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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 75, no. 1945: June 24, 1905

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# \ol- LXXV, No, XEW YORK, JU.NE 24, llK.i:)- PRICE, 20 CENTS- GEO. R. READ & CO, Real Estate He^d OtHcB 60 Liberty St., ne r Broa3d St, H. H. CAMMANN & CO. Real Estate 61 LIBERTY STREET. NEW YOBS. Telephone, aaCJJ John piRM OF LEONARD J, CARPENTER Agents, Brokers, Appraisers No. 41 LIBEUTX STREET Branch, IISI 3d Ave. Entire charge ot property D. Y. Swalnaon A H, Carpenter C L Carpenter JACOB APPELL Real Estate Broker and Appraiser 271 WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET Telephone Call, 643 18th St. HRUIKSHANK COMPANY, ^^ BnCCKSBOES TO Est. n«*. E, A. CRUIKSHANK ft CO. mo. 1903, Managers of Estates, 141 BROADWAY._______________NEW YOBK, ALFRED SETON, JR. Real Estate 156 BEOADWAY. NEW YORK Telephone. 1230 Cortlandt HORACE 8, ELY & GO, Real Estate Agents No. 21 LIBERTY STREET Branch Office. No. 27 West SOth Street F DE R. WISSMANN ' * Real Estate Agent, Broker, Appraiser 56 LIBERTY STREET, Oornor Nassau Street Telephone, 1631 Cortlandt JOHN H. SHIPWAY & BRO. Marble Workers and Importers Offlcs, Mliis aad Wharl Locust Ave., 1,36th St. and East Elvor, New TorS Telephones. 9 and 10 Harlem___________ WM. CRUIKSHANK'S SONS Real Estate Bl LIBERTY STREET. NEW YORK Seneral Management of Real Estate Wm. M. Cruifcahanfe____________Edward A, Crulkahan^ JAMES KYLE & SONS Real Esiate, Insurance 610 THIRD AVE., near 40th Street Telephone. 296 38lh St, NEW YOEK ALBERT B. ASHFORTH *^ Real Estate Broker and Manager o! Estates i West 33d Street Tel.. 2090 Madison Branch OfHce. 330 Singe" Bldg., 113 Broadway J^ CLARENCE DAVIES Bronx Borough Real Estate 149th STREET AND TBIED AVENUE Branch Office, 156 Broadway Telepbonea; 130 i Mplroae. 510 Harlem, 4S91 Cort, A M, CUDNER REAL ESTATE CO. Real Estate Brokers and Managers 254 WEST 23d STREET WM. J. ROOME Real Estate ^aSNT. SBOSER, APPBAISEK No, 11 WEST 34th STREET. NEW YORK Oppoalte the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel HALL J, HOW & GO. Brokers, Agents and Appraisers 171 BBOADWAY, cor. Cortiandt Street '^;t.,-pU ifi.n^i Cortl.nn.U A. W. MCLAUGHLIN & CO. D7al!"fn MORTGAGES 128 BROADWAY, Cor. Cedar St. NEW YOEK J, ROMAINE BROWN & CO. Managers of Estates. Brokers, Appraiaera 53 WEST 33d ST.. NEAR BROADWAY J, Romolno Brown___________________A. P. W, Kinnan WILLIAM R. WARE ' West Side Real Esiate Agent and Beokee Peraonal attention given to the economical management ot property 451 COLUMBUS AVE,, near Slst St.. N. Y. ALEXANDER & REID CO, TILES, WmiiTELS ai 127 EAST 23d STREET. NEW YOEK JESSE C. BENNETT & CO. Real Estate Ageats RANALD H. MACDONALD & CO. Real Estate SALES, RENTALS, LOANS Appraisals and Management ot Realtj 5 WEST Slst STEEET Tei,, 3320-.adlsou Ranald H, Macilniiald _________Joseph F. Egttu JOHN F. DOYLE & SONS Keal Eatate Agenta, Brokera and Appraiaera 45 WILLIAM STREET. NEW YORE CITT Management of EatateB a Specialty Highest Reterencea John F. Doyle. John F, Doyle, Jr. Alfred L, Doyla F DE FOREST SIMMONS, Real Estate, 2 EAST 58TH STKEET telephone, 837-838 Plaaa Nfe-ff YotA ADRIAN G. HEGEMAN & CO. f^ Real Estate MORTGAGE LOANS APPRAISERS 170 BROADWAY 'Phone, 740 Cortlandt Established 18S0 POCHER & CO. Established 1878 Real Esiate and Insurance 40 WEST 34th ST., near Fifth Ave. MANAGEMENT OF ESTATES SOLICITED Commissioner of Deeds tor the Slates w ILLIAM H.JACKSON COMPANY 29 EAST 17th STREET. N. Y. Mantels, Tiles and Open Fireplaces Metal Gates, Grilles, Bank Eailinss. Etc. Estnbilshcd Over 71) Years SAYLOR'S PORTLAND CEMENT COPLAY CEMENT M'F'G, CO. 1123 Broadway, NEW YORK !R ICHARD V. HARNETT AGO. INC. Auctioneers, Real Estaie Brokers I Regular Auclion Sules-Stocka and Bonds 73 LIBERTY STEEET Henry W, Donald, Pre-ddent K. I. D. Harnett, Treasurer John C. Prendergast, Secretary THOMAS & ECKERSON Real Bstate and Insurance Brokers Entire Charge Ta,kBn ot Ee tales 85 W, 30th St., New York, WaUack'e Theatre Bldg. Wm. M. Thomaa Jno, C. R Eckerson CommlBsloner for the StateB Notary PubUo pORTER