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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 80, no. 2053: July 20, 1907

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83 RECORD AND GUIDE uĩy 20, 1907 .V.—The Perry Realty & Construction Co., —otained the general contract for extensive in- ,nts to the 5-sty department store. Amsterdara ■jrner 148th st, same to cost $25,000. The estate ''iit íeimsoth, 726 St. Nicholas av, is owner. Plans ^ly Jliss, 2206 Andrews av, University Heights. =er The Hedden Construction Co., 1 Madison av, will =neral contract for the new 12-sty apartment house Stuyvesant Co-operative Builders, 437 5th av, will .ae southeast corner of 7th av and 5Sth st. Actuai Eosei„„f Por:he Po th' s bajperations wiU not be coramenced before Oct. 1. Plans i'een ouilding were drawn by architects Harde & Short, 3 re let^th st. e up,_ ---------- 'fe oí Bids Opened. ^'^^.elly & Kelley, 45 East 42d st, were low bidders, $134,992, Thp th r the extension to Fire Headquarters iu 6th st. Calumet Construction Co., 19 East 59th st, was the lowest Didder. at $65,898, for erecting an engine and hook and ladder house combined for the Fire Department on Beĩmont av. at 183d st. Bronx Eorough, The Western Electric Co., 463 West st, Manhattan, was the lowest bidder, at $181,449, for instaUing electric equipment, elevators, lifts, book conveyors and pneumatic tubes in New Tork Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations, The following was the low bid for erecting new continuous skylíght over the central portion of east wing, the enĩargement of the 3-sty dome lights, the alteration of the cornice in south gallery on second floor of said east wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and all work în connection therewith: Euckley Realty Constr. Co., 624 Madison av. $45,000. Bids were received by the Health Departraent for furnishing and delivering vitrified sewer pipe, manhole eovers and Portland cement to the Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Otisviĩle, Orange County, N. Y. Earl & Cook Co., 150 Nassau st, at $7,777, were lowest biflders. Others who submitted estimates were: Kelly & Kelley, ĩnc, 45 East 42d st; Donegan & Swift, 6 Murray st; Stoddard & Hughes, 244 West 29th st, and Bdward Joy, of Syracuse, N. T. BUILDING NOTES Mr. R. E. Pox, Jr., has resigned the management of the Ncw York offlee of the Platt Iron Works Co. to become manager and secretary of the Bngineer Co., 111 Broadway. A man wants a position as agent, salary and coramission basis, to represent a manufacturer of high standing. He is well acquainted with the members of the leaûing architectural firms and the purchasing agents of railroads having headquar- ters in New York and vicinity, See Wants and Offers. A new incorporated company organîaed for the supply of structural and ornamental iron work for buildings is the ■'Kniclíerbocker Iron Works," with plant at 234 East 20th st. The company wiU make a specialty of apartment house and alteration worlí, guaranteeing material and workmanship. Mr. Max Liebeskind, forraerly a builder, is president. W. R. Creed, the wholesale luraber dealer, disclaims being pessimistic, but simply feeĩs that good business precautions would seem to indicate that a little care would not hurt any- body or anything, but would be an anchor to windward, as it were, and on the safe sĩde of things; and while he looks for things to be a little easier and for some relaxation, as it were, he is not flgurĩng that there-is to be any slump. Plans have just been approved and the architects. Messrs. NevîIIe & Bagge. 217 West 125th st. state that building opera- tions will be commenced at once for the G-sty stable structure. 100x80 ft., which Daily & Carlson, 694 Bast 13Gth st, owners and general eontractors, will erect on the west side o£ Park av, 51.1 ft. north of 84th st, at a cost of $100.000. The site has been excavated; tlie plans were flled last March. Mr. C O. Shepherd, of the Emporium Lumber Company. is an optimist on the business situation. Currently he indicates that things are quiet, with no particular inciuiry, but he noticcs that when a man wants something he wants it quick and pays the price. His concern has no burden of heavy stocks, so the con- ditions suit, and he believes others are in the sarae fix. It is his opinion tliat any considerable stocks of oak and poplar cannot be bought lower than sixty to ninety days ago. Another large ofHce building for which flgures will soon be recéived is tlie new structure to be known as the Knickerbocker Euilding, to be erected on the site of tbe Consolidated Exchange Building, at Ihe northeast corner of Eroadway and Excliange pl. Messrs. McKim, Mead & White, 160 ãth av, are making the- plans. The Knickerboclĩer Co. paid for the site. which con- tains 8,371 sq. ft., about $200 a square foot, or $1,700,000, Chas, T. Barney is president of the company. (See issue Sept. 22, 1906.) Rukenbrod &. Burrell, manufacturers oí. standard flreproof doors, sash and metal-drawn mouldings, also specialists in bronze, copper and lîalaraein work for buildings, have an ex- tensive plant at 40 Hall Pt. Brooklyn, and eraploy a large force of competent workmen. Their present contracts include bronze and kalamein doors for the 12-sty apartraent house at Central Park West and 85th st, for the Gotham EuUding and Con- struction Co., Mulliken & Moeller, architects; kalamein elevator doors and windows for the 12-sty loft building, 28 East lOth st. for the B. J. Galway Building Co., Geo. H. Anderson, architect, and kalamein doors and windows for the 7-sty loft building northwest corner Macdougal and Vandam sts for the McCotter Construction Co., C. Abbott French, architect. The firm will be pleased to furnish estimates for their class of work, and all communieations will receive prorapt attention. Points on the Material Market. Hudson River common brick are quoted several points lower this week. North Carolina pine in the local raarket has been and stiil continues dull. White pine is steady !n price and is moving freely, particularly in the lower grades. Stocks at Eastern distributing points are reported light, while the miU position is very strong, with stock well in hand. The steel corapanies report a falling off in new busincss, par- ticularly for rails, corapared with 1906, which is not remark- abĩe, considering the immensity of orders last year culminating after the depression of 1903-4, Mr. George M. Stevens, Jr., of Stevens-Eaton Company, 1 Madison av, says that he cannot report any dullness in the wliolesale lumber trade. Inside of sixty days he thinks buyers wUI be rushing to get lumber. A local lumberman classes the period from June 25 to July 15 as the duUest season in all ílie year, în all years, at Eastern consuming centres. Certainly it has been -hot enough to burn all thoughts of business frora one's raind. Instead of any sign of a general reaction, the average busi- ness man you raeet assures you that while there may be dull spots here and there, the building trades on fhe whole are more optiraistic than at any previous time this season. ~ ~_ ALTERATIONS. BOBOTJGH OP THE BROIÍX. (Continued from page 124.) 165th st, s s, 80 e Forest av, 3-sty brk extenslon, 20x13. and raise 5 ft 6 ins, and new show windows, &c, to 3-sty frame store and dwelling; cost, $0,000; Lillian Robitzek, 760 B 165th st; ar't, M J Garvin, 3307 3d av.—337. 169th st, s s, 05,6 w Home st, l-sty frame extension, 7x15, to 1-sty frame stores; cost, $800; Mrs B Bregel, 228th st and Barnes av; ar't, Albert Gerhards, 882 E 169th st,—345. 177th st, s e cor Belmont av, rear, move 2-sty frame barn; cost, $500; Alex Heckert, on premises; ar't. Chas S Clark, 709 Tremont av.—316. 2223 st. n s, 3ĩ>5 e White Plains av, move 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $500; John Shánnon, Fulton st, Wakefield; ar't, Louis Palk, 2785 3d av.—339. 235th st, n s, 95 w Webster av, raise 3 ft 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $4(X); Jane Cockburn, 232d st and White Plains av; ar't, Wm H Cockburn, 232.3 st and White Plalns av,—302. 238th st, n s. 420 e Keppler av, increase foundatlon 2.6 and new partitions, to 2-sty frame dwelling; cost. $600; Mary Devaney. on premises; ar'ts, Ebbinhaus & Irving, 632 Gun Hill road.—329. Baychester av, s s. 208 e White Plains av. move 2i/^-sty írame dwelling; cost, $300; Bmil Johanson. on premises, ow'r and ar't. —320. Baychester av, n s, 100 e Vernon Parkway, Move 2î^-sty frame dwell- ing; cost, $600; Ernst Schade, on premises; ar't, Wm Thos Mapes, White Plains av.—319. . Blton av, No 671, new show windows, new bath rooms. &c, to 3-sty frame dwelling; cost, $1,000; F Kensler estate, 713 Cauldwell , av; ar't, Chas S Clark, 709 Tremont av.—334. Blton av, No 826. new water closets, to 3-sty frame tenement; cost, $500; H S Phillips, 35 RiverBide av; ar't, Franklin M Small. 265 B ro ad way.—33 5. Jackson av, No 1167, new show windows. to 4-sty brk stores and tenement; cost, .$250: Rosenwasser Bros, 472 Broadway; ar't, Herman GoMherg, 2968 Briggs av.—333. Morris av, No 674, new partitions and lower basement floor, &c. to 3-sty- frame tenement; cost, $500; Fredk C Woehr, 00 premises; ar'l, Louis Falk, 2785 3d av.—313. Mayflower av, w s, 500 n P^lham road, 1-sty frame extension, 14x 11, to 1-sty frame dwelling; eost, $150; Jos Prest, on premises; ar't, Chas S Clark, 709 Tremont av.—322, Matilda av, w s, 200 n 239th st, 2-sty frame extenslon. 22.4x15.8, to 2-sty frame dwGlHng; cost. $1,800; Isidor Weil, 1392 Clay av; ar't, Carl P Johnson, 8 E 42d st,—341. Newton av. w s, 25 s Faraday av. 2-sty frame extension, 22x15.7, to 2-sty frame dwelline; cost, $1,000; Geo Mink, Riverdale; ar't, J J Keimedy, Riverdale.—332. Prospect av, Nos 886, 888 and 890. three 1-sty brk extensions, 20 x3, new show windows, new partitions, &c, to three 3-sty frame tenements; totaĩ cost. $3,000; Jas G Carlafters, on premlses; ar't, Louis Falk, 2785 •'ĩd av.—331. Stebbins av, e s, 125 s Freeman st. new show window, to 2-sty brk tenemeul; cost. $350; Pasquale Petroglia, on premises; at't, Harry B Van Benschoten, 1296 Union av.—328. Willis av s w cor 144th st. new beams, columns, partitions, &c, to 5-sty brk stores and tenement; cost. $2,000; August Dreyer, 302 Broadway; ar't, Gustav Erde, 795 Manhattan av. Brooklyn.—346. 3d av, No 4413, new bake oven, stairs and dumbwaiter to 3-sty brk store and dweliing; cost, $2,000; Uriah McClinchie, 152 E 23d st; ar't, Goldner & Goldberg, Jackson and Westchester avs.—338. ,Sd av, e s, from ISlst to 183d st, 1-sty brk extension. 20x16, new beams. new roof. &c. to 4-sty brk store and dwelling; cost, $22.- ();i(); Home for Incurahles, on premlses; ar't, Robt E Rogers, 150 Nassau st,—340. 4th av, w s, 1-U.9 s 2irith st. move 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $200; J Alfred Burlando, 90 Willett av; ar't, L Howard. Í76th st and Carter av,—314. I