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MAXHATTAX A\D BKONX RECORDS S2CTI0N SECTION TWO FOUNDED 1868 BUILDERS DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE, BUILDING MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITY This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances. Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills and Real Estaie Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as second class matter. Vol. CHI. No. 15 (2665) NEW YORK, APRIL 12, 1919 PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. APR. .1, 4. 5. 7. S & i^ Attorney at, law t2;o49-57). ws, G2.6 s Stanton, runs w40xs0.10 xw 34.10xsl8.10xe 74.10 to sl xnlS.y to beg, 3-sty bk tnt & str; Aaron & Herman Gruher to Esther Lustig, 101 W 112; mtg $12,000; Mar5: AprS'l'.t; AJ8.OU0-y,OOO (U S $1). 5«5.62 Bleeeker Mt, »0O (2:588-27), ws, 36.4 n Barrow, ly.7x80.10x19.3x80.10, 4-sty bk tnt & sir; Village Really Co lo David Aron¬ son, 128 W 11; mtg $9,500 & AL; Aprl; Apr4'19; A$9,500-12,500 (R S $3.50). O C & 100 Broome at, t2S (2:342-61). ns, 25 w Pitt, 25x60. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Theo H Ward, ref, to Mary Van Campen, 379 Clinton av, Bklyn, plff; FORECLOS Marl4; MarlS; Apr 3'19; A$10,500-16,500 (R S $10). 10.000 Broome st, 45S (2:485-36), ns, 50 w Mer¬ cer, 25x100, 5-sty loft & str bldg; Ezekiel Fixman, ref, to Emigrant Indust Savings Bank, plff; FORECLOS Apr4; Apr7; AprS •19; A$18,000-25,000 (R S $25). 25,000 Cherry st, 138 (1:253-12 & 50). ns, abt 265 e Cath sl, 12.6x— to ss Hamilton (No 26), vacant; Howard Townsend of South¬ ampton, LI, EXR Mary L Campbell, to Michael J Campbell, 25 Roosevelt; % pts; AT; AL; Mar31; Apr2'19; A$4,500-4,500 (R 5 $2.50). 2,250 Cherry- st, 138; also HAMILTON ST, 2G; Mary J Campbell of Newark, NJ, to same; % pt; AT; AL; Mar31; Apr2'19 (R S $1). 750 Cherry st, 3«T (1:259-15), ss, 79.6 w Gou¬ verneur, 36.8x64x30x65.6, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm R Maloney, ref, to Jos Putzel, 255 W 84. plff; sub to taxes. &c; FORE¬ CLOS Aprl; Apr2; AprS'19; A$7,500-11,500 (R S $9). »»000 Christopher st, 33 (2:610-27), nwc Wav¬ erlv pl (Nos 170-2), 21.4x75, 3-sty bk tnt 6 strs; John H Rogan, ref, to Emmy Eg¬ gert, 288 Av A, EXTRX. & Henry Weber, 1845 Harrison av, & Ferdinand W Keller, 78 Prospect Park W. Bklyn, EXRS Wm Recke. plffs; FORECLOS Mar6'19; Marl3; AprS'Ut; A$lo.000-lH,000 (R S $23). 2:5,04)0 Chrixtopher st, IKi (2:636-39). ns, 30.5 e Weehawken, 23.6x63.9x23.1x63.9. 3-sty bk loft & sir bldg; Flora Blume, 9 Hanford pl. Cauldwell. NJ. to Esther Kalischer, 315 Lincoln pl. Bklyn: mtg $6,000 & AL; \ug29'lS; Apr4'19; A$10,000-11,000 (R S $3). nom Chareh st, 47-r>l; see Fulton. 182-4. Clinton st, 32 (2:350-43), es, 250 s Hous¬ ton, 25x100.2x24.11x100.2, 5-stv bk tnt & strs & 5-sty bk rear tnt; Feivel Siegel¬ stein & Clara, his wife, to Maxwell J Sieg- ♦-Istein, 2S6 W 86; mtg $22,000; MarlO; Apr s-19; A$22,000-29,500 (R S $1). nom Crosby st, 38; see Bway. 474V2-76. Crosby st, 97 (2:496-10). es, abt 115 s Prince, 25.3x66, 7-sty bk loft & sir bldg; Willie Wikstrom of Montclair, NJ, to Wm L Steele, 223 So Mountain av, Montclair, XJ; mtg $12,500; Mar31; Apr2'19; A$12.000- 24,000 (R S $9). nom Essex Mt, 64 (2:351-4). es, 150.4 s Broome, 25.1x100.6x25x100.11, 4-sty bk & fr tnt & strs. 1 & 2-stv bk ext; Denwood Realtv Co. 509 Willis av, to Kath Silber, 3006 tilden av. Bklyn; mtg $20,000 & AL; Apr2; Apr3'19; A$2O,00O-25,50O (R S $3). O C & 100 Knlton at, 182-4 (1:80-8). sec Church (Nos 47-51). 32.11x77.2x25.10x76.6, 1 & 2- sty bk & fr str; Louis Goldsticker to Ella L "Goldsticker, his wife, both at 590 West End av: Vz Pt: AT & B&S; AL; Aug21'lS; Apr5'19; A$245,000-255,000 (R S $60). gift & 100 Fulton st, 207 (1:85-27), ns. abt 210 e Greenwich. 24.11x82.4x25.6, 5-sty stn tnt; Louis Goldsticker to Ella L Goldsticker. his wife, both at 590 West End av \Vi Pt; AT; B.'^'S Sz CaG: AL; Aug21'lS; Apr5'19; A553.000-63,000 (R S $5). gift & 100 Fulton at, 218-20; see Greenwich, 197. fireeunii-h st, 1»7 (1:81-19), sec Fulton (Nos 218-20), 34.9x69.6x33.8x81.4. 4-sty stn office & str bldg; Louis Goldsticker to Ella L Goldsticker. his wife, both al 590 West End av; Vi pt; AT, B&S & CaG; AL; Aug21'18; Apr5*19: A$90,000-105,000 (R S $12.50). gift & 100 Hamilton st, 26; see Cherry, 138. Henry st, 218 (1:269-80), ss, abt 115 e Clinton. 23.6x100, 6-sty bk tnt; Rebecca Jones. ADMRX Morris Jones, to Saml Zim- iner. 218 Henry; Apr7; AprS'19; A$15,000- 30.500 (R S $29.50). O C & 100 Henry st, 311 (1:288-27). ns, abt 288.1 e Scammel, 23.6x70.8 x 23.6 x 71.4, 5-stv stn tnt; U S Trust Co, TRSTE will <3eo C Rand, deed, for Geo Curtis Rand, to Mar¬ jorie R Clinton, 39 E 57, & Eugenie R Smith, at the "Ritter House," Chestnut & 22d, Phila, Pa; Mar26; Apr5'19; A$S,000- 16,000. nom Henry st, 311; Marjorie R Clinton & ano to U S Trust Co of N Y, 45 Wall; B&S & CaG; Apr4; Apr5'19 (R S $17). 16.602.96 Hudson at, L^O (1:215-21). ws, 101 n Hu¬ bert, 25x109, 8-sty bk warehouse; Hugh Getty Iq Frank E Habicht or Halicht, 250 W 104, & Herman W Braun, 600 West End av; B&S & CaG; AL; Apr8*19; A$18,000-56,- 000 (R S $105). O C & 100 I.udlow St. 41-3 on map 41 (1:309-26), ws. abt 150 n Hester. 25x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Abr L Wolbarst. 113 E 19. & ano, EXRS &c Bernard Wolbarst. to Grand- Ludlow Corpn. 113 E 19; AL; Apr2; Apr 7'in; A$17,500-25,500 (R S $1.50). 1.200 Madison st, 94 (1:276-42), ss, abt 270 e Cath. 25x100, G-stv bk tnt & strs; A$15,000- 30.000; also MADISON ST. 98 (1:276-40). s s. abt 325 e Cath. 25.2x100x25.1x100. 6-sty bk tnts & strs; A515.000-30.000; Stella Lev- enstein to Sarah Tarshes, 23 E 124; %(> pt; AT; AL; MarlS; Apr8'19 (R S 50c). O C & 100 Madison st, 98; see Madison, 94. MndiMon st, 340 (1:266-68), ss, 95.5 e Scammel. 24.7x96. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Citizens Savgs Bank. 56 Bowery, to Harry Abramowitz, 338 Madison; B&S; Aprl; Apr 4'19- A$10,dOO-18.000 (R S $16). 16,000 Mercer at, ir»3 (2:513-30), ws. 150 n Prince. 25x100. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Dolland Warehouse & Storage Co. 11 Bway. to Martin Andersen. 1650 43d. Bklvn. & John McKenzie. 285 Eastern Pkwav. Bklvn; AL; Apr4*19: A$l 7.000-21.- 000 (R S $10). 23,000 Monroe st, 234-6 (1:261-56-57). ss. 150.5 e Scammel, 54.9x95.3x54.9x95.4, 2-5-sty bk tnts & strs; Jacob & Nathan Levy to Saml Levy, bb W 116; QC; Apr2: Apr4*19; A$27.- 000-53.000. nom Mott St. 228 (2:493-9). es. 201 s Prince. 26.3x93x26.3x93.1. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & .'-stv hk rear tnt; Jos A Barrett to Patk O Lennon. 691 8 av; mtg $30,000 & AL; Jnnel2'18; Apr3'19; A$18.000-27.000 (R S $5). nom Orehard st, 96 (2:409-2). es. 112.6 n Broome. 25x87.6. 5-stv bk tnt & strs; A $19,000-28.000; also ORCHARD ST. 97 (2:- 414-r;6). ws. 100.11 n Broome. 25x87.6. 5- stv bk tnt & strs: A$1S.000-27.000; Albt Rosenblatt to M B Helpern Realtv Co. 52 East Bwav; mtg $40,500; also PM mtg $17,000; Aprl; Apr2'19 (R S $20). O C & 100 Orehard st, 97; see Orchard. 96. Hose st, 22 ri2) (1:120-34). nws, abt 215 w Duane, 25x100x25x107. sws, 3-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-stv bk rear tnt: A$17.000-21.- 000; also ROSE ST. 24 (1:120-33). ns. 189.5 w Duane. 28.1x103.3x24.9x116.1. 4-stv bk tnt .<:- strs & 5-stv bk rear tnt: A$l 7.500- 22.000: also ROSE ST. 26 (1:120-32), ns. abt 160 w Duane. 27.7x109.6x26.5x107.2. sws. 3-sty bk & fr tnt & strs: .\$17.000- 21.000; Amanda Ochsenreiter. of Bklyn. to Philip W & Margt Ochsenreiter. 1507 Cropsev a v. Bklvn. heirs Philin Ochsen¬ reiter; QC; AL: Mar2S; Apr3'19 (R S $6.50). O C & 100 Ro-e st, 24-6: see Rose, 22. Rutffers pi, 23 (1:270-12'), ns. 52.6 w Clin¬ ton, 26x110, 6-stv bk tnt & strs; Abr B Keve, ref, to Mary Roxburghe at Floors Castle, Kelso, Scotland, plff; FORECLOS Aprl; Apr8'19; A$1S,500-37,500 (R S $35). 35,00O Stanton st, 181 (2:349-53), ss, 56.2 w At¬ torney, 18.11x63.2x18.5x63.4, 3-sty bk tnt & str; vVaron & Herman Gruher to Esther Lustig, 101 W 112; mlg $9,500; Mar5; Apr 5'19; A$9.000-10.500 (R S $1). 620 L'nion Sq AV, 33 (3:844-19), ws, 32.6 n 16th, 30.6x150, 11-sly bk office & sir bldg; Chas Weiser, ref, lo Mutual Life Ins Co of N Y, plff; FORECLOS Mar26'19; MarSl; Apr3'19; A$108.000-240,000 (R S $175). 175.00O Vandam st, 28 (2:505-15), ss, 185.1 e Varick, old line. 25x100x24.10x100, 3-sty fr bk ft tnt & 3-sty bk rear tnt; Jas G Lynch to Lansing Co, a corpn of Lansing, Mich; AL; AprS; Apr7'19; $12,000-12,500 (R S $16). O C & 100 Vandam st, 30 (2:505-14). ss. 124.11 e Varick, 25.1x100 to alley x25.2x100. with AT to alley in rear, 3-sty fr bk ft tnt & 2-sty bk rear tnt; Alentaur Realty Co to Lansing Co. at Lansing. Mich; AL; Aprl '19; A$12,000-12,500 (R S $12). O C & 100 Vande^vater st. 38 (1:113-15), ss, abt 90 w Pearl, runs s49.10xw20.3xn22.Ixe2.10xn 28.1 to st xel7.1 to beg, 3-sty bk tnt; Amanda Ochsenreiter. of Bklyn, to Philip W & Margt Ochsenreiter. 1507 Cropsey av, Bklyn, heirs Philip Ochsenreiter; QC; AL; .AIar3l; Apr3'19; A$5,000-7,000 (R S $1). O C & 100 Water st, 194 (1:75-2), ns, 85.9 w Ful¬ ton. 24.8x60.10x27.6x58, 4-sty bk loft bldg; Chas Laue, of Bklyn, EXR Lena Laue, to Chas H Demarest, 33 Clarendon rd, Bloom¬ tield, NJ; mtg $13,500 & AL; Apr3; Apr 4'19; A$15,000-20,000 (R S $11.50). O C & IOO Maverly pl, 170-2; see Christopher, 33. 1ST st, 58 (2:443-48). ns, 225.1 w 1 av. runs w24.9xnl44.7xse50.2 xs 38.2 xw 25xsl00 lo beg, with AT to strip on w .04^xl44.7x 0.5x144.7; Wm Allen, ref, to Himmel Real¬ ty Corpn, 44 Court. Bklvn; mlg $43,500, taxes. &c; FORECLOS Mar27; MarSl; Apr 4'19; A$21,000-49.000 (R S $6). 6.000 2D st, 249 E (2:384-29), ss, 122 w Av C, 25x68.4x25.1x66.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Geo B Francis, ref, to Fanny Ellinger. 35 E 48, plff; FORECLOS MarSl; Apr7; Apr8*19; A $13,000-19,000 (R S $15). 15,O0O IITH at, 145 W (2:607-68), ns, 267.10 e 7 av. 21.5x103.3, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Wm L O'Neil of Rockaway Beach, B of Q. et al to Sl Vincent's Hospital at 153 W^ 11; mtg $13,000 & AL; Mar28; Apr2'19; A$12,000- 15,500 (R S $9). O C & IOO I2TH St. 161-3 W; see 12th. 165 W. 12TH st, 161-5 W (2:608-70-72), ns, 178.11 e 7 av. 62.8x103.3, 2-3 & 1-4-sty & b bk dwgs; Wilton Holding Corpn to Centre- White Co. 135 Bwav; B&S & CaG; Aprl; Apr2*in; A$37.500-44.500. O C & 100 12TH St. 165 AV (2:608-72). ns. 178.11 e 7 av. 21x103.3. 3-sty & b bk dwg; A$12,500- 14,500; also 12TH ST. 163 W (2:608-71). ns. 200 e 7 av, 20.10x103.3. 4-sty & b bk dwg; A$12.500-15,500: ahso 12TH ST. 161 W (2:- 608-70), ns. 220.10 e 7 av, 20.10x103.3, 3- Mv & b bk dwg; A$12.500-14.500; Jas L Thomas. 161 W 36. & ano. EXRS Julia A Millar, to Wilton Holding Corpn. 135 Bway; AL; Aprl; Apr2'19 (R S $44). O C & 100 13TH St. 530-4 E (2:406-21), ss. 220 w Av B, 50x103.3, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Giovanni Cangialosi to Peter Manescala & Domen¬ ico Molonia, all at 44 Oak st; AT; AL; MarSl; Apr8'19; A$19.000-53,000 (R S $2). nom 14TH st, ."126-8 E (2:407-21-22). ss, 371 e Av A, 50x103.3, 2-5-sty bk tnts & strs; Bessie Hamburger to Jacob Hamburger. 249 W 102; mtg $25,000 & AL; Mar29; Apr 4'19; A$20,000-28.000 (R S $3). O C & IOO 16TH Nt, 526 E (3:973-43), ss, 295.6 w Av B. 24.10x103.3. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; David Herman, ref. to Peter W Hudtwalker. 4G2 Willoughbv nv, Bklyn. & Ferdinand W Keller. 78 Prospect Park W. Bklvn, EXRS Ernest J. Gehben, plffs: FORECLOS Mar 35*19: Mar27; Apr3'19: A$8.500-18.000 (R S $10). IO.OOO The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.