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MANHATTAN AND BRONX SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION of th< AND Thi. section includes all recorded Conveyances. Miscellaneous Conveyances. Mortgages. Assignments ^f Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales. Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales. Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics Liens. Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments. Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. *'BnUr«d at tke Post Offlee at New York. N. T., as second olass aatt*r. Vol. CI No, 2614 New York, April 20. 1918. PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. APRIL 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 & 18. Ann st, 47 (31) (1:92-17), ns, abt 120 e Nassau, 27.11x153.9x26.8x161, nws, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg-; Thos Tileston, 2d, at Flor¬ ham Park, NJ, to Eliza O Barclay, at Sara¬ toga aprings, NY; Jas S Barclay, 113 VV 39, & Julian H Barclay, 330 W 102, EXRb & TRSTES Jas S Barclay; Vi pt; nitg $30,- 000; Mar29; Aprl5'18; A$55,000-90,000 (R S $50). O C & 100 Ann »t, 47 (31); same to Julian H Bar¬ clay, 330 W 102; Vz pt; mtg $30,000; Mar 29;'Aprl5'18 (R S $50). O C & 100 Cherry st. 233-7 (1:248-61), ss, 165.1 w . Rutgers sl, 69.4x120.5 to ns Water (Nos 496-500) x69xl20.2, 3-6-sty bk tnts & strs; Htate Realty Co to East Side Fee Co, of- Hoe at Owego, NY; mtg $65,500 & AL; Nov 20'13; Aprl5'lS; A$30,000-76,000. nom Christopher st. 183 (173) (2:636-39). ns, 30.5 e Weehawken, 23.6x63.9x23.1x63.9. 3- stv bk loft & str bldg; Louis Kalisclier to Esther Kalischer, both at 385 Edgecombe; mtg $6,000; April; Aprl7'18; A$10,000-11,- 000 (R S $3). nom Crosby st, 101-3 (2:496-12), es, 53.3 s Prince, 40x64.9x39.4x61.6, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg- Anton Louy & ano to Isaac H Hoffman, of Lebanon, Hunterdon Co, NJ; mtg $27,500 & AL; AprlS; AprlS'lS; A$18,- 000-36,000 (R S $15). O C & 100 " E^lixabeth st, 1S4-8, see Spring, 11. li:ssex st, l(f3 (2:410-62), ws, 100 n De¬ lancey 25.7x87.10x25.8x88.1, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Chas Vonhof, of Bklyn, to Chas Von- hof, Jr, 206 Hooper, Bklyn; AL; Feb28; Aprl5'lS; A$21,500-28,000 (R S $30). nom Forsyth »t. 43 (1:302-25), ws, 150.2 n Canal. 25x99.8x24.10x100, B-sty bk tnt & strs; Louis Katz to Bessie Katz, 92 2 av- i/i pt; mtg $31,500 & AL; Dec20'17; Aprl6 *18; A$19,000-34,000. O C & 100 Grand st, 557 (1:265-69), ss, 168 e Jack¬ son, 27.10x65.3 to Madison (No 401) x24.10 x79.1, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Abr Oberstein, ref, to Bond & Mtg Guarantee Co, 175 Remsen. Bklyn; FORECLOS Mar26; April; Aprl2'lS; A$9,500-15,500 (R S $16). Itt.OOO Greenwich st, 334, see Washington,, 321. Hancock pl, 4 or Manhattan st (7:1950- 55), ss, 101.5 nw from ws Manhattan av, runs sS3.7xw32.6xn20.11xw2.6xn80.11 to st .\se39.5 to beg, 5-sty bk tnt; Helen Wyatt, MOW of Santa Barbara, Cal, who resides at 106 E 85, NY, to New Rochelle Securities Co, 264 Main st, New Rochelle, NY; AT; Q C; Jan28; Aprl6'lS; A$19,000-37,000 (R S $3). nom Jackson st, 33 (1:263-51), es, 125 n Cherrv, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Lu¬ cille U Kurtz, 411 Pelhamdale av, Pelham, NY, to N E Vail & Co, 22 W 1, Mt Vernon, NY; mtg $12,000; Aprl6; Aprl8'18; A$9,000- 21,500 (R S 50c). nom Jay st, 27-35. see Washington, 321. I^afayette st, 321-3, see Mulberry, 301-3. Madison st, 401, see Grand, 557. Manhattan st, ss, 101.5 nw fr ws Man¬ hattan av, see Hancock pl, 4. Mt MorHs Park \V, 14 (6:1720-54), WS, 75.11 n 121st, 25x100, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Olds Holding Corpn to King Solomon Hos¬ pital Assn, at 198 Bway; mtg $19,500 & AL; Aprl5'18; A$18,000-23,000 (R S $3). O C & 100 Mulberry st, 301-3 (2:522-41-42), ws, abt 100 n Houston. 50x107.8 to Lafayette (Nos 321-3) x49.6x100, except part for Lafayette St. 1-3 & 1-4-sty bk loft & str bldgs; Geo F Butter worth Sc ano, EXRS, &c, Cornelia Storrs, to Albert J Lobdell at North Salem, NY, as supervisor of the Town of North Salem, NY. & Robt D Knapp at Purdy Sta¬ tion, NY. as District Supt of Schols for 4th Distirct of AVestchester C^o, NY, as sub- TRSTES will Cornelia Storrs, in trust; Vz pt; B&S; Marl9; Aprl7'18; A$21,000-23,000. nom Mulberry at, .^01-3; also LAFAYETTE ST. 321-3; same to N Y Skin & Cancer Hos¬ pital, 301 E 19; 1/^ pt; B&S; Marl9; Aprl7 '18. nom THE RECORD AND GUIDE QUARTERLY. Attention is called to the users of tbe records, published in the Record and Guide, to the Record and Guide Quarterly. The Quar¬ terly is published every three months, the final installment be¬ ing combined with the three pre¬ ceding ones, making, in one com¬ pact volume, a complete transcrip¬ tion, in digest form, of all Convey¬ ances, Miscellaneous Conveyances such as Release of Mortgages, Con¬ tracts, Agreements, Consents, As¬ signments of Rents, Power of At¬ torneys, Designation, Resignation and Appointment of New Trustees and Executors, etc.. Mortgages, Extension of Mortgages, Partici¬ pation and Subordination Agree¬ ments of Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages, Satisfied Mortgages, Leases, including consents, assign¬ ments, cancellations and surrender of leases; Real Estate Appraisals, Auction Sales, Wills, New Build¬ ings and Alterations with cross references for the entire year, Bor¬ ough of Manhattan. These records are arranged geographically, chron¬ ologically and alphabetically so that the subscriber may, at a mo¬ ment's notice, find the desired in¬ formation. In order to make these records more complete the attor¬ ney's name is inserted in all Mort¬ gages and a geographical cross ref¬ erence to the Real Estate Apprais¬ als is given. This permits tbe user in searching for tbe appraised value of a given parcel, and not having tbe name of tbe deceased, to obtain the information instantly. Years of experience have demon¬ strated that by using the Record and Guide Quarterly time and an¬ noyance are saved. It is equally valuable to tbe broker who main¬ tains an elaborate system of keep¬ ing records, or the man who must condense his plant. Orchard st. 48-52 (1:309-3), es. 200 s Grand, 75x87.6. 4-stv bk loft & str bldg; Jacob Levy to No 50 Orchard St Corpn. at 220 Broome; AL; Aprl2; Aprl5'18; A$58,- 000-70.000 (R S $5). nom Perry st, 10 (2:613-29), ns, 21.4 w Wav¬ erly pl, 19x75. 3-sty & b bk dwg; Henry Presser of Bklvn to Rector, etc. of the Church of St John the Evangelist, 224 Waverly pi; mtg $8,000; Mar5; Aprl6'18; A$6,000-7,000. nom RutjL^ers st, 54, see Slst, 111 E. South st, 84 (1:72-27), ns, 65 w Burling sl. 17.9x74.5x18.1x74.7, nes; also SOUTH ST, 83, S4 & 85 (1:72), the lot in rear of, 54.5, at se end & 55.7 at nw end x90 on each side; also SOUTH ST. 85 (1:72), ns, abt 45 w Burling sl, 17.9x74.7x18.1x74.9, nes, to¬ gether, S-stv bk storage; Downing Realty Co to Eighty-Five South St Corpn. at 161 Front: mtg $136,000 & AL; AprS; AprO'lS; A$60.000-150,000 (R S $39.50); corrects error in issue of AprlS. when prop read South st, 84, ns, 65 e Burling sl. O C & 100 Spring st, 11 (2:492-44), nec Eliz (Nos 184-8), 25.3x95x25x89, 5-sty bk stable; Al¬ gernon S Norton, ref, to Frank Priolo, 229 Elizabeth; PARTITION SALE; Junel2'17; Aprl7- AprlS'lS; A$27,000-32,500 (R S $17). ^ ' 17,000 Stanton st. 200 (2:335-34). ns, 50 w Col¬ umbia, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Louis Kleinberg to Leopold E Levine, 33 E 7; A L; Aprl2; Aprl6'lS; A$16,000-29,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 Washington st. 321 (1:182-17), nec Jay (Nos 27-35.), 26.6x— to ws Greenwich (No 334) x26.6x160, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; De Winter & Co to De Winter & Stewart, Inc, both at 321 Washington; mtg $100,000 & AL- Aprl2- Aprl5'18; A$68,000-95.000. ' ^ • ^ O C & 100 Water st. 496-500. see Cherry. 233-7. Waverly pl, 100-200 (2:611-24), ws. 38.10 s Charles. 56.6x75. 6-sty bk tnt; Grace F Adams, 155 W 58, & Callahan Estate, 135 Bway, to Macad Realty Corpn, 135 Bway; B&S & CaG; mtg $42,000; Aprl5; Aprl6'l8; A$22,000-56.000 (R S $25). O C & 100 Willett St. 57 (2:33S-27). ws, abt 150 n Delancey, 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Na¬ than Schancupp, 317 E 79, to 57 Willett St Corpn 61 Park row; B&S; Aprl3'18; A$15,- 000-31,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 I.ittle W 12th St. 3 (2:628-16), ns, 51 e 9 av, 24.6x77.4, 3-sty bk tnt; Margaretta Cooper, widow, at Bergen Co, NJ, to J Irving Cooper & Alvin M Cooper, both at River Edge. NJ; QC; MarSO; AprlS'lS; A $10,000-11,500. nom Little W 12th st, 3; J Irving Cooper, of Bergen Co, NJ, et al. to Henry Midden- dorf, 142 W 92; John Rohrs. 34 St Nicholas pi, & Peter Rohrs, 475 W 145, firm of Mid- dendorf & Rohrs; MarSO; AprlS'lS (R S $7.50). no"^ Little West 12TH st, 3 (2:628-16). ns, abt 55 e 9 av. 24.6x77.4. 3-sty bk tnt; Ellen A Van Wagoner, daughter of Jas C Cooper, to J Irving & Alvin M Cooper, all at River Edge, NJ; QC; MarSO; Aprl7'lS; A$10,000- 11.500. nO"i 12TH st, 301 E, see 2 av, 192. 14TH St. 615 K (3:982-12), ns. 219,3 e Av B, 21.10x103.3, 5-sty bk tnt; Bernhard Mayer to Anna M Warren, 326 W 89; V2 pt; B&S; AL; AprlS; AprlS'lS; A$8,000-12,000 (R S $7.50). O C & 50 14TH St. 615 E; Saml Weil et al, EXRS Jonas Weil, to same; Vi Pt; AL: AprlS; AprlS'lS. O C & 50 18TH st, 16 E (3:846-65), ss. 175.6 w Eway, 23.10x94, 9 & 10-sty stn office & str bldg; 18S9 Lexington Av Co to Central Trust Co of N Y, 54 Wall; AL; Dec22'17; AprlS'lS- A$43,000-95,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 22D st, 313-23 E (3:928-9), ns, .199.4 e 2 av. 150.8x98.9, 5-stv bk loft bldg; Henry Frank et al, EXRS & TRSTES Jacob Fleischhauer, to S K J Realty Co, 120 W 25; Vs pt & AT; mtg $89,000 & AL; Mar 30- Aprl6'18; A$75,000-110,000 (R S $7). O C & 100 22D st, 313-23 E; Julius Mautner et al, EXRS Sl TRSTES Julius Fleischhauer, to same; Vs pt & AT; mtg $89,000 & AL; Mar 30; Aprl6'lS (R S $7). O C & 100 22D st, 313-23 E; Saml K Johnson to same- Vi Pt & AT & B&S; mtg $89,000 & AL; MarSO'l? (?) should be 191S: Aprl6'18 (R S $7). O C & 100 230 st, 124 E (3:878-63), ss, 300 e 4th av, 25x98.9. 5-sty stn tnt & strs; A$60,000- 63.000- also 23D ST. 126 E (3:87S-62), ss. 325 e 4th av, 25x98.9. 5-sty stn office & str bldg & 1-sty bk rear bldg; A$60.000- 64,000; Danl A Loring. 39 W 72. as TRSTE Marv E Hanley, to 292 5th Ave Corpn at 507 5 av; AL: Aprl; Aprl2'18 (R S $130). (See Sth av, 292, recorded Aprll'lS) O C & 100 23D st, 126 E. see 23d. 124 E. 23D st, 240 E (3:903-39), ss, 141.S w 2 av, ''O 10x98.9. 4-sty & b bk dwg; Gustav F Salzman. 1330 Chisholm st, Bronx, to Providential Realty & Investing Co 233 Bwav; mtg $7,350; Aprl3; Aprl7'18: A$18,- 500-20,000 (R S $1). O C & 100 The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.