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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 43, no. 1105: May 18, 1889

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Record and Guide. 693 bidders, two of whom ran the property up fco over §55,000, when the third man unexpectedly appeared upon the scene and secured tbe house at $57,000. The nurchaser was H. M. Smith. A four-story dweUing, with a lot 26x106, at No. 317 Easfc 17th street, 186 feet east of 2d avenue, was secured by E. J. Granger at $27,2.50. On Wednesday several smaU crowds gathered around the seven auc¬ tioneers who had property to offer. One of tbe sales of the day was that of Hamilton Place lots, taking in the entire front on the east side between 139th and 140th streets, and four lots on the southeast corner of 139th street. Hamilton Place is 75 feet wide and it wiU be remembered as being parfc of the Old Bloomingdale road. It is near the handsome improve¬ ments on the Grange. The short lot on the norfcheast comer of 140th street was contested for between two bidders, and the auctioneer used quite a bttle ^n esse in running one against the other. He succeeded in di-awuag out $4,135, afc which price it became the property of Thos. Loughlm. The lot is 37.0% and 24.11x59 and 69.8X in size, and therefore contains 1,672 squai-e feet, which is equal to nearly 67 percent. ofafuUlot, In this proportion 25x100 on the spot would be worth $6,156. Three lots adjoining south, each about 10% feet deeper than the other, brought $2,800, $4,000 and §4,100 eacb, respectively, the last being 27.1% and 25x91.11-10 and 101.10,^. The two latter were bought by John A. Sempter, and the first, which adjoins tbe corner, by Thos. Loughlin. Mi-. Sempter also secured the southeast corner of 139th street, which is the same width as tbe otber comer, bufc 69.8% and 80.4 in dfepth, at §3,500, and three lots adjoin¬ ing south for $3,500, §3,800 and $3,200 each, respectively. The lasfc is 37.1% and 25x101,6% and 112.1K in size. The lower half of the lots between 139th and 140th streets were withdrawn from' sale, though the prices obtained for the upper half were considered fair. The sale was announced as perempfcoi-y. Four lots on the soutbeasfc corner of Kings- bridge road and Isham street brought from $1,400 to §2,175 each, tbe latter for tbe corner and the former for tbe inside lots. No. 728 Hancock street was withdrawn at a bid of $5,300, and other parcels were adjourned. On Thursday the sale of tbe four-story residence at No. 13 East 38tb street attracted some attention. It belongs to the estate of Rosena Pease, and was bought in by the heirs at $59,500. A four-story tenement and store at No. 28 Broome street, near Goerck street, 25 x about 50x75, was knocked down to Wm. Morris at §10,350. Of the thirty-four lots announced to be offered at West Morrisania only three were disposed of, tbe balance being withdrawn. The flat ou the northeast corner of St. Nicholas aveuue and 117th street, and the fiat on the northeast corner of Manhattan avenue and;i06th street, were bought in by parties in interest at §42,000 and $53,000 respectively, the amount due on the former being §40,201 and on the latter $43,237. On Friday no business of importance was transacted. On Monday, May 30th, James L. WeUs wiU sell fifty-one vacaut lots, formerly a portion of the well-known Bathgate estate, on 3d avenue, Fulton avenue and 171st street. The sale will be without reserve and the titles are guaranteed by tbe Lawyei-s' Title Insurance Company. Ou tbe same day be wdl sell two extra deep lotson 3d avenue, at its junction with Brook avenue, in the 23d Ward. Fifty per cent, of the purchase money can remain on bond and mortgage for thi-ee years at 5 per cent. OnTuesday, May 21st. Peter F. MeyerwiU sell five lotson 108th and 109th streets, between 5th and Madison avenues, on which SO per cent, may remain at 4)4 per cent., an extraordinary inducement to buyers. On Tuesday, May 31sfc, James L. WeUs wiU sell, under the direction of WiUiam Stebbins Smith, attorney, forfcy-seven desirably situated lots on Boston, Cauldwell, Jackson and Forest avenues, between 165th and 166th streets. These lots are desu-able from several points of view. The neigh¬ borhood is an improving one; they are conveniently reached by the Boston avenue horse-cars, and there are elevated and Harlem railroad stations not far away. The title is perfect and the terms are liberal. On Tuesday. May 31st, at 1 o'clock, Fairchild & Yoran will sell,''on the premises, 189 lots belonging to the estate of J. Groshon Herriot, situated in the City of Yonkers on Park Hill avenue, Chauncey place. Willow, Linden, Oak, Beach, Thurman, Garnet, Cliff and Cedar streets. Tbis property is well situated and ready for improvement. The terms are easy; 70 per cent can remain on mortgage, and the sale is positive. On Tuesday, May 31st, Richard V, Harnett & Co, wiU sell the four-story and basement brick tenement with store, 25x,50xllO, No. 865 3d avenue; four lots on the south side of 105th street, 135 feet west of Sth avenue; to close an estate, the two-and-one-half-story and basemenfc brick dwelling No. 471 Washington street, and the two two-and-a-half-story and basement brick front dweUings and stables Nos, 34 and 40 Watfcs street, with a guaranteed title. In this last sale 50 per cent, may remain on bond and mortgage at 5 per cent. Ou Wednesday, May 33d, Richard V. Harnett & Co. will sell the four- story and basement, high stoop, brown stonedwelling and lot, 23.6x55x103; two lots on tbe west side of Claremont avenue, 35x100 each, 100 feet south of 122d street, and the three-story, high stoop, brown stone dwelling. No. 539 Manhattan avenue. On Thm-sday, May 33d, Richard V. Harnett & Co. will sell the tenement with store No, 306 East 36th street; the brick houses and stores at No. (new) 227 Lewis street—a positive sale; the tenements and stores at Nos. 38 and 40 Grand street; the bouse at No. 24 Thompson street, and tbe 25-foot residence at No. 114 East 59th street. On Monday, May 27th, James L. Wells wiU seU, to close the estate of Theodore Wilkins, deceased, tbe very handsome and desirably situated villa site on the westerly side of the Eastchester road, just nortb of the railroad crossing, containing 6,392 acres. Tbe plot is about five minutes' walk from the Westchester station of fche Harlem River Branch road, connecting witb the Second Avenue Elevated Raiboad, Ten per cent, and the auction fees must be paid at the time of sale, and the balance on delivery of the deed. On Tuesday, May 38th, he will seU five extra large lots on Tremont and Daly avenues. Four of these lots are 150 feet deep, and the other is 34,5x173, They are easUy accessible by the horse cars and elevated road. On Monday, May 37th, H. C. Mapes & Co. will sell 102 very desbable lofcs in fcbe incorporated village of Williamsbridge, Wakefield, Westchester County. They are situated on 2d, 3d, 4th, 5tb, Oth, 7th and Sth avenues and 5th street, and are twenty minutes from Grand Central depot on the Harlem Road. The title is g-uaranteed by Ibe Lawyers' Title Insurance Co. On the same day H, C. Mapes & Co. will sell thirty other lots in the same town, on 4tb and 5th avenues. These lots are 25x114 each, and are admir¬ ably adapted for improvement. On Tuesday, May SSth, Wm. Kenneily & Bro, wiU sell valuable 23d Ward property ou 3d avenue, near 125tb street, under direction of George B. Newell, Esq., referee. On Wednesday, May 29tb,'Wm. Kenneily & Bro. wiU sell, by order of executors, 4 13-100 acres, at Fort Washington, near 181st street, to close the estate of Philip Malone, deceased. On Thursday, May 30th, Decoration Day, James L. Wells wdl sell, on the premises, eighty-five elegant lots, and a handsome resideuce (being the well-known C. L. Cammann estate) on Kingsbridge road, Creston avenue and Donnybrook street. The terms are liberal, and the title is guaranteed free of cost. On Wednesday, June 5th, Jobu F. B. Smyth will sel! tbe pier at tbe foot of Park place, on the Nortb River, with one-half of the intervening bulk¬ head on the north and south and aU i-ights appertaining thereto. CONVEVANCBS. 18S8, May 11 to 10 inci. fNjUQ^^^p..................,,............. *W Amount involved............................. §4,331,401 Number nominal............................ »7 Numher S3d and 34th Wards................. » „« oo^ Aiuoout involved............................. $236,364 Niunber nominal............................. '^ JIORTGAGBS. Number...................................... ^ Amoimt involved...............:............. $3,040,783 Number at 5 per cent....................... iraount involved............................ Numberat less thau 5 per cent............. Amount involved............................ Number to Banks, Ti-usfc and lus. Cos-------- iinount involved........................... 1R89 May 10 to 16 inci. 383 $7,568,618 78 sr $385,705 14 852 $5,316,353 149 $3,361,264 41 8815,800 47 $1,808,350 1889. May II to 17. 95 $1,834,785 119 1,35.1,719 34 $324,500 38 8987,500 PROJECTED BTIILDnjGS. 188B. May 13 to 18. Number of buildings........................ «, ,.,p n^ Estimatedcost............................. $l,ldG.3oO Gossip of the Week. SOUTH OF 59th street. I. Kuhn bas sold for William B. Franke the apartment bouse, 38.6x80x 20x57.4 ou the southeast corner of Washiugton place aud 6th aveuue, witb stores on the flrst floor, for §105,000. J. Romaine Brown bas sold for the eata,te of James D. Smillie the four- story, high stoop, brown stone dweUing, 20x53x100, N"o. 130 West 41st streefc, for $21,000. S. M. Blakely has sold for John G. Corry tbe tbree-story brick dwelHng No. 141 West 4Gth street, 18.9x50x100, to Dr. William H. Munn for $15,-500. Samuel Townsend and Edmond M, ConnoUy have sold for Worther & Aldrich to Juba Strause the southwest corner of Greenwich aud Laigbt streets, 20.7)-^x58, for S28,800. J. W. Kelly has sold for Peter Lampe the three-story frame building, 35x100, No. 307 West 35fch streefc', to R. Winters and J. H. Havens for $13,500; for Robert Auld the three-story private house No, 425 West 47th street to Wm. Armstrong for .$16,000; and for Wm. Armstrong the frame house, 17x100, No. 443 West SSth street, to Robert Auld for $7,000. John Bunn has sold for Charles Koeker the five-story double tenement No U2 East 4Ist street, 26x60x74, to A. Ai-nold for.$23,000, and the flve- story double tenement No. 330 East 39th street, 35x65x99, for Mrs. Weber to L, Wittner for $16,000. NORTH OF 59th STREET. H H BUss has sold for J. D. Butler six of his four-story brick houses on Convent aveuue, east side, betweeu 143d and 145th streets, 20x55x100 each Hamilton Grange, to M. Pinner for §165,000; also for M. Pinner his place at Elberon, N. J., valued afc $40,000, to J. D. Butler; also sold for O. H P Archer tbe Harlem Club stables on 137tb sfcreet, 100 feet east of 7th aveuue, 60x100, to H. M. Beudheim for $00,000, and for H. M. Bendheim to O H P Archer two five-sfcory brick and stone apartment houses on Sth avenue valued at S05;OOO. He has also sold for Nathan Wise, No. Ill Lenox avenue, a fom--story private dwelling, 20x55x100, for $28,000; for John H Steinmetz to Mr. Flagg, No. 33 West 85th street, 19x50x100. fo $38 000- and for C. W. West to F. B. Loewenstein the four five-story tenements, 35x73x100, at Nos. 326 to 333 East 63d street, for $70,000. Isaac T Meyer reports that he has sold the Shenandoah block on Stb avenue between 135tb and 13Sfch streets, for about §300,000. It com¬ prises eight handsome five-story flats and stores buUt by P. H. McManus. Miss Af'ues K Murphy has sold for Gillian L. Dashwood and Maria Rodman the plot of about ten acres (Thos. W. Ludlow estate) on Jerome and Fleetwood avenues and MacComb's Dam road, to F, R. Smith for $50,000. C L Mead&Sonhavesoldaplotof land, withframebmldmgs thereon, 50xK block, on tho north side of 125th street, 140 feet east of 4th avenue, °FrankE'Davidson has sold the four-story dweUing No. 133 West 74th street, 30x56x100, for Mr. Conrad Vorbach to Mr. F. H. Gibbins, ta-easurer of the Delaware & Lackawana Railroad Company, for $30,000. I Kuhn has sold for Chauncey S. Truax a plot, 100x100, on the south¬ west corner of Mount Morris avenue and 134th street, for $80,000, Charles S Kohler has purchased from George E. Beaudet the two five- story brick and brown stone double flats Hos. 1695 and 1697 10th avenue, 25.6x69x93 each, for ^54,000. Louis H HaUen & Co, have sold for Jobn S. Lyons the three-story bnck dweibng No. 333 East 65th street, 16.8x48x100, for $7,000. Walter Stabler bas sold for Nathaniel Whitman a plot of ground, 75x100