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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 84, no. 2179: December 18, 1909

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1130 RECORD AND GUIDE December i8, iQog 145TH ST—Daniel H, Renton & Son have sold for Dr. Alfred M. Spalding 419 West 145th st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 20x99.11, near Convent av. The buyer is a client of Geo. B. Gillie. 150th st—Max Marx has resold to Joseph Friedman the plot. lS0x99 10 on the south side of 150th st, 125 ft. west of Broadway, part of the former Field estate block. Mr, Friedman will erect 6-Bty elevator apartment houses. AV 4—A, Blumenthal has sold for Nathan Kirsh 1339 and 1341 At A, two 5-sty tenements, on plot 50x100, bet Tlst and T2d sts, AMSTERDAM AV.—The Palisade Realty Co.. Monroe B, Heilbrun, president has resold the south-n-est cor of Amsterdam av and 105th st 5-Bty flats on plot 75.11x100. The property is known as 200 to 20S West HKth st and was purchased from the Haigh estate last wack. BROADWAY.—Leroy Coventry and Daniel P. Ritchey have sold for Maria T McAvoy tbe Hotel Narragansett, a 12-sty structure at '>508 Broadway, on plot 63.2x100, bet 93d and 94th sts. The buyer is A K, Bonta, who is interested in the Hotel Bonta, at the southeast cor of 94th st, adjoining the Narragansett, Eoth hotels will now be run under one management. The Narragansett has been held at .?500,000. BROADWAY.—Samuel McMillan sold the lot at the southeast cor of Broadway and 106th st. 27.4x79.8x25.2x69.1, facing Bloomingdale square. BROADWAY.—Franklin Pettit has sold 2481-2487 Broadway, four 5-Bty apartments: also the lot adjoining. 25x100, forming a plot 107x125 ft. on 92d st. This is the property Mr. Pettit recently purchased from several different owners. CLA.REMONT AV.—Bernard Smyth & Sons have sold for the Post estate a lot 25x100 on the west side of Claremont av, 3T5 ft. south of 12Tth St. This sale closes out the last of the Post estate hold¬ ings in this section. MADISON AV.—Mr. Forster sold to Mrs. Mary Sherry the S-sty and basement private house 1845 Madison av. on a plot 18x80. PARK AV.—Pavson McL. Merrill, in conjunction with Douglas Robinson. Chas. S. Brown & Co., sold for the City Real Estate Co. to the Co-operative Building Construction Co, 565, 56T, 569 Park av two 5-sty apartment houses, known as the Lonsdale, on a plot 65 55ixl00x irregular. In the east side of Park av. between 62d and 6313 sts, adjoining the 12-,sty apartment building no-n' being erected by tbe Co-ooerative Building Construction Co. at the northeast cor of 62d St. The same company will erect on this site another apart¬ ment building from the plans of Walter B. Chambers. The facade and interior arrangement of the building will be of the sarae gen¬ eral character as the adjoining building, which was also designed by Mr Chambers. The combined plot has a frontage of 125 ft. 8 ins. in Park av, with a depth of 95 ft. on 62d st. The new building will contain 18 duplex apartment'^ varvtng In size from apartments of 6 rooms and 1 bath to apartments of 10 rooms and 3 baths. This is the fourth co-operative anartment house to be erected in Park av by the Co-operative Building Construction Co- in the last 18 months This nlot was sold by the Morton Trust Co. as trustee in 19(K for $112,500 to Mary F- Betts, who transferred it to the City Real Estate Co. in 1906. RIVERSIDE DRH'E,-The Cruikshank Co, has sold for Geo. A. Adams and Sonn Bros, a plot comprising over 12 lots on Riverside Drive, running through to Buena Vista av. The property has a i*ront9ge of 216 ft. on the drive and lies just north of ITTth st ST NICHOLAS AV.—W. J. Huston St Son have sold for Max Marx a lot 26 2x84.1 x irregular, on the east side of St. Nicholas av, T8.7 ft. north of 166th st. VERMILYEA AV.—W. J. Huston & Son have sold for William Nelson the southwest cor of Vermilyea av and Isham st, a plot 100x100. WEST END AV.—Gardner Wetherbee and Robert Walsh have sold the three 5-stv flats at 375 to 379 West End av, southwest cor of TSth st, on plot 62.2x75. BRONX. 140th ST.—Baumann & Osorio have sold to a client of Louis Konopolskv for the Fleischmann Realty & Construction Co, 603 East 140th st, near St. Anns av, a 5-sty new law house, 40x87x100. City Buys Plot for PabUc Bath. 143d ST.—R, I. Brown's Sons sold for the Bellwood Realtv Co. to the Citv of New York the nroperty. 50x100. situate on the Fouth side of East 143d st. about 140 ft west of Brook av. It is the in¬ tention of the city to build on this property a public bath, IfiSD ST.—Jas. C. Coffrey has sold 892 East 163d st, a 3-family house, 164th ST.—M, Sc L. Hess have sold for Henrietta Manning 668 and 670 East 164th st, running through to Brook av, two 2-sty frarae dwellings, on plot 34x82.8x irregular. The property adjoins the southeast cor ot Brook av, ISOTH ST.—John A. Steinmetz has sold to Jacob Jensen the plot 50x118 on the south side ot 180th st. 94 ft. west of Honeywell av. The plot will be improved with a 5-sty house. ISIST ST.—John A. Steinmetz has sold for the Melleo estate the nlot 58x83 on the north side of ISlst st. 95 ft. west of Bryant av. It will be improved with a 5-sty apartraent house. 1.82D ST.—Herman Knepper bought for a client from Marie Krabo and Henry A. Sehwicardi the southwest cor of lS2d st and Hughes av, a 4-sty flat, on a plot 50x80. 22TTH ST.—Harris Rosenfeld has sold for the Swedish-American Realty Co. to Frank Jans. 82T East 22Tth st, a two-family frame house on lot 25x100. BAILEY AV.—Ferdinand Kramer has sold the plot lOOxSTx irregu¬ lar on the east side of Bailey av, 1.50 ft. south of Heath av, to a builder for improvement. BATHGATE AV,—Thos. P. McLaughlin has sold the S-sty house 1836 Bathgate av. on lot 2.5x100, containing 10 rooms and bath, for M. Zimmerman to a client, who will occupy the same. BELMONT .AV.—Herman Knepper sold for the Belmont Realtv & Construction Co. a plot 38x83 io the west side of Belmont av, 88 ft. north of 182d st, to Chas. O. Krabo, There is a partly constructed building on the plot. The buyer will immediately proceed with the completion. CYPRESS AV.—n. J. Elgar has sold the southeast cor of Cypress av and 130th st, 109x80. for Henrietta Hirsrh to a client tor Invest¬ ment. This property is on the line of the Broadway and Lexintgon av suhway. which will run through Cypress av and have a station at 138th st and Cypress av. TNTERV.\LE AV.—The Henry Morganthau Co. sold to the John J. Tully Co. the northwest cor ot Intervale av and Beck st, a plot 18.1x115.4x125x100. This property is in the Hunts Point section. Immediately adjoining a large area recently Improved hy the Henry Morgenthau Co.. the Meehan Construction Co. and other large Bronx builders. The buyer will erect three 5-sty apartraent houses, one with 81 ft, frontage and two with 50 tt. each on Intervale av. OLMSTEAD AV.—Harris Rosenfeld has sold for Frank Jaus to the Swedish-American Realty Co. a plot, 50x100. on Olmstead av. Union- port. SENECA PARK.—Harris Rosenfeld has sold for a Mr. Goldenberg to George Taylor the plot. 50x100. on the west side of Birch st, 50 ft. south of Chester av, in the Seneca Park tract, SOUTHERN BOULEVARD-—Ferdinand Kramer sold for the Southern Boulevard Construction Co. 1501 Southern Boulevard, a 5-sty modern apartment house, on a plot 37.6x100. UNION AV,^Baumann & Osorio have sold for a Mr. Lachnyr 634 Union av, a 2-sty brk 2-family house, on lot 16.8x90. UNION AV.—Emanuel Siraon sold for Mrs. Gisela Dreyfus 668 Union av. a S-sty apartment house on a lot 37.6x95, to Mrs. Bertha Scheer, who gave in part payment 339 East 65th st, a 5-sty double flat, which he resold for Mrs, Dreyfus to .lohn Block, an investor: also sold for Mrs. Bertha Scheer 436 East 66th st, a 5-sty flat, oo a lot 2Txl00, to Charles Faeth. liEASES. Christian Volzing & Son have leased for Anna Ruppert the build¬ ing 70 East 4th st. to the Renown Paper Box Co., for a term of 10 years. Joseph Levy & Son have leased the 2-sty building 409 Sth .iv.for a term of years, at an aggregate rental ot $S5,000. This property is adiacent to the Pennsylvania depot. John P. Kirwan has leased for the Engl ish-Ara eric an Realty Co. to the "Lambs." 126 West 44th st. a 3-sty and basement dwelling. After extensive alterationa the house will he used as an addition to the Lambs' club house at 128 and 130. J. G. Lugar's Son St Co., interior decorators, located under the chapel of the Fourth Av Presbyterian Church, have obtained a 10- year lease of the old Zabriskie homestead at 12 East 30th st. at an aggregate rental exceeding $70,000. The house was recently the home of the Republican Club of the Twenty-fifth Assembly district, and is being remodeled by the lessee. Albert B. Ashforth has leaped for John L Downey the nremises 329 5th av, size 24.8V4xl00, 25 tt. south ot S3d st, on which Mr. Downey has erected a new 6-sty building. The lease calls fnr a total rental of $500,000, and the Innovation Ingenuities. Inc.. the lessees. Mr. Ashforth sold this pronerty tn Frank J, Cassidy. and resold it to John I. Downey at a profit to Mr. Cassidy. Tjarge Imprfivement in West 18th St., near 6th Av. Philip Jeselson leased for a long term of years tor Jacob H. Semel 108 West ISth st. adjoining the southwest cor of 6th av, a 6-sty store and loft building, on lot 25x92, to Edward Jansen. who controls 110 under a lease, and who is the owner of 112. 114 and 116 West 18th st, sold to him some years ago through Mr. Jeselson. The combined parcels with a frontage ot 110 ft. will, after contemplated alterations to 108 and 110 are completed, add greatly to the improvement ot this section- Frederick Fox ft Co. have leased for the Aurora Investing Co, the 8th, 10th and llth lofts, containing 15,000 sq. ft. ot space, in the new building now in course ot erection and recently sold by the same brokers, at 115-lT West 2Tth st, for a long term ot years to Friedman & Herskovitz and Gwirtzman Bros, For the Realty Holding Co. the store and basement in the new building now In course of construction at 40-42 West 27th st, for a long term of years to Schild Bros. For the same company the store and base¬ ment 9 West 20th st, to James Talcott, and for the Cruikshank Co. the 1st loft at 20-22 East 20th st, to James Talcott. They have been appointed agents for the new 12-sty mercantile building now being constructed hv the 29th St. Realty Co. at 134-140 West 29th st, on a plot 100x100, Heil & Stern have leased for Philip Braender the flrst lott in the new building at 693-7 Broadway, cor 4th st, to Max G. Coben Sl Co.: for Sinclair Realty Co. the tenth lott in the new building, 752-4 Broadway, corner 8th st, to Cohen. Levison & Co.: for Ranald H. Macdonald, the seventh loft, 71S-20 Broadwav. to Bernard Roth¬ blatt: for 0- B. Potter Trust, the fourth loft. 2-6 Astor pl. to Marks, Rosenberg & Bros.; for Hoffman Estate, tbe ninth loft, 22-8 W. 19th St. to Abraham Gordon: for Hoffman Estate, the ninth loft. lS-22 W ISth st, to I. A. Harris & Bro.; for Manhattan Life Insur¬ ance So., the store, basement and first loft, 22 W. 4th st, to W. Stursberg. Schell & Co.; for Mary A, Chisholm, the ninth loft. 56-8 W. 22d st, to Baron & Davis: tor Mary L, Richards, the flrst lott, 35-7 W. Sd st, to Bickley, McClure & Co.; for Louis Stern, the sec¬ ond lott, 48-52 W. 4th st, to Jacob Rabinowitz. UNCLASSIFIED SALES The total number of sales reported is 71. of which 2T were below 59th st, 26 above, and 18 in the Bronx. The sales re¬ ported tor the corresponding week last year were 64, of which 13 were below 59th st, 37 above, and 14 in the Bronx. The total number of mortgages recorded for Manhattan this week was 170, as against 12T last week, and in the Bronx 155. as against 136 last week. The tota! amount involved is $4,93T,855. as against $4,866,688 last week. The amount involved in the auction sales this week was $756,370, and since January 1, $56,983,603, Last year the total for the week was $460,720, and from January 1, $55,403,866. 19th ST.—The Domestic Realty Co. has sold the property 39 to 47 West 19th st, two 4-sty and three 5-sty buildings, on plot 106x 92. bet Sth and 6th avs. The purchaser will erect a tall business structure on the site. The plot is located 82 ft. east of the Alex¬ ander Building at the northeast cor of 6th av. and is in a block in which a nuraber of modern loft buiidings have been erected. 27th st,—The McCabe est.nte bas sold 135 and 1-37 West 27th st, Iwo 5-sty buildings, on plot 50x98.9. 113th st,—Julia Schneider has sold the plot SOxlOO.ll on the south side of 113th st, 325 ft. west of Amsterdam av, to Mulliken & Moeller tor improvement with an apartment house. 17-3D ST.—Kirkpatrick Sc Urquhart have sold for Helen Burns to Frederick Heise the 2-sty and liasement frame dwelling 521 West 173d st, on lot 18.9x100. The. Record and Guide is the only real estate and building paper in the Metropolis,