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SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION of the AND This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Mortgages, Leases, in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. "Entered at the Poat Olfice at New Tork, N. T.. aa aecond claaa matter. Vol. XCIII No. 2414 New York, June 20, 1914. (Sl) PRICE 20 CENTS STREET INDEX OF RECORDED CONVEYANCES AND WILLS Showing street and number of Manhattan Conveyances and Wills recorded during the current week. An aateriak (*) Indicates a croas reference. Canal st, 538-42 (or West st, 2S2-3). •Catherine st. 46-50 (or Madison, 72). Catharine at, 13-15. Clinton st, 175. -Oroton st (nec Audu¬ bon ave, 8) blk. 2123- 26. Delancey st, 292. Duane st, 116. Forsyth st. 157. Front st, 249. (Jrand st, 137-9. Greenwich st, 310-6 & 822. Hamilton ter, 51. Houston st, 426-8 E. Houston st, 90 W. Jane st, 71-3. Lewis st, 63. Lispenard st, 13-15. Madison st, 72 & 86. Mulberry st, 2-4 (or Park Row. 188). Murray st, 75 & 101. •Reade st, 162-4 (or Greenwich st, 310). St. Nicholas ter, 41-7. Washington st, 691-3. •Water st, 393-5 (or Cath. st, 13). West st, 290-3. •Worth st, 196 (or Park Row, 192). 4th st, 320 E. ■7th st, 108, 121, 193 & 9 JO ^ sth St. 719-21 E. llth st, 332 B. 12th st, 39-43, 44-8 & 47 W. 13th st, 708 E. 14th st, 209 E. 17th st, 425-7 W. 18th st, 217-9 W. ISth st, 237 B. *20th st, 300 E. (or 2d av, 342). SOth st, 300% E. •21st st, 2-8 E (or Sth av, 147). 22d st, 306 W. 24th st, 332 E. 25th st, 342 B. 26th st, 141-3 W. SOth st, 106, 128-32 & 237 W. 32d st, 404-8 E. 34th st, 158 & 236 E. 37th st, 162 E. 39th st, 514 W. 46th st, 14 E. 46th st, 153 W. 48th st, 155 E. SOth st, 136, 150 & 401- 51st st, 37 & 145 E. 57th st, 25 W. 58th st, 56-62 W. 69th st, 33 E. 70th st, 316-8 E. 71st st, 205-7 & 432-4 E. 71st st, 12 W. 74th st, 101-3 & 484 E. 75th st, 238 W. 77th st, 6 W. 7Sth st, 310 W. 79th st, 22 E. Slst st, 507 E. 85th st, 519 E. 86th st, 230-40 E. S6th st, 50 W. 87th st, 171 W. SOth st, 305 E. SSd st, 57 E. SSd st, 131 B. S4th st, 338 B. 96th st, 109 B. ♦S6th st, 340 E (or 1st av, 1855). 97th st, 223 B. 99th St. 260 W. 100th st, 162 B. 101st st, 313 B. 103d st, 222 E. 104th st, 27 E. 106th st, 52 E. 107th st, 213 B. 109th st, 305 E. •lllth st, 95-7 E (or Park av, 1540-4). 112th st, 310-2 & 318-20 114th st, 231 E. 114th st, 37, 538 & 604 W. 116th st, 245 B. 117th st, 21 B. •117th st, 368 W (or Morningside av, 28). 118th st, 217 B. llSth st, 157 W. •lllith st, 36-S B (or Mad. av, 1828-30). 119th st, 310-26. 120th st, 507 E. 120th st, 103-5 & 155 W. 123d st, 113 & 333-41 E. 123d st, 206 & 300-12 W. 125th st, 305-9 E. 125th st, 503 & 510 W. *126th St. E (nwc. Mad. av, 1974) blk 1751-14. 12Sth st, 130-3 & 146 E. 129th st, 247 W. *129th st, 401 W. (or St. Nich. ter, 41-7). 131st st, 64 & 207 W. 132d st, 277 W. 133d st, 9 W. 134th St. 121 & 525-7 W. 135th st, 209-13 W. 136th st, 120 W. 137th st, 236 & 263-5 W. •139th st, W. (nwc, Edgecombe av) blk 2048-21. •139th st, W. (nec. Edgcombe av, 100) blk 2042-1. 139th st, 52 W. 142d St. 131 W. 143d st, 508 W. 144th st, ns blk, 2091- 16-21. 146th st, 540-2 W. 151st st, 502-4 W. 152d st, 511 W. 156th st, 601 W. •157th st, 501 W (or Amst. av, 1960-8). 161st st, W, ns blk, 2136 pt 150. •164th st, W (nec, Bway 3920-2) blk 2122-69. •175th st, 651 W (or Bway, 4140-4). •180th st, W (nec Au¬ dubon av )blk 2152-61. 180th st, W, ns blk 2152- 93 181st st, 700-4 W. •214th st, W, nwc Amst. av (or 10th av) blk 2232-16. 225th st, W (nec Marble' Hill av) blk 3402-534. Av D, 29-31. Amsterdam av, 1491 & 1960-8. . Amsterdam av (or 10th av) nwc 214th st, blk 2232-16. •Audubon av, 9 (or nec Croton st) blk 2123-26. Audubon av, es blk 2152- 61-64. Broadway, 449, 3920-2 & 4140-4. •Broadway, 3761 (or 156th st, 601 W.). •Broadway, 4249-59 (or ISlst st, 700-4 W). Broadway, es, blk 2170- 98. Edgecombe av, 58, 100 & 199. •Edgecombe av, ws (or St. Nich. av, es) blk 2048-21. Lenox av, 429-31 & 557. Lexington av, 1388. •Lexington av, 2116 (or 12Sth st, 132 B). Madison av, 1012 & 1874. •Madison av (swc 79th st, 22 E). •Marble Hill av (ses, at nes 225th st) blk 3402- 534. Morningside av, 28. Park av, 1540-4. Park Row, 188-92. Pleasant av, 307-8. Riverside dr, es, blk 2136-16-18. St. Nicholas av, 256 & 454. •St. Nicholas av (sec 123d st, 312 W) blk 1949-38. St. Nicholas av, es, 2048-21. St. Nicholas av, es, 2051-35-38. St. Nicholas av, ws, 2166-48. Vermilyea av, 125. •Wadsworth av, 40 Bway, 4140-4). •1st av, 886-94 (or SOth St. 401-3 E). 1st av, 1849, 1855 & 2354. 2d av, 342, 2168 & 2387. 3d av, 1368-70. Sth av, 141-7, 400, 1386 & 2182-4. 7th av, 2469-71. Sth av, 2287-9. WILLS. 57th st, 36 B. SSth st, 19 W. 131st st, 426-8 B. 142d st, 627 W. East End av, 112. West End av, 785. blk blk blk (or ■XPLANATIONS OF TERMS USED AND RULES FOLLOWED IN COiUPILING RECORDS. Q. C. Is an abbreviation for CJult Claim deed, 1. e., a deed wherein all the right, title and Interest of the grantor Is con¬ veyed omitting all covenants and war¬ ranty. C. a G. means a deed containing Cove¬ nant agalnat Grantor only. In which he covenanta that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be Im¬ peached, charged or encumbered. B. & S. Is an abbreviation for Bargain