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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 100, no. 2584: September 22, 1917

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MANHATTAN AND BRONX SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION This section inclu(ies all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assigtunents of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales^ Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics* Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate* Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan- "l]]Qter«d at the Post Office at New TorlL. N. Y., aa aecond claaa matter. Vol. C No. 2584 New York, September 22, 1917. PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. SEPT. 14, 15. 17, IS, 19 Sc 20. Beaver st, 50 (1:29-82), swc South Wil¬ liam (Nos 2-t>), runs w70.11xsgtj.lxsw27.11 xn\vl3.5xsw23.4 6l 7.9xseti3.7 to nws Wil¬ liam xne 6c n 145.S to beg. S-sty bk office Sc str bldg; Josepliine G JJelmonico of NV, 6c Jeanne Uelmonico of Bklyn to Merchant Marine House, Inc, Sti Beaver; mtg $425,- OOU & AL; Septl7; Septl9'17; A$375,000- 5U0,OU0. nom Centre st 176-S (1:207-6 & 7), es. 49.4 ^ Hester, runs e57.6xs9.s;xe20xs39.3xw82.7 to st xn49.4 to beg, 2-o-sty bk loft & str bldgs; A$37.000-4tJ,500: also HOWARD ST, 6 (l:234-J5>, ns, 61 w Centre. 25.6x110.3x 25.6x110.10, ws, 5-sty bk loft Sc str bldg; A$20.U0U-2U.00U; also HOWARD ST. 2-4 (1:234-20-24). nwc Centre (Nos 203-9), 61 xlll.9x60.2x110.4. 2-5 Sc 1-6-sty bk loft 6c str bldgs; A$S7,000-105,000; Osmond H Gay. of Providence, Ri, to Loring P Hawes. of Cranston, RI; 1-48 pt; Sept6; Septl5'17. O C & 100 Centre st, 203-9. see Centre. 176-8. Cherry »t, 'Mi7 (1:259-15), ss, abt 70 w Gouverneur, 34.8x64.5x28x65.6, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; also CHERRY ST, ss, an alley bet 365 & 367 Cherry 2x64 to rear of 614 Water; Slova I Sapossnek to Michl Cohen, 221 East Bway; AL; SeptlS; Septl7'17; A $7,500-11,500. O C & 100 Cleveland pi, 27-33, see Spring. 60-2. Clinton st. 180 (1:314-5), es. abt 140 n Division, 25x100, 1-2 & 3-sty bk theatre; Geo P Sanborn et al to Peter P Cappel, 333 W 23; B&S & CaG; AL; June29; Sept 19'17; A exempt-exempt. O C & 100 Columbia st. 95 (2:334-22), ws, 75 s Stanton, 25x75, 5-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Abr Katz, 141 Broome, to Yetta Weiner. 141 Broome; ^^ pt; AL; SeptlS: Septl5'17: A $11,500-20.500. sift & 100 E:ldridKe st. 136 (2:414-2). ses, abt 100 g Delaneey. 25x87.6. 5-stv bk tnt Sc strs; Dora Pisch. widow & Max Fisch. heirs &c Jos Fisch, to Isidor Fisch, ISO S 3. Bklyn: AT: QC: AL; Aug20: Septl5'17: A$21.000- 32.000. O C & 100 Henry st, 46 (1:277-35), ss. abt 295 w Market. 25x100. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Chas H Young, as TRSTE Geo Bell, to Chas H Young. 31 Poplar pl. New Rochelle. NY. & Central Trust Co, 54 Wall, as sub TRSTES Geo Bell; Aug9; Septl3*17; A$15,500-18.000; corrects error in last issue, when 3d line was incorrect. nom Howard st, 2-6. see Centre, 176-8. Jaekson st, 5 (1:267-50). ws, 60.2 s Henry. 25x100, 5-stv bk tnt & strs; Bertha Kahn to Saml Weil. 222 Lenox av; Benj J Weil. 21 E 82. & Louis V Weil, 52 E 75, EXRS Jonas Weil; V-^ pt; B&S: AL; Aug 20; Septl9'17: A$ll.000-21.500. O C & 100 Jaekson st, 5; same to Bernhard Mayer, 41 E 72; Vz pt; B&S; AL; Aug20: Septl9 '17. O C & 100 Lafayette st, 185 (or 173 Elm si) (2:- 472-7). old, es. 116.6 s Broome. 20.6x65.4x 20.6x65.6. except pt for st. 3-sty bk bldg; Geo P Sanborn et al to Peter P Cappel. 333 W 23: B&S & CaG: AL; June29; Sept 19'17: A exempt-exempt. O C & 100 Lewis sf, .32 (2:327-38). es, 149.3 n Broome. 25x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Emile Schultze. ref, to Lawvers Mter Co; FORE¬ CLOS Septll; SeptlS; Septl9'17; A$9.000- 23.500. IS.OOO Pearl si, 291 (1:98-48), ns. abt 50 e Beek¬ man. 2.^x100. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Jo¬ anna, wife Gustave H Schrock. & Gertrude B. wife Wm H Snuires, to Schrock & Squires, a corpn. 291 Pearl; QC; Aug27; Sept20'17: A?19.000-26.000. nom Pine St. 97-101, see South, 68. ^ Pitt St. 7 (2:341-57). ws. 100 ji Grand. 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Abr Katz. 141 Broome, to Yetta Weiner. 141 Broome: V-y nt- RT&I: AL: Septl3: Septl5'17: A$14.000- 20;500. ^ift Sc 100 Prince st, 82-fl, see Ewav. 565-7. Rivlno-fon st. 309 (■2:32S-49't ss 24 11 e Lpwis 25x80x24.10x80. fi-stv bk tnt & strs; Wm Cohen to Sarah Kussv. 381 E 10; A L; SeptlS; Septl9'17; A$10,500-21,000. nom Scammel st, SG-SOVs. on map 36 (1:266- 7S), es, 25.1 n Monroe. 27x95.2, S-sty bk tnt & strs; Abr Katz. 141 Broome, to Yetta Weiner 141 Broome; all RT&l; AL; Sept 13; Septl5'17: A$ll.500-26.000. gift & lOG SherilT st, 66-S (2:333-10), es, 60 s Riv¬ ington, 40x75. 5-sty bk hall: Abr Gersten. 365 E 8, to Sheriff Street Baths. Inc, on premises; mtg $49,400 & AL; Septl5'17; A $19,500-40.500. nom South st, 68 (1:37-47), swc Pine (No 101). 21.5x62.3x21.3x65.9,- 5-sty bk office & str bldg, with AT to alley in rear; A$23,- 000-29,000; also PINE ST. 99 (97) (1:37- this & South st, 65-66, lot 49). ss, 74.6 w South, 23.9x41.8x23.4x41.8. 3-sty bk office & str bldg; A$67.000-85,000; also PINE ST 97 (95) (1:37-17). ss, abt 89.6 w South, 20.5 X41.7x20x41.8. 5-sty bk storage- A$6,500- 8.500: also SOUTH ST, 67 (1:37-48), ws, 21.2 s Pine, 21.1x65.9x20.11x70 4-sty bk of¬ fice & str bldg; A$17,000-23.000; also SOUTH ST, 65 & 66 (1:37). ws. 42.5 s Pine, 48.3x130.10x47.4x136.8. 2-4-sty bk storage & office bldgs; Fredk Prelinghuy- sen et al. EXRS &c John N A Griswold, to Lawyers Realty Co, 160 Bway; July25: Sept20'17. O C & 1,000 Soutli .st, 6.1-7, see South. 68. South AVilliam st, 2-6, see Beaver. 56. Spring: st, 60-2 (2:481-13-15). sec Cleve¬ land pl (Nos 27-33), 50.6x102.11x49.7x114.1, 2-2-sty fr bk ft tnts & 3-4-sty bk tnts & strs: Frank McCoy, NY. to Edw McCoy, 5 Amberson av, Yonkers, NY: AT; B&S; Sept 1: Septl7'17; A$56,000-61.000. nom Water st. 155 (1:71-11), ss, abt 20 e Maiden la. 20x51.6x20x52. ws, 6-stv bk loft & str bldg: Sarah F Willets, of Bklyn, to Emma M Gibson, 625 E 32, Bklvn; CaG; Septl2; Septl8'17; A$14,000-20.000' O C & 100 Water st, 1.15; Edw B Willets. of NY, et al, heirs &c Edw B Willets, deed, to same; QC: Septl2; Septl8'17. nom Water st, 336-8 (1:110-38 & 39), ns. 67.5 e Roosevelt. 37.9x65.6x37.6x67.3, 2-4-sty bk tnts & strs: Frank T Warburton, ref. to Margt A Norris. 225 W 14, plff; FORE¬ CLOS Aug29; Sept20'17; A$ll,000-14,500. 9,000 4TH st, 326 W, see 8 av, 36. 22D st, 146-.S \V (3:797-68 & 69). ss. 258.4 e 7 av, 41.8x98.9, 2-3-sty & b bk dwgs; Phoenix Ingraham, ref, to Bond & Mtg Guarantee Co, 175 Remsen, Bklvn; FORE¬ CLOS SeptS; Septl9'17; A$40,000-44,000. 30,000 23D St. 331 E (3:929-19), ns. 275 w 1 av. 25x98.9. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Max Borck to Mary Fornabia. 2612 3 av; AL; Septl9; Sept20'17; A$12,000-32.000. O C & 100 2eTH St. 128 \V (3:801-58). ss 325 w 6 av. 25x98.9. 5-sty bk loft & str bids:: Wm P McManus, of Mt Vernon, NY, to Philton Holding Co. 55 Liberty; AL; Apr30: Sept 20'17: A$35,000-47.000. O C & 100 26TH st, 128 W. see 67th, 36-40 W. 27TH st, 138 E (3:882-60), ss. 120 e Lex av. runs s9S.9xw20xn3.3xw5xn95.6 to st xe 25 to beg. 1 & 3-sty bk theatre; Harold E Linnincott. ref, to Adrian H Jackson, 420 Riverside dr. plff; FORECLOS Aug7: Septll: Septl9'17: A$22.000-27.000. 20.000 27TH St. 1.38 E; Adrian H Jackson to RramhaH Players, Inc, 138 E 27; Septl2: Septl9'17. O C & 100 27TH st, 426 W (3:724-51). ss. 425 e 10 av. 25x98.9. 5-stv stn tnt: Henry Kast, EXR Josenhine Hamberger to Ida Schack- ner. 750 Hewitt pl; Emma Heinzelmann & Wm Ranenbuehler. both at 206 9 av; Ther¬ esa Schneider. SO Av A; Chas Ranenbueh¬ ler. 25 Ellery. Bklyn, each 1-7 of 1-6 pt. & Tillie Jewett & Josephine De Luca, — Lin¬ coln av. Westchester Park. Tuckahoe. NY. each 1-14 of 1-6 pt. in all 6-7 pts of 1-6 pt; AT; AL; Septl7'17; A$12,000-24,000. 3,2,86.43 27TH St. 426 W; Henry Kast. EXR Jos¬ ephine Hamberger. to Emma Heinzelmann, 206 9 av. & Josenhine De Luca. at Tucka¬ hoe. NY. as EXTRXCES Eliz Schwehr: 1-7 pt of 1-6 pt: AT; AL: Septl7'17. 547.57 2.8TH St. 56 \V. see 6 av, 460-2. 29TH St. 211-3 W (3:779-31 & 32). ns. 121 w 7 av, 46x98.9, 2-4-stv bk tnts & 2-3-stv bk rpar tnts: AJ32.000-39.000: also 40TH ST. 332-4 E (3:945-38-39). ss. 175 w 1 av, 50x98.9. 2-5-sty bk tnts: A$16,000-30,000; Edw McCoy, of Yonkers, NY, to Frank Mc¬ Coy, li3U-Bway; AT; BScti; Septb; &epLi7 '17. nora 30TH st, 20 E (3:859-74), ss, 287.6 e 5 av, l&.yx9o.9, 4-sty sm tnt Sc str; Wm E White, 116 Ft ureene pl. Bkiyn, to De Forest Grant. 70 E o4; Madisun urant, 22 E 49, 6c Psorman Grant, Ciub House Grounds, at Dongan Hiiis, B ol R; mtg ifliO.UuU 6c AL; Augy; Sepi20'17; A^oO.uUU- 52,UUU. nom ;$OTH st, 229-31 W (3:780-22 & 23), ns, 297 w 7 av, 43x98.9, vacant; Bond 6c Mtg Guarantee Co to Archioaid D Russell, ot Pimceion, NJ; B&S; SeptlS'17; A$do,uru- 35,000. O C & 100 37TH st, 154 E (3:892-52), ss. 160 w 3 av. 20x9^.9, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Mary S Cook, 154 E 37. to Courtney Hyae. 66 Wil¬ low, Bklyn; AL; Sept7: Septl517: A$22.- 00U-26,OUU. nom 37TH st, 335-7 E, see 37th. 339 E. 37TU st, 335-43 K (3:943-21-2o), ns, 78 W 1 av, runs wl25xn97.!i to ss old Susan xe I24.3xs30.0xe2xs4y.4 to beg. 5-4-sty bk tnts; Mary J Ryan to Henry VV Gennericn, 2Ua2 7 av; QC; Septl4; Septl7'17; A$38,700-60,- 500. nom 37TH st, 330 E (3:943-23), ns, 128 w 1 av, 25x90.8x25.3x87.2, 4-sty bk tnc; mtg $S,40u; A$8,500-12,ooo; also 37XH ST, 341 E (3;y43-24>, ns, 103 w 1 av. 25xs7.2x2a.8x63.5, 4-sty bk tnt; mtg $8,100; A$ii.500-12,UOO; also 37TH ST, 343 E (3:943-25), ns, 7S w 1 av, runs n4 9.4xw2xn30.6xnw22.11xsS3.5 to st xe25 to beg, 4-sty bk tnt; mtg $7,500; A$8,UOO-12.UOO; also 37TH ST, 335-7 E (3: 943-21 & 22), ns, 153 w 1 av, 50x97.8 to ss old Susan x50.6x90.6, 2-4-sty bk tnts; mtgs $17,500; A$17,700-24,500;Normar Real Es¬ tate Corpn to Henry W Gennerich, 2082 7 av: Septl4 Septl7'17. O C & 100 37TH st, 341-3 E, see 37th, 339 E. 40TH st, 332-4 E, see 29th, 211-3 W. 45TU st, 555 W (4:1074-5). ns, 100 e 11 av, 25x100.5, 5-sty bk tnt; Peter Flueth. 400 W 57, to Edgar S & John S Appleby, both at Glen Cove, LI; mtg $14,000; Sept 12; Sept2u'17; A$10,000-14.5u0. nom 55TH st, 52 E (5:1290-481/2), ss, 82.6 e Mad av, runs s50.2xel7.6xs50.2xe8.6xnl00.5 to st xw26 to beg. 4-sty & b stn dwg; W Chilton Thomas, of Washington, DC, to Eliz E Dunham, of Washington, NJ; mtg $27,500 Sc AL; Novl6'16; Septl8'17; A$40,- 000-50,000. O C & 100 57TH at, 152-4 E (5:1311-43), ss, 145 W 3 av. runs Sl00.5xe25xs20xw50xnl20.5 to st xe25 to beg, vacant; Emma L Chadwick to City Real Estate Co, 176 Bway; B&S; Aug 31; Septl9'17; A$27,000-36,000. O C & 100 57TH st, 417 E (5:1369-6), ns, 139.9 e 1 av, 16.8x100.4, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Lillian E Stein, 2492 Grand concourse, Bronx, & et al, heirs, &c, Caroline Ehrle, to Ethel Ehrle. 417 E 57; % pts; AT; AL; SeptlS; Septl9'17; A$7,000-10,000. nom 67TH st, 26 W (4:1119-43). ss. 250 w Central Park W, 25x100.5. 2-sty bk stable; Genevieve R McDermott et al, EXRS John McDermott, to 26 West 67th St Corpn: mtg $23,381; SeptlS; Septl7'17; A$27,500-30.500. 34.381 67TH st, 36-40 W (4:1119-47-49), ss, 350 w Central Park W, 75x100.5, 3-S-sty stn tnts; mtgs $92,000: A$82.500-97.500; also WEST END AV. 672 (4:1240-631/2), es, 67.5 s 93d, runs e68xs5xel6xsl2xw84 to av xn 17 to beg. 5-sty & b bk dwg; mtg $19,100; A$21.500-29,000; also 26TH ST, 128 W (3:801-58). ss. 325 w 6 av. 25x98.9. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; AL; A$3S.000-47,000; Phil- ton Holding Co. 55 Liberty, to 135 Bway Holding Corpn, at 135 Bway; Septl; Sept 20'17. O C & 100 70TH st, 218-24 W (4:1161-42-44). ss. 225 w Ams av. 66.8x100.5. 2-3 & 2-4-sty & b bk dwgs: Directors Realty Holding Co to Gertrude J Levy. 316 W 87; AL; SeptlS: Septl4'17; A$56,000-73.000. nom 75TH st, 331 W, see Riverside dr. 31. 7STH st, 342 E (5:1452-36). ss. 230 w 1 av. 20x102.2. 4-stv stn tnt: Robt J Hare Powel. ref. to .Jacob Schnekraut. 794 B 15 S- FORECLOSED, drawn & recorded Septl4'17: A$7.000-11,500. 6,000 81ST St. 101-15 W, see Col av, 440-54. S2I> sf. 4rt E. see Madison av. 1089-99. S2n st, 100-8 "W, see Col av. 440-54. 83D St. 40 E, see Madison av, 1089-99. Ihy^ text G:f these pages Is copyrighted. All rights ar*e reserve I. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecutloi.