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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 103, no. 11: March 15, 1919

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156 RECORD AND GUIDE March 15, 1919 MARCH 10. 55TH ST, 116 E ; Benj Rosengarten— Robert B Roosevelt Jr; Geo I Kin- berg ; (37) ......................... 577.00 102D ST, 202-4 E ; Chelsea Elevator Co —Mamie & Nathan Marks; Samuel Kaspar (35) ....................... 146.44 129TH ST, 161 W; Reubin Isaacson- Estate of Abr Underbill; George Bockhause (34) .................... 25.00 138TH ST, 311 W ; Samuel Aronoff— John Doe; Jos Schaub &. Jane Ellin (38) .............................. 104.00 141ST ST, 48-50 W ; Domenico La Sala —John J Mahon (36)...............2,587.00 MARCH 11. CHRYSTIE ST, 183; Wm Kovalsky— Equitable Trust Co & Frank Silber¬ man (40) .......................... 4.215.00 66TH ST, 425 E ; Abr Saffian—Katie Jacobs (41) ....................... 237.42 141ST ST, 48-50 W ; Jno Richman Plumbing Contracting Co—Jno J Mahon (39) ........................ 350.00 MARCH 12. 76TH ST, 302 W ; Robinson Dumb Waiter Co—Arnold W Knautli ; Mur¬ doch Smith (42).................... 100.00 143D ST, 274 W ; Tischler Roofing & Sheet Metal Works, Inc—Robert J Walsh (43j ......................... 80.00 MARCH 13. 141ST ST, 48-50 W ; Claremont Iron Works, Inc—John J Mahon (44)___ 40.00 7TH AV, 2155; Louis L Goldbaum— Mary Costigan (renewal) (45)....... I>8.00 BROADWAV. i;i72-13Sli; 37 st, 109-117 W 38 St. 114 W : Candee, Smith & Howland Co—Times Square Improve¬ ment Co; Keystone Construction Co and Richman Contracting Co, (renew- all (46) ...........................15,901.31 SAME property ; same—same (renew¬ al) (46) ...........................15,901.31 96TH ST, 113 E ; North Side Lumber Co, Inc—Julius J Dukas,trustee ; H & S Contracting Co (47).............. 105.75 ST. NICHOLAS AV, 580; Barnet Kim- ler—Treblig Realty & Gon.-5truction Co, luc; Randall M Keator (4S)..... 284.25 Bronx. MARCH 7. MORRIS AV. 1871; Emanuel Kalisch— Fifth Av Bond & Mtg Co, Benj B Chase & Fifth Av Bronx & Mtg Co (1)...... MARCH 8. WASHINGTON AV, ws, 100 s 169th. 35x140.7; Henry Nordheim—Chas A Rosen, Taxpayers Store Lea.'-ing & Improvement Co & Herman Knepper (2) ................................ MARCH 10, WEEKS AV, 1784 ; Harry Sachs—Mary Eberle ; Anton Le Mein (3).......... BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. The tlrst name is that of the lender; the second that of the Borrtwer. 28.25 25.00 175.00 fF SATISFIED MECHANICS* LIE:;S. First name is that of the T.ieiinr. tl>e se-fintl that of the Owin-r or Lessee and the third that of the Contractor hc Sub-Con tract or. Manhattan. MARCH 6. 40TH ST, 300 W ; West Star Roofing & Constn Co—Gertrude Meyer et al ; Nov 20'1S ............................... 27.50 152D ST, 620 W : Louis Hochman— Babette Moller et al ; Oct28'18....... 112.75 MARCH 7. CANAL ST. 3.56; Chas G Spitzer— Michl J Adrian Corpn et al ; Feb24'19 382.00 MONROE ST, S2 ; Abr Drescher—Bessie Rosenbaum et al ; Dec26'18........... 53.50 CENTRAL PARK W, 285; also 89TH ST, 2 W; Grodin & Wilson, Inc—St Urban Realties Corpn et al; Feb25'19. 1,544.50 MARCH 11. WADSWORTH AV, 248; Conrad Glaser —Fifth Avenue Bond & Mortgage Co et al; Mar5'19...................... 274,75 WADSWORTH AV, 252; same—same; Mar5'19 ............................ 248,25 WEST ST, 414; Davey Erecting Co— Louis Weiser et al ; Janl4'19......1,400.00 ST. NICHOLAS AV, 54 ; American Molding Co—Lulu Benedict et al; July 29'18 ......................... 143.80 SAME PROPERTY ; William Frederick —same; July 15'18 ................. 432.79 SAME PROPERTY ; John J. Foley— same; May27'18 .................... 172,10 MARCH 12. 120TH ST, 36 W; Vity Guaranteed Roofing Co—Emma Newmark et al; Dec24'18 ........................... 150.00 MARCH 13. STH AV, 830; Herman B Birnbaum— Jones Woods Realty Corpn et al; Janl3'19 ........................... 162.00 Bronx, MARCH 10. GRAND CONCOURSE, ws, 102.9 n 16.5th st, 10.5.9x141.1 ; Sam Minskoff— Sonwil Const Co et al ; Jan9'19....... 3,912.82 Manhattan. MARCH 12. 5TH' AV, sec (iOth st, 50.5x100; Wm Henry Barnum & Co, loan 845 Fifth Ave Corpn—to erect an eleven story apartment house—9 payments......$1,200,000 PLANS FILED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION WORK. Manhattan. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. 39TH ST, 549-51 W, 8-sty bk warehouse, 50x 98.9, concrete rf; $150,000; (o) John F. Murray, .554 11 av ; (a) W. L. Rouse & L. A. Goldstone, 512 5 av (36). 59TH ST W, s s, 200 w 10 av, 2-sty concrete factory. 50x10tt, plastic slate rf ; $35,000; (o) Wra. Zinsser A: Co, 105 William; (a) Mott B. Schmidt, 14 E 46th (39). STABLES AND GARAGES. 184TH ST, nwc Amsterdam av, 1-sty bk ga¬ rage. 75x100, plastic cement rf; !r6,500; (o) Max Marx, 128 Bway; (a) Morris P. Jacobs, 42 Bway (37). HOUSTON ST. 179-83 W, 1-sty bk garage, t>3x54x75, slag rf ; $5,000; (o) Congress Ware¬ house & Forwarding Co.. 474 W Bway ; (a) Geo. W. ConabIc, 46 W 24th (3S). MISCELLANEOUS. 141ST ST W, s s, 513 w 5 av, 1-sty bk market, .'((txlOtt, slag & gravel rf ; $8,000; (o) Harry Baff 00 Thompson av ; (a) Philip Caplan, 16 Court, liklyn (40). Bronx. DWELLINGS. MURDOCK AV, w s, ,5.50 a Edenwald av, 2Vi- sty fr dwg. l(Jx46.6, shingle rf; $3,500; (o) Jacob Shenkin, 4111 Murdock av ; (a) Wm. Shary. m\) E 207th (31). PLANS FILED FOR ALTERATIONS. AEBIlEVIATIO.\.S : (o) owner; (b) builder: (a) architect; (200) plan No.; ir—frame; bk—brick; tnt—tene¬ ment; ext—extension; sir—store; apt—apart¬ ment; dwg—dwelliifS; rf—roof. Manhattan. BLEECKER ST. 28f;. enlarge window, new wall, str front & beams to 2-sty fr & bk str & dwg; $1,000; (o) Peter P. Caffel, 44 Bowei"y ; (a) Max Mulk-r, 115 Nassau (474). BURLING SLIP, 21,add 2 sty-, extend stairs & elevator & new f p partitions to 10-sty bk offices; $.jO,000; (o)Wm. J. Matheson, 21 Bur¬ ling Slip; (a) Mauri & McNeille, 70 E 45th (465). CORLEARS ST, 7-11, new partitions, walls, flue, skylight, stairs, cut opening, remove bulk¬ head & fill in openings to 2-sty bk & fr storage & offices; $10,000; (o) Dry Dock, East Broadway & Battery Railway Co., 2396 3 av; (a* Cornelius J. Horgan, 934 Ogden av (482). GRAND ST, 260, new toilets, partitions, beams, marquise & tileing to 6-sty bk factory; $4,0(X); (o) Morris Weinstein, 42 Bowery; (a) Moore & Landsiedel, 1^8th & 3 av (457). GRAND ST, 353, remove wall, new piers, beams, windows, stairs, skylight, partitions & fill in opening to 3-sty bk strs & dwg; $2,,j00; (o) Abraham Feinberg, sec Henry & Rutgers; (a) Chas. M, Straub, 147 4 av (476), HUDSON ST, .304-22, elevator shaft to 8-sty bk factory; $1,000; o) Corporation of Trinity Church, 187 Fulton ; (a) J, Odell Whitenack, 231 W 18th (479). MACDOUGAL ST, 11, new toilets, partitions & windows to 5-st" bk strs &tnt: $250; to) Wm. H. Bchmehl. 814 E 14th: (a) .Max Muller, 115 .\assau (441). NORFOLK ST, 55, remove fire-escape, new partitions, bathrooms & enlarge windows to 5- sty bk stra & tnt; ,^,000; (o) Rose Tillman. 70 Lenox av ; (a) Max Muller, 115 Nassau (453). WALL ST., 13, raise floor, new exits, toilets, alter toilets, sink & drinking fountains to 10- sty bk Stock Exchange; $50,000; (o) N. Y. Stock Exchange, 13 Wail ; (a) Trowbridge & Livingston, 527 5th av (469). WATER ST, 609, remove partitions & wall, new posts, girders & stalls to 2iA-sty bk & fr stable; $1,0(J0; (o) Jacob Fleischhauser, 44 at & 1 av ; (a) Philip Bardes, 1838 Wallace av (464). 14TH ST. 607 E, new codumn to 5-sty bk store & tnt: $100; (o) Chas Goldberg. 134 W 2Gth ; (a) Max Muller. 115 Na.-5sau (345). 29TH ST, 36 E, new exit, raise beams & re¬ arrange partitions to 4-sty bk str & offices ; $9,- 000; (o) Hetser A. Booth, 347 5 av; (a) Diet¬ rich Wortmann, 114 E 28th (452). 34TH ST, 44 W, extend 2d sty, new partitions, vent shaft, exit, elec. wiring & remove wall to 5-sty bk restaurant & office; $5,000; (o) Chas. H. Leland, 563 Park av; (a) John C. Wester¬ velt, 36 W 34th (447). 3yTH ST, 331-33 E, new toilets, windows & sewer to 2-5-sty bk tnts; $3,000; o) Laura B. Lee, 125 E 65th ; (a) Ehrich K. Rossiter, 15 W 38th (478). 57TH ST, 317 W, erect front ext. & fill in front areaway to 4-sty bk store dwg; $3,000; (o) Dr. Henry Moeller, c o archt; (a) John H. Knubel, 305 W 43th (461). 58TH ST, 51 W, rearrange partitions, alter stairs, new windows, hoist, coal chute & stoop to 4-sty bk dwg; $:i,500; (o) Ande Realty Co., 2 Rector; (a) Gronenberg & Leuchtag, 303 5 av (4.-.9). 61TH ST, 121 E, change partitions, add 1 sty in front, new elevator, rearrange plumb¬ ing, heating & electric, add 2 sty rear ext to 4-sty bk dwg; $20,000; (o) Elsie S. Munds, 470 Park av; (a) J. E. Casale, 569 5 av (466). 70TH ST, 9 W, new partitions, vent & dumb¬ waiter shaft, windows, boiler & heater flues, bk wall, huth rooms, stairway, remove stoop & front wall & add 2 stys to new ext to 4-sty bk tnt; .s;i5,iniO; (0) Simon Rossman, Jr., Bible House, Asior pl : (a) Gross & Kleinberger, Bible House, Astor pl (375). Corrects error in last issue as to lot-ation. 72D ST. 132 W, change stairs, partitions, new partitions, bathrooms & plumbing to 4-sty bk dwg; $9,000; (o) Catherine Haywood, Sayville, L. I.; (a' A. White Pierce, 26 Court. Bklyn (477). 77TH' ST, 125 E, new piers, columns, str fronts 6 partitions to 5-sty strs & tnt; $3,500; (o) Rufii B. Cowing. 333 W 87th: (a) Leonidas E. Denslow. 44 W 18th (451). 86TH ST, 110 W, new vent shaft, rooms & baths, remove stoop & fill in & change stairs to 4-sty bk dwg; .1^5,500; (ot Walter M. Wechsler, 30 E 42d ; (a Schwartz & Gross, 347 5 av (4-xw/. lOSTH ST. 417-33 E, new freezing tanks to 1-sty bk boiler house; $2.(X)0; (o) Harlem Ind. Hypeia Ice Co.. foot E lOSth ; (a) Friedmann, Robertson & Keeler. 90 West st (4G2). 117i'H ST. 300 w, new show window, stairs, toik't. column & partitions to 5-sty bk tnt; $1,- 200; (o) Henry Forster, 27 W 44th; (a) Gron¬ enberg & Leuchtag, ,"503 5 av (4.58). BR<")ADWAY, 2.'i08, lower beams, new bk wall, marble steps, beams & revolving door to 7 & 12 sty bk hotel; $25,00(1; (o) Arthur K. r.ontu. 2.".0S Bway: (a) B. H. & C. N. Whin¬ ston. 2 Col Circle (463). BROADWAY. 1758-70, remove staircase, ele¬ vators, skylights & sprinkler system, new beams, slabs, elevators, windows, partitions, i^tairs, plumbing fixtures, radiators & enlarge pent house to 2 9-sty show rooms & lofts; $225,- 000; (0) General Motors Corp.. 1764 Bway; (a) H. J. Hardenbergh, 47 W 34th (449). MADISON AV, 21(iO, new f. p. dumbwaiter & stairs to 3-sty bk str & lofts; $2,000; (o) P. Sargeant Cram, care architect; (a) B. H. & C. N. Whinston, 2 Columbus Circle (443). RIVERSIDE DR. 260, remove partitions & fix- tun.'s & rearrange partitions to 10-sty bk tnt; $1,2(MI; (o) Benjamin Winters, 539 W 155th; (a) Gronenberg & Leuchtag, 303 5 av (460). 3D AV, 1629-;i9, water cooling tower to 4- stv bk brewery; $l0.0i)0; (o) Jacob Ruppert, Inc., 16.39 3d av; (a) Barton H. Coffey, 15 John st (468). 4TH AV, 477, new str fronts, partitions & toilets to 5-sty bk str & lofts; $2,000; (u) Rhinelander Est., Wm. R. Stewart, Pres., ■>! Nassau; (a) B. H. & C. N. Whinston, 2 Colum¬ bus Circle (455). 5TH AV, .509, close opening vent to 12-sty bk ofiices; $1.00ii; (o) Thos. F. Sturges, 260 W 7r,th ; (a) Jardine, Hill & Murdock, 50 E 42d (480). OTH AV. 783-5, new show window, partitions, door, ext & lower steps to 4-sty bk str & dwg; .$2,0(X): (o) Tompesula Realty Co., 761 6 av; (a' Morris Schwartz, 309 Bway (444). 9TH AV, 68-72, new ext, str fronts, rearrange apts to 3-.3-stv bk strs & dwgs; $15,000; (o) Elder Wells, 65 9 av ; (a) Jas. S. Maher, 437 W 11th '456). Bronx. i;;4TH ST, 369, 1-stybk ext, 25x83, new stairway, new toilets to 1-sty fr & bk garage ; .$3,.5o0; (o) Pauline Georgeno. 383 E 134th; (a) R. F. Knockenhauer. 1295 Fulton av (43). BRUNER AV, 1416, 1-sty fr ext. 11x10, & build 1-sty of fr upon present 1-sty fr dwg; $2,200; (o) Pasquale Ambrosino, prem; (a) Geo. P. Crosier 223d & White Plains av (36). SOUTHERN BLVD, 168, new fireproof vault, steel beams to 5-sty bk factory; $1,200; (o) Ludwig & Co., 1.35th & Willow av : lessee. S. M. Frank prem; (a) Samuel Rosenblum. 51 Cham¬ bers (39). WALDO AV, e s, 150.6 n 238th, new bath rooms, iron girders, partitions to 2^-sty fr dwg; S2 200; (o) Northern Realty Co., John Jay Mc¬ Kelvey. 43 Cedar, Pres.; (a) Robt. W. Gardner, 4;; Codar (35). „ , . , 3D AV. 3210, 1 -sty bk ext. 14.8x14.4, new stairway to 3-sty bk strs & offices; $1,000; (o) Wm. A. Cameron, 1901 Bathgate av ; (a) Her¬ man Goldberg, 2686 Valentine av (37). 3D AV nwc 183d, 1-sty concrete ext, 37.5x 4. to 3-sty fr strs & dwg; $200; (o) Wllhelm Steinbeck, 130 E 177th; (a) Henry Neus, 1988 Morris av (40), The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice Is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.