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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 105, no. 17: [Articles]: April 24, 1920

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540 ■amber AIIIM Baal Bitato ■anikar ffUjrn Boavd et Real Brtata Money to Loan on First Mortgages 5% Joseph T. McMahon REAL ESTATE and MORTGAGE LOANS 188 and 190 MONTAGUE STREET BROOKLYN Telephone: Main %U SPECIAL ATTENTION GITKN TO COLLECTING. RENTINC AVXi MANAGEHENT OF ESTATES Wuui»uiiii Building taken throuKb Poiislicd \\1re Glass Wiiulow In the Western Union Building. New Yi>rk City Why not get the bene¬ fit of reduced insurance rates, together with the maximum of Fire and Breakage Protection? Install Mississippi Pol¬ ished Wire Glass with its silver white wire and sur¬ face equal to any plate glass, and save money. Write for Catalogue and Samples. MISSISSIPPI WIRE GLASS CO. Room 1712 220 Fifth Ave., New York City RECORD AND GUIDE operative apartment house movement the U-sty apartment house known as the Knickerbocker, on a plot 86.10x125, at the southeast comer ot Fifth av and 28th st this week was bought by a number of the tenants, among them former Supreme Court Justice George L. Ingraham iind Joseph Knapp, president of the American Litho¬ graph Co., B. T. Fairchlld, John V. Bouvler and Charles S. Sackett, president ot the Mutual Bank. The seller was Max N. Natanson. The property had previously been long owned by the estate of Edward R. Bacon. April 24, 1920 Julia Marlowe Sells. Mrs. Julia Marlowe Sothern, actress, sold through Pepe & Bro. 21 Washington Square North, running through to McDougal alley, a 3H-sty and basement brick and stone dwelling, on a lot 25x138.5 . The new owner will remodel the structure into duplex apartment studios. There is a 3-sty garage on the alley end of the lot. Engineers' Club Adds To Its Plot. Eleanor C. Janeway sold to the Engineers' Club the 4-sty and hasement brownstone dwell¬ ing, on a lot 2i;x'.iS.!i, at 36 West 40th st, ad¬ joining on tile wist the 12-sty building of the club at 32 and 34. Overlooking Bryant Park, the club now has a frontage in 40th st of 76 ft. The Janeway family had owned the house it sold since issti. The consideration was $55,000 over a mortgage ot $155,000 . District Attorney Swann Sells. Edward Swann. District Attorney of New York county, sold 47 West 12th st. a 4-sty and basement brick dwelling, on a lot 21.6xirregular. The buyer wiil occupy. Deals Near Brooklyn Bridge. Lebertan Corporation sold 11 to 15 Van De Water st, three 5-sty brick loft buildings, on a plot 96.3xl08.3xirregular. The same corpora¬ tion also sold IT to 23 Rose st. abutting the foregoing, a 5-sty brick loft building, on a plot 91.6x88.3. The properties adjoin the north side of Brooklyn Bridge. Firm Buys Near Fifth Ave. Kstat. of Peter .Moller sold to the Scully Bros. Co. 32 West 4Tth st, 8, 4-sty and base¬ ment brownstone dwelling, on a lot 20x100.5. The buyers will remodel the structure for their busines? ukp. Tenant Buys in Fifth Ave District. H. K.. Kevorkian, antique dealer at 40 West 5Tth s^t has bousht tbat 6-sty American base¬ ment dwelling, on a lot 26.6x100.5, through the tn West Fifty-seventh Street Corporation which recently took It over from the Jobn F. Carroll estate. Mr. Kevorkian's lease had until May, 11127. to run, at an annual net rental of ?12.000. The new owner will make extensive alterations. Old Seligman Home Bought. Henry Mandel bought from the Two East 46th Street Corporation 2 East 46th st. adjoining the southeast corner of Fifth av, a 5-sty brick busi¬ ness building covering a lot 30x100.5. The buyer will remodel the building upon the ex¬ piration of the lease on it. The property was originally the town residence of the late Je?se Seligman, ti.nker. Churches Buy Property. In addition to the r.c. ntlv rtporttd purchase of 211 and 213 West S2il st Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church has ;tN'> aennired froin Thomas Ward the 5-sty fiat at 2is West n:'.c1 st, 2."..\7:;, adjoining Its rectory. The church now owns a plot fronting 150 feet in 82d st and 50 feet in 83d St. The Abyssinian Baptist Church of New York, at 240 West 40th st, bought the plot, 150x99.11, in the side of 138th st. l.")0 feet east of Seventh av, from the Curtis B. Pierce estate for $30,000. The property adjoins the Metro¬ politan Baptist Church, erected several years ago. A Ten Story Loft Sold. Alfred M. Rau sold tn ihe Benenson Realty Co. 138 and im Wr,> nth st, a 10-sty loft build¬ ing, on a plot -t2.7:.:',l2.1x:'.S.7V>. St. Luke's Hospital Sells Comer. The 416 West 215th Street Corporation bought from St. Luke's Hospital the northwest corner of Murray st and West Broadway known as 65 Murray st and 62 to 66 West Broadway, a 6-8ty brick business building, on a lot 24.4?4xl25.8x 25.2%. Takes Profit in Park Av. Henry Mandel resold to Alexander WiI = on the 4-story dwelling, on a lot 16.5x80, at 98 Park av, southwest comer of 40th st. purchased recently from Sarah L. Payne. Telephone Co. Buys in Yorkville. The New York Telephone Co. bought from James Howell, Isaac Sachs, the Abbott estate and M. A. Horowitz flve 4-sty tenement houses, each on a lot 25x100, at 150 to 158 Bast 98th st, fronting opposite the train shed block of CONSTRUCTION LOANS In the present construction crisis the Straus Plan of financing construc¬ tion has more than ever proved itself valuable and popular. During recent months we have loaned nearly sev¬ enty millions for building in 18 cities all over the country. We are always in the market for sound loans of $500,000 and over for the construction of modern fireproof buildings. Call or write for our booklet ex¬ plaining the Straus Plan of financ¬ ing. SWSTRAUS&Ca ESTABLISHED 1882 INC0ILP0R.ATBB 150 Broadway, New York CmCAGO DETROIT HINNEAP0U8 SAN FRANCISCO Thirty-eight Years Without Loss to Any Investor BENJAMIN WINTER IN THB BLAKKKT FOK WBLL-LOCATMO INOOiai> PKODUCING PBOPlBTna BROKERS iNvirma re tuBiiiT PMreaiTiMM Quits. Dvomoii omof l-aoalai Bnridlat 2299 BBOADWAT At «2a« Strasl Baiu t Phone: Bckarlw IMT FOR SALE No. 140 West 87th Street Four-story private dwelling, on plot 20x102. Thoroughly modern¬ ized. Possession October 1, 193(. Terms to suit APPLY TO The Alliance Realty Co. CLARKE G. DAILEY Tel.: Rector 3350 lis BROADWAT 252 West 47th Street West et Broadway, 26x100 6H-Story Tenement—Rents 16,000 Bottom Price, $52,500, Free and Clear Terms to Suit—Monthly Tenants BROKERS PROTECTED Daniel H. Jackson 135 BROADWAY So"* 911 Phone: Rector SIM