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Beal Estate board of new york 217BR0ADWA'' ''-" York CITY. Index to Vol. XCIX of the J^ecopd^n^Guide For Manhattan and the Bronx Auction Sales, Conveyances, Leases, Mortgages and Projected Buildings. NOS. 2547 to 2572 January-June, 1917, INCLUSIVE. VOL. XCIX. PREFACE. The following is the semi-annual Index of Volume XCIX of the Record and Guide, containing complete lists of the Auction sales. Conveyances, Leases, Mortgages and Buildings Projected In Manhattan and Bronx during the first six months of 1917. Those -wishing to keep a file of past six months for per¬ manent reference should see that all the numbers are complete and have them bound. Cost of binding, $3.50 per volume. A suitable temporary binder, holding one volume, can be obtained at the office, 115 to 119 West 40th Street; price, one dollar. The Record and Guide is now pub¬ lished in two sections; Section Two containing Conveyances, Mortgages, Leases. Auction Sales and Projected Buildings. The folios on both sections begin with page one, continuing consecu¬ tively up to the end of the volume. THE KEV. Auction Sales. The • before any folio indicates an auction sale. Conveyances, are distinguished by numbers without having signs attached thereto. In many instances there will be found streets, etc.. Indexed under pages which, on being ex¬ amined, show at once that they are not In their proper order according to our cus¬ tomary alphabetical and numerical ar¬ rangement. A further examination will disclose the fact that while the properties appear more prominently under the other street descriptions, they nevertheless ex¬ tend to the streets, etc.. Indicated by the Index, and having a frontage on same have been included in the paging, and It will necessitate a somewhat more thor¬ ough search than usual to locate it. The Leases, Mortgages, Auction Sales and Pro¬ jected Buildings are indexed In a similar manner to the plan followed with the Conveyances. Leases. The figures in parenthesis denote that the transaction on the page given Is Leasehold, an assignment of lease or a lease running for a short or long term of years. This explanation Is made so that subscribers searching for transfers in fee can at once distinguish between the form¬ er and the latter without referring to the pages mentioned. Mort grasses. Figures preceded by capital letters are mortgages, said capital letter indicating the first letter of the name of the mort¬ gagor. All the mortgages are indexed against the street or avenue in which the property is located, and memoranda added to en¬ able searchers to find the particulars In "The Record and Guide." See "Example." The streets and avenues are so subdivided that very few references are necessary. All readers of "The Record and Guide" ar« aware that the mortgages appear weekly in alphabetical and numerical order. Thlt publication of an Index against property completes the information which those In¬ terested may require. Projected BuildinKS. The t before any folio Indicates a Pro¬ jected Building, which will be found In Section Two. Example. Blast Broadwas^ Catharine to Market 1. (37), (105), tl46. L167, B369. R414. *419 Page *419. an auction sale will be found. Pages (37), (105). leases will be found. Pages L167. B369 and R414, morfgaeis will be found. Page 1, a conveyance will be found. Page T146. a plan for a new buililing will be found. Auction Sales, Conveyances, Leases, Mortgages and Projected Buildings BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN NOTE.—Loueitudinal streets, roads and plac«, aucli as the Bowery. Boulevard, Broad¬ way, etc.. which run parallel with the various aver.Mes. will be found In alphabetical order among the avenues._____________________ STREETS AND PI.ACES Aendemr rt.^st of Naegle av 265, B270 Nat'Ble to Sherman avs M138, 315. 317. M321. '405. 411. .Sherman av to Broadway 83, M236, 383. Broadway to Seaman av 33, 49, 65 Allen Division to Canal 165, B304, 349, (352) Canal to Hester (217), ••225, S336, M352, S369 Hester to Grand (70), (267) Grand to Broome 33, 117 Broome to Delancey 35, 101, 197, 318, 331. Delancey to Rivington M54, 117, 265, 283, 409 Rivington to Stanton 51. P54, L106 Stanton to Houston •45, 179, N184, G184. 265, 266. 318, 411 Alley 1, R72, 101, 179, R217, 231, 265, 279, F286, G305, 317 Ann Park Row to Nassau ns 231 Napsau to "William ss 363, (368) William to Gold ss 331. Apthorp's la 102, 133, 148, 164, 332, G337, 410 Ardeii Naegle to Sherman avd H20, 33. 35. D40, D56, 250, 282, 3';5, T371 Asbley 233 Attorney Dlyj»fon to Grand (320) Grand to Broome 231, •293, 299, 331 Broome to Delancey (70) Delancey to Rivington 299, 347 Rivington to Stanton 117, 119, R184. 263 Stanton to Houston E54, C286 Aaylnm la S41C Bank 4th to Bleecker W137 Hudson to Greenwich G38 Greenwich to Washington 65 Washington to West 2, F414 Barclay Broadway to Church 68 Church to West Broadway r.3 20, TL!20 We.^i Pway to Washington 214 Washington to West (20), 253, 331, W336, 347, (362), A354, (399) Indef (183) Barley, 214 Barro^v Wash pi to Bleecker (88) Bleecker to Bedford H38, M152 Bedford to Hudson (54). 231, D236, 247 Greenwich to Wash 85, 299 Bajcter Bayard to Canal es 381, 411 Canal to Hester J352 Hester to Grand 409 Bayard Forsyth to Chrystle 349 Elizabeth to Mott n s R201 Beach Varick to Hudson M138, M153 Hudson to Greenwich 65, R353, P385. F400 Beaver Broadway to Broad. 318. •419 Hanover to Pearl •45. (105) Bedford Houston to Downing R167 Downing to Carmine 214 Barrow to Grove 65, 315 Beekman pi •78, 147, B152, 279 Beekman Nassau to William (70), S252, 333 William to Gold 1, 179, (200) Gold to Cliff C184 Cliff to Pearl 195, 395 Benson pi H415 Bethune Greenwich to Wash 231 Blackberry alley W153 Bleeeker Lafayette to Bway ns W201 Broadway to Mercer 49 Wooster to West Bway R320 West Bway to Thompson (335) Thompson to Sullivan (166), (235), 247. 315. A320, (335), C336, 378 Leroy to Morton ws 101 Morton to Commerce ws 231 Jones to Barrow es B217, 299 Christopher to 10th 279, 409 10th to Charles (285) Charles to Perry D20, S121 Bond Broadway to Lafayette R72 Lafayette to Bowery 231, K236 Brannon 214 Bridge State to Whitehall 33, C38, (413) Broad Wall to Exchange pi 65 Exchange pi to Beaver (105), (200), W336 Pearl to Water 279, S28G Front to South (304) Broome Tompkins to Mangln M218 Levis to Cannon 49, 83, 147, K152 Cannon to Columbia •111, 117, (252). 279 Sheriff to Willett 231 Willett to Pitt 1, (105), 117, 179 Clinton to Suffolk (121) Suffolk to Norfolk (54), G54, •61. 147, R152. 179, T252 Norfolk to Essex 147. 279 Ludlow to Orchard 299, G304 Orchard to Allen •143, 197, 299, 318, B336. (368) Allen to Eldridge 33, 35 Forsvth to Chrystie 397 Bowery to Elizabeth I 38, 154, W90. 249 Elizabeth to Mott 317 Mott to Mulberry (6), (267) Mulberry to Lafayette n s t227 Centre to Lafayette s s 331 Lnfayette to Crosby E20 Broadway to Mercer G252 Sullivan to Clarke n s L71. R353 Clarke to Varick n s 409 "Varick to Hudson 67, 315, 331 Barling- si Pearl ♦o Water 33, 65, C71, (217). N218. 231. N236 Front to South 131. 247. C252 Canal East Broadway to Division 266. 299. 301 Division to Ludlow 1, A6, J54, J71 Orchard to Allen ^225 Eldridge to Forsyth 163, 0167 0217 Forsyth to Chrystle O400, 0414 Chrystie to Bowery 195, W201 S201, (320) Bowery to Elizabeth H219, (320) Elizabeth to Mott L137, J352 Mott to Mulberry S400 Mulberry to Baxter (881, M88, (252) Baxter to Centre J352 I Centre to Lafayette 180, 181, 317, 331 Lafayette to Broadway (88) Broadway to Church s s (20), C22 Wooster to W Bway n s 409 Church to West Bway ss 49 Thompson to Sullivan n s P54. P121. S320 Laig:ht to Varick ss 55 Sullivan to Varick n s R353 Varick to Hudson 33, 249, R353 Wash to West 331 Cannon Grand to Broome (252), 316 Delancey to Rivington 65, L71. 363 Rivington to Stanton 197 Stanton to Houston •274, 279 Carmine 6 av to Bleecker "w s OG Bleecker to Bedford 117 Berford to Varick S20. (136). (285) Caroline 15, (200), 347, 350 Catherine Henry to Madison R217 Madison to Oak w s R20, G152 Oak to Cherry ws lOi Hamilton to Cherry es 381, L385 Catherine si Cherry to Water G38, 315 Water to South 363 Cathedral Park«-ay 5 to Lenox avs n s 83. 85. Z88, 165, 250, 2S2. 283, J28S Lenox to 7 avs n s (368) Central Park W to Col av ss (71). (166) Amsterdam av to Broadway n s 65, 67, A71, (167), 0202 Amst av to Bway sS" 101, (121), 163. '224. 331 Cedar Pearl to William (70) Trinity pi to Greenwich (lo") 333 Greenwich to Wash H152. 363, N369 Wash to West 101 Central Park So G252. G26g, 301, 365. 366. L371 Centre Market pi 49, M54 Centre Pearl to Worth w s S71, S385 White to Walker (88) Walker to Canal t47 Hester to Grand es (183) Grand to Broome 331 indef 214 Chambers Centre to Bway ^293 Church to West Bway 349, A354 West Bway to Hudson 83, R353 Hudson to Greenwich P«, (267), (304) Wash to West 2, (20), 231 NOTE.__Key explalnlcs the iIbim u»e* will be fonnd on pace 1. /^^