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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 88, no. 2271: September 23, 1911

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428 RECORD AND GUIDE September 23, 1911. lief for Incurable Cancer, Ha-wthorne, N. Y,; architect, James W. O'Connor, 1123 B'roadway, Plan No. 590, Not let. MISCELLANEOUS. 22D ST, No o;30 East, l-sty brick outhouse, 11,6x6.8; cost, .$600; owner, P. F. Walsh. 330 East 22d st; arcb'tect A. V. Bourke. 220 Broad¬ way. Pian No. 596. MADISON AV, Nos 2171-2173. 1-aty, bric-k and concrele firewall; coat, ,$500; owner. J. S, Cram 47 Cedar st; architect, Frank Hausle, 81 East 125th st. Plan No. 602. 22D ST. No. 208 East. 1-sty brick outhouse. 6.8 112- cost, .$G0O; owner, Mra„Roaanna Dunne, 208 East 22d st; archilect. Henry Regelmann, ];« 7th St. Plan No, 603. STABLES AND GARAGES. OGTH ST, No. 327 West, l-sty brick garage, lOO.'cOO, gravel and asphalt roof; cost, $20,000; owner, Louise P. Mahoney. 76 West GSth st; archilect, Robert T. Lyons, 1493 Broadway. Plan No. 598. AV A, a w cor 24lh st, 1 and 2-Bty brick garage stable and shelter OS.OsSl.o. tar. felt and gravel roof; cost. $40,0OJ; owner, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Madison av and 2Gih sl; architects, Renwick, Aspinwall Sc Tucker, 320 5th av. Plan No. 600, STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. 3D ST, No. 5 East, 8-siy brick aud stoue lofl aud store 25x90, plastic slate roof; cost. $85.- 000; owner, Wyoming Realty Co., 5 Baat 3d st; archltecta. Bernstein Sc Bernstein. 24 East 23d st. Plan No. 591. Samuel Hauben. president; Max Hauben, secretary and treasurer. 17TH ST. n s, 30O.3 e 5tb av, 7-sty brick lofts, 25x67,10; cost. $35,000; otrner, J, A, Damsey Construction Co., 27 Weat 114th sl; architects. George St Edw. Blum, 505 5th av. Plan No. 601. Owner builds. Bronx. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. WEBSTER AV, -w s, 225,4 n 179th st. two a- sty brick tenements, tin roof, 37.6x88; total cos.t, .$70,000; owuers, Girard Bldg. Co,, Emil Elur, 132S Broadway, prea; architect, Lorenz F. J. Weiher, 271 W 125th sl. Plan No. 70o. CRESCENT AV, s w cor Hughes av, three 4-sly brick teuements, slag roof, sizes irreg¬ ular; total cost, .$75,000; owner, Jos. Tesoro, ISOth st and Crotona av ; architeci, Chas. S. Clark. 441 Tremont av. Plan No. 714, ■>3D ST n s, 3S1.3 e White Plains rd. three 3-sty brick stores and tenemenis, slag roof. 33.33x75.6; total cost, $51,000; owner. Morns Improvement Co.. Morris Margovitz, 34 West ll'^ih sl president; architects. Gronenberg & Leuchtag, 7 West 22d st. Plan No. 712. DWELLINGS. ONEIDA AV. w s. 100 s 235th st, two 2-sty frame dwellings, tin roof. 22x55; total cost, $9 000- owners, Oneida Conslruction Co., J. B. Boust 319 E 149th st, pres; architects, Moore Sc Landsiedel, 14Sth st aud 3d av. Plan No. 700. BASSETT AV, w s. 9S.6 s McDonald st, 2-sty frame dwelling, tin roof. 21x50; cost, .V4.o00; owner Abraham Mink, 115 Basselt av ; archi¬ tect, Henry Nordheim, 10S7 Tremont av. Plan No. 70S, FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. '^21ST ST, n s, 50 e Carpenter ave, 1-sty frame storage, 7x10; coat, $50; owuer, Wil¬ helmina Schmidt, 324 E 157th st; arcbitect, M. J. Garvin, 3307 3d av. Plan No. 70i. ARNOLD AV, w s, 275 n Laurie av. 1-sty frame shop, 25.-i20; cost. $350; owner, Nick Falcone, on premiaes ; arcbitect, Chaa. R. Bax¬ ter, 22S3 Westchester av. Plan No. 711. HALLS AND CLUBS. BROOK AV, e s, Sl.gyi s St Pau's pl, 1-sty brick amusement hall, plastic slate roof. 21.3s 97.0%; cost. $7,000; owners. Kitchen Imp Co., Andrew Kitchen. 2009 BTondale av, pres; arch¬ itects Moore & Landseidel, 14Slh st and 3d av. Plan No. 702. MISCELLANEOUS. AQUEDUCT AV, n w cor Sedgwick av. 2-Ety frame lodging houa;e. 40x100; cost, $3,000; owner, Mary L. Hillhouse, 2 Rector st ; archi¬ tect, M. J, Garvin, 3307 3d av. Plan No, lOb. PROSPECT AV. -w s, 90 s lS2d st. 1-sty frame shed, Sx40; cost, $25; owner. National Lace & Embroidery Co.. on premises ; architect, Henry Nordheim, 1987 Tremont av. Plan No. 700. STABLES AND GARAGES. BELMONT AV, e s, 155 n ISlst st, 1-sly brick garage, tin roof, 2Sxl40; cost, $o.000 ; owners. Crontona Park Realty Co.. M. Monie- iiorie Henschel. 2142 Belmont av, pres; archi¬ tect M. W. Del Gaudio, 401 Tremont av- Plan No, 701. ■'23D ST, n a, 391.3 e White Plains av, 2-sty frame stable, slag roof, 33.65x18; cost, Sl.SOO; owners. Morris Improvement Co., Morns Mar- govitz. 34 West 112th st. president; architects. Gronenberg Sc Leuchtag, 7 West 22d st. Plan No. 713. STORES AND DWELLINGS. BARTHOLDI ST, s s, 50 e Cedar av, 3-sty brick store and dwelling, tin root, 2oxo2; cost, .■^SOOO- owner, Rafiaela Paouessa, m.-iS B'oston rd : architect. Geo, P. Crosier, 22;fd st and White Plains av. Plan No. 710. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. lo-^D ST No 410, 1-sty brick store, slag roof, '''>x40' cost, $1,801); owner, Stanley Ginsberg. 795 E 160th at; architects, Ginsberg Sc Res- nyk. 1328 Bway. Plau No. 704. AQUEDUCT AV. s w cor Van Courtlandl Park South. 1-sty frame store. 40x100 ; cost, .$1000' owner, Chas, Dickenson, 2 Rector sl; architect. M. J. Garvin, 3307 3d av. Plan No, 705. Richmond. DWELLINGS. AMBOY RD, s s, 1010 w Barclay av, Anna- dale. 2-sty frame dwelling and store. 24x32 ft- ; cost, $3,000; owner. Jacob Stern. Annadale, archilect, H. A. Hasenstein, N. Y. C. ; builders, Hesse & Offenjost, Stapleton. Plan No. 573. HENRY ST, Wesl New Brighton, 2-sly frame dwelling. 23x.^0 ft.; cost. $2,000; owner. John Fabisceski. New Brighton ; architeci. John Davies, Tompkinsville ; builders, Cauchrow Bros., New Brighlon. Plau No. 581. PELTON AV, e s, 39 a Henderson av, Weal New Brighton, 2-Ety frame dwelling, 20x35 ft. ; cost, S4,000; owner, Mrs. Blanchey, West -New Brighton: architect and builder, F. W. Berrv, Tompkinsville. Plan No. 580. .'iTH ST, Midland Beach, e Lincoln av, 1-sty frame dwelling, Iox20 ft.; cost, $150; owner, Julius Cecil, Midland B'each, Plan No. 574. NEW Y'ORK AV, n a. 295 e Jewett av. New Brighton, 2-slv frame dwelling. 20x29 ft, ; cost. S4,7U0: owner, Elizabeth S. B. Rebman. on premises; architect. James Whitford, Port Richmond. Plan No, 575, TURNPIKE, s s, IOO e Todehill rd. Four Corners, 2-sty frame dwelliug, 19x35 ft, ; cost. 82 ;ioa' owuer, G. W. Piiuey. Four Corners; architect and builder. H. M. Stocking, Pour Corners, Plan No. 577. EVELY'N PL, n s, 75 e Home av, Rosebank, 2-sty frame dwelling, 24x49 ft.; cost, $o.0l>0; owner, Mra. Anna Kunath, Rosebank. archilecl. James Thompson, Rosebank, Plau No. 5i8, MISCELLANEOUS, BLOOMFIELD RD, n s, 401) e Water sl, Marin¬ ers Harbor, 1-sly Irame poultry house, 110x30 ft ■ cost $300; owner, archilect and builder, Fred Hauawaier. Manners Harbor, Plan No, 572. STABLES AND GARAGES. RICHMOND RD. e s. 76 n Four Corners rd. 2-aty brick slable and garage. 25.-i25 ft,; cost, SIojO- owner, Martin C. Fior. Four Corners; archilect, Jamea B. Grunerl. Grant City; build¬ er, C. Peters, Four Corners, Plan No. oib, STORES. OFFICES AND LOFTS. BENNETT ST, n a, 58 w Jewett av. Port Richmond, 1-sty brick bakery. 20x25 ft. cost S800 ' oi\-ner. James J. Brown, Port Richmond; kri 0, H. Lee, bldr, S. Johnson, Plan No- 570, PLANS FILED FOR ALTERA¬ TION WORK. Manhattan. ATTORNEY ST. No 159, partiiions, stairs, lo 4-sty brick Iolt; cost, .$5U0; owner, S. Gins¬ burg 2199 Slh av; archilect, Louis A, Schem- art, 194 Bowery, Plan No. 2555. CROSBY ST, No, 35. change stairs, new toil¬ ets to 7-sty brick lenemeni and siore; cost, $iu'0; owner, A. Delli Paoli, 3Si Broome st; archiiects, Horenburger Sc Bardes, 122 Bowery, Plan No. 2565. GRAND ST, n w cor Orchard st, steps to 3-sty brick store, loft and ciub; cost, §600; owner Fordon Amusement Co., premises; architects. Harrison Sc Sackbeim, 230 Grand St. Plan No, 2o33. LAFAY'ETTE ST. No. 419, alter sidewalk to 8- siy brick lofl; coat, $500; owner, Albert M. Rau, 1:^5 Broadway ; archiiects, Bernsiem Sc Bern¬ stein, 24 East 23d st. Plan No. 2562, LAFAYETTE ST, No 434. change window- frames, new stairs, lo 4-sty brick oiSce builQing ; cost, $468; owner. R, N. Mallory. premises; architect and builder, Hynd Bros, 30 Church st. Plan No. 25(jl. LIBERTY ST, No 55, stairway to ^-sly brick and stone office and stores; cost, $SoO; owner. Liberty Nassau Building Co., 2 Rector sl- archilect, Henry Ives Cobb, 55 Liberty st. Plan No. 2539. PIKE ST, No 67, partitions, beams, windows, to 3-sty brick dwelling; cost. $1,000; owner, Misa Florence Flaherty, premises; architect, S. ■Vlillman & Son, 17S0 Pitkin av, Brooklyn. Plan No. 256S. STANTO.N ST, Nos. 294-206, cut opening to two 6-sty brick lofts and stores; coat, $40; own¬ er Bliaa Diamond, ou premises; architect. David Bleier, 99 Mangin st. Plan No. 252S. WEST ST. No 75. windows, toilets, to 4-sty brick tenement; cost, $500; ois-ner, A. D. Rus¬ sell, care Cruickshank Co., 141 Broadway ; architect, John H. O'Rourke, 137 E 4iib st. Plan No. 2531. 1ST ST, No. 05, partitions, toilets, to two 5 aud G-sty brick slore and tenements; cost, $2 500; owner, B. Erakowsky, 153 East Houston st; architect, O. Reissmann. 30 1st st. Plan No. 2509. 3D ST, No 312 E. 1-sty brick front exten¬ sion, 3.Sx9,G. to 6-Ety brick lott; cost, $3oO; owner, Fannie Fried, 370 E 4th st; architect. Jacob Fisher, 296 E 3d st. Plan No. 2545. 4TH ST, No 100 E, iron beams, girders, lo 3-sty brick clubrooms, office and dwelling; cost, §175 ; owner, John H. Iden, 22S W 136tb af; architect, Wm. Kurtzer, 192 B'owery. Plan No. 2544. 14TH ST, Nos 107-109 E, new front wall, steps, columns, to 2. 3 and 4-sty brick offices; cost. ,$3,500; owner. Steinway & Sona. 107 E 14th; architect. W. K. Benedict, 133 Broad¬ way, Plan No, 2536. 14TH, No 113 B, change store front, to 4- sly brick store ; cost, ,$750; owner, August Luchow, 110 E 14tli st ; architect, Godfrey Knoche, 516 E 72d si. Plan No. 2550. 14TH ST. Nos. 106-112 East, new stairs, store fronts, to three 3 and 4-siy brick hotel; cost, ,$3 500; owner. August Luchow, 110 East 14th st; architect G, Knoche, 516 East 72d st. Plan No. 2524. 17TH ST. No 127-133 W, partition, doors, to 2-6-sty brick store and lofts; cost. .$1,500; owner. Oscar Willgerodt, 2295 Aqueduct av; architect. Geo. Dress, 14;!6 Lexington av. Plan No. 2542, 2GTH ST, No. 305 East, tank, beams, brick piers, to 5-sty brick tenement; cost. $1(K); owner. Chas. J. Hesae. 217 East 26lh st; archi¬ tect, O, Stuhmer. 329 E IOth st. Plan No. 2522. 2STH ST, No 20 E, 1-sly brick rear exten¬ sion, 25x34.5. partitions, front wall, to 5-sty brick dwelling and apartment; cost. $4,500; owner, L. A. Mitchell. 35 Nassau st; archi¬ tects. Sommerfeld Sc Steckler, 31 Union sq. Plan No. 253S. 34TH ST. No 161 W. show windows, steps to 4-sly brick store and office; cost, SGOO; owner, Thomas J. Powers, Jr.. lo Grace Powers, Peeks- kill. N. Y ; archltecta. Hill Sc Stout, 1123 Broadway, Plan .No. 2.54S. 36TH ST, No. 214 East, 5-sty brick rear ex¬ lension, parlitions, windows, tubs, ^re-escapes, to 5-sly brick lenement; coat, $3,a00; owner, James M. Fitzsimons. 125 Weat 122d st ; archi¬ tect, John H, Friend. 148 Alexander av. Plan No- 2523, 30TH ST. Nos 238-240 E. 1-sly brick side e.ttenaion, 14x38, to 4-sly brick boiler and aiigine room ; cost. .$1,000; owner. Hupfel Brewing Co.. 229 E 3Sth; architect, A. G. HUppel. 9 W SGth st. Plan No. 2540. 46TH ST. No. 29 Wesl, 5^i-sty brick rear ex¬ tension, 20.10x:i2.10. add 1-sty. partitions, floor¬ ing, front wall to 5-sty brick residence; cost, $40,000; owner. Ellay Realty Co.. 422 Fulton st, B'rooklyn; architect, Henry B. Herts, 35 West 31 sl St. Plan No. 25G0. Nol let. 48TH ST. No. 500 West, partitions, windows, toilets: coat. $1,000; owner, Peter Doeiger, 407 Eaat 55lh sl; architect, Chas. Stegmayer, IGS East Olst St. Plan No. 2516. 4TTH ST, Nos. 315-317 West, change floor beams, toilets, vault lights, smokestack, to 5-sty brick store ; cosl. $8,500 ; owner, Anna W. H, Nichols, Brookline. Mass.; architects. Stuckert & Sloan. 23 East 26th at- Plan No. 2525. Cramp & Co, 23 East 26th st, has contraci. 62D ST. Nos 35-37 E, 2-sty brick rear ex¬ tension, 28.3x15.5, partitions, windows, to 5- sty brick school: cost, $20,000; owner, Cleve¬ land Sc Dodge, 00'Park av ; architects. Par¬ ish & Schroeder, 12 W Slst st. Plan No. 2532. Wm Young Co.. 550 W 41st st., has contract. 64TH ST. No, 4 E, new columns, girders, paniiions, to 5-sty brick residence; cost. §500; owner. General Howard Carroll, premises ; architect. J. H. Duncan, 20S 5th av. Plan No. 2557. OSTH ST, No, 25G East, partitions, windows, toilets, to 5-sty brick lenement; cost, §3.000; owner, Ellen S. Auchmuty, Leno.f. Mass; arch¬ itect. C. H. Dietrich. 1112 2d av. Plan No. 2512. 72D ST. No 151 E, iron beams, new floors, to 1-sty brick church; cost, §350; owuer, the Helenic Orthodox church, 151 E 72d st; arch¬ itect, R. H. Brewster, 116 Nassau st. Plan Xo. 25-11. 104TH ST, Nos. 419-429 East. 2-sty brick extension, I29xi)0, akylights. walls, to 2-sty stable; coat, $6,-500; owner. Frank De Rosa. 423 B 104ih st; arcbitect, M. W. Del Gaudio, 401 Easl Tremont ave. Plan No, 2527. 114TH ST, No. 18 East, windows, plumbing, partitions, lo 5-Ety brick store and lenemeni; cost, $3,500; owner, Sam Gordon, 62 East 110th at; architect, Wm. Huenerberg, 764 Tinton av. Plan No. 2511. 116TH ST, Nos. 75-79 Bast, 3-sty hrick front and rear extension, 50x43.6 .parlitions, to 3 3- ^ty brick diveilings ; cost, $25,0(KI; owner, Mary L- Bell, 75 Bast 116th at; architects, Bernstein & Bernstein, 24 East 23d st. Plan No. 2563. IIGTH ST, No. GS West, toilets, partitions, to 5-sty brick lenement; cost. §800; owner, Ivan Bernheimer. 2566 B'roadway; architect, Harry Zlot, 230 Grand st. Plan No. 2510. 116TH ST, No 430 W, partltiona, plumbing, baths, to 7-sty brick tenemenl; cost. §1.500; owner. Arthur S. Luria, 430 W 161st st; architect. J. C. Campbell, 976 Woodycrest av. Plan No. 2543. l.'?7TH ST, No. 100 West, toilet to 5-sly brick store and tenement; cost, $50; owner. Peier Doeiger, 407 Bast 55th st ; arcliitect, Chaa. Stegmayer, 168 East Olst st. Pian No. - 2515. DENNIS 0. BRUSSEL ELECTRICAL Engineering and Construction The Brussel method of installing electric work secures to tlie owner satisfactory service and economy of maintenance. Electric Lighting and Power Installations, Pumps, Motors, Interior Telephones, Pire Alarm Signal Systems. 39-41 WEST 38th STREET, N. Y. Telephones, 189-190 Murray Hill