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MANHATTAN AND BRONX CN<^ SECTION TWO ^.o^^' .s-^ 55" A^ 5^ .^ .^^^<5?^ V RECORDS SECTION of the , A ^^ QjV REAL ESTATE AND This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, Nevv Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. "Entered at the Post Oftice at New York. N. Y.. as second class matter. Vol. XCIX No. 25,57 New York, March 17, 1917. PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. MAR. U, 10, 13, 13, 14 & 15. Ciiual st, IOO (1:292-14), ss, 50 e For¬ syth, 25x75, 5-sty stn tnt a. strs; Geo T Haab, ot Deal, NJ, to One Hundred Canal St, a corpn, 59 Wall; mtg $27,OUO; Mar9 '17; A$2b,uOU-30,00O. O C & 100 CntlieUrul PkHay, 5-7, see 5 av, 1310-3. CutheUrul l'k»vny, 214 (-7:18Sl-45), ss, 300 w Ams av, 100x70.11, 12-sty bk Hit; Paterno Constn Cu lo Paterno Investing Corpn, 383 Madison av; B&S; mtg $240,000 & AL; Feb7; Marl2'17; A$90,000-315,000. O 0 & 100 Circle. n«c 110th, see 5 av, 1310-2. ClUf St. lOS (l;I13-pt Its 34 & 37). 32x 107. now part 4 & 5-sty bk warehouse; Robt Benson to Philip, Jacob & Peter Grim, Johannis Jurye, Sobel & Ebert Jo¬ hannis, Jos Hendricli, Soufer Sc Lendert Rigeler; Mar22, 1719; MarI0'17. £250 Clill st, lOS; Peter Grim et al to Baltus Springier, Saml Faulkenham, Fredk Wendlsh, Andries Merll, Alex Finck, John Fisher, Andries Lucam & Ferdinand Du- brunner in trust tor a Lutheran Church or burying ground, etc; FebS, 17(55: Mar 10'17 5 shillings Columbia st, 77 (2:334-31), 'WS, SO n Rivington, 19.10x49.8, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Lawyers Mtg Co to Sarah Kedofsky, 79 Columbia; B&S; Marl5'17; A$8,000-12,500. O C & IOO Eldridse st, IIC (2:413-6). es, 87,6 s Broome, 25x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & sirs; Es¬ ther Kanzer, of Bklyn, to Saml Rothman, 54 Eldridge; mtg $26,200; Mar7: Mar0'17: A$20,000-27,000. O C & 100 Bldridise st, 22» (2:422-65), ws, S1.6 n Stanton, 18.6x50, 3-sty bk tnt & str; Net¬ tie Sussman to Susan Jager, 229 Eldridge; mlg $9,650- Marl; Marl5'17: A$7,OOO-8,00U, O C & IOO Forsyth st, IC (1:292-6), es, abt 175 s Canal, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Saml J Krooks of Eklyn to Benj Krooks, 4617 6 av, Bklyn: mtg $25,000; Mar3; Marl4'17; A$16,000-26,000. "■ nom Front st, 45 (1:34-3), ses, 50.10 ne Coen¬ ties sl, 20.7xSl.5x21x81.9, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; U S Trust Co of N Y, as TRSTE Alice W Bronson, to Chas L O'Shea, 99 Clermont av, Bklyn; V2 pt; AT; Marl5'I7; A$I3,000-19,000. 12.r.(>0 Front st, 45; Julia Ethel, Princess Ros- pigliosi (formerly Julia Ethel Bronson), lo same; Vz Pt; AT; CaG; Jan20; Marl5'17. n r.m Front St. 43; Chas L O'Shea, of Bklyn, to Seamens Church Institute of N Y, 25 South; B&S & CaG; mtg $14,000; MarI5'17. O C & loo Front st, 83 (1:35-5), ss, abt 95 e Old sl, 23.9x101.11x23.9x101.6, es, 5-sty bk office & str bldg; .4519,000-29,000; also FRONT ST, 87 (1:35-6), ss, abt 120 e Old sl, 24.10X 101.6, 5-sty bk office & str bldg; .\$20,000- 30,000; Howard G Smith to Saral Kilpat¬ rick, 554 Jefferson av, Bklyn; 8-15 pts; B &S & CaG: Feb26; Mar2'17. (Corrects error in last issue when Front st, 87, was omit¬ ted), nom Front st, S5-7; Forrest Raynor ot Mont¬ clair, NJ, & ano, EXRS, &c, Henrietta H Smith, to same; 7-15 pts; AL; Feb24; Mar 2'17. nom Front st, 83-7; Saml Kilpatrick to Chas E Perkins, 261 Henry, Bklyn. Marl; Mar2 •17. O C & 100 Front St. 87, see Front, 85. Gold st, S (1:69-20), ses, abt 110 n Maiden la, 21.2x70.6x27.6x74, nes, 5 & 6- sty bk lott & str bldg; J Adolphe Letaive, 126 Riverside dr, to Gold St Realty Corpn, 120 Bwav; correction deed; mtg $19,000; Jan20; Mar9'17: A$18,000-25,OOD. nom Grnnil st, 43-3 (1:227-20-21), ss, 34.6 w West Bway, 34.6x96.6, 2-3-sty bk tnts & strs & 4-sty bk rear loft bldg; John L O'Brien, ret. to Wm H Browning, at Rye, NY; P.4RTITION S.4LE Nov23'I6; Marll; Marl5'17: A$1S,500-20,500. 13.800 Honston st, 108 E (2:456-39), ns, abt 92 e Ludlow, runs ne35.2xw3.2xn2I.3xe5.10 xne40.6xse22.6xswl00 to st xnw22.6 to beg. 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Lawrence Holding Co to Leonidas Really Corpn, 84 5 av; B &S & CaG; AL; Marl5'17: A$21,000-41,000. O C & 100 Hubert st, 39-45, see Washington, 390-6. Lewis st, 11 (2:326-19), ws, 158.4 n Grand, 16.8x100, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg- Lillie Leysersohn, 4905 11 av, Bklyn, to Maurice H Garland, 900 Riv Dr, & Geo Greenberg, 657 W 161; mtg $3,000; Marl4'17; A$6,000- 15,000. O C & 10) Mangin st, 21 (2:322-23), ws, 80 n Ei-oome, 19.2x50. 1-sty fr stable: Hugh Donahoe ot Bronx to .'Vgnes Donahoe, his wife, 2063 Bathgate av. Bronx; mlg $1,- 500 & AL; MarS; AIarl0'17; A$3,000-3,500. nom Montgomery st, CO (1:258-18), ws, 50 s Monroe, 25x93.4, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Max Wachsman to Wachsman &• Co, 230 Grand- V2 pt; AL; July25'16; Marl4'17- A$13,500- 25,500. nom Montgomery st, swc Water, see Water, 585-95. Perry st, 125 (2:633-25), ns, 46 w Green¬ wich, 21x52x22.6x44.7, 3-sly fr bk ft tnt- Jas R Erwin ot Jersev City, NJ, to AU-x B Halliday, 316 Palisade av, Yonkers, NY; Marl4'I7; A?3,500-4,500. nora KutK-crs St. 32 (1:373-21). ws. 25 n Madi¬ son, 25x84.7. 3-sty bk syna.^egue; Chebra Talmud Torah D'Augustow ot City N Y, 32 Rutgers, to Congregation of Judah and Israel, 32 Rutgers; mtg $24,000 & AL; Feb 28; Marl3'17: A$3,500-5,000 & exempt. 28.000 Thomnson st. 91-3 (2:503-33), ws, 125 n Spring, 50x100. 7-stv bk lott & str bldg; Kath F Wadsworth, ot Middletown, Conn, to Theresa Kann, 2934 Eastern Blvd, Throgs Neck, Bronx; B&S; Marl2- Marl3 •17: A$32,000-62,000. O 6 Sc 100 Tliompson st, 91-3; Theresa Kann, of Bronx, to Ludwig Harbur.ger, 30 V/ 88- mtg $28,000: Marl2; MaV13'17. noni Union s