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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 104, no. 8: August 23, 1919

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MANHATTAN AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION SECTION TWO REAL ESTATE FOUNDED 1668 AND BUILDERS DEVOTED TO ftEAL ESTATE, BUILDING MAfiACEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IM GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITY This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of ^f*,^J-S^f^^ a^^ Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sa es. Advertised ^^^^al Sales F^^^^^ Judgments in Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, <^^^^^^«1 ^^/^^ r^cordel Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings an*! Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx a^^^^^ Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Office at New Tork, N. Y-, as second class matter. Vol, CIV. No. 8 (2684) NEW YORK, AUGUST 23, 1919 PRICE 20 CSNTS CONVEYANCES. H Manhattan. AUGUST 11, 12, 13, 14 Sc 15. Attorney St. 5-7 (1:314-29), ws, 66 n Division, 50x100, 6-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Anna Roosain to Louis Roossin, 5 Attorney; mtg $73,000; Aug6; Augl5'19; A:J36.000-75,000 (R S $17). O. C & 100 Attorney st, 109-11; see Rivington, 179. Bank t^t, 131 (2:635-41), ns, 252.8 w Greenwich,- runs wl6.5xn95xeS.10xn21.10xe 7.Sxsll4.2 to beg, 5-sty bk tnt; Morgan A Jones, ref, to Mutual Life Ins Co of N T, plff; FORECLOS Aug5; Augll; Augl5'19; AS6,000-12,000 (R S $7.50). 7,500 Barro>v st, 44 (IIB) (2:588-35), ns. 192.6 w Bleecker, 22.6x97.4x22x97.2, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Edw J Healey, Jr, 40 Barrow, Sc ano, to Co-Operative Social Settlement Soc of City N Y, 27 Barrow; mtg $S,000 Sc AL; Augll; Augl5"19; A$8,000-10,000 (R S $5.50), O C & 100 Baxter st, G (l:160-46)» ws, US.11 n Park Row, runs w34.8 Sc 20.6xnw29xsw0.11 xnw5xe77.4 to st xs25,6 to beg; Jos V Mc¬ Kee. ref, to Angelo L Casazza, 49 New Bowery; FORECLOS Julyl7; Augl3; Aug 14'19; A$15,000-24,500 (R S $19.50). lOtlOO Beaver sf, 38-46 (1:29-73-77 Sc 85), ss, 112.2 6 Broad, runs s95.10xel0.7xnllxe66.5 xs30.5xe37.8xs37.6 to ns South William (No S) xe25.6xn63.7xwl0.7xn59.11 to Bea¬ ver xw98.ll to beg:, 6-4-sty bk loft Sc str bldgs; Broad Sc Beaver St Co to Kerr Realty Corpn, 17 Battery pl; B&S; mtg $200,000 Sc AL; July2S; July30'19; A$316,- 000-343.000 (R S $335). O C & 100- Beekman st, S5 (1:94-29), ss, 60.1 w Cliff, 23x64.9x23x64.10. 5-sty stn loft & str bldg. 2-sty ext; Lambert Suydam, 550 Park av, Sc ano, EXRS Jed Frye to Wm H Cary. 33 Pierrepont. Bklyn; July21; Augl3'19; A$25,000-32.000 (R S $25). 25,000 Bridgre J*t, 31 (1:10-16), ns, abt 105 w Broad, 19.9x77.1x18.6x77.1. 3-sty bk int Sc strs; Henry O Tallmadge, of Yonkers. NY, to Connelly Investing Corpn, 5107 New Utrecht av, Bklyn; AL; July3l: Aug 12'19; A$24.000-27.000 (R S $40). O C & 100 Catherine st, 72 (1:252-58). swc Oak (Nos 55-7), 29.3x73 to alley x31x72.10, 5- sty bk tnt & strs; Giuseppe Llmole to Giuseppina Santangelo, 55 Oak; % RT&l; Mavl3'15: Augiri9; A$18,000-32.000 (R S 500. 3iom Delajicey st, 130-47 (2:352-57). swc Suf¬ folk (No 75), 99.6x25x99.10x24.10. 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Philip Feit to Rosie Ellen¬ bogen. 531 Bedford av, Bklyn; ys pt; AL: Julys; Augl4'19; A$65,000-95.000 (R S 50c). nom I>e Peyster st, aO-4; see Pine. 94-6. Dominick si, i:i-5; see Varick, 125-9- Dominich: st, 2T (2:579-33). ns, 99.10 w Varick, 22.1x75, 3-sty Sc b bk dwg; A$7,- 200-9,000; also DOMINICK ST, 29 (2:579- 34), ns, 121.11 w Varick, 19x75. 3-sty bk tnt; A$6,200-8,000; Mary E Hart of Bklyn, to Union News Co. 105 Reade; mtg $14,400 Sc AL; Augl4; Augl5'19 (R S $4.50). O C & 100 Domtniek st. 2&; see Dominick. 27. i Fort Charles pl. 30 (8:2215-455). ns. — w Mable Hill av Sc 260,2 e of line bet lands of Dyckman or Camp & Seybel. Sc at line bet lots 106 & 107, runs nl03-10xw25xn 12,10xw25xs87 to pl xe5S,l to beg. being lots 105 Sc 106, map 738A of North Marble Hill, said lots being 200 w at right angle from 227th st. 2-sty & b fr dwg: Har¬ lem Savgs Bank to Fred N Paddock, 707 W 180; Aug6; Augl2'19; A$8,000-11,000 fR 5 $10.50). nom Franklin pl» es, 50 n Frawklin; see Eway, 369. F«lt**n st, 4^ (1:75-50). ws, abt 5a a Cliff. 25,4x25.6x25.4x20.1. ns. 5-sty bk tnt 6 strs; Eleanor Sc Mary G Hodges to Ernest Klein. 759 Beck; AL; Augl 2*19: A$10,500-12,000 (R S $14.50). O C & 100 Gold Hi, 44 (1:76-25), es. 89.8 a Fulton. 20x60.10 to ws Ryder's alley x21x62, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Isaac C Ogden, Jr, of Orange, NJ, individ.& EXR Isaac C Og¬ den, to Anthony J Volk, S29 Castle Point ter, Hoboken, NJ, & Wm W Young, at East Orange, NJ, EXRS &c John H Zurlage; QC; July30; Ausl5^19; A$12.000-21,000. O C & 50 Gold st, 44; Anthony J Volk Sc ano, EXRS &c John H Zurlage, to Sigmund Cohn. 562 West End av; Augll; Augl5'19 (R S $20), 20,000 Gramercy Park, 31; see 20th. 148 E. Grand st, 71 (1:229-20), sec Wooster (Nos 28-30), 18x75, pt 4-sty bk loft Sc str bldg; Eliza B Howell, of Spokane, Wash, et al, to Broad St. Holding Co, at 114 E 23; AL; Junel7; Augl5'19; A$------$-—- (R S $18), O C & 100 Greene st, 193-5 (2:534-37), ws, 137.6 n Bleecker, 37.6x100, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; St Luke's Hospital, a corpn, to Lucy H Sc Edith W AUyne, 2609 Gough st, San Francisco, Cal; B&S; AL; Aug7; Augl5*19; A$20.500-35,000 (R S $38). 3S,00O Ho^vard st, 43; see Bway, 427, Oak Hi, 55-7; see Cath, 72. Overlook ter (8:2179 Sc 2180), ws, 320 w Sc nw Bennett av, 50x113.5x50x115.11 (132- 133); also RIVERSIDE DR. es, abt 603.3 n Plaza Lafayette, 50xl2L10x51xll3.11 (414- 415); Eugene Higgina et al, EXRS Jas G Bennett, to Mary P Smith, 57 W 58; July 1; Augiri9 (R S $6). Snm^lk Kt, 7ri: see Delancev. 139-47. Thayer st (8:2147-pt lot 73). ws, 211.11 n Nagle av, runs nw27.7x— to st xs47.11 to beg. gore, vacant; Eustis L Hopkins et al, EXRS John Haven, deed, et al, to Edw C Hoyt. at Five Oaks. Stamford, Conn; AL; July21; Aug2'19; A$--------$-------- (R S 50c). -5^ Thomas »t, 78-82; see West Eway, 140-2, Variek st, 125-0 (2:579-28-32), nwc Dom¬ inick tNos 21-5), 75x100.5, 2-2-sty fr bk ft tnts. 3^sty bk Sc fr tnt Sc str, 2-sty bk dwg & 3-sty bk tnt; Rector &c of Trinity Church, 187 Fulton, to Union News Co, 105 Reade; mtg $50,000 Sc AL; Aug9; Aug. 15^19; A$43,000-47,000 (R S $70). O C & 100 ^Va»]liIk^on sq W or ftlucdoueal st {2:- 552-58), swc Waverly p), 97x44, 6 & 7-sty bk tnt; Chas A Peabody & ano, TRSTES will Wm H Russell, deed, et al, to Twen¬ ty-Nine Washington Sq, Inc; mtg $60,000 Sc AL; Augl2; Augl3'19; A$60,000-95,000 (R S $50). 110,000 Water st, 32. (1:7-26), ns, 72.11 w Coen- ties sl. 29.5x40.10x29.7x40.5, 4-sty bk loft Sc str bldg; Seymour E Heymann to Amos D Carver, at Locust Valley, LI, Sc Jos B Morrell. at Northport, LI; B&S; AL; Aug 7; Augl5'19; A$13,000-15,500 (R S $29). O C & 100 Water st, 70 (1:33-2), ss, abt 25 e Old sl. 23.7x85x23.11x85.2, 5-sty bk loft bldg; Henry J Cammann et al to Chas H Davis, at Bass River, Mass; AL; JulySl; AuglS •19; A$20.000-28,000 (R S $46). nom Water Ht, 103 (1:31-14), nws, 165 sw Wall, runs nw— to ses Pearl (No 136) xsw 19.5xse^ to Water xnel9.7 to beg, 5-sty bk office Sc str bldg; Emily Krauss, 159 E 92, to Francis Emory Fitch. Inc, 47 Broad; mtg $24,000 Sc AL; July2S; Augl4 ■19; A$28,000-34,000 (R S $17). nom Water st, 104; see Pearl. 138. Waverly pl^ swc AVashington wq W- see ^Washington sq W, 29- Wobster st, 2S-30'; see Grand, 71. 7TH Kt, ISO E (2:390-61), ns, 153 e Av B, runs n41.9xne21.6xs8.6xw0.4xs41.1 to st XW19.8 to beg, with AT to strip on e0.4x 41.1, 4-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Metropolitan Savgs Bank. 59 Cooper sq E, to Anna Hen- enfeld, 1935 Mad av; AL; AugS; Augll^l9; $4,000-6,500 (R S $7.50). 7.500 7TH st, 270-81 E (2:377-47-48). ns, 77 w Av D, 38x73. 2-5-sty bk tnts Sc strs; Jos McCloskev, ref, to Julia A, Julia V Sc Chas E Loew. all at New Suffolk, LI. EXRS Fredk W Loew; FORECLOS Aug8 ^19; Augll; Augl2'19; A$15,000-23,000 (R 5 $20). " ' " 20,000 OTH st, 28 W (2:572-26). ss, 405.9 w 5 av, 25x93.11, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Saml Marcus, 1187 Lex av, to Thos Snell, 323 Lex av; B&S & CaG; AL; Auj:12; Augl4 '19; A$21,000-23,500 (R S $1). O C & 100 OTH st, 28 W (2:572-26), ss. 405.9 w 5 av, 25x93.11. 4-sty & b bk dwg; Sarah B Butler to Saml Marcus. 1187 Lex av; mtg $9,500 Sc AL; JulySO; Augl3*19; A$21,000- 23,500 (R S $18.50). O C & 100 lOTH Kt, 240 E (2:451-31). SS, 72 w 1 av. 28x92.3, 5-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Jake Farber to Sadie Farber. both at 49i^ 1 av: mtg $19,000 Sc AL; Julyl7; Augl2'19; A$15,000- 20,000. O C & 100 IITH st. 111 W (2:607-51), nes, 123 nw 6 av. runs nw30xnel03.3xse50xsw20xnw20 XSW83.3 to beg, 5 & 6-sty stn tnt; Esther Ehrlich to Geo M Hammond, 79 Lamont av, Elmhurst. LI; QC; July31; Augl3'19: A$21,000-43,000. nom IITH st. 111 AV; Geo M Hammond Sc Anna M. his wife, at Elmhurst, LI. to Geo J Johnstone, 101 Westervelt pl. Passaic. NJ: mtg $24,400 Sc AL Sc PM mtg $10,000; Julv31; Augl3'19 (R S $21). nom 12TH Kt, 08-102 E; see 4 av. 101-11. lOTH St. 1-3 E; see 5 av, Sd. 17TH st, 441 E; see Av A, 275. 2iOTH si, 148 E, or Gramercy Park, 31 (3:875-48), ss, 100 w 3 av, 25x100.8. Avith rierhts to use of park, also AT to strip adj rear of lot 1 ft wide. 5-sty stn dwg: Murchisnn Realty Corpn to Rou^hlands Realtv Corpn, 55 Liberty: mtg $23,600 Sc AL; Aug4; Augl2'19; A$33,000-43,00O (R S $20.50). O C & IOO 23I> St. 120 AV (.'?:798-55). ss. 175 w 6 av, 25x98.9. 4-stv bk str; Bowery Savgs Bank to Louis Seligman. 45 W 110; B&S; AL; Auff6: Augl5'19; A$50,000-55.500 (R S $45). O C & 100 The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is herebv given that infringement will lead to prosecution.