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MANHATTAN AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION SBCTION TWO REAL ESTATE FOUNDED I66B BUILDERS '~°@UIDE DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE. BUILDING HAMACEHENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VIONITY This section Includes all recorded Conveyances, Mlacellaneoua Conveyances, Mortg;atrea, Assignments of Mortgages and Satlsfl«t Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, L«aua, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Salea. Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Bulta, Judgments In Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens. Mechanics' Liens. Satisfied Mechanics' Liens. Attachments. Chattel Mortgages Aftectng Rea) Estate. Building Loan Contracts. New Buildings and Alterations In the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the reoordeA WIUw and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CV (2709) NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 14, 1920 No. 7 CONVEYANCES. JAN. 15, 16, Manhattan 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27 28 & 29 Academy st, 63i; see Vermilyea av, nws at nes Academy. Academy st, «20; see Vermilyea av, 53-5. Albany st. 5 (1:54-1), nes, 80.4 nw Greenwich, 20x74.5x19.4x74.5, 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 2-sty bk rear tnt; Christian T Ott, 330 2 av, Lyndhurst, NJ, et al, to Al¬ bany St Corpn, 60 Bway; mtg *5,500 & AL; JanlS; Jan20'20; A$ll,500-14,000 (R S $10.50). O C & 100 AUen St. 43 (l:307-pt lot 33), ws, 50 n Hester, 25x50, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Miriam King to Morris Druss, 43 Allen; PM; mtg 318,000 & AL; Janl2; Janl9'20; A$------$------ (R S $28). O C & 100 BanlE St. S»-9»; see Greenwich, 771-7. Barrow st, 6-10 (2:591-28), ns, 97.7 w 4th, 57.3x90x56.10x90, 5-sty bk tnt: Lillie K Lippmann, individ & Fannie C Korn et al, EXRS Henry Korn & et al to Caudit Traders. Inc, 35 Nassau; mtg $39,000 & AL & PM mtg $21,000; Jan20; Jan26'20; A$25,- 000-53,000 (R S $36). 75,00» Barrow st, 6-10 (2:591-28), ns, 97.7 w 4th. 57.3x90x56.10x90, 5-sty bk tnt; Alan H Golcord, of Bklyn, et al, heirs, &c, Fredk D Colcord, to Caudit Traders, Inc, a corpn; QC; mtg $39,000 & AL; Jan20; Jan28'20; A$25,000-55,000 (R S SOc). nom Barrow st, sec Bedford; see Bedford, 76-80. Baxter st, 14S (1:235-18), ws, abt 155 s Grand, 21.3x71x22x68.6, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Katherina F Oberdorfer, 729 Han¬ cock st, Bklyn, heir, &c, Wm J Oberdorfer, to William J Oberdorfer, Inc, a corpn, 148 Baxter; AL; Octl5'19; Jan23'20; A$10,500- 14,500. nom Beaver st, 31 (1:24-1), nwc Broad (Nos 64.8), 69.1x101.7x66x98.7, 10-sty bk office & str bldg; Cora Morris to Prances I Barnes, Boston, Mass; 1-20 pt; mtg ISO.¬ OOO- Mayl, 1891; Janl0'20; A$550,000-700,- 000. nom Beaver st, 31, nwc Broad (Nos 64-8); Isabel Ledyard to Cora Morris. Westches¬ ter Co, NY; 1-20 pt; Nov27'06; Janl0'20. nom Beaver st, 85-01; see Wall, 67-9. Bedford st, 76 (2:587-40), nec Commerce (Nos 27-9), 25x75, 4-3-sty bk & fr tnts & strs; Rev Wallace MacMullen et al, TRSTES Duane M E Church Sustentation Fund under will Smith L Russel, to Harry Swanson, 324 W 96; AL; Jan2l'20; A$12,- 000-12,000 (R S $15). 15,000 Bedford St. 76-80 (2:587-40-42), nec Commerce (Nos 27-9), runs n75.4 to Bar¬ row xe41xs25xe33.11xs51.3 to st xw75 to beg, 6-3-sty bk & fr tnts & strs; Harry Swanson to Jerome Tanenbaum, 315 Cen¬ tral Park W, % pt; Geo A Boehm, 80 Forster av, Mt Vernon, NT, % Pt. & Hy Boehm, 7 W 42, % pt; mtg $27,000 & AL; Jan21'20; A$27,500-27,500. O C & 100 Bedford st, sec Barrow; see- Bedford, 76-80. Beekman st, 01 (50) (1:93-36), nwo Gold (Nos 61-9), 23.8x103.3 to es Ann (No 91) 23.2x96, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; John J Burton to Redwood Realty Corpn, 32 Nassau; mtg $88,750 & AL; Jan27; Jan28 '20; A$75,000-110,000 (R S $61.50). O C & 100 Bethune st, 1-0; see Greenwich, 771-7. Bleecker st, 33-37 (2:529-57), ns, 375 w Bowery, 75x74.3x75x71.4, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Equitable Life Assur Soo of the U S to Welve Corpn, 12 5 av; B&S; Janl2; Janl6'20; A$45,000-68,000 (R S $120). nom Bleecker st, 96-100 (2:523-11), !>s, 72.4 w Mercer, runs sl29.3xe72.4 to Mercer (No 197) xs20xwl00.4xs.08xw28xnl50 to st xe 56.1 to beg, 8-sty bk loft & str bldg; Mary B Brandegee, wife of Bdw D Benmauer Holding Corpn, 256 Bway; AL; JanS; Jan 15-20; A$60,000-165,000'(R S $220). O C & 100 Bleecker st, 356 (2:620-24), ws, 70.2 n 10th, 24.10x75, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Anac- leto Sermolino, 107 W 11. to Dominick Conte, 70 Washington pl; mtg $7,500 & AL; Jan29'20; A$ll,000-13,000 (R & $5.30). O C & 100 Bridge st, ss, abt 160 e Whitehall; see Pearl, 27-9. Broad st, 30-6 (1:24-29). swc Exch pl (No 66). 88.1x146 to es New (Nos 30-2) x 87.10x149.10. 16-sty stn office & str bldg; A$l,200.000-1,850,000; also BROAD ST, 38 (l:24-this & parcels below lot 32), ws, 88.1 s Exch pl. 20.2x97.7x24.9x94.10; also NEW ST, 36 (1:24), es, 150.2 s Exch pl, runs n 31.2xe47.3xsl7.2 xel5.2 xs2.7 xw60.1 to beg, with rights to land in rear for light & air; also NEW ST (1:24). es. 87.10 s Exch pi, 31.2x47.3x25x51.1, with rights to land in rear for light & afr; also BROAD ST, 40 (1:24), ws, 108.5 s Exch pl, runs s20.2x w90.2xnwl5.2 xn 18.3 xe 99.10 to beg; also INTERIOR strip on ss of above lot & 76.8 w Broad, runs Wl3.6xs2.7xel3.4 to beg, contains 17 superficial ft, 7-sty bk office bldg; A$451,000-$------; Emily J De Forest of N T to Johnston De Forest at Cold Spring Harbor, LI, & Hy L De Forest, at Piainfleld, NJ, 14-32 pts; AL; Dec25'19; Jan23'20. nom Broad st, 38; see Broad, 30-6, Broad st, 40; see Broad, 30-6. Broad st, 64-8; see Beaver, 31. Broad mt, 105 (1:7-31), nec Water (No 22), 36.5x37.8x35.9x46.10, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Gerard C Hegeman, at Greenville, NY, et al, to Emily Krauss. 159 E ?2; % pt; AT; AL; Oct30'19; Jan21'20; A$46,000- 65,000 (R S $45). nom Broad st. 105, nec Water (No 22); B Arthur Aycrigg & ano, TRSTES under deed of trust of Jan5'15, for Adrian G Hegeman, to same; 'A pt; AT; AL; OctSO '19; Jan21'20 (R S $15). 15,00« Brond St, 105, nec Water (No 22); Bmily Krauss to Royal Holding Co, 128 Bway; mtg $40,000 & AL; Jan20; Jan21'20. nom Broome st, 512-4 (2:488-39-40), ns, 40.1 e Thompson. 40x49.6x40.3x49.10, 2-2-sty bk tnts & strs; Callahan Estate, 217 Bway, to Antonio D'Amore, 384 Broome, & Gia¬ como Cocozieilo, 104 Sullivan; mtg $12,000: AL; Jan9; Janl2'20; A$ll,500-12,500 (R S $8). O C & 100 Oanal st, 400-2 (1:220-1), ss, at ns Laight (Nos 8-10) xsw50.7x— to Laight xw 41.7x29.9, 3-sty bk loft & str bldg; Jessie L Scheuber to Geo D Bartholomew, 60'W 10; Nov28'19; Janl5'20; A$8,000-9,500 (R S SOc). nom Centre st, 218 (1:235-10). es, abt 125 s Grand. 23.7x35.8x23.8x37.8, 5-sty bk loft & str bide; Robt & Mary B Hastings, EXRS ot ------ & Hubert B von Wahl, ------. to Ellen H Wasson. of Mattituck, NY; V, part of ail RT&I; mtg $14,500; Decl'lO; Jan28 '20; A$10,000-13.500. nom Centre st, 218; Robt Hastings & Evelyn F. his wife, to Mary B Hastings, of Mat¬ tituck. NY; Vi part of ail RT&I; mtg $14,- 500 Decl9; Jan2S'20. nom Chambers st. 106 (1:136-29), ss, 25.7 w Church, 24.6x75, 5-sty stn loft & str bldg; C B L S Realty Co to Arrow Holding Corpn, 217 Bway; mtg $20,000 & AL & PM mtg $22,500; Jan22; Jan23'20; A$S7.000- 48.000 (R S $47.50). O C & 100 Chambers st, 106; Arrow Holding Corpn to Francis T Wittie. 45 Hillside av, Glen Ridge, NJ; mtg $42,500 & AL; Jan22; Jan 23'20 (R S $29.50). O C & 100 Charlton wt, 112; see Greenwich, 549. Cherry st, 104 (1:252-41), ns, 53.2 e Oliver, 25x100x24.5x99.10, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Carmine De Riso to Mary Tammero. 25 Oak; B&S & AL; Janl6'20; A$7,S00-23,- 000. nom Cherry st, 181 (1:249-72), ss, 130.7 e Market, 21x60.7, 3-sty bk tnt; Abr Golden, 181 Cherry, to Carmine Caggiano, 50 Mott; mtg $2,600 & AL & PM mtg $1,400; Janl4; Jan28'20; A$3,500-4.500. nom Chrystie st, 133; see Bowery. 163. Chrystie st, 130; see Bowery, 169. Church st, 274-6 (1:178-33). ws. 72.7 s White, runs wlO0.3xs49.7 xe 34.8xs0.8xe65.8 to st xnSO.O to beg, 6-sty stn loft & str bldg; Stonemore Realty Co et al to Aaron Jacobs, 145 Rodney, Bklyn; mtg $50,000 & AL & PM mtg $8,000; JanlS; Janl6'20; A $44,000-70,000 (R S $28). O C & 100 Cllfl st, 30 (1:75-45), ses, abl 55 s Bull¬ ion. 26.3x90.10x25.8x89.6; also 10 ft of the rear of lot No 255 PEARL ST. the two parcels above now enclosed as 30 Cliff St. 4-sty loft & str bldg; Lavlna G Meyer, 30 E 68. to Henry von L Meyer at SufCern, N Y; AL; Jan22; Jan24'20; A$28,O00-37,00Q (R S $35). nom CUft st, 32 (1:75-46), ses, 31.3 sw Fulton. 26.7x90. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Lavlna G Meyer, 30 E 68, to Henry von L Meyer at SufEern, NY; AL; Jan22; Jan24'20; A $27,000-34,000 (R S $35). nom Columbia st, 115 (2:335-26), ws, 176 n Stanton, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Benj M Gruenstein to Jennie Paley, 600 Cauld¬ well av; B&S; AL; Dec24'19; Jan20'20; A$12,000-19,000. nom Columbia st, 132 (2:335-49), es, 17S.1 a Houston, 24.11x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Aaron Sarner to Ida Sarner, both at 132 Columbia; % part; mtg $34,550 & AL; Jan 10; Janl7'20; A$12,000-30,000 (R S $1). nom Commerce st, 27-9; see Bedford, 76-80. Commeree st, 27-9; see Bedford, 76. Crosby st, 40 (2:482-5), es, 187.4 n Broome, 25x100, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Iverson & Case Realty Co to George Boiko Co, 49 Crosby; mtg $26,000 & AL; JanlS; Janl6'20; A$l3.000-25,000 (R S $5). O C & 100 Crosby st, 70-81 (2:496-this & parcel below lots 1 & 3), es, 112.2 n Spring, 50.9x 97.9x50.7x98.6. 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; also CROSBY ST, 83 (2:496), es, abt 162.11 n Spring, 25x90.3, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$43.000-91,000; also CROSBY ST, 85 (2:- 496-4), es, abt 190 n Spring, 25x100, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$13,000-22,000; Clara J Keech at Tuxedo Park, NY, to Louis Smith, Jr, 530 W 152; mtg $60,000 & AL; Dec27'19; Jan27'20 (R S $105). O C & 1,000 Crosby st, 83-5; see Crosby, 79-81. Dey st, 85; see West, 121. Division st, 120 (125) (1:283-84), ss, abt 260 e Pike, 25x62.6, 3-sty bk & fr tnt & strs; Caroline Veil et al to Amelia Schmitt, at Valley Stream, L$; B&S; AL; Decl6'19; Janl0'20; A$18,000-18,500 (R S $17). nom Division st, 131 (1:283-62 & 83), ss, abt 140 w Canal, 28.10x— to ns Bast Bway (No 142), 1-3 & 1-5-sty bk tnts & strs; Amelia Schmitt to Caroline Veil, 204 Hooper, Bkiyn; Marie L Woehrle, 399 De¬ catur, Bklyn; Mathilde V Walter, 1145 Carroll, Bklyn; Blsie V Hewlett, 735 Em- bree Crescent, Westfleld, NJ; Thekla V Bartels, 176 Sunnyside av, Bklyn, & Julia V Bower, 449 Bainbridge, Bklyn; B&S; AL; Decl6'19; Janl0'20; A$39,500-46.500 (R S $17). nom Downing st, 42 (2:528-34), ss, abt 125 W Bedford, 29x97.8x30x105, 2-sty bk garage; Edwin H Sayre to Hudson-Worth Corpn, 56 Hudson; mtg $17,500 & AL; Jan20; Jan 21'20; A$13,000-20,000 (R S $12.50). O C & 100 The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice Is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecution.