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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 77, no. 1990: May 5, 1906

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May 5, 1906 ' Conveyances RECORD AND GUIDE Manhattan S57 22d st, No 341 East. Surrender lease. Vincenza Fofcia to Max Cohen. Apr 28. Apr 30, 1900. 3:928........................473 2Sd st, n e s. 36 s e of line equi-distant between Oth and 10th avs, runs n e 117,6 x s e 24 x s w 117.0 to st, x n w 24 to be¬ ginning. Assign lease and consent, Wm H Archibald to Juliua F and Amelia B Miller. April 18. April 27. 1906- 3:721....... ........................................other cousid and 100 Same property. Consent to asaign lease. Clement C Moore to Wm H Archibald. April 10, April 27. 1906. 3:721............------- 26th at, Nos 320 and 322 East. Cancellation ot lease, David Halpern to Samuel Halpern, All title. April 26. April 27, 1900. 3:931............................................nom 29th st, Nos 312 and 314 East, all. Nathan Horwilz to Simon Silberman and Charles Plotka; 3 years, from May 1, 1900. May 1. 1900. 3:934........................................5.800 29th St. Nos 308 and 310 East, all, Nathan Horwitz lo Eimou Silberman and auo; 3 years, from May 1, 1906. May 1. 1906. 3:934....................................................5,800 S4lh sl, Nos 21 and 23 W, all. Joseph Herzig to Siegfried Blumen¬ krohn; from July 1. 1907, to Oct 1, 1920. Apr 30. 1900. 3:836. ..........................................taxes. &c, and 32.500 SSlh St. No 52 Weal, all. Michael Coleraan to Abraham Edmunds; S years, from Aug 1. 1905; 2 years' renewal at $3,250 and $3,500. May 2, 1906, 3 ;S39 .............................. 2,800 to 3.000 40th et, No 147 West. 3 iioors above store. Lease, John F Olive to Louis Buehler; for 5 years S months from Feb 1, 1906. Jan 6. May 2, 1900. 4:1012 ............................. 2.000 to 2,400 42a st. No 2(i5 West, flrst floor over store. Joseph Gibian to Augustine J Walsh; 5 years, from May 1, 1906, May I, 1906. 4:1014...................................................l.OSO 42d St. s s, 133.4 e Sth av. 00.8x98.9. all. Oscar Hammerstein to James K Hackett; 5 years, from Apr 16, 1905, Apr 28. 1906. 4:1013.................................................35,000 45th at, No 254, s s, 116.8 e Sth av. 16.8x100.5. Assign lease. Louise Goettmann to Albert Goettmann. Dec 30, 1899, Apr 30, 1906. 4:1016.............................................nom 46th St. No 240 East, Surrender lease- Bendetto D'Azzo to Jo¬ seph Newmark and auo, Apri! 24. April 27, 1906- 3:1319..nom 4Slh st. No 66 West. Assign lease. Araelia W Heroy to James E A Thompson. Apr 21. Apr 30. 1900- 5:12o3..............nom Same property. Consent lo assign lease. Trustees of Columbia College in City N Y to Amelia W wife Jamea H Heroy. Apr 20. Apr 30, lOOti. 5:1203.................._....................------- 4Sth st, No 13 West, n s, 250 w Sth av, 2oxl00.5. Aaaign lease, Mary H Maynard to Wm G McAdoo, Apr 30. May 1. 1906. 5:1264...................................................nom 4Sth St. No 00 West. Certificate and declaration as lo merger ot lease. &c. James E A Thompson to whora it may concern. Apr 27, Apr 30. 1906. 3:1263.............................■------■ SOth St. No 539 West, store. See. Frederick Buachhoru to Fred¬ erick Thorne; 5 years, from May 1, 1906, April 27, 1906. 4:10i9, ......................_.................................480 soth st, No 23, n s, 378 w oth av, 21x100,5. Trustees of Columbia College to Joshua M Whitcomb; 21 years, from Jan 1, 1886 (with renewal). Apr 30, 1906, 5:1266..............taxes, &c. and S96 Same property. Assign lease. Sarah C Whitcomb and ano EXRS, Sec, Joshua M Whitcomb to Sarah C Whitcomb. June 1, 189S, Apr 30, 1906. 5:1206............................nom SOth St. No 23, n s, 378 w Sth av. Consent to assign lease. Trus¬ tees of Columbia College to Sarah C and Walter 0 Whitcomb EXRS, &c, Joshua M Whitcomb. June 14. 1898. Apr SO, 1906. 5:1206.......- .._ ........................................------■ SOth St. No 23, n s, 3iS w Sth av, 21x100.5. Assign lease. Sarah C Whitcomb to Harry J Douglas. Apr 27. Apr SO, 1906. 5:1266.,. .^ ..............................................nom 53a st, Nos o40 to 544 West, all. Louis Levin to Moses ana Isaac Fishier; 3 years, from Apr 30. 1900. May 2, 1900- 4:1081. .6,600 64lh st, No 404 Eaet. store, &c. Henry N Ahrens to Joseph Buttner ana Adolph Soergel; 3 years, from May 1, 1906. May 2, 1900. 5:1458 .............................................. 840 ana 900 64th st, Nos 253 and 255 West, all. Agreement to lease and option to purchase for $17,000. Thos T Devine to L A Fehr; 5 years, from June 3, 1905. May 1. 1906, 4:1150....................1,680 06th St. Nos 235 and 237 West. Surrender lease. Jacob Harris lo Jacob Hyman. April 26. April 27. 1906. 4:1158........400 99th st, Nos 221 to 225 East, all. Abraham I Tamor and ano to Vincent ViUone; 3 years, from May 1, 1906. May 2, 1900. 6:1049 .................................................. 9,500 102d st, No 303. n s. 100.6 e 2d av. Surrender lease. Louis Living¬ ston et al and Rebecca Fihrer and Morris Moore to Davis and Beckie Russaek. Apr 30. May 2. 1906. 6:1614 ...............uom 102a St. No 234 East, west store. Louis and Samuel Brill _to Henry Heuser; 5 yeara, from May 1, 1906. May 1, 1900. 0:16ol. ...........................................................480 lOSd St. No 62 Bast. Surrender lease. Abraham Greenberg et al lo Samuel Kadin. Apri 27. 1906. 6:1608....................821 lOOth st, No 130 East. Surrender lease. Louis Cohen to Frossie Speckter. April 27, 1906. 0:1633........................nom 107th st, a s, al bulkhead East River, runs s 103 x w 130 x n 104 x e 103 to beginuing. Andrew D Baird fco Daniel Meyer; 5 yeara, from May 1, 1900. May 2, 1906. 6:1700 ............... 2,500 lllth st, Nos 238 and 240 East. all. Greenberg & Schoenfeld to Andrew Novello; 3 years, from May 1, 1905- Apr 30, 1906. 0:1660.. .._.....................................5,000 and 5.250 122d st, No liO East- Surrender lease. Davis Mann to Morris Grose, May 1. May 2, 1906. 6:1770 ............................. nom 112th st, No 323 East, all. Antonino Rizzotto to Ronmaldo Tan¬ grodi; 1 1-12 years, from May 1, 1906. Sept 27. 1906. 6:1684. .......................................................2,400 114th st. No 16 East, store. Louis Isaac to Jacob Pollock; 2 9-12 years, from Aug 1. 1905. April 27, 1906. 6:1019..............444 liSlb st. No 415 East, Assign lease. Emilio Manzella to Vin¬ cenzo Manzella- April 28, April 30, 1906. 6:1709..........nom 115th st No 415 East, west store. Felice Rubano to Emilio Manzella; 5 1-12 years, from Apr 1. 1900- Apr 30. 1900., 0:1709. ...................................................840 and 900 116th St. No 87. E, store, &c, Cecilia E Pendler to Minnie See¬ ger; 1 year, from May 1, 1906, April 27, 1906. 0:1622......980 117th st, No 1 East. Surrender lease. Edgar 0 Duplessis and ano to William Solomon and ano. All title. Oct 20, 1903. Apr 30.1900. 6:1623..........................................nom l^Sth st. No 123 East. all. Sigmund Sabel to Ida M Barland; 2 years, from May 1, 1906. May 1, 1906. 6:1777...............780 lS3a st. No 36 West, all. Gustav Frankenberg to Louis Lehman ana ano; 5 years, from June 1, 190G- April 27, 1900, 0:1730. ...................................................2.000 ISSth sfc, Nos 124 and 126 West, store. &c. Nathan Cohn to Simon Higgins; 10 years, from May 1. 1900. May 1. 1900. 7:1919.........................................1.000 to 1.200 Av A, No 141, store. Matilda B Beinhauer EXTRX, &c, Ferdinand Beinhauer to Henry Hornung; 4 years, from May 1. 19(30- May 2, 1900. 2:436 ................................. 1,800 and 2.000 Av A. No 1607, store, &c, Elizabetha Boehm to Peter Rothermel; 5 years, from May 1, 1900, April 27. 1900. 5:1564......1.200 Av B. No 255, store, Wm and Morris Hyman to Frank Hirsch; 2 years, from May 1. 1906- April 27, 1906. 3:983..............720 Av B, No 231. cor store. Ignalz Koref to Mary A McCarthy; 411-12 years, from June 1, 190G. May 2. 1900. 2:396 .....1.200 Av C' Nos 134 and 136. all. Hyman Harris to Bernard Goulko; 1 11-12 years and 15 days from May 1. 1900. May 2, 1906, 2:370. ........................................................ 10.800 Av C. No 125. store, &c. Winnifred O'Connor EXTRX Patrick O'Connor to Louis Gertner; 2 years, from May 1, 1900. May 1,1.906. 2:390............................................1,020 Av C, s w cor 3d st, store, Rachel Cohn to Paul Bisulk; 3 years, from May 1, 1904. May 1. 1906. 2:383.................360 Av D. No 2. n e cor Houston st. store, &c. Adolph Schwartz and ano to M Zimmermann Co; 5 years, from Apr 1. 1906, May 1. 1900, 2:.3S7....................................1,320 and 1.440 Amslerdam av, No 1791. store, part basement and first floor south. Henry Keilhan lo Peter Eckhoff; 5 years, from May 1, 1907. May 1, 1906. 7:2063.............................1.740 to 2,040 Amsterdara av. No 1421, Assign lease. John P Flannery to Wra Moran, April 26, April 27. 1906. 7:1970..............nom Amsterdam av. No 1658 | store. Chrislian P Tietjen to Max Wolf; Hamilton pl. No 115 | 2 years, from May 1. 1906. Apr SO, 1906, 7:2074..............................................720 Amslerdam av, No .1520, n w cor 135th et, store. Henrietta Beck to Timothy J Raflery; May 1, 10 years from May 1, 1906. May 2. 1906. 7:1988 .....................................2,000 to 2,400 Bowery, No 139. north store. Michele Auleta and ano to Giovanni Niscal; 3 years, from May 1. 1906. April 27, 1906- 2:423;1,020 Broadway, s w cor OOth*" st, runs w 133.2 x a 100.o ,x e SO x n 26 X e 127 to Broadway x n 87.-3 to beginning, "Circle Theatre-" Cbas E Appleby lo Malcolm L Bridgman; 3 years, from May 1, 1906. May 2, .1906. 4:1112 ............... taxes, &c, and 15.000 Broadway, a w cor OOth st. runs w 133.2 x s 100.5 x e SO x n 25 X e 127 to w s Broadway x n 87.3. except from w s 25x100.5. ex¬ cept ou ground floor of property so reservea a plot 78.10 s GOth sl, cn e s. and runs w IS x s 21,7 x e 15 x n 21.7 to beginning- Malcolm L Bridgman to Timothy D Sullivan and Geo J Kraus. 5 years, from May 1. 1906. May 2, 1906. 4:1112............... ........................................... taxes, &c, aod 22.000 Broadway, No 243 | all, Mary R King to Herman- and Martin Murray al, No 21i/, | King; 10 years, from May 1. 1906. Apr 30, 1906, 1:124......................ta.xes. See. and 14,000 fco 17.000 Lenox av, No 108, store. Louis Steckler and ano to Henry Mar¬ tens; 6 7-12 years, from Apr 1, 1906. May 1. 1906. 6:1717.... ...............................................1,320 and 1.3S0 Lexington av. No 2030................................... | 124th at, Nos 131 and 133 East..................................1 Surrender lease. Michael P Dunn and ano to Harris Mandel- ■ baum and Fisher Lewine, April 25. April 27. 1900. 6:1773.. .......................................................nom Lexington av, No 2127, n e cor 128th st. corner store, &c. Ignatz Margareten to Wm J Gillen; 10 years, frora May 1, 1906. Apr 30. 1906. 6:1777..................................960 and 1.080 Madison av. No 1601. south store. Eva Rosenzweig to Morris Seligson; 3 years, from May 1, 1906. May 1. 1906. 6.1013... .612 Madison av. No 1601, north store. Eva Rosenzweig to Wolf Levinson; 3 years, frora May 1. 1900. May 1, 1900. 6:1613___612 Madison av. n e cor 135th st. 125x100- J Sergeant Cram TRUSTEE Henry A Cram fco Johu Dobbins; 5 yeara, from May.l, 1906. May 1. 1906. 6:1760.........................taxes, &c, and 1.300 Madison av. No 1065. Assign lease. H Koehler & Co, a corpora¬ tion, to Adolpb Zinner. Apr 24. May 1, 1906. 6:1616......nom Park av, No 1132, slore. Sec. William Dielz to Dietrich Heyen; 5 years, from May 1, 1906- April 27, 1900. 5:1502..........1.200 1st av. No 2197, all- Gaspore Parlalo to Maria and Teresina Na- politano; 5 years, frora May 1. 1906. April 27. 1906. 6:1684. ......................................................4.200 1st av, No 1601 I n w cor S3d at, 4-sty building- Joseph Seiferd SSd st, No 3o3 I to Diedrich von Twistern; 10 years, from May 1. 1906. Apr 30, 1900. 3:1346.............................2,000 1st av, No 106, store, &c. Aunie Hubsch and ano to Chrisfcian Baer; 3 years, from May 1. 1900. May 2, 1906- 2:434......1.380 lat av. No 2171. store and rooms. Lease. Maria CipoUaro to Cesare Viggiani; 8 years, from May 1. 1900. Apr 27. May 2, 190(1. 0:1684 ...................................... 1,080 to 1.200 1st av, s w cor 22d sl. 24.9x100, all- Rutherford Stuyvesant to Anastalia Pureell; 21 years- Apr 24. May 1. 1900. 3:927___ ............................................taxea. &c, and 1.275 1st av. No ,37.5, s w cor 22d st. all. Anastatia Pureell to Andrew Sheridan; 21 yeara, from May 1. 1906. May 1, 1906. 3:927.... ........................................ taxes, &c, and 2,100 2d av, a e cor 96th st. Surrender lease. Joseph L Bruckner to Joseph Schwab, Apr 30, 1900. May 1. 1906. 5:1358.........nom 2d av. No 1977, store, &c. Abraham Amater and ano to Bar- net Levine; 4 years, frora May 1, 1906. May 1, 1906. 0:1651.624 2d av, No 2099. Surrender lease. Gincinto Grazradin to Mav Jacobs and Abraham Tokajler. Mar 10. May 1, 1906. 6:1658. ...........................................other consid and 1(30 2d av, No 2201. Assign lease. Frank Bastone to Joseph Strep- pone. Apr 20. Apr 30, 1906- 6:1663.......................nom 2d av. No 391, slore and let floor- Lease- Jennie W Kohnstamm as COMMIT'TEE of estate of David Kohnstamm and as general GUARDIAN of Helen to August Prank; 5 yeare, from May I, 1906. Feb 17- May 2, 1906. 3:903 ............................... 1.320 2d av. No 18o4, saloon lease. Cerliflcate as to releaae of mortgage. Lion Brewery to Wm Flood and John McCabe. Apr 27. May 1, ' 1906. 5:1368 ............................................. ------ 2d av, a e cor 96th st. ealoon lease. Certificate aa to release of mort. Lion Brewery to Joseph Bruckner. Apr 27. May 1. 1906. u:155S ................................................... — 2d av. No 200. Surrender lease. Elise Preito to Henry Rockmore and Max J Kramer. All title. Apr 30. May 1. 1906. 2:454..nom 2d av. No 2349, store, &c. Fred Deicke to Fred Weiss; 5 years, from May I. 1906. Apr 28, 1906. 6:1785...................936 2d av, Nos 141 and 143. five rooms, first floor. Isaac Schneider¬ man to Philip Suriani; 3 years, from May 1, 1906, Apr 28, 1906. 2:460....................................................600 2d av. No 1986, south store. Moyer H Schonzeit and ano to Morris Wallace; 2 years, from May 1, 1900- Apr 30. 1906. 6:1074...510 2d av. s e eor 90th st. store. Surrender lease. Joseph L Bruck¬ ner to Joseph S Schwab. Dec 2. 1903. Apr 30. 1906. 5:1558.nom 2d av, No 1834. store, &c. Surrender lease. William Flood to Joseph S Schwab. Apr SO. 1906, 5:1558...................nom 3d av, No 229. b e s, 34 n e 19th st, runs s e 110 x a w 26 x n w 110 X n e 20 to beginning. Asaign lease. Lewis Lening to Frank G Everson. Apr 30. May 1, 1906. 3:900............nom The text of these pages ia copyrighted. All rights are reaerved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.