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MUUraiATTABr AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION SBCTION TIVO REAL ESTATE POUNDED 1668 BUILDERS AND DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE. BUILDING MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITY This section includes all recorded Conveyances. Mlscellaneons Conveyances, Mortgages. Assignments of Mortgages and SatUII»« Mortgases and Mortgage Bxtenslons. Leases. Auction Salea. Voluntary Auction Sales. Advertised Le^al Sales, Foreclosure Suits. Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens. Mechanics' Liens. Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments. Chattel Mortgages Affsctng Real Bstata. Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations In the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the raoorda* Willk. and Real Bstate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CV (2708) NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 7, 1920 No. 6 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. JAN, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 & 14. Academy St. «47 (8:2234-47), ej, 150 n Vermilyea av. 50x100, 5-sty bk tnt; Julius Coopersmith & ano, ,1383 5 av, lo Morris Pressen & Louis Singer, 104 B 100; mtg $44,250; AL; Jan6; Jan9'20; A$10 000-4B,- 000 (H S $20.50). O C ic 100 Allen st, 22 (1:299-4), es, abt 125 n Canal, 22x—x22.3x50.1. 3-sty fr bk ft tnt & str; Moritz Gruenstein to Dora Kessler. 644 Wales av; AL; Decl'19; Janl4'20; A $10,000-11,000. nom Barrow st, 25 (2:590-59). ss, abt 90 e 7 av, 25x80, 3-sty & b fr dwg; Asa W Young et al, EXRS Francis M Carpenter, to Peter P Murphy, 25 Barrow; JanlO; Jan 13'20; A$8,000-8,500 (R S $9). 9.00O Batter}- pi, 1) see Bway, 1-3. Beekman st, 2-8; see Nassau, 139-45. .Beekman pl, 22 (6:1362-13), ws. 20 n SOth, 20x75, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Matilda Muendel to Margt G Fawcett, 37 W 46; mtg $3,500; Jan5; Jan6'20; A?5,000-9,000 (R S $15.50). nom Broome st, 4.18 (2:485-36), ns, 50 w Mer¬ cer, 25x100, 5-sty stn loft & str bldg; Emi¬ grant Indust Savgs Bank to Harold A Les- chinsky, 3 Moore, Bklyn; B&S: AL; JanS; Jan6'20: A$16.000-23,000 (R S $27). 27,000 Charlton st, 45 (2:519-67), ns, 110.6 e Varick, old line, 21.3x100, 2-sty & b bk dwg; Avis S Birdsall et al to Charlton Realty Co, 45 Charlton; mtg $7,000 & AL; Jan6; Jan7'20; A$10,000-10,500 (R S $0). o C & 100 Chrystie st, 184 (2:421-2), es. abt 125 n Rlvington, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jennie Paley, of Bronx, to Jos L B Mayer, 63 E 74; AL; Dec22'19; Janl4'20; A$14,000-26,000. nom Clinton Bt, 84 (2:348-45), es, 150 s Rlv¬ ington, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos Kaplan, of Bklyn, to Emilie Macher, 139 Donaldson av, Rutherford. NJ; mtg $24,- 000 & AL; Decl6'19; Jan6'20; A$26,000- 32,000. O C & 100 CUnton Bt, 145 (2:346-20), ws, 64.3 s Broome. 18.3x50, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos Fass to Morris Gordon. 145 Clinton; mtg $10,000; AL; Jan7; Janl3'20; A$ll,000-13,- 500 (R S $9.50). O C & 100 Crosby st, 14.5-9; see Houston, 26-32. Dey st, 5-7 (1:63-12). ss, 100.6 w Bway, runs S90.2xw3.2xs0.9xw49xn90.1 to st xe52.3 to beg. vacant; A$375,000-375.000; also BROADWAY, 187 (1:63-15), ws, 46.1 s Dey, 25.5x98.5x25.4x99.3, 4-sty bk office & str bldg; A$38O,000-395,0OO; Edw F Searles. of Methuen, Mass. to Broadway-John St Corpn, 206 Bway; AL; Jan7: Janl4'20 (R S $700). O C & 100 Dery st, 5-7 (1:63-12), ss, 100.6 w Bway, runs s90.2xw3.2xs0.9xw49xn90.1 to st xs52.3 to beg, vacant; Bway-John St Corpn to T A Gillespie Co, 50 Church; AL; Janl3; Janl4'20; A$375.000-375,000 (R S $4). 1,000 Division St. 210. see E Bway, 226. DivlBlon St. 243 (1:286-63), ss, 46 w Montgomery, 23x48.6x23x48.7, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Gautio Alexander, of Beech- hurst. LI, & ano, to Simon Silverman, 1410 Wilkins av; AL; Jan9; Janl4'20: A$8,000- 14,000 (R S $15). O C & 100 East Broadway. 230; see East liway. 2S6. East Broadway, 236 (1:286-49), ns, 188.7 e Clinton. 23.10x108.6x23.11xl0S.f.. l-sty bk tnt; A$16,000-19.000; also DIVISION ST. 219 (1:286-46), ss. 117.2 e Clinton, runs e 23.10XS to Bast Bway (No 230) xw23.10 to st xn— to beg, 6-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk tnt & strs; A$22,000-35.000; Harvey I Underbill to Broad-Division Realties. Inc; mtg $75,000 & AL; Dec31'l9; JanT'iO (R S $5). 5,000 RIdriilee dt. 78 (68) (1:307-8). es, 225.7 a Grand, 25x87.6, 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt: Barney Peltz et al to Harry Halmovitz, 86 Eldridge; mtg $22,000 & AL & PM mtg $10,000; Dec31'19; Janl3'20; A $20,500-26,000 (R S $22). O C & 100 JTont st, 1 (1:4-14), ss, abt 35 e White- hail, 33.5x110x39.5x110.2; John Bittner to Frederic W Lincoln, Greenwich. Conn; John R Bradlee, Montclalr, NJ, &. Chaa E Barry, Montclalr, NJ; mtg $35,COO; AL, Dec26'19; Jan9'20; A$35,000-43,000 (R S $39). nom Front St. 72 (1:32-21). ws, 38.5 s Old si, 19.11x85.8x19.5x85.6. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Harry R Hillard to William E Peck & Co, 104 Pearl; CaG; mtg $25,000 & AL: Mar20'19; Jan8'20; A$16,000-24,000 (R S 500). nom Front St. 72; William E Peck & Co to 140 Front St, Inc. 104 Pearl; B6'S; mtg $25,000 & AL; Jan7; Jan8'20 (R S $14). nom Great Jones st, 4 (2:531-15), nes, abt 100 w Lafayette, 27x136.9, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Emma M Colfax, 9 E 77, to Kate Bernstein, 3307 Church av, Bklyn; DeclS •19; Janl3'20; A$37,000-45,000 (R S $55). O O & 100 Greene Bt. 125 (2:514-32), ws, abt 145 n Prince, 25x100. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Pauline Myers et al to Burden Realty Corpn, 38 Park row; B&S; AL; JanlS; Janl4'20; A$13,000-20,000 (R S *25).. O C & 100 Greenwich st, 1-3; see Bway, 1-3. Greenwich st, 76 (1:18-43), ws, abt 190 s Rector, 24x99.10 to alley x23x99.9, with 10 ft strip in rear across said alley, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Edgar Estates Corpn. 27 Cedar, to Fenimore Mtg Corpn. 56 W 45; AL; Janl2; Janl3'20; A$25,000-40,000 (R S $55). O C & 100 Greenwich st, 142-6; see Liberty. 126. Grove st, 94-6; see Waverly pl, 1C8-170. Hamilton ter, 41 (7:2050-108), es. 384.6 n 141st, 19x98.5, 4-sty & b bk dwg; A$7,- 700-12,500; also HAMILTON TER, 49 (7:- 2050-111), es, 460.6 n 141st, 19x98.5, 4-sty & b bk dwg: A$7,700-12,500; Yvonne Ta- tro, 621 W 135, to Aaron Weiss, 215 Au¬ dubon av; mtg $21,000 & AL; Jano; Jan6'20 (R S $1). O C & 100 Hamilton ter, 41-4S (7:2050-108-109), es, 364.9 n 141st, 76.8x98.5, 3-4-sty & b bk dwgs; A$23.100-37,500; also HAMILTON TER, 49 (7:2050-111), es, 460.6 n 141st, 19 X98.5, 4-sty & b bk dwg; A$7,700-12,500; Barney Estate Co to Yvonne Tatro, 621 W 135; mtg $43,750 & AL; JanS; Jan6'20 (R S $19). O C & 100 Hamilton ter, 43 (7:2050-108%). es, 403.6 n 141st, 19x98.5, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Yvonne Tatro, 621 W 135, to Hirsh Byk, 1190 Madison av; mtg $10,500; JanS; Jan 6'20; A$7,700-12,500 (R S SOc). O C & 100 Hamilton ter, 45 (7:2050-109). es, 422.6 n 141st, 19x98.5, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Yvonne Tatro to Julia H Fitch. 29 Holly¬ wood av, LI; mtg $10,500 & AL; JanS; Jan 6'20; A$7,700-12,500 (R S $6.60). O C & 100 Hamilton ter, 49; see Hamilton ter, 41- 45. Hamilton ter, 49; see Hamilton ter, 41. Houston st, 108 E (2:456-39), ns, abt 195 w 2 av, runs ne35.2xw3.2xn24.3xe5.10 xne40.6xse22.6xswl00 to st xnw22 fi to beg, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg: N Y Public Library. Astor, Lenox & Tilden Founda¬ tions, to Paul Flnkelstein, 121 Vernon av, Bklyn, & Jacob Finkelstein, 190 Hewes, Bklyn; AL; JanS; Jan8'20; A$lT,C00-S5.(/no (R S $33.50). 43.2.'.» Houston st, 477 B (2:330-55). ?;.. 70 w Goerck. 20x50, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; llusso lodice Realty Co, 2356 Lorillard pl, to Jen¬ nie Springer, 57 Lewis: mtg $6,000 & AL; JanS; Jan7'20; A$4,000-5,500 (K S ?1). O C & 100 Houston St. 407 E (2:325-this & parcel below lot 15). ss, 80 e Goerck, 20x25: also HOUSTON ST. 501 E. ss. 80 w Mangin. 20 x7S, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; Philip Berolzhelmer, as Chamberlain of N Y City, to S Modern Stamping & Metal Co. 497 E Houston; B&S; Jan6'20: A$10,000- 31,000 (R S $42). O C & 100 Houston St. .".OI E; see Houston. 497 E. Houston St. 26-32 E (2:522-22), nec Crosby (Nos 145-9). 112.8 to Lafayette (Nos 512-4), x56.4x105.10x64.10, except pt for Llm st or Lafayette, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Have¬ meyer Real Etate Co to Barclay Hoiding Corpn, 217 Bway; B&S & CaG; mtg $60,- 000 & Al,; JanS; Jan9'20; A$64,000-ll0,000 (R S $55). O C & 100 Houston St. 26-32 E, nec Crosby Nos 145- 9); Barclay Holding Corpn to Nathan Gar¬ ten, 36S1 Bway; mtg $60,000 & AL; Jan7, Jan9'20 (R S $75). O C & 100 Houston st, 05-7 W (2:515-23), swc Woos¬ ter (Nos 159-61), 50x95, 12-sty bk lott & str bldg; 6j W Houston St Corpn to Gil- boa Realty Co, 1381 Fulton av; mtg $175,- 000; Janl; Jan6'2ii; A$38,000-165,000 (R S $80). O C & 100 Houston st, 05-7 W, swo Wooster( Nos 159-61); Gilboa Realty Co to C L Invest¬ ing Co, 667 Eway; mtg $215,000 & AL; JanS; Jan6'20 (R S $35). O C & 100 Houston st, 200 W (2:528-8), ns, abt 190 w Bedford, —x—, 4-sty bk loft, the bldg only; Leo L Wolins & ano, 214 Fulton, to P & G Holding Co, Inc, 233 Bway; Octl7 ■19; Janl3'20; A$14,000-17,000. nom Irving Hi, nwc 14th; see 14th, nwc Irv¬ ing pl. Jackson st, 22-24; see Monroe, 276. Jefferson st, 48 (1:271-13), ws, 70 s Mad¬ ison, 26.1x30, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Bernhard Lichtenstein, 50 W 77. to Louis Zacher, 40 Essex; mtg $8,500; AL; JanS; JanS20; A $5,000-7,000 (R S $2). O C & 100 Lafayette st, 312-4; see Houston. 28-32. LeM'is st, IBS (2:358-5), es, 43 n 3d, runs n24xel00.3xs27.3xwl00.5 to beg, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; John P O'Brien, 26 Floyd. Bklyn, to Howard Willets, at Islip, LI; Hy R Hoyt, 2 E 75, & Frank L Hall, 19 W 54, TRSTES for J Macy Willets; B&S: AL; Apr27'18; Jan6'20; A$7,500-23,000 (R 5 SOc). O C & 100 Liberty st, 126 (1:64-18). swc Green¬ wich (Nos 142-6), 73x56.4, 6-sty stn o«ic« 6 str bldg; Havemeyer Real Estate Co to Louis Boselli, 15 N 4th st. Paterson, NJ; B&S & CaG; mtg $114,000 & AL; D.,c24'19, Jan9'20; A$105.000-135.000 (R S $76). O C & 100 Ludlow st, 87 (2:409-22), w.'^, 112.7 n Broome, 26.11x87.6x27x87.6, S-sty stn tnt & strs; Jacob Valk Realty Co to Victor Du- bin, 89 Ludlow; mtg $22,500 & AL & PM mtg $7,500; Dec31'19; Jan7'20; A$19,00o- 28,000 (R S $12.50). O C & 100 Macdougal st, 127 (2:543-59), ws, 20 n 3d. 19.4x65.9, 2-sty & b bk dwg; A$7,500- 8,500; also MACDOUGAL ST. 129 (2:543- 58), ws. 39.4 n 3d. 19.6x65.9, 2-sty & b bk dwg; A$7,500-8,500; Mary Chapelle, 167 W 129, to Harold G Calhoun, 127 Macdougal; mtg $14,000 & AL; JanS; Jan6'20 (R S $4). O C & 100 Macdougal mt, 129; see Macdougal, 127. Maiden In, 91 (1:69-17), nes. 27.10 e Gold, runs ne8.1xnw0.6xne57.7xsi;22xsw64.9 to la xnw2l.6 to beg, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Empire Mtg Co to Richmond Lever¬ ing & Co, 120 Bway; mtg $26,000; Jan3 •20; A$40.000-46,000 (R S $64). nom Madison st, 181 (1:273-12), ns, 289.11 e Pike. 24.6x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Empire State Holding Corpn, 37 Liberty, to Sam 3 Manheimer, 1437 Slst, Bkiyn; mtg $21,000 & AL; Dec29'13; Jan7'20; A$13,600-27.000 (R 8 $4). O C & 100 Manhattan st, 107-13 (7:1982-5), ns, 100 e Old Bway, 72x100x64x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Chas Storck to Harvey ,N Bloom¬ er, ,'^40 W 122; mtg $10.'">,.000 & AL; Jan3; Jan8'20; A$4S,000-110,000 (R S $20), nom Manhattnn st. 107-13 (7:1982-5), ns, 100 6 Old Bway, 72x100x64x100.2, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Albany S.avgs Bank, of Albany, NY. to Ch.TS Storck. 540 W 122; AL: Dec 27'19; Jan6'20; A$45,000-110,000 (R S $125). O C & 100 Mercer st, 46; see Bway, 473. Mercer St. 168; see Bway, 695. Millignn pl, 1-4; see 6 av. 141-9. MInetta pl. 1-5; see Minetta. 2. Tha text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice Is hereby given that infringement will lead to proseoutlon.