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April 15, 1916 RECORD AND GUIDE 589 in Bond st. Douglas Eskell represented Mr. Day's offlce in the negotiations. 45TH ST.—Tutino & Cerny sold tor George ■Wedekind the plot, 59.8x100, at .535 45th st, for improvement with a 4-sty apartment house. 49TH ST, ETC.—I. Salzberg sold for Mrs. M. Russell to S. Harris a plot 40x100 at the south¬ east corner of 49th st and IBth av. Mr. Harris gave in exchange a 10-room cottage, on plot 40x100, at 1027 SOth st. I. Salzberg also sold for Mr. Kornblum to Mr. Phillips a 2-tam. cot¬ tage at 1.548 47th st;and for 0. Gueth to H. Salwen a cottage at 1,320 45th st. 65TH ST.—The Alco Building Co. has sold to Alexander J. Silberstein 1930 65th st, Maple¬ ton Park, a 1-fam. dwelling, on plot 25x100, near the 20th av station of the Sea Beach Subway for a reported price of $6,000. 66TH ST.—Alco Building Co., associated with Realty Trust, sold the 1-fam. dwelling 2103 66th st, Mapleton Park, on plot 24x100, to A. Peter, for about $6,000. 68TH ST.—Edward J. Hollahan sold for Henry Knutson, 130 0.8th st, a 1-fam. cottage on plot 07x145. It is reported that the buyer will build apartuient houses. 75TH ST.—Wolflnger & Lasberg Building Corporation purchased, through the Borough Hall Realty Corporation, the plot 330x100, in the south side of 75th st, 100 ft. west ot 3d av. for improvement with five 4-sty apartment houses, from plans by W. T. McCarthy. The same brokers obtained from the Lawyers Title & Trust Co. a building and permanent loan of $200,000. 77TH ST.—F. P. Brauns sold for Margaret Donovan the 3-sty building on a plot 40x100. in the north side of 77th st. 123.8 ft west of Sth av. and also the plot 60x100 in the north side ot 7Sth St. 149 ft east of 4th av. to be improved with two 4-sty apartment houses. BAY RIDGE AV.—Frank A. Seaver & Co sold three lots on the south side of Bay ridge av. 2Si) ft east from the Shore rd. for G. W. Averell. 20TH AV, ETC.—Frank A. Seaver & Co sold fourteen lots at the northeast corner of 20th av and 71st st and two lots in the north side of 70th st, 180 feet east of 20th av, for Fannie F. Quinn. Rural and Suburban. BRONXVILLE. N. Y.—Burke Stone (Inc.) sold for a client a house on Front av, Bronx Manor, to Paolo Zucconi, of France. NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y.—Loton H. Slawson Co. sold 3% acres at Premium Point for Miss Ada Nisson to Dr. Charles Weber. I LEASES. ; Bush Terminal Co. in 42d Street. The Kush Terminal Company, Irving T. Bush, president, has leased from John Hoge of Zanesville, Ohio, 132-134 West 42d street, and abutting property at 135 West 41st street, a plot fronting 50 feet in 42d street and 25 feet in 41st street, with a depth of about 200 feet, for twen¬ ty-one years, with the privilege of four renewals and an option to purchase. The deal was negotiated by John P. Kirwan and E. S. Willard & Company. On this site, which has been taken, prac¬ tically for eighty-four years, the Bush Terminal Company will build a twenty- five-story building, from plans by Helmle & Corbett. The structure will cost about $1,000,000 and will be constructed to house the sales departments of all classes of American products. Besides its commercial advantages, other fea¬ tures are contemplated, including a permanent exhibit of American manu¬ factures. The site is one of the most central in the city. The present build¬ ings were at one time occupied by Lewis & Csnger, but have been vacant since that firm moved to its new Sixth ave¬ nue home. Lease Pending in Johnson Building. A deal is on for the lease, by a newly formed corporation in which Henry Siegel is rumored to be interested, of the store, 66x187, at the northwest cor¬ ner of Broadwav and 35th street, in the Johnson Building; also of other space on other floors. At the offices of F. & G. Pflomm, managers of the building, it was admitted that negotiations were going on, but no information was avail¬ able regarding the identity of the pro¬ spective lessee. Foreign Firm Changes Location. Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd., of Hong Kong, China, with New York of¬ fices at 63 Wall street, have leased through Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., & Co.. and Pease & Elliman, for their import and export departments, the twentictli floor in the Madison Avenue Building, at 25 Madison avenue, comprising about 15,000 sq. ft. Lease for Sixty-Three Years. Menschcl Bros., caterers, have leased through Frederick Zittel & Sons, from £. N. Dickerson for sixty-three years at an annual rental of $15,000 net, 62 and 64 East 34th street, four-story dwell¬ ings, on plot 43.8x98.9, adjoining the Vanderbilt Hotel. The lessees will erect a twelve or fifteen story structure at an estimated cost of $200,000. The first four floors will be occupied by their ca¬ tering establishment. Florist Takes Watt Block. The Massas Floral Company has leased from the New York Life Insurance Com¬ pany, through Charles Edelson, for five years, the entire block bounded by Lenox and Seventh avenues and 139th and 140th streets, known as the old Watt homestead block. Manhattan. AMES & CO. have leased tor the J. Romaine Brown Co. the store and basement at 481 6th av to M. Gold ; also for John H. Henshaw the store at 480 3d av to Matt Gagliardi for barber shop ; for William H. Hussey & Sons the store at 453 7th av to James H. Jarrett for barber shop ; tor Leslie P. Gillies the store and 2d floor of 1.53 West S4th st to the Schwartz Leath¬ er Goods Co. AMES & CO. have leased for Lucy E. Mirick the 3-sty dwelling at 74 West 12th st to Mrs. E. M. Mouraille; also for Potterton Brothers the 4-sty dwelling at 220 West 28th st to Mrs. Mary Dupay. DANIEL BIRDSALL & CO., rented for the estate of John E. Parsons the store, basement and sub-basement at .388 Broadway to the Walker-Keenan Co., representing the Hall's Safe Co. This lease is for flve years at an aggregate rental of about $20,000. DANIEL BIRDSALL & CO. (INC.) leased the entire building .",71 Broadway for Mrs. Carson C. Peck to 'VV. H. Ostrander & Co., electrical supplies. The lease is for a long term at an aggregate rental of approximately $70,000. WM. D. BLOODGOOD & CO. (INC.) leased for M. L. C. Ernst the 6-sty building at 1.55-157 West S4th st to M. H. T. Tierney. BRETT & GOODE CO. has leased at 9-15 Mur¬ ray st the westerly half of the 6th floor to the Downing Letter Co.: also at 7-11 West 45th st space on the 10th floor to S. Charles, Inc., and at 406-26 West Slst st about lO.OiJO sq. ft. on the 7th floor to Brooks & Porter. BRETTT & GOODE CO. has leased for Fred¬ erick Fox & Co.. as agents, the westerly store at 7r West 23d st to Elias Solomon ; also the parlor floor store at 51 West 4.5th st to Catherine B. Reed, and the 4th floor in the same building to Jacob Leitner ; also space at 7-11 West 45th st to. Fried & Ungar and Christian F. Groth. CARSTEIN & LINNEKIN have leased the 5th loft at 202 East 29th st to Max Berman ; space at 24-26 East 21st st to Kaufman & Cohen; at ;:i5 6th av to Julius J. Kling ; at 3-7 West 20th st to the American Braid Co.; at .347 Sth av to William H. Ammerman and the Sth loft at 465 Broome st to the Standard Muslin Underwear Co. SIDNEY S. COHEN leased part ot the large double store at the southeast corner of 7th av and tnth st to J. H. Hallberg ; also, temporarily, the store at 1612 Broadway to H. M. McCul¬ Iough. CROSS & BROWN CO., in conjunction with Spear & Co., leased the entire 2d story and portion of the basement in the new building, covering the site of the old Wallacks Theatre, at the northeast corner of Broadway and SOth st, to Heinrich. Mcrrmann & Weiss, who have been located at the corner of Broadway and Broome st for nearly 30 years. CUTNER & LIPSET leased for Klein & Jack¬ son the nth loft at 37-45 West 19th st. to Schwab Bros & Baer (Inc.) ; for the Bradkin Realty Co, at 0-S West .32 st, the 17th floor to Philip Stromberg; and to the Southern Trav¬ elers' Association, for a New York City club room, two floors at 1179 Broadway for Schwab Bros. DOUGLAS L. ELLIMAN & Co. have leased for Robert L. Bacon his apartment at 755 Park av to William F. Morgan, of Boston, Mass. ; and also for William Zeigler, Jr., a small apartment on the entrance floor of the same building to the same tenant; have renewed leases for Frederick Johnson at 830 Park av to Frederick L. Richards, and at 810 Park av to Wilfred V. N. Powelson; also the store at 605 Sth av, temporarily, tor Mrs. J. F. Ker¬ nochan to Siebreeht, tlie florist, who recently leased his store at 619 5th av to Dee & Fuku- shima (Inc.). DOUGLAS L. ELLIMAN ,S- CO. have leased apartments at 103 East 86th st for the State Construction Co. to John F. Ellsworth : at 122 East 70th st for Philip O. Mills to William Stackpole ; in conjunction with C. P. L. Huston, an apartment in the new building under con¬ struction at 156 East 79th st for Julius Tish¬ man & Sons to Burr K. Brown ; renewed leases at 122 East 82d st to Charles W. Camp and George W. Goldberg ; at 830 Park av to Mrs. R. M. de Acosta; and at 3 East SSth st to S. Ful¬ lerton Weaver. DOUGLAS L. ELLIMAN & CO. have leased from the plans an apartment at 1000 Park av for Bing & Bing to Max Pollack ; also for Mrs. William C. Gulliver an apartment at 383 Park av, furnished, to Walter E. Trent. J. B. ENGLISH has leased from plans for the James-Miller Realty Co. to W. J. O'Hearn the entire Sd loft of 1.552 Broadway, northeast cor¬ ner of 46th St. J. B. ENGLISH has leased for Ada Under¬ wood, through Louis Carreau, the second loft at 162 West 48th st to M. Shields, hairdresser, for five years. ESTABLISHED 1879 William P. Rae Co. Woolworth Building New Yorlt Tel. Barclay 7451 180 Montague Street BrooUyn, N. Y. Tel. Main 4390 Real Estate Auctioneers, Appraisers Brokers, Attention! The Realty Associates desire to co-operate with brokers in every way possible. We sell property on easy terms, paying full commissions to brokers. We have lots, flats, dwellings, and business property in all parts of Brooklyn, making a specialty of our well known Easy Housekeep¬ ing Homes in Prospect Park East, Fifty-Fourth Street and other sec¬ tions of Brooklyn. It will pay you to get in touch with us. Realty Associates Capital and Surplus $5,000,000 162 REMSEN ST. BROOKLYN Telephone 6480 Main Member Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokers BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE EXPERT APPRAISER S. WELSCH 207 MONTAGUE STREET Brooklyn Tel. 2738-9 Mam Branch, 177 Seventh Avenue Telephone 661 Bedford Established 1890 Member Brooklyn Board Real Estate Brokers Clarence B. Smith Real Estate Agent Appraiser for Stale of New Yorit Cily of AVia York Long Island Railroad 1424 FULTON STREET AT BROOKLYN AVENUE BROOKLYN, N. Y. Member Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokers JOHN E. HENRY, Jr. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD Mortgages Secured Insurance 1251 BEDFORD AVENUE Telephone 5500 Bedford BROOKLYN Member Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokers Frank A. Seaver & Co., Inc. Specializine in the Bay Ridge District Bush Terminal Factory Sites 6806 THIRD AVENUE Tel. 1474-5 Bay Ridge Brooklyn, N. Y.