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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 105, no. 19: [Articles]: May 8, 1920

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622 RECORD AND GUIDE May 8, 1920 Geo. A. Fuller Company Building and Industrial Construction CONTEMPLATED CONSTRUCTION. New Tork Philadelphia Boston Baltimore Detroit Washington Montreal Chicago St. Louis Cleveland Pittsburgh Buffalo New Orleans Kansas City SHIPTAKD: WILMINGTON, N. C. William T. Ritch INC. INSURANCE CONTRACTORS' BONDS 29 West 34th Street Phone: Greeley 6794 Manhattan. DWELLINGS. 61ST ST.—A. P. Law, 26 Pemberton sq. Boa- ton, Mass, has plans in progress for alterations to the 4-8ty brick and stone residence at 226 East 6l5t st for Fergus Field, 26 Exchange pl, owner. H. R. Shipley, 26 Pemberton sq, Boston, consulting architect and engineer. Bids will be taken from invited contractors only. HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. CONVENT AV.—John Oakman, 345 Fifth av, has prepared plans for a 9-sty brick and rein¬ forced concrete hospital building, 200x200 ft, at 60-78 Convent av, tor the Knickerbocker Hospi¬ tal, 503 West 131st st, owner. Cost about $1,- 250,000. Architect will soon call for estimates on separate contracts. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. 16TH ST___Charles H. Higgins, 19 West 44tK st, has plans nearing completion for a 7-sty brick and stone store and showroom building, 33x82 ft, at 3 West 16th st, for Roger Hinds, 165 Broadway, owner. Cost $100,000. Architect will take bids on general contract when plans are completed. FIFTH AV.—Harry Allen Jacobs, 320 Fifth av, has plans in progress for a 6-sty brick and limestone store and showroom building, 33x100 ft, at 448 Fifth av, for Avedon & Co, owner of building and lessee of plan, 448 Fifth av. Cost JloO.OOO. 30TH ST.—Benjamin W. Levitan, 7 West 45th st, has plana about finished for a 13-sty brick, limestone and terra-cotta store and sales room' building, 50x198 ft, at 6-8 East 30th st, for the Samuels Construction Co, owner, on premises. Cost $300,000. Architect will probably be ready for estimates on general contract about June 1. CEDAR ST.—A. P. Gilbert, 80 Maiden lane, has plans In progress for a 7-8ty brick and stone office building, 30x54 ft, at 131-133 Cedar st, for Rudolph Gunther and Russell Law, Inc, 25 Broad st, owners. Cost $175,000. ■ THEATRES. 49TH ST.—Herbert J. Krapp, 116 East 16th Bt, has plans underway for a 2-sty brick, lime¬ stone and terra cotta theatre, 54x100 ft, with balcony, at 215-237 West 49th st, for Edward Margolies, 19 East 33d st, owner. Lessee, Sam and Lee Shubert, Inc, 225 West 24th st. Cost $50,000. Architect will take estimates on gene¬ ral contract. 45TH ST.—C. H. Crane and P. Pereira, 154 Nassau st, have prepared plans for a 2-sty brick and limestone theatre, 100x100 ft, at 239 247 West 45th st, for Sam Harris and Irving Berlin, 228 West 42d st, owners. Cost $400,000. Architects will take estimates on general con¬ tract when plans are completed. "Britin'' Metal Drainboard For the Kitchen Is covered with a bright soft metal not affected by acids No plating to wear off No polishing required to keep it clean ALL SIZES AND SHAPES MADE JOHN TRAGESER STEAM COPPER WORKS 447 WEST 26TH STREET NEW YOBK CITY HECLA IRON WORKS ESTABLISHED 187G Architectural Bronze and Iron Work Office, 118 North 11th Street, BROOKLYN, N. Y. SPRINKLER SUPERVISORY SERVICB AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER VALVE ALARM SERVICE INTERIOR FIRE ALARM EQUIPMENT Installed as a Local Syetem or for Central Office Service AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM SERVICE SPECIAL BUILDING SIGNAL SERVICE AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM CO. 416 Broadway New York City FRANKLIN 4188 Bronx APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. BECK ST.—Zipkes, Wolff & Kudruff, 432 Fifth av, have plans in progress for a 5-sty brick and limestone apartment, 50x90 ft, at the corner of Beck st and Leggett av, for the Ren- rick Construction Co, owner, care aot architects. DWELLINGS. 225TH ST.—Theo. Rogers, 63 Park Row. has completed plans for a 2-6ty frame dwelling, 21 x46 ft, in the south side ot 225th st, 2S2 ft east of Bronxwood av, for Martino Piviano, 441 East 170th st, owner and builder. Cost $7,000. FINDLAY.—Moore & Landsiedel, Third av and 14Sth st, have prepared plans for flve 2-st7 brick dwellings, 23x55 ft, on the west side of Flndlay av, 200 ft north of 168th st, for tho Grand Terrace Construction Co., Harry Gitter¬ man, 1703 Montgomery av, owner and builder. Cost, $12,000 each. KEARNEY AV.—Thomas C. Peterson, 1015 Wilcox st, has flnished plans for a l%-8ty frame dwelling, 26x38 ft, on the east side ot Kearney av, 93 ft north ot Layton av, for Bella Peterson, 1015 Wilcox st, owner and builder. Cost, $4,500. Brooklyn. CHURCHES. 17TH AV.—Helmle & Corbett, 190 Montague at, have completed plans for a 1-sty frame chapel, 50xlOP. ft, at the northeast corner of 17th ar and 46th st, lor the Roman Catholic Church ot Sts Catherine and Alexandria, Father J. o. O'Neill, 1119 41st Bt, pastor. Cost, $25,000. DWELLINGS. CLARA ST.—H. A. Weinsteln, 375 Fulton st, has flnished plans for two 2-sty brick dwellings, 20x.')3 ft. In the north side of Clara at, be¬ tween West st and Chester av, for Harry M. Field, 255 East 3d st, Manhattan, owner and builder. Cost, $35,000. 85TH ST.—W. H. Harrington, 19 Bast 40th st, Manhattan, bas completed plans for nine 2- sty frame dwellings, 20x41 ft, in the south side of SSth st, 33 ft west of Colonial rd and the southwest corner of Colonial rd, for Edward Edwards, 422 Slst st, Brooklyn, owner. Coat, $56,000. 23D AV.—Henry Firth, Solo Bay Parkway, has prepared plans for a 2-8ty frame dwelling, 27x60 ft. at the northeast corner of 23d av and Slst st for Bloom & Roth, 26 Court st, Brooklyn, owners and builders. Cost, $14,000. HALCOURT AV.—Slee & Bryson, 154 Mon¬ tague st, have completed plans for twenty-two 1-sty frame dwellings, 21x29 ft, at Halcourt av, Otis pl and Ocean View av for Realty Asso¬ ciates, Charles Chase in charge, W. Greeve, president, 162 Remsen st, Brooklyn, owners and builders. Total cost, $66,000. MacKAY PL.—Burke & Olson, 32 Court st, have flnished plans for a 2%-sty frame resi¬ dence, 40x35 ft, in MacKay pl, 54 ft west of Narrows av, for Katherine McKay, 72 Bay Ridge av, owner, who will take bids on separate con¬ tracts. Cost. $20,000. EAST IITH ST.—Wm. Richter, 1028 East 2d st, Brooklyn, has prepared plans for flve 1-sty