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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 98, no. 2545: December 23, 1916

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SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION of the REAL ESTATE BUILDERS AND This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Mortgages, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real EstaU Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Penden^ Mechanic*' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations, in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx, and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. "Entered at the Post OfTlce at New York. N. Y.. as second class matter. Vol. XCVIII No. 2545 New York, December 23, 1916. PRICE 20 CENTS EXPL.tNATIONS OP TER.MS USED AND RULES FOLLOWED IN COMPILING RECORDS. Q. C. is an abbreviation tor Quit Claim deer, i. e., a deed wherein all the right, tile and interest of the grantor is con¬ veyed, omitting all covenants and war¬ ranty. C. a G. means a deed containing Cove¬ nant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed :nay be im¬ peached, ciiarged or encumbered. B. & S. is an abbreviation for Bargain and Sale deed, wherein, although the seller makes no expressed consideration, he really grants or conveys the property for a valuable consideration, and thus im- he really grants or conveys the property pliedly claims to be owner of it. The street and avenue numbers given in these lists are. in all cases, taken from the Insurance maps when they are not mentioned in the deeds. The numbers, it will occasionally be found, do not cor¬ respond with the existing ones, owing to there having been no official designation made of them by the Department of Pub¬ lic Works. The first date is the date the deed was drawn. The second date is the date of filing same. When both dates are the same, only one is given. When the date of drawing is other than in the current year the stated year is given. When both the dates are in the same year the year follows the second date. The figures In each conveyance, thus, 2:482-10, denote that the property men¬ tioned is in section 2, block 482, lot 10. It should also be noted in section and block numbers that the instrument as filed Is strictly followed. A $20,000—$30,000 Indicates the as¬ sessed value of the property, the first figures being for the lot only and the second figures representing both lot and building. Letter P before second figure indicates that the property is assessed as In course of construction. Valuations are from the assessment roll of 1916. T. S. preceding the consideration In a conveyance means that the deed or con¬ veyance has been recorded under the Tor¬ rens System. Flats and apartment houses %jre classi¬ fied as tenements. Residences as dwellings. All Christian names, streets, avenues, states and months are abbreviated when possible, also in some instances names of Banks, Trusts and Insurance Companies. The Star following names of street or avenue in the Bronx Conveyances. Leases and Mortgages indicates that the prop¬ erty recorded Is in the anne-xed district, for which there is no section or block number. . KEY TO ABBREVIATION USED. (A)—attorney. A.L.—all liens. AT—all title. ano—another. av—avenue. admr—administrator. admtrx—administratrix. agmt—agreement. A—assessed value. abt—about. adj—adjoining. apt—apartment. assign—assignment. asn—assign. atty—attorney. bk—brick. B & S—Bargain and Sale. bldg—building. b—basement. blk—block. Co—County. C a G—covenant against grantor. Co—Company. constn—construction. con omitted—consideration omitted. cornn—corporation. c—corner. c 1—centre line. ct—court. certf—certificate. dwg—dwelling. deed—deceased. e—East. exr—executor. extrx—executrix. et al—used instead of several names. foreclos—foreclosure. foreclos—foreclosure. fr—from. fr—frame. ft—front. ft—front. individ—individual. irreg—irregular. impt—improvement. installs—installments. It—lot. Is—lease. mtg—mortgage. mos—months. Mfg—manufacturing. Nos—numbers. north, nom—nominal, (o)—ottice. pr—prior, pt—part. Pl—place. PM—Purchase Money Mortgage. QC—Quit Claim. R T & I—Right, Title & Interest. (R)—referee. R S—Revenue Stamp, r—room, rd—road. re mtg—release mortgage, ref—referee. « sal—saloon, sobrn—subordination, si—slip, sq—sciuare. south. s—side, sty—story, sub—subject. strs—stores, stn—stone. st—street. T&c—taxes, etc. tnts—tenements, w—west, y—years. O C c& 100—other consideration and $100. TS—Torrens System. CONVEYANCES. Borench of Manhattan. DEC. 15. 16, 18. 19. 20 & 21. Allen St. 39 (1:307-36), nwc Hester (Nos 97 & 971/2), 50x40, 2-5-sty bk tnts & strs; Chas L Hoffman, ref, to Bertel Constn Co, 346 Bway; mtg $21,000: PARTITION SALE Nov27; Decl9; Dec2P16, A$3o,00U- 48,000. 45,S0I) Arden st, aa. 350 e Sherman av, see Sher¬ man av, nec Thayer. Arden «t, nec Sherman av, see Sherman av, nec Thayer. Arden st, sec Sherman av, see Sherman av. nec Thayer. Beekman st, 130-2, see Water 227-9. Broad st. 102-8 (1:8-43-48). swc Pearl (Nos 44-5(1). 111.5 to ns Water (Nos 16- 20) x92.6xl09.4 to ss Pearl xell3.1 to beg, 6-5-stv bk loft & str bldgs; Wm Patter¬ son, 691 oth, Bklyn, to N Y Telephone Co, 15 Dey; AprlO; Dec20'16; A$240,000-276,000. O C & 100 Broome St. 226 (2:352-36). nec Essex (No 78), 25x75, 7-sty bk tnt & strs: Fredk Lewenthal, 501 W 110, to Abr Lewenthal, 515 W 110, & Isaac Lewenthal, at Ridge¬ field Park, NJ; QC; AL; DeclU: DeclS'16; A$32,000-53,000. nom Broome St. 22«. nec Essex (No 78); Bes¬ sie Lewenthal, 501 W 110, to same; B&S; AL: Decl6: Decl8'16. nom Cherry st. l.">2 (1:253-20), ns, abt 140 w Market, 20.2x132.2x irreg x irrce. 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Lizzie Zion. of Bronx, to nie Harris, at South Norwalk. Conn; B.tS: mtg $7,500: Dec20; Dec21'16; A$S.500-U,- 500. O C & 100 Chrystie sl. .W (1:302-3). es, 74.2 n Canal, 25x99.4x24.11x98.9, 5-stv bk tnt & strs & 5-stv bk rear tnt: Sophia Gruen¬ stein to Benj M Gruenstein, 60 W 95; Vz pt; AL- DeclS; DeclS'16: A$19,000-31,000. O C & 100 Columbia st, 77 (2:f;34-31). ws, SO n Rivington, 19.10x49.8, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Chas O'Sullivan, ref, to Lawyers Mtg Co. plft- FORBCLOS Decl4; Decl9; Dec20'16: .\5S.i000-12,500. 1I),00(» Essex st, 78, see Broome. 226. Essex st, 10» (2:410-59), ws, abt ISO n Delancev, 25x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Jennie E Fielding to Nellie McDermott. 302 Bwav V> pt- AL; Decl4: Decl6'16: A$23,- 000-32,000. nom F st, es. 282 n Dyckman, see Sherman av. nec Tliayer. Grand st, 200-2 (2:471-52), nwc Mott (Nos 151-5). 51.4x51.9 & 48.9x50.10x100.1, 6-stv bk tnt & strs: Barnett Levy to Jacob Gordon, 1S45 7 av; QC: Aorl7: Decl8'16: A $58,000-105,000. nom Hester st, 97-07M:, see Allen, 39. Houston st, 274 E (2:397-49). nes. 213.5 nw -\v R. 20x106.6. 4-stv bk tnt & strs; I.eonore Bennett, 552 W piS, to Julia Wolf, 61 St M.irks pi: mtg $1S,000 & AL; Jan24; lleclS'lG; .\$1S,000-21,000. ' O C ,& 100 .Inekson st. 33 (1:263-51). es. 125 n Cherry, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs- Finnnre Operating Co, 140 Na.^sau. to Lii- fillc Kurtz, of Pelham Manor, NY; B&-S; mtg $6,000 & ,VL: NovlO; Decl3'lG; A$ll,- '00-25.000. nom I.eyden st (8:3431-70), nes, at ws Ter- r'lce View av, runs nwl00.7xe75.11 to ws Terrace View av xs56.9 on curve to beg, yore, vacant: Fredk W Seybel ,.4 ano, kXRS Danl E Seybel. to Wm Baruch, at I'ort Chester, NY; AL; Dec20; Dec21']6: .^$3,500-3,500. 925 McDougal st, ISO. see 8 nv. 588-90. lUadison st, 183 (1:273-13), ns. abt 227.7 w Rutgers. 23.10x100. 4-sty bk school; Maurice Deiches. ref, to John S Hoyt. 925 Park av, plff; FORECLOS Decll; Declo; DeclG'lO; A Exempt-Exempt. 14,000 Madison St. 195, see 3d, 60 E. Manhattan st, 13 (7:1966-57). nes, 300 w Morningside av, 35.11x69.2x77.11 to beg. gore, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Lewine & Kempner, Inc, to Fisher Lewine. 116 B 7S; B&S; Decl9; Dec21'16; A$9,000-12,000. O C & 100 Montgomery st. awe AVater, see South, 296-303. ^lontgomery st, nwe South, see South. 296-303. Mott St. 151-5, see Grand, 200-2, Pearl st, 42 (1:8-42), ss, abt 78 e Moore. 24.9x54.6. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Anna Webb, heir of Isabella Webb & John Black, 128 Storm av, Jersey City. NJ. to John. Wm G. Mary F. Amanda J & Edw B I^lack & Ii'Iorence E I'loriis, children of Wm G Black & grandchildren of John Black, all at 163 Prospect Park W. Bklyn; QC; .-^piS; DeclS'lO: A$20.000-25.000. nom Pearl st. 42; Fredk J Parkhurst et al. heirs Isabella Parkhurst & John Black, to same; QC; AprS; Decl5'16. nom Pearl st, 42; ."Vunie Parent (Kichford). widow John Parent & only child John it Is.ibella Richford, at 72 Rerasen av, New Biunswick. NJ, to same; oC: A'orS; Decla '16. nom Pearl st. 42: Isabella B Mever & ano. heirs Wilhelmina Meyar & John Black, to same: QC: AprS: DeclS'lfi. nom Pearl st. 42; Mary Richlord, widow of John Rii-hford. et al. heirs John Black, to same- QC; AprS; DeclS'lO. nom Pearl st. 42; Chas D F Steinfnhrer, EXU Mary Black, to same; AT: AprS; Uecl5'16 The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rlfhtg ar§ reserved. Notice Is hereby given that Infringement -vyiU lead to proEecutloj}.