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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 43, no. 1106: May 25, 1889

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Record and Guide. 743 gage was handed into the Registers office to be re- *'°Vintenever the letter.^ " P. M." occur, preceded by the name of a strc'-t. in ?As-/« af morhjages, Ihey mean tlmtitisal'mvliKsi- iLin.-'tl ."H'lr/giigc. and lor I aller varti,000 Same to sarae, Otb av, u w cor 98th st. P, M, May20. installs,, 5?;. , 10,000 Coheii Williani to Eruestiene Loewenberg. 10th av, s w cor 96th st. P. M. May !6, due Jan, 16, 1890. , .-.,■'"•''"" Conley, Johu to Heury Morgenthau. lotli st. P IV], May 16, 1 year or sooner, S ^. 10,900 Cou"-an, James J. and Harriet G. his wife to The New Youk Lirs Ins, Co. .52d st, u s, 436.6 e Oth ;iv, 17xlo0,4. April 8. I year, 5%. 25,000 Cuiiuuighaui, Thomas to Josepbine C. Kalh- fleiseb, 97th st, n s, 300 e Stb av, 3 lots. P, H 2 P, M. raorts., each $3,500, May 18, due May 31, 1891, 5 ^, 7,000 Decker, John W, to Isabella McCorraack, Jacksou av, w s, 114,6 n Clifton st, 39,6x75, April 39, deraand, 3,400 Decker, John W, to Isabella McCorraack, lm¬ tou av, n e cor Deuraan pl, 145,2x93, Apnl 29, demaud, 1'''>-'JOO Same to R, Clarence Dorsett. Sarae property. April 39, demand, l-'i'^ Deeves, Richard to The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn, Utb av, n e cor 79th st, 27.-3x 85. May IS, 3 years, 4 $. 25,000 Sarae to sarae. IOth av, e s, 27.2 n 79th st, 3 lots, each 3.5x85, 3 morts,, each $15,000. May 15, 3 years, 4 %. 45,000 Same to same, IOtb av, e s, 27.3 s SOth st, 3 lots, each 35xS5, 3 morts,, each $15,000, May 15, 3 years, 4 %. 45,000 Sarae to sarae. 10th av, s e cor SOth st, 37,3x 85. May 15, 3 years, 4 $. 3.5,000 Same to same. SOtb st, s s, 85 e 10th av, 30x 103,3. May 15, 3 years, 4 %. 15.000 Sarae to same. 79th st, n s, 85 e IOtb av, SOx 102.2. May IS, 3 years, 4 %. 15,000 Deitsch, JuUus mortgagor with Jeunie Scbul- bolf, Extension of reduced mort. May 17. nom Diuinny. FcrralC, Jr., to Charles E. Appleby, Glen Cove, L. I. 12th and IStb avs, 83d aud SSd sts. P. M. May 16, S years or instaUs, 5 5 35,000 David, Adelaide to EUse DeCoppet, 125th st, n e cor Otb av, 30x74,11, with aU title to strip adj and wall thereon forraing part of 2004 Oth av. May 14, due May 15, 1892, 5 g. 17,000 Delnoy, Carrie L. wife of Alfred to The New York and Suburban BuUding and Loan As¬ soc. Sedgwick av, w s, 300 s I84tb st, runs southSSx west 100 X west 19.11 to N. Y. C, & Northern R, R, Co., x north 2n x east 18,2 X again east 100, May 17, installs, 5 g. 4,000 Disken, Martin to Ma^: Danziger and Newman Coweu. Macdougal st, s w cor 4th st, 34x8(% P M May 3, due May, 1890, or sooner. 12,a00 Donnelly Frank to Tairant Putnam tnistee Emraa A. Putnam. Rockfield st. May 17. 3 years. See Conveys. „,„,,,, V Dwyer, John to Tbe West End Building and Loan Assoc. Ryer av, e s, 235.3 n Iblth st._ 50x165 3x50x168.10, May 17. installs, 5 %. 5,7o0 Danziger. Max to The Greenwich Savings Bank. Oth av, s e cor 98th st, 35.5x100 May 8, due May 1, 1893, 4\4 %■ , I'-^'-^OO Saraeto same. 9tb av, e s, 26.S n 97th st, 4 lots, each 3.5x100, 4 raorts., each $14,000. May 8, due May 1, 1892, 4,1,' %. ofa 000 Sarae to sarao Oth av, n e cor 97th st, 2b 5s 100. May 8, due May 1,1892, 4'^ !?. , 19,500 Eberhardt, George to The German Savin&;s Bank. Sthst, s s, 100 e Av B, 17,11x962 May 16, due May 17, 1890 3,500 Eichhoru, Mary K. wife of Andrew J, to The Title Guarantee and Trust Co -^^d |t P M May 13, due April 1, 1893, 5 %. 35,000 Eisele, Rudolph to Jobn B, Ryer. 159th st, s s, 200 e Courtlandt av, 35x100. April 30, 3 yrs^^^ Entwistle, John to The Hablem Sa'vings Bank. 134th st, n s, 131 e St, Anus av, 2 lots, eacb 17x100. 3 raorts., each $3,500. May 17, 1 year, 5 %. ^'O^O Etzel Josepb and Albert to James A. Roose¬ velt et al trustee for Corinne R. Robmson. Hudson st.No, 116, e s, 31.10x75. May 17 5 years, S i. 10,000 Eichler, George to MatUda Weil et al. exrs. Max Weil. Stanton st, No. 14, n s, loO e Bowery. 25x100. May 20, due July 1,1894 4M%. ^^'^^ Franke, Henry and Eunice R. his wife, Brook- l^'ii, to Charles G, Landon and auo. exrs. B, S, Hutton, 114th st, s s, 130 w Sth av, 13Sx 100,10. MaySI, lyear, 5;;^. 23,000 Flood, James F. to Newman Cowen and Max Dauziger, Goerck st. No. 28, e s, 35x100. Mar, 11, due Oct. 1,1589, or sooner. 9,000 Ferrero, Eilward to Howard W. Coates nnd auo. exi-s, G, H, Peck. 78th st, n s, 167 w flth av, 3 lots, each 17x102,2, 2 morts., each $2,000, May 20,1 year 5 %. 4,000 Foley, John R. to Chai-les E. Appleby, Glen Cove. L, L. trustee for J, B, Miller. l-27th st, li s, 375 w Lenox av, 16.Sx99.lI. May 31, due May—,1893, 5^. "/'OO Frank, Abraham to Patrick Shea and Mary his wife. Madisou st. P, M. Sub. to raort. $15,000. May 31, installs. S %. 3,000 Sameto Denis Sbea. Same property. P, M, May 31, 3 years, 5 ^. 15,000 Felbel, Edward to Paulina A, Morgan. SOth st, No.' 363, s s, 18,9 w 1st av, 18.9x100.5. May 17, 5 years, 434' %. 10.000 Fiske, Frederic B., Brooklyn, to Daniel J. O'Couor exr. Owen Byrne, Water st. P, M May 3, due Maj- 1, 1890, 4 %. 10,000 FarreU, Fi-ancis to Mary E. Moore. 38th st, n s, 335 w 10th av, 50x98,9. Lease. May 33, 3 years, 3,000 I'lake, Albert to Hem-y Morgenthau. River¬ side av. P. M. May 23, 1 year or sooner, 5 g, 10,000 GoeriitK, Philip to Lewis Hurst and ano, exrs. David Babcock. 4Sth st. P. M. May 23, 3 ycai-s, 5 %. 3.8S0 , Goeller, Cb:u-les, Edwin aud Robert aud tran¬ ces wife o[ and Richard Bang aud Sophia wife of and Phili)) H. Dugro devisees of Sopbia Goeller to Union Trust Co. trustee G M, Graves. West Ilth st, Nos. 55 and 57, n s 261 e Oth av, 3 lots, each 34x103,3, 3 morts, each, $13,000, April 36, due May 16, 1894. 4'ii. ^ „ '^'''''™ Goldstein, Isidore to Annie T, Curiieu, Henry Kt, No, 219, n s, 33,6x87,6, May 6, 5 years, 5 (J 13,000 Gent, Lonis A. to Auna R, Fairchild. 94th st, n s ISO e 3d av, 5OxIO0.8. May 20, due Mar. 26, 1893, 5 %. „ , -.000 Gibbeus, Frederick H. to Conrad Vorbach, Madisou. N. J, 74th st. P. M. May 20, 3 years or sooner, 5 %. 6,000 Glucksmau, Morris to Lewis S Levy. Canal st. P M. May 15, 5 vears or installs, 5 ;J. 14,000 Goldberg, Lewis to Gerson Krakower, Clinton st, w s, bet Broome and Delancey sts, adj land of Isaac Kuapp on the north, 35x100,, April 10, due Ang, 1, 1R89, 1,000 Guntzer, Friedi-ieke wife of and Charles to The Greenwich Ravings Bank, 2d av, P, M May 14, due May 15, 1894, 4% %. 14,000 Greenblatt, Lewis to Micbael Fay and William Stacora, WUlett st, P, M, May IS, 3 yrs, 3,500 Sarae to same. Same property. P, M. May 15 due June 7, 1889, or sooner, 1,500 ■Hussey, Cbai-les to Robert Wmthrop. Madi¬ son st, s e cor New Bowery, P. M. May 33, S years 5 %. 15,000 Heyman,'Jolin to Mary J,, James and Robert C. Hoy exi-s. EUa M. Hoy, 5th av, P, M, May 21, 9 months or scouer, 5 %. 75,000 Henricb, Louisa wUe of Conrad to Katrina Seirahauser, Stebbins av, e s, 363.4 n lOSth st, ;25xl45.10s25.4xl41.8. May 31, 3 years, 5 V 1,800 Hart" Sarah W, wife of and Coleridge A. to Jaraes P. Keiuochau et al. exrs. Lorillard Speucer. Edgecombe av. P. M. May 4. due May 1,1893,5^. „ , ^'^-^ Hartung, PauUne, Brooklyn, to .lohn Belzer. TOth St. P. M. May 17, 3 years, 5 %. 6,000 Hoftman, Harriett B, wife of and Charles B. to The Manhattan Life Ins. Co. Cortlandt st No, 44. n s, 60.S e Qreeuwich st, 3.5xl'3.5. AprU 36, 5 yeai-s, 4 g. 15,000 HofEmau, Emily, Skaneateles, N, Y., to Johu P Joralemon trustee S, F, Mott, Bowery, No 57 e s, 50.3 s Caual st, 25x85x-2.5xSI.8. May 14, due June 1,1890, 4^. 10,000 Huntress, Annie A, wife of aud WiUiara A, to The East Side Co-operative Building aud Loau Assoc. WiUard av, s s, 136.11 w Ist st, ,50x100. May 18, installs, 5 %. 5,000 HaaroH .ruhn W, to George Pnpham, Nabant, M-L.;-. ;;d av, ws, 25.2 n 97th st, two plots, , 50 -ixlOO, 2 raorts. each, $30,000. May 17, S years, 4)4 %. 40,000 Same to same. 3d av, n w cor 97th st, 25.3x 100. May 17, 5 yeai'S, 4J.J',;, 30 000 Heacock, Delaphiue S. wife ol" and WUliara b. B to Mary G. Richardson. lOStb st, s s, 133.4 w'iOth av, 16.8x95. May 17, installs,5 %. ■6,,500 Herter, Peter to The Philadelphia Savings Fund Sociey. Eldridge st, Nos, 214 aud 316, e s, 73.10 s Stauton st, 31,-2x87.6. Apnl 29, S years, 5 %. 37,500 Hirsch, Moritz to Adolph G, Hupfel, i77th st. No, 739 E, Lease, May IS, demand, 750 Hmne. Alexander W. to Jacob W. Feeter. 92d st s s 343 w 3d av, 33x109. Feb. 8, due Beb, i,'is»o, 7.-?oo Hyland Maurice to The East River Savings Inst Park row, No. 156. n s, runs west 3.10 to Pearl st, X northwest 43,9 x northeast 40.6 xsouth54.I0 to beginning; also property in Brooklyn. May 11, I year, 5 %. 30,000 Hyer Mary E, aud Frank to Jobn B, and Han¬ nah HUlyer trustees John B, HUlyer. Chani- bersst J^o. 101,n w cor Cburcbst, runs north 103 6 X west 50 X south 28 x east 25 x south 75.6 to Cnambers st, x east 25, May 13, 1 year, 5 %. ^I'^OO Hanlon, John mortgagor with James O'Neil,