until midnight. The locals will run every three minutes, and from 1 to 4 a. ni. every 10 minutes. K ^he WORLD OF BUILDING Status of New Work. BETWEEN 34TH .\ND 42D STREETS, E.'iST SIDE. Buildings under construction, exclusive of tenemfn'.s cosiinf :es3 than $.')0,flOO, situated north of 34th st and Eouth of 42d st. East Side, showing tbe present conditicn ot the various operations. .\ indicates excavating: B, foundations; C, structural work half up; D, encloseii; E. complete, or nearly so; N. S., not started. The first name is the owner's; "ar't" indicates architect; "b'r" builder. 34th st, Nos 11 and 13 E, 6-sty brk and stoue stores and lofts; Arthur .Astor Carey, oO State st, Boston, Mass; ar'ts, Trowbridge & Livingston. 424 5th av.—N. S. Plot vacant. -84th st, Nos 327 and 329 E, o-sty brk loft building; S Lenn:iig & Eons, 327 E 34th st; ar'ts. B W Berger & Sons, 121 Bible House.—E. Occupied. 35th-Et, No 27 E, add two stories, rebuild front walls, rearrange entrance, install fireproof vent shaft, iron colutBbs, to 2-sty brk and stbne residence ard studio; Almira Flower Torrey, 9 E 39th st; ar't, Chas E Birge. 5 W 3l£t st; b'rs, R H Macdonald & Co, 5 West 31st St.—D. 3Gth st. No 37 E, G-sty brk and stone dwelling, Louisa P Satter¬ lee, 50 Madison av; ar'ts, McKim, Mead & White, 160 5th av; b'r, C T Wills. 150 5th av.—D. 36th St. n s, 281.2 w 2d av, 6-sty brk flat; Wm C Dewey, G9 Maple st, SprinKfield. Mass; ar't, J Waring Howard, Jr, 5 E 14th sl.— N. S. Plot vacant. 30(h st, n 8, 155 e 1st av, O-sty and basement brk and concrete factory; Anderson estate, 25 Broad st; ar't, Frank H Quinby, 99 Nassau st; b'r, Alfred Beinhauer, 289 4l.h av.—E. Occupied. 3Sth st. No 217 B, 5-sty brlt and concrete factory; Carolina Schwartz, Woodlawn Heights; ar't, Louis Falk, 2785 3d av.—E. Occupied. 39lh st. No 4 E. 4-sty brk and stone stores; Frederick Keppel. 20 E lllth El; ar'ts, Geo B Posl & Sons, 33 East 17th st.—Demolisbicg. 39th Et, Nos 24 and 20 E, 2-sly brk and concrete rear extension, rebuild front walls, install windows, elevator shaft, fireproof stairs, iron beams, flre places, parlitions, cut walls, to 4-Ety and basement brk and stone residence; Fanny A Haven, 24 E 39th st; ar't, C P H Gilbert, 1123 Eroadway.—Work under way. 40th St. Nos .308 and 310 E, 7-sty and cellar brk and stcne tene¬ ment: Misses Annie and Ellen J Stone, 34 B SOth st; ar't, William Emerson. 81 Madison av.—Up 2 stories. 40th st, No 406 E, S-sly brk and stone factory; B Holzman, 2d st, near Union av, Bronx; ar'ts, Mulliken & Moeller. 7 W 3Slh st.-N. S. Plot vacant. 41st at, No 140 E, 4-sty brk and stone garage; Tiffany & Co, Union sq; ar'ts, McKim, Mead & White, 100 5th av; b'r, C T Wills, 156 Sth av.—B. 42d St. Nos 22 to 28 B. 3-sty brk and stone stores; City Real Es¬ tate Co. 146 Broadway; ar't, A J Eagleson, ."il Wall st; b'rs. Thomp¬ son-Starrett Co. 49 Wall St.-E. Occupied. Sth av, Nos .'i91 to 401. 7-sty brk, marble and concrete stores and lofts; Tiffany & Co. Union sq; ar'ts. McKim, Mead & While, IGO Sth av; b'r. Chas T Wills, 15G 5th av.-D. Sth av, Nos 437 and 439 1 ll-sty brk and stone offlce and store ■39thst, No2E I building: Horace A Hutchins. 143 High St. Madison. N J; ar't. C P H Gilbert, 1123 Broadway.—N. S. Old buildings standing. Slh av. No 471, brk and concrete rear e.ttenston, add 1 sty. rebuild brk walls, install iron beams, bay windows, brk piers, elevator an! vent shaft, stairs and partitions, to 4-sty brk and stone store and studios; Mrs Jenny Sc Stafford, care L Moses, 156 Sth av; ar't, Li¬ onel Moses, 150 5th av.—D. .Madison av, n e cor ;!Gth st, 2-sty marble library; J Pierpcnt Mor- Kan. 23 WaJI st; ar'ts, McKim. Mead Sc While, IGO Sth av; b'r, C T Wills. l.Vi ilth av.—Masonry and marble walls up almost full height. Structural work almost finished. Madison av, n e cor 'Sltb st, 7-sty slone dwelling; Capt J R De Lamar. 71 Broadway; ar't. C P H Gilberl, 1123 Broadway; b'r, C T Wills, ISO Sth av.—Exterior complete. Interior work under way. Park av, w a, 41st to 42d st. 19-sty brk and slone hotel; The Sub¬ way ReaUy Co. 23 Nassau st: ar'ts, Warren, Wetmore Sc Morgan, 3 E 33d 3t; ra'ns, Marc Eidlitz Sc Sons, 4S9 Sth av.—D. 1st av les, the block, 3 and 5-sty hrk aaA stone power sta- SOtbst 1 tion; ow'r and ar't. The N Y Edison Co, 55 Duane st; .40th st - b'rs, Isaac Hopper Sc Son, 1170 Broadway.-Demol- East River [ ishing. _:-----------.♦———— J'—One of t~he most recent public conveniences is that built by the Rapid .Transit Commissioners of New Tork City In thftir sub¬ way station "at Columbus Circle. It has walls of glazed tile, flooring of vitrified tile and partitions of Italian marble. The J. L. Mott Iron Works, whence most of the sanitary appliances for the public comfort, stations and public baths, have come, have prepared an illustrated catalogue showing the general ar¬ rangement and detail's of some of the best. Those which have been erected within the past few years are a great success. That a public comfort station may be made attractive from an archi¬ tectural point of viev,- is clearly shown by the station at Morn¬ ingside Park as well as by the exteriors of the stations at River side Drive and Saratoga Park. Building Operations. Milk Company of Brooklyn to Bnild. THIRD AV, Brooklyn.—The R. F. Stevens Milk Compan^fT now located at No. 338 Adams st. Brooklyn, has just pur¬ chased some property on the w-est side of Third av. between Bergen and Dean sts, Brooklyn, from the Federal Brewing Company, on which to erect a 4-sty brk structure as headquar¬ ters for its milk business. The company Informs the Record an6 Guide that fhe selection of plans or architect has not yet been " made, , ' * ^ I rive Flat BiiildinRS for lOOth Street. lOOTH ST.—Plans are under way in the offlce of Horenburger ' & Slraub, 122 Bowery, for the erection of five up-to-date G-sty ' flat buildings. 40x87.11, for Louis Mayash, 90 Monroe st, and ' Aibert London, of 203 Broome st, to be erected on the north side ■ of lOnth ft, 100 ft. east of 2d av, at a ccst of $200,000. There ' will be apartments for 150 families. The exterior will be of light" brick witb limestone trim. Steam heat, electric light, tile and' marble work, etc.. will be Installed. More Carnegie Lihraiies. Carrere & Hastings, 28 East 41st st, have completed plans for two more branch libraries for the New Tork Public Library df' 45 Lafayette pl, under tbe Carnegie Endowment, One Will be ■ on West 23d st, adjoining fhe new T. M. C. A. It is to be a 3-sty limestone front structure. :38.7xSR.2, and is estimated' to cosi 3:00,000. The other will be built at GG-G^ Leroy st at St. John's ■ Park. It wiil be 2 stories and measure 14.-!x05.(i, and Is esti- - mated to cost $05,000. Iiatest Fifth Avenue Improvement. 5th AV,—C. E. Simcox the well-known dressmaker and im¬ porter, now located on 31st st, 31 fo 33 West, informs the Record and Guide that he has just leased the 5-sfy stone building 535 Fifth av, on plot 30x100 feet, adjoining Delmonico's, for a term of twenty-one years. He will improve the building with high- class bachelor apartments on the upper stories, and fhe lower . floors wiil be handsomely fitted with a store for his own occu¬ pancy. Mr. Simcox also states that no architect has been se¬ lected. The work will cost over .$25,000. John Feirce to Bnild a Residence. 51ST ST.—Contractor John Peirce; with offices at 277 Broad¬ way and at the subway power house, llth av and 59th st, which immense structure he is buiiding, has purchased a plot 27.GxlO0 feet on the north side of 51st st, between Fifth and Madison ■ avs, upon which he will erect a dwelling for his own occupancy. John H. Duncan, of 208 Fifth av, has been selected to prepare the plans. Preliminary sketches have not yet been started, but M'ork will begin soon. The dwelling will be high-class In e'very ' respect, embodying all modern improvements. For Mr, Harriman's Mansion at Arden. < ~ The site is being cleared at Arden, N. T., for E. H. Harrlman's mansion, which is to be built on Tower Hill, a sightly elevation of 1.3.50 feet in the town of Woodbury, Orange county. CarrSre* & Hastings, 28 East 41st street. New York, are the architects. Only preliminary sketches have thus far been made, and no con¬ tracts have been let. It is understood that the walls will be built of stone to be quarried on fhe property; Stables, a'power house and other outbuildings will be erected. No masonry work wili commence till next spring. Rapi'd progress is being mado, in excavating and grading for the incline railway, which Is to be completed in time to be used in freighting cement and other' building materials fo the top' of Tower Hill. Electricity will* be " the power used in operating the cars. ......'' '- ^1 rn- ^H