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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 75, no. 1933: April 1, 1905

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684 RECORD AND GUIDE April I, 1905 THE REALM OF BUILDING gL -Ety and basement stable; American Ex¬ press Co, (35 Broadway; ar't, Chas W Andrew J Robinson Co, 123 B 23d st. 42d sl, Nos 219 to 227 I 43d St. Nos 212 lo 220 B | Romeyn, 55 Broadway; b'l —B. 4-llh st, Nos 2-4 E, 5-sty loft building; Chas F Wetzel, 3G3 5th av; ar'ts. Hill & Stout, 1123 Broadway; b'r,3, Peler Schaeffler Sc Son, 75 Bible House.—Foundation walls and 1st tier iron floor beams. 47lh st. No 25 E. 2-sty and basement rear extension, add 1 sty. re¬ arrange walls, to 4-sty and basement dwelling; Mrs James H Eeek¬ man, 25 E 47th st; ar'ts, Pickering & Walker, 7 E 42d st; b'r, John K Turton, 1133 Broadway.—B. 4Slh st, n s, 375 e 1st av, 5-sty grain and flour mills; New Yoik Milling Co, 402 Produce Exchange; ar'ls, Jno B Snook's Sons, 2U1 B r oadiwa y.—D e m'Ol i sh i n g. 49th st, Nos 35 and 37 E, two 4-sty dwellings; 49lh Sl and Madi¬ son Av Co, 100 Broadway; ar't, Geo Hill, 100 Broadway.—D. Ex¬ teriors finished, doors and windows in. Interior finish under way, SOth st. No 29 E, 5-sty and basement dwelling; Mrs Whitelaw Reid, 451 Madison av; ar't, Louis Thouvard. 280 Ith av,—N. S. Plot va¬ eant. 50th st, No 35" B, 6-sty dwelling; William Barclay Parsons, 51 B 53d st; ar'Ls, Carrere & Hastings, 28 E 41st sL; b'r, John V Schaefer, Jr, 9-13 E 59th st.—E. Occupied. SOth st, No 37 E, 6-sty dwelling; Mrs Sylvanus Reed, 6G1 5th av; ar'ts, Atterbury Se Phelps, 20 W 43d st; b'r, John V Schaefer, Jr, 9-13 E 59th st,—B. Occupied. SOth st, Nos 39 to 45 E, four 5-sty dwellings; ow'rs and h'rs, John T and James A Farley, Windsor Arcade; ar't, John H Duncan, 208 Sth av.—D. Interior work under way, Slst sl, No 15 B, 6-sty dwelling; L H Webb, 115 E 72d st; ar't, 0 Codman, Jr, 571 5th av.—E. Occupied. olst st, Nos 21-23 E, 4-sty dwelling, and oue 5-sty dwelling; Will¬ iam Hall's Sons, 39 East 42d st; ar'ts, Welch, Smith Se Provot, 11 East 42d at,—B, Occupied. 51st st, n s, 150 e Madison av, 4-sty and basement dwelling; Robert H McCurdy. Morristown, N J; ar'ts, Clinton & Russell, 32 Nassau st. rough stage, wellJug; Morton F Plant, William st,—D. Exterior iterior pariitions in jough —Walls up full height, roof not c 52d 31, No 2 E, G-sty and basem Groton, Conn; ar't, Robert W Gibsoi complete. Windows and doors not i stage. No plastering begun. 5^d sl, No 4 E, 5-sty and hasement residence; Bdward Holbrook, (i E o2d.Bt; ar'l. C P H Gilbert, 1123 Broadway,—D, Exterior com¬ plete. Windows and doors in. Interior work under way. oSd at. No 11 B, 6-sty residence; Harley T Proctor, Williamstown. Mass; ar'ls, Tiowhridge & Livingston, 424 Slh av.-D, Exterior complete, Windows and entrance in. Interior finish under way, 52d st, Nos 30-34 E, three SVa-sty dwellings; John T and James A Farley, Windsor Arcade; ar't, John H Duncan, 208 5tb av. D, Ex¬ teriors practicahy complete; interior work under way, 52d st, Nos 52 to 56 B, three 5-sty dwellings; ow'r and ar't. Charles Brendon, 500 Sth av.—D. Interior work under way. 52d St, s s, 125 w Park av, 5-sty dwelling; M Newborg. 44th st and Sth av; ar't, J H Freedlander, 244 Sth av; b'r, Jere C Lyon.^, 4 B.42d st,—D. 53d St. No 43 E, 1-sty and basement front and r,;ar extenfiions, ere^t front, steel girders, partiticns. stairs, light shaft, to 4-Bly and basement dwellmg; B Henrietta Erhardt, Cedarhnrit, L I; ar'ts, G A Freeman and F Y HaEselraau, 5G6 ;jth av.—Front torn out; interior in rough stage, 55lh st, Nos 6. 8 and 10 E, 18-sty hotel; John J Astor. S40 5tb av; ar'ts, Trowbridge & Livingston, 424 Sth av.—Iron frame and brick worit up 3 stories above street level; some uprights extending above this. 55th st, No 16 E, 5 and O-aty dwelling; Thomas J McLaughlin, 112r. Broadway; ar'l, Clement B Brun, 3-5 E 2Slh st,—Old building demol¬ ished, leaving floor beams, 30th st, s E, 145 e Lexington av, 3-ety stable; David H Taylor. 32 Nassau st; .ar't, Chas A Gifford, 18 E 17th st,—N, S, SSlh st, No 7 E, build roof, v/alls, columns, girders, partitions, healing and ventilating plant, lo 4-sty club house, riding club and etable; The Riding Club, 7 S oSth st; ar't, Bradford Uilberl, 50 Broadway.—N. S. Sth av, Nos 645 and 047, two S-sty dwellings; G W Vanderbil ■ , Hunt Se Hunt, 28 E 21st st,—G45—E; o-cupied. , 610 D; larh' linished, 709, : 617- windows, siairs, elevator shaft, skylight, par- luions. lo 51^-sly dwelling; Woodbury G Langdon. 719 Sth av; ar'ts, Koppin, Koen Se Huntington, 244 Sth av,—Work tesun. Madieon av, n e cor 49th st, 12-sly hotel: The Forty-Ninth St Se Madison Ave Co, 100 Broadway; ar't, Herbert Lucas. 1133 Broad¬ way; b'r. The General Building & Construction Co, 100 Broadway.- D. Exterior complete. Inside work going on. Madison av, s e cor 52d st, .^-sty and basement dweliing; Henry G Trevor. SouthampLon. L I: ar't. Augustus N Allen, 1171 -nth av; b'rs. Fountain Sc Choste, 114 E 23d st,—D. Entrance doors up. Interior finishing under way, Lexington av, s e cor Slth st. 1-sty and basement church; St Peters German Evangelical Lutheran Churoh, 124.^ 46tb st; ar'l, J G Mi¬ chel, 49 Liberty st; b'r, Jacob A Zimmermanu, Broadway and SGth St.—D. Exterior complete. Windows and -e'iitfance doors in. In¬ terior work going on. Status of New^IBuildings. BETWEEN 42D AND 50TH STREETS. EAST SIDE, Buildings under conatruction, exclusive of tenements, situated north of 42d st and south ot SOth sf,, East Side, showing the present condition of the various operations. A indicates excavating; B, foundations; C, structural work half up; D. enclosed; B, complete, or nearly so; N, S., not started. The first name is the owner's; "ar't" indicaies architect; "b'r," builder. Building Operations. Fuller Contpany will Build Engine fSoiise. LIBERTY ST.-The George A. Fuller Co., Fuller Building, Broadway and 23d st, has received the generai contract to build a 3-Ety fire engine house, brick and stone, 25.3x86.8, at No. 113 Liberty st, east of Greenwich st, at a figure of $27,850. The plans were drawn by Alexander Stevens, of 157 East 69th at, architect for the Fire Department. Contract for Cariieg-ie Tecliiiical Scliools. Wells Bros. Co., 160 Fifth av, New York, has received the general contract to build the first section of the Carnegie Tech¬ nical Schools of Pittsburgh, from the plans of Palmer & Horn¬ bostel, G3 William st. New York. The company's total estimate of $499,700. based on the use of sandstone and Kittaning white brick, was the lowest of fifteen bids submitted. 'Fo Build un Fiftli Avenuo. STH AV.—Charles P. H. Gilbert, architect, of 1123 'Broadway, is preparing plans for a Fifth av residence of very unusual depth, to be erected on the now vacant plot, 30x175, at No, 882 Fifth av, between 69th and 70th sts. The building will be thor¬ oughly fireproof, 5 stories in height, and will have a depth of 150 ft. The front will be of stone. Mr. Gilbert now has working drawings under way. Neiv ITEiicIison Atcuuc Apartn MADISON AV.—Messrs. Thain & Thain, 4-6 East 42d st, have been commissioned to prepare plans for a new high-class apart¬ ment house, to be built at Nos. 545-47-49 Madison av, a plot 50.2x82.6, now occupied by three 4-sty and basement dwellings, (in the southeast corner of 55th st, for James A. Farley, builder, of the Windsor Arcade. The building is to be 10 stories in height and will contain electric elevators and lights, steam heat, hardwood trim, marble and tile halls, open nickel-plated plumb¬ ing, telepbone service, etc. Neiiiuau &. Co. to Remodel Building'. FIFTH AV.—Neuman Se Co., furnishers, decorators, etc., who occupy the 5-sty building at 375 Fifth av, adjoining the north¬ east corner of 3oth st, will entirely remodel the building, Schwartz & Gross, of 35 West 21st st, are the architects, and ureliminary sketches have been started. Mr. Neuman has not yet decided how extensive the work will be, but it is understood that a new front will be huilt and a rear extension added. The height of the stories will be changed and many improve¬ ments added to bring it up-to-date. It is immediately north of the block the new Altman store will be erected. fox Temiiorary Station. The Chief Engineer's Department of the New Tork Central and Hudson River Railroad informs The Record and Guide that estimates are all in, and contracts will be let at once, for the erection of the temporary central station to be situated in the block, now vacant, from Vanderbilt to Madison avs, between 43d and 44th sts. to cost $200,000. The building will be 3 stories. 200,10x109 feet in si;ie, of brick, covered with ornamental stucco work, wilh triple tiered windows. Work will be pushed as rapidly as possible. C, A, Reed, of 5 East 42d st, is the com¬ pany's chief architect. Hlcury S. Redmond to Build Banking mouse. PINE ST.—Henry S. Redmond, of the banking firm of Red¬ mond Se Company, with olHces at No. 41 Wall st, informs The Record and Guide that he will build at Nos. 31 to 33 Pine st, con¬ taining 50 feet frontage in Pine st, by 00 feet in depth, and a width of GO feet at the rear, a handsome low 2 or 3-sty banking house, for tbe exclusive use of the banking business of Redmond & Co. -Mr. Redmond states that he has not selected any plans as yet, and that no architect has been commissioned. Just what style of architecture and materials to be used is also at this time undecided. Further particulars will be given in a few weeks. Isaac N. Seligman, of the banking firm of J, & W. Seligman, Mills Building, will build a similar building at South William and Stone sts. See Record and Guide of March 25th. masonic Temple Eor n'^aslkington. Messrs, Wood. Donn & Deming, architects, of 80S 17th ft, northwest, Washinston, D, C, and 31 Union square, New York, are engaged upon plans for a Masonic Temple to be erected in Washington, The structure will be erected at New York av, 13th and H sts. It will be 6 stories in 'height, and in a monu¬ mental, classic design in accordance with the lines upon which (For plans flled see page 727.)