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SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION Metropolitan Edition real-estate jp||) builders This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Mortgages, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, I Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Orders, Plans ■^ Filed for New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Brooklyn, and Plans Filed for New Buildings and Alterations in the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond. VoL XXVII. No. 12. (2610) NEW YORK, MARCH 23. 1918 PRICE 15 CENTS I CONVEYANCES. Borough of Brooklyn. Whenever the letters Q. C. & C. a Q. and B. & S. occur, preceded by the name of the grantees, they mean as follows: 1.—Q. C. Is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, i. e., a deed wherein all right, title and interest of the grantor Is conveyed, omitting all covenants and warranty. 2.—C. a G. means a deed containing a Covenant against Grantor only, in which ho covenants that he hath noc done any act whereby the estate con¬ veyed may be impeached, charged or encumbered. 3.—B. & S. is an abbreviation for Bargain and Sale deed, wherein, al¬ though the seller makes no expressed consideration, ho really grants or con¬ veys the property for a valuable con¬ sideration, and thus impliedly claims to be the owner of It. 4.—The figures preceding the con¬ sideration are the section and block numbers. MARCH 14. 15, 16, 18, 19 & 20. AinsUe st, ns, 176.10 w Lorimer, 20x 100.3; Jennie Morgan to Antonio Cala- bresse & wife. 401 Hooper; mtg $1,000 (9:- 2767) (R S $2). nom Barbey st, 572; h&l; Nathan ReznikofC & wife to Jacob Bashein, 452 Cherry st, NY; mtg $2,500 (13:4060) (R S $2). nom Barbey st, ws, 80 n Hegeman av, 20x 100; Michelo Riccio & wife to Giovanni Sciara & wife, 513 Glenmore av (14:4308) (R S 50c). nom Barrett ert, ws, 124.3 n Dumont av. 24x 100; re mtg; State Bank to Haber Holding, Inc (12:3552). nom Barrett »t, ws, 124.3 n Dumont av, 24x 100; h&l; Haber Holding, Inc, to Louis Lewis, 630 Howard av, & Morris Gise, 306 Powell; mtgs $7,300 (12:3552) (R S $1.50). V C & 100 Bartlett st, ss. 100 e Harrison av, runs S42.8xsw28.10xe25xn36xnw49.9 to st xw 25 to beg; Clara Waldstein & ano to Chas Grossman & wife, 627 Nostrand av; mtg $3,250 (8:2272) (R S $1), nom Bay Ridge pl, ws, 100 s Bay Ridge av, 20x80; Arcadia Realty Co to Ellen M Jor¬ dan, 5714 5 av; mtg $3,500 (18:5871B) (R 5 $2), nom ■ Bay Ridge pl, ws. 140 s Bay Ridge av, 20x80; h&l; Frances M Fanning to Geo L Dobson, 7701 Ridge blvd (18:5S71B) (R S $3). nom Bergen st, ns, 262.6 e Howard av, 18.9x 107.2; h&l; Harry A Greene to Sadie Taub, 404 Howard av; mtgs $5,250 (6:1446) (R S 50c). V C & 100 Bergen st, 988-90; h&l; Henry L Brant 6 wife to Ella H Clement, Ocean Grove, NJ; mtgs $39,000 (5:1217) (R S $8.50). exch of property Calyer st, swc Eckford, 100x100; h&l; Ellwood Realty Corpn to Bernhard Baron et al, 857 E 176th, Bronx. NT; mtgs $25,- 000 (9:2598). nom Canarsie la, ns. & adjoining the ws of land of Henry Bullwinkel, 50x100; re mtg; Harman Wermann to Adam E Kraft & wife (24:8141). 1,000 Canarsie la, ns, at int sec of land Her¬ man Lohmann, runs — 253.llxne348.4x — 253.llx~361.ll to beg, contains 2 58-1,000 acres; Louis J Sieling to Kathleen E Fau- pel, 3408 Fulton; RT&I; mtg $5,000 (24:- 7968, 8141). nom Canarsie la, ns, & adjoining ws of land of Henry Bullwinkel, 50x100; Thos R Ryan et al to Adam E Kraft & wife, 1055 B 92 (24:8141). nora Same prop; Theo Kiendl. as EXR of Thos R Ryan, deed, to same (R S T1.50). 1.500 Carroll st, ns, 260 w Kingston av, 20x 115; re mtg; Fredk W Rowe & Co to Car¬ roll Constn Co (5:1285). 1,650 Carroll st, ns, 260 w Kingston av, 20x 115; h&l; Carroll Constn Co to Minnie Mul¬ ler, 1141 Park pl; mtg $6,250 (5:1285) (R S $6), nom Carroll st, sws. 176 se Bond, runs se60.1 xswl5xsel01.5 to Gowanus Canal xs along same 211.2 to 1st xnwl29.8xne56.9xn9.lxnw 96.2xne37.11xnwl8.5xnel00 to beg; also 1ST ST. nes, 248 se Bond, 40x64.2x40.1x62.2; also 1ST ST, nes, 308 se Bond, runs nw 20 xne 64 xse 17 xs 7 X—56 to beg; also 8D ST, ns, 40 w Bond, 40x90; also 3D ST, nes, 80 nw Bond, 60x90; also 3D ST. ss, 271.2 e Bond, runs s213.7 to Gowanus Canal xne along same 108.6xnl25.9 to st xwlOl.7 to beg; also VARICK AV. ws, 109.7 s Metro¬ politan av, 200x221.1 to line of canal on w branch of Newton Creek; h&l; also all improvements rights, privileges, rents, is¬ sues & profits thereof; Pure Oil Co to Ohio Cities Gas Co (2:452-461-466; 10:2943) (R S $156). val cons Centre st, 151; h&l; Jos Shupack & wife to Nechama Feltzin, 151 Centre; mtgs $2,- 500 (2:552) (R S 50c). V G & 100 Centre st. ss, 159 e Clinton, 56x100; h&l; Jos Schnittka & wife to same; mtg $2,100 (2:562) (R S 50c). V C & 100 Cheever pl, es, 450 n Degraw, 22.1x88.6; h&l; Josephine W McHarg, individ & as ADMTRX of Maria L Kingsland, deed, to Eliz E Hanson. 389 Convert av, NY (2:- 322) (R S $2.50). 2,500 Clark st, nwc Willow, runs nl01.2xwl01 xsl01.2xel00.1 to beg; also all personal property attached therein; Imperator Real¬ ty Co to City Real Estate Co, 176 Bway, NY; mtg $140,000 (1:229) (R S 50c). V C & 100 Cleveland st, es, 275 n Arlington av, 25x 100; h&l; Theo K Magagnos to Minnie E Magagnos; AL (13:3925). nom Columbia Heights, es, 200.4 n Pierrepont, 25x101; h&l; Lillian V C Bolton to Coron¬ ado Apartment Co, 35 Nassau, NY; mtg $37,500 (1:234) (R S $3). nom Same prop; Coronado Apartment Co to Martha R Flanagan, Mt Carmel, Pa; mtg $37,500 (R S $3). V C & 100 Columbia pl, nws, 61.6 ne State, runs nw 58xne8.6xnwl2xne31.6xse70xsw40 to beg; h &1; Olga Novarine to Rebecca Cornehlsen, Huntington, LI; mtg $12,000 (1:258) (R S $4.50). nom Commerce st, ns. 90 e Van Brunt, runs e400 to Richards xnl50 xw50 xn50 to Sea- bring xw350xs200 to beg; h&l; also 23 other parcels; Lydia S Cutting as EX¬ TRX, &c, of Heyward Cutting, deed, to Anne Heyward (1894); Vi Part (2:505A, 511, 519 520, 521, 524, 531 to 533, 546, 566, 557, 595, 603, 610). nom Court st, 522^; S Mendel Co, Inc, to Benj Waldraan, 526 Court; mtg $4,000 (2:- 379) (R S $3). nom Dean st, 2115; h&l; Rosa Berman to Sophie Levine, 434 Osborn, & Molly Sare- sefsky, 152 Ten Eyck; mtgs $8,450 (5:- 1439) (R S $2). nom Dean st, sws, 175 nw Rockaway av, 25x 107.2; also DEAN ST. 1818 to 1828; h&l; Jas M Gorman to Jennie Munson, 512 Quincy; sub mtgs (5:1448-1350) (R S 50c). nom Decatur st, ss, 546.3 e Tompkins av, 14.10 x61.9x15.2x58.5; h&l; Lawyers Title & Trust Co to Kath Young, 1115 E 13th (6:1857) (R S $4). nom Decatur st, ss, 140 w Hopkinson av, 20x 100; Ella K Hodgkiss to Geo Hodgkiss (1904); mtg $3,600 (6:1506). love & affection Decatur st, ns, 437 w Reid av, 18.6x100; re mtg; Williamsburgh Savings Bank to Realty Associates (6:1676). 2,900 Decatur st, ns. 437 w Reid av, 18.6x100; Realty Associates to Sarah Kaplan, 1780 Fulton (6:1676) (R S $6.60). nom Decatur st. ns, 77.10 w Stuyvesant av, 18.8x100; h&l; Emma V Pitluga to Lena Pomerantz, 492 Kosciusko; mtgs $6,500 (6:1675) (R S 50c). nom Degraw st, 100; h&l; Giuseppe Pasciuto & wife to Giuseppe Pasciuto & wife, as tenants by the entirety, 136 Degraw (2:- 329). nom Degraw st, ss, 150 e Columbia. 20x100; h&l; same to same, as tenants by the en¬ tirety; AL (2:330). nom Eagle st, ns 560 w Manhattan av, 25x 100; h&l; Marie L Snellgrove to Theo White, Long Island City, NY; RT&I; sub mtgs (9:2495). nom Ellery st, 230; h&l; Robt J Macher to Emilie Macher, Rutherford, NJ; mtg $28,- 250 (6:1733). nom Fenimore st, ss, 130 e Rogers av, 25x 85.8x25x85.7; re mtg; Irving Trust Co to Fredk W Koetting (16:5044). nom Fenimore st, ss, 130 e Rogers av. 25x 85.8x25x85.7; h&l; Thos H Radcliffe & wife to Gesine Koetting (1906); mtg $3,- 750; re-recorded (16:5044). nom Same prop; Fredk W Koetting to Thos Lally & wife 296 Fenimore; mtg $3,750 (R S $2). nom Same prop; Ella M Weusthoff to Fredk W Koetting. 296 Fenimore; QC. nom Floyd st, 173; h&l; Bismark Realty Co to Danl Shapiro & wife, 173 Floyd; mtg $3,500 (6:1740) (R S $2). V C & 5.500 Floyd st, ns, 100 w Marcy av, 30x100; h&l; Hyman Chernick & wife to Isaac Dampf, 147 McKibbin; mtgs $6,500 (6:1738) (R S $1.50). nom Fulton st, 2576; re from damages; Chas Umla et al to N Y Consolidated R R Co & ano (12:3667). nom Fulton st, nes, 160.1 se Ormond pl, 20.4x 91; h&l; Milton Hertz & wife to Ida W Brown, Kew Gardens, NY; mtgs $6,000 (7:- 1997) (R S 50c). nom Fulton st, ss. 100.5 w Franklin av, 21.4x 117; h&l; Arend Tonjes & wife to Simon A O'Rourke et al, 1166 Fulton; mtg $5,500 (7:2016) (R S SOc). V C & 100 Grafton st, swc Dumont av, 80.3x100; Emma D Gardner to Simon J Harding et al. 60 8 av; AL (12:3566) (R S $1). nom Grafton st, es, 20.5 n Blake av, 20x100; h&l; Mollie Burstein to Pauline Burstein, 155 Grafton; AL (12:3535). nom Halsey st, ss, 77.6 e Tompkins av, 22.6x 40; Henry Wellbrock & wife to Harry Wellbrock, 439 Tompkins av (6:1846). nom Harman st, ns, 270 w St Nicholas av, 20 XlOO; h&l; Anna E Weber & ano to Anna E Weber, 443 Harman; AL (11:3281) (R S $2). nom . Harrison pl, nwc Gardner av, 130x200 to Gardner av; W B Corpn to Jos Epstein et al, 184 Vernon av; mtg $4,000 (10:3001) (R S $5.50). nom Uendrix st, 660; h&l; Adelaide Silber¬ man to Florence Baumwoll, 148 Pennsyl¬ vania av; mtgs $4,250 (13:4088) (R S $1). V C & 100 Hendrix st, es, 250 n Dumont av, 25x100; h&l; Amanda J Campbell to S Eliz Hoerig, 1285 Liberty av; mtg $2,000 (13:4059). nom Hendrix. st, 653; h&l; Pauline Rosen to Dora Gellis, 133 EUery; mtgs $3,900 (13:- 4089) (R S $1). nom Hendrix st, 585; h&l; David Katz & wife to Jacob Siegel, 108 Rose; all interest; mtg $4,250 (13:4059) (R S $1). nom Henry st, es, 44.9 s Orange, 21.11x70x 21.11x70.3; h&l; Chas A Clayton to South Brooklyn Savings Institution 160 Atlan¬ tic av; FORECLOS (1:227) (R S $6). 6,000 Herkimer st, ns. 192.3 e Bedford av, 20x 100; Margt P Hicks et al to Dyett Realty Co, 227 Bway. NY; QC (6:1860). nom Herkimer st. ns, 192.3 e Bedford av, 20x 100; Dyett Realty Co to Sea Gate Develop¬ ment Co, 192 Montague; mtg $5,000 (6:- 1860) (R S 50c). nom Herkimer st, ss, 175 e Troy av, 18.9x 185.6; Grennell A Pulis & wife to Ela B Brown, 689 Macon; mtg $3,900 (6:1706). nom Herzl st, 178; h&l; Max Wolf et al to Jos Davis. 44 Blake av; mtgs $3,900 (12:- 3538) (R S $1.50). nom Hill st, ns, 275 w Crescent, 50x100; h&l; Chas Vogt & wife to Praxedis E Vogt, 114 McKinley av; mtg $3,300 (13:4165) (R S $4). nom Hinsdale st, 534; h&l; Saml Leventow- sky & wife to Rose Friedman, 565 Hins¬ dale; mtgs $3,050 (12:3834) (R S $2). nom Hinsdule st, ws. 300 n Liberty av, lS.9x 100; h&l; Sam Kramer to Fannie Kramer, 36 Hinsdale; re-recorded (12:3681) (R S SOc). nom Same prop; Fannie Kramer to Irving Harrison, 26 Thatford av; mtgs $3,550 (R S $1). nom Same prop; Louis Kramer to Bernath Feldman, 19G Ralph av; QC; correction deed. nom Same prop; Bernath Feldman & wife to Grace Kramer, 36 Hinsdale; QC; correction deed. nom Hopkins st, 105; h&l; Saml Levinson et al to Cornician Realty Co, 503 13th; mtgs $8,200 (6:1720) (R S $2). V C & 100 Kosciusko st, ss, 185 e Sumner av, 20x 100; h&l; Eva Greenspan to Dora Mar¬ gulies 80 Varet; mtgs $5,000 (6:1605) (R S $2). nom Kosciusko st, ns, 225 w Marcy av, SOx 100; h&l; Anna Blyman & ano to Jacob B Norris 136 Ellery; mtg $3,500 (6:1779) (R S $1.50). nom Lawrence st, ws, 90 s Willoughby, 20x 100: h&l; Chauncey S Van Orden & wife to Chas A Van Orden, Chatham, NJ (1:- 151) (R S 50g). nom Lefferts pi, 191; h&l; Eleonor L Grimes to Stuyvesant Fish, Garrison, NY (7:2016) (R S $5). nom