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MANHATTAN AND BRONX SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION of the REAL ESTATE BUILDERS AND This sectiqn includes alt recorded Conveyances. Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales. Real Estate Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. TBntared at th% Fo«t Offle* al N»w ToriL, S. T.. as ■•oond el»»« MfttUr. Vol. CI No. 2611 New York, March 30. 1918. PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. • Borough of Manhattan. . ■ MARCH 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 Sc 28. Alien at, S2 (1:299-4), es, abt 125 n Canal, 22xoU.lx22,ax&U.l. 3-sty fr bk ft tnt Sc strs; Saml Uordon et al to Gruen Holding Co; AT; B&S &'CaG; Dec26'17; Mar2a'18; A$10,- UOU-11,600. O C & luO Attorney st, 35 (2:346-57), wa, 150 n Grand* 25x100. 5-sty bk loft Sc str bldg; Wm J Brown to EleiTico Kealty Co, oy Liberty; QC ' Sc correction deed; Marl9; Mar26'18; A$16,000-24,000. nom Attorney Ht, 95 (2:348-64), ws. 160 s Rivington, 20x100, 3-sty bk baths; Jennie Reich to Rose Leader, 15 St Nicholas av; Vi RT&l; AL.; Marl5; Mar22'lS; A$11,OUO- 14,000. nom Attorney st, »5 (2:348-64). wa, 160 a Riv¬ ington, 20x100, 3-sty bk bath; Lena Reich, 95 Attorney, to Herman Klepper, 259 Keap, Bklyn; Vz Pt; Mar26'lS; A$11.000-14,00u (R S $2). O C & 100 Uroome st, S»0 (2:418-40), ss, 76.10 w Eldridge, 32.10x87.7x32.10x87.9, 7-sty bk tnt & strs; Saml Kadin to Abram Simko- witz. 1801 7 av; mtg $42,250; Mar26'lS; A $25,000-48,000 (R S bOc). nom Broome st, 45« (2:485-35), ns, 25 w Mer¬ cer 25x100.2, 6-sty stn loft & strs bldg; Jacob H Schiff et al, heirs, &c, Sol Loeb Sc et al as EXliS, &c, of same will, to Morris Loeb, Isaac N Seligman & Felix M War¬ burg, as joint tenants; AL; Oct20'05; Mar 27'18; A$18,000-35,000. O G & 100 Broome St, 45«; Isaac N Seligman & Fe¬ lix M Warburg as surviving joint tenants, to Paul M Warburg, 17 E 80; Felix M War¬ burg, 1109 5 av, Sc Isaac N Seligman, 36 W 54, as {Joint tenants; AL; Apr9'13; Mar27'18. Broome st, 4G6; Felix M &; Paul M War¬ burg as surviving joint tenants, to Amsel Constn Co, 927 Bway, Bklyn; B&S Sc CaG; AL; MarlS; Mar27'18 (R S $25). O C & 100 Canal st, Ittl (1:205-32), ns, 50 w Mott, 25.2x100.3x25x100.3, 7-sty stn loft & str bldg- A$22,000-30,000; also CANAL ST, 193 (1:205-33), ns, 75.2 w Mott, 25.2x100.3x2ox 100.3, 7-sty stn loft Sc str bldg; A$22,000- 30,000; Gustav Grossman & ano, EXRS, &c, Martin Grossman, to Geo J Grossman, 38 De Kalb av, White Plains, NY, & Gustav Grossman, 2240 Grand blvd Sc concourse, Bronx; JanSl;'Mar26'18 (R S $50). 50.000 Canal st, 1»3, see Canal, 191. Canal st, 340 (83) (1:211-39), swc Church (No 332), 25.7x46.8x25x41.6, 5-sty bk loft Sc str bldg; Anthony Av Realty Co to Ruhl Investing Co, 2426 University av; mtg $27,- 500 Sc AL; Mar25'18; A$19,000-25,i)00 (R S $3). O C & 100 Cliurch st, 332, see Canal, 346. Clinton st, 86 (2:348-44), es, 175 s Riv¬ ington, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; A$26,- 000-32,000; also CLINTON ST, 88 (2:348- 43), es, 200 s Rivington, 25x100, 5-sty bk stable; A$26.000-36,000; Gustav Grossman & ano, EXRS, &c, Martin Grossman, to Geo J Grossman, 38 De Kalb av. White Plains, NY, & Guatav Grossman, 2240 Grand blvd & concourse, Bronx; JanSl; Mar26'18 (R S $50). 50,000 Clinton st, 88, see Clinton, 86. Delancey st, 104, see Ridge, 69-71. Delancey st, 276 (2:S33-73), ns. 75 w Cannon, 25x75, 5-sty bk tnt St strs; Abr S Gilbert, ref, to Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank, plft; FORECLOS Mar20; Mar21: Mar 22'18; A$12,000-18,000 (R S $15). 15.000 East Broadway, 68 (1:281-32), ns, 38.11 w Old Market, 25.1x68.9x25.1x68.10, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Max S Hillson to So¬ laris Realty Corpn. 1115 Bway; AL; Mar 7; Mar26'18; A$23,000-29,000 (R S 50c), nom Elizabeth st, 211-T, see Prince, 18. Forsyth st, 207 (2:422-23), WS, 157 s Houston, 28x66.7, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Lena, wife Henry Colman, 512 W 134, to Forsyth Leasing Co, 309 Bway; AL; Feb27; Mar25 '18; A$16.000-23,000 (R S 50c). nom Forsyth st, 209-11 (2:422-22), ws, 129.4 3 Houston, runs wl25xs84.5xe57.10 xn56.7 xe 67.2 to st xn27.11 to beg, 7-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Therese Weil & Sophia Mayer to Ber¬ tha Kahn, 421 E 82; B&S; AL.; Marl; Mar 27"18; A$35,000-75,000. O C & 50 THE RECORD AND GUIDE QUARTERLY. Attention is called to the users of the records, published in the Record and Guide, to the Record and Guide Quarterly. The Quar¬ terly is published every three months, the final installment be¬ ing combined with the three pre¬ ceding ones, making, in one com¬ pact volume, a complete transcrip¬ tion, in digest form, of all Convey¬ ances, Miscellaneous Conveyances such as Release of Mortgages, Con¬ tracts, Agreements, Consents, As¬ signments of Rents, Power of At¬ torneys, Designation, Resignation and Appointment of New Trustees and Executors, etc.. Mortgages, Extension of Mortgages, Partici¬ pation and Subordination Agree¬ ments of Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages, Satisfied Mortgages, Leases, including consents, assign¬ ments, cancellations and surrender of leases; Real Estate Appraisals, Auction Sales, Wills, New Build¬ ings and Alterations with cross references for the entire year, Bor¬ ough of Manhattan. These records are arranged geographically, chron¬ ologically and alphabetically so that the subscriber may, at a mo¬ ment's notice, find the desired in¬ formation. In order to make these records more complete the attor¬ ney's name is inserted in all Mort¬ gages and a geographical cross ref¬ erence to the Real Estate Apprais¬ als is given. This permits the user in searching for the appraised value of a given parcel, and not having the name of the deceased, to obtain the information instantly. Years of experience have demon¬ strated that by using the Record and Quide Quarterly time and an¬ noyance are saved. It is equally valuable to the broker w^ho main¬ tains an elaborate system of keep¬ ing records, or the man who must condense his plant. Forsyth st, 200-11; Bertha Kahn to The¬ rese Weil, 21 E 82, & Sophia Mayer, 41 E 72; B&S; AL; Marl; Mar27'18. O C & 50 Gramercy Ph, 31, see 20th. 148 E, Grand st, 20, see Pearl, 500-2. Greenwich st. 739 (741) (2:633-41), es, 75.7 n Perry, runs e84.10xnw20xw77.10 to st X—18.8 to beg, 2-sty bk tnt; Annie M Ryan, 174 68th, Bklyn, to Francis J Ryan, 255 Ovington av, Bklyn; Thos E Ryan, 174 6Sth, Bklyn, & Chas A & Mary M Ryan, 174 6Sth Bklyn; mtg $6,500; Aug31'16; Mar 27'IS; A$5,500-6,000 (R S $3.50). nom Henry st, 160 (1:271-51), ss, abt 105 w Jefferson, 26.1x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Anna Kotzen, of Wooster, Mass, et al. to Harry Hastorf, 889 St Nicholas av; AL; Feb28: Mar22'18; A$17.000-31,000 (R S 50c). nom Len-is St. 143 (2:356-2), es. 98.8 n Hous¬ ton 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Victorlne Mohn or Fisher or Fischer. 108 W 95. to Jos T Mohn, 108 W 95; mtg $9,400; Mar 23- Mar26'lS; A$12,000-25,500. nom Lispenard st, 8, see Pearl. 500-2. Ludlow st, 175 (2:412-28). nws, abt 180 a Houston, 25x87.6. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos^ Rabinowitz to Wm Rosenthal, 941 Glen¬ more av, Bklyn; mtg $22,000; Mar20; Mar 22'IS; A$16,000-23,000 (R S 50c). O C & 200 Macdougal st, 20>^-22y2 (2:504-11), ses, 153 sw Prince, 75x100, 3-6-sty bk tnt & strs; Moses Levy et al to 22 Macdougal St Corpn at 13-19 University pl; B&S; mtg $69,000; Mar26; Mar28'18; A$45,000-97,000 (R S $30). nom Madison st, 206 (1:271-23), ss. 104.6 e Rutgers, 36.3x100, 6-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Rebecca Kaufmann, widow & DEVISEE, &c, Louis Kaufmann, to 206 Madison St Co, 58 Bowery; mtg $58,000; Mar22; Mar 23'IS; A$22.000-46,000 (R S $5). nom Mercer st, X17-» (2:499-28-29), ws, 200 n Spring, 50x100, 2-5-sty bk loft Sc str bldgs; Maurice Deiches. ref, to Farmers Loan Sc Trust Co, 22 William, plft; FORECLOS Mar 20; Mar21; Mar22'18; A$34,000-46,000 (R b $55). ^h*^^^ Monroe st, 30 (1:276-20), ns. 89.4 w Mar¬ ket, 25x100, 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 6-sty bk rear tnt; Jacob Cutler et al to Jos J Smith, 485 E 178; B&S; Mar25; Mar27'18; A$15,000- 19,000 (R S 50c). ^ ^^ 250 Mulberry st. 227 (2:495-36), ws, 14L9 n Spring, runs w98.llxn24.llxe26.llxn0.lxe— to st xs25 to beg, 3-sty fr bk ft tnt & strs & 5-sty bk rear tnt; Geo F Harriman, ref, to Lincoln Trust Co, 204 5 av, EXRS &c Fredk C Gebhard; FORECLOS Marl9; Mar 22*18; A$16.500-18,000 (R S $7). 7,000 Norfolk st, 50 (48) (2:351-35), es, 150.10 s Broome, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Re¬ becca Kaufmann, widow & DEVISEE, &c, Louis Kaufmann, to Teekayess Realty Co, 58 Bowery; mtg $26,500; Mar22; Mar23'l8; A$20,000-34,500 (R S $5). ,R^^ Norfolk st, 58 (.50) (2:351-36), es, 125.10 s Broome, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Re¬ becca Kaufmann, widow & DEVISEE, &c, Louis Kaufmann, to Teekayess Realty Co. 58 Bowery; mtg $25,000; Mar22; Mar23'18; A$22,000-37,000 (R S $5). nom Norfolk st, 7« (2:352-39), es. 100.1 n Broome, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Re¬ becca Kaufmann, widow & DEVISEE, &c, Louis Kaufmann, to Teekayess Realty Co, 58 Bowery; 1st mtg $-------; Mar22; Mar23 ■18; A$22,000-37,000 (R S $5). „ "°"^ Norfolk st, 78 (2:352-40), es, 125.1 n Broome, 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Re¬ becca Kaufmann, widow & DEVISEE, &c, Louis Kaufmann, to Teekayess Realty Co, 58 Bowery; mtg $25,000; Mar22; Mar23 18; A$22,000-37,000 (R S $5). .„.^„°"^ Orchard st, 1S5 (2:417-62), ws, 175.7 n Stanton, 25.2x87.6, 6-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Saml Gordon et al to Alrick Holding Co; AT; B&S & CaG; Dec26'17; Mar28'18; A$17,- 000-27.000. O C & 100 Park st, 47-51, see Pearl, 500-2. Pearl st. 500-2 (1:160). nes at ss Park (Nos 47-51). runs e74.6 & 19.9xw37.2xn69.l0 to st xnw45.7 to beg, taken for court house site; also all title to plot e of & adj sec & rear of No 500 Pearl st, taken for court house site; also GRAND ST. 29 (1:227-53). sws abt 50 w Thompson, 19x79, with use of alley out of Thompson st, 3-sty bk tnt & strs- A$8,000-8.500; also UNIVERSITY PL 126 (80) (2:571-22), ws, 77.7 n 13th, runs w25.9xel05.8 to pl xsw25.10 to beg, (probable error). 4-sty bk office & str bldg- A$29,000-33,000; also BROADWAY, S66 (3:846-56), es, 84.3 s 18th, 25x82.5x26 4 X90.10. 4-sty bk office & str bldg. 1-sty ext: A$73,000-75.000; also YORK ST, 2 & 4 (1-212-44-46), sec St Johns la (Nos 7-9), 50x72.6. 2-3-sty fr tnts & strs & 2-sty bk str- A$20.000-21,500; also WORTH ST. 124 (l-ieS), ss, 126.7 w Centre, 20.6 or 26 inches C^i xSn.1x20.8x84.4. pt 3-sty bk loft & str bidff taken for court house site; also LIS- PENARD ST. 8 (1:192-24), ss. 60.2 e Wes Bwav, runs s69xe69x again e—xn69 to st xw— to beg (probable error), with Tlghta to allev on west, 6-stv bk loft & str bldg; MlW-n.BOO; also SPP.ING ST. 150 (132) /9-iS7 9fit qq abt 60 w Wooster. 20x80. 4- ^tVstn^'if^&s\rmdg;A$12 000-17 000; Max S Grifenhagen as Sheriff of N Y County in action J^^ob Fischel. plff. vs John L Arden, deft, to Wm D L ewellyn of Bertjen av, Jamaica. B of Q; sale under execution; all title which deft had on Apr 27'10- Apr30'14; Mar26'18. 4,-00