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MANH.ITT.VN AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION SECTION TW^O REAL ESTATE FOUNDED I86S BUILDERS AND DEVOTED TO llEAL ESTATE. BUILDING HAriACEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND ViaNITV This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics'Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages ArteotlBg Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CVI (2733) NEW YORK, JULY 31, 1920 No. 5 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. JULY 22, 23, 24, 26, 27 & 28. Allen st, 44 (1:308-1), es, 75 n Hester, 25 x65.7, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Rose Weiss to Ernestine Cohen, 44 Allen; mtg $21,750; PM mtg $3,300; AL; July27'20; A$14,000- 18,000 (R S $7). nom Bleecker st, 375 (2:590-10), es, 27.1 s Jones, 23x80.1, 3 & 4-sty bk & fr tnt & strs; Anna K Fricke, Bklyn, to Elisabeth Busch, 275 Bleecker; July26; July27'20; A $11,500-14,000 (R S $20). 30,000 Bond st, 24 (2:530-56), ns, 433.8 e Bway, 25.9x99.6, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Twenty- Pour Bond St Realty Corpn to Lebertan Corpn, 115 Bway; B&S; mtg $34,000; July 22; July24'20; A$19,000-35,000 (R S $13). O C & 100 Canal st, 75; see 2 av, 127-31. Cathedral Pkway, 204 (7:1881-37), ss, 100 w Ams av, 100x70.11, 12-sty bk tnt; Kath M Watters, Bklyn, to Udell Realty Co, 119 W 40; mtg $221,000; JulyS: July23'20; A$90,000-300,000 (R S 50c). nom Charles st, 94 (2:620-50), ss, 75 w Bleeck¬ er, 25x95, 4-sty bk loft bldg; City N Y to Wm J Olvany, 177 Christopher; Julyl5; July21'20; A$3,500-4,000. 18,275 Charlton st, 47-53; see Varick, 174-88. Cherry st, 381 (1:260-66), ss, 25 w Scam¬ mel, 24x72.6x24.4x73.7, 2-sty bk stable; A $5,000-5,500; also SCAMMEL ST, 55 (1:260- 64) ws, 56 s Cherry, 25x25, 2-stv bk stable; A$2,000-2,500; Edw J Russell et al to Hyman Postilnikof 450 Grand; Julyl7; July21'20 (R S $8.50). O C & 100 Chrystie st, 52 (1:302-3), es, 74.2 n Canal, 25x98.9x24.11x99.4, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 5-sty bk rear tnt; Dora Kessler to Benj M Gruenstein, 119 W 71, & Sophia Mayer, 41 E 72; AL; Julyl6; Julv23'20; A$17,000-25,000. " nom CoUister st, swc Hubert; see Hubert, 11-13. Crosby st, 14-18; see Bway, 452. Dnane st, 207 (1:142-23), ns, abt 55 e Caroline, 26.8x58.4, 5-sty bk loft bldg: Danl F Farrell to Virgil A Stewart, 170 New Y'ork av, Bklyn; mtg $23,000; July21; July22'2n: A$17,000-22,000 (R S $10). O C & 100 Elizabeth st, 147 (2:479-33), ws, 103 n Broome, 25.2x76.9x25.2x76.4, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Dora Kessler to Benj M Gruenstein, 119 W 71. & Jos L B Mayer, 2 W 89; Julv 17; July23'20; A$14,000-23,500. nom Elizabeth st, 23« (2:507-6), es, 154.2 n Prince, 20x93.5x20x92.7. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; Wm Hartfleld, Bklyn, to Bennedetto Azzara, 236 Eliza¬ beth: mtg $15,000 cS: PM mtg $6,000; July 26; Julv27'20; A$l],000-18,500 (R S $11). o c & ion Elizabeth st, 28«-8-(2:521-62-63), es, abt 70 n Houston, 46.4x75, 1-sty bk & fr stable: Minnie Badenhausen, B of Rich¬ mond, to Marie Livoti, 280 Elizabeth; B&S & AT; Junel4; July28'20; A$20,000-21.OUO iR S $7.50). 7,125 flllzabeth st, 280-8; Wm Horrmann et al to same; QC; Junel4; July28'20. nom Elizabeth st. 288-8; same, as EXRS August Horrmann, to same; Junel4; Julv 28'20. norn Elizabeth st, 280-8; August Horrmann & ano to same; May25; Julv28'20 (R S $14.50). 4,250 Elizabeth st, 280-8; Chas Horrmann, as COMM Emilv Horrmann, to same; hi pt: July26; July28'20 (R S $7.50). 7,125 Fletcher st, .17; see Maiden la, 159. Front St. 11 (1:4-28), ss, 30.5 e Moore, 26.1x79.11x24.3x80, 5-sty bk storage: Hen¬ rietta L Masters to Wm Cook, l79 81st, Bklyn; B&S; May26; July24'20; A$18.000- 24.000 (R S $45.50). O C & 100 Ooerok st, S.'{-»5; see Rivington, 314-jr. Grand st, 45S>-60t see 2 av, 127-31, Great Jones st, 37 (2:530-20), ss, 433.8 e Bway, 25.9x100.5, 5-sty bk warehouse; Twenty-Seven Great Jones St Realty Corpn to Lebertan Corpn, 115 Bway; B&S; mtg $28,750; July22; July24'20; A$19,000- 25,000 (R S $14). O C & 100 Great Jones st, 27; Lebertan Corpn to Nineteen Bond St Corpn, 27 Great Jones; mtg $28,750; July22; July24'20 (R S $10.50). O C & 100 Great Jones st, 48-53 (2:531-45), ns, 100 w Bowery, 66x87.11x66x80.5, 7-sty bk loft bldg; Great Jones St Realty Corpn to Whitaker Paper Co, at 6th & Lock sts, Cincinnati, O; B&S; mtg $80,600; July22; July24'20; A$42,000-84,000 (R S $110). O C & 100 Greene st, 115-17 (2:500-21), swc Prince (No 110), 75x20, 3-sty bk & fr loft & str bldg; Herman Le Roy Edgar, EXR Eliza L Edgar, to Jas E Ziesenitz, 277 W 11, mtg $17,500; July22; July23'20; A$14,000- 17,000 (R S $7.50). 35,000 Greenwich st, 198 (1:83-16), ws, 75 n Fulton, runs W62.7xs0.4xw28.6xn24.4xe3.11 X—78 to st xs25 to beg, 5-sty bk loft bldg; Ada McNeil Bird, Mt Vernon, NY, et al, to J J Curtin Co, 198 Greenwich; 11-12 pts; AT; AL; Julyl; July23'20; A$33,000-37,000 (R S $36.50). nom Greenwich st, 198; Robt O'Neill, by David O'Meara, GDN, to same; 1-12 pt; AT; July 19; July23'20 (R S $3.50). 3,333.33 Greenwich st. 203 (1:83-14), ws, 24.11 s Vesey, runs w42.3xswl5.10xwl6.10xsl0.5xe 70.4 to st xn25.1 to beg, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Arthur Cutler to Fannie Aronowitz, 85 Barclay; B&S; JulylS; July27'20; A$28,- 000-30.000. O C & 100 Greenwich st. 303; Ada McNeil Bird, Mt Vernon, NY, et al to Arthur Cutler, 65 Barclay; 11-12 pt; JulylO; July27'20 (R S $27.50). nom Greenwich st. 303; David O'Meara, GDN Robt O'Neill, to same; 1-12 pt; AL; Julyl9; Julv27'20 (R S $2.50). 3,50© Harrison st, 41 (1:182-3 & 42), ss, 67 w Washington, runs w21.9xs87.10xe89.10 to Washington (No 330) Xn21.11xw67xn6.4 to beg, 2-4-sty bk loft bldgs; Caroline de Forest et al, EXRS Mary R Callender, to Arthur Miller, 136 Christopher, Montclair, NJ; July9; July21'20; A$31,500-41,000 (R 5 $73.50). O C & 1,000 Harrison st, 41; also WASHINGTON ST, 330; Arthur Miller, Montclair, NJ, to Lor¬ ing Lane Co, 41 Harrison; B&S & CaG; Julyl9; July21'20 (R S $24.50). O C & 100 Harrison st, 43-5 (1:182-36-37), ss, 89.4 w Washington, 44.11x87.2x43.6x87.8, 2-4- sty bk loft bldgs; Danl V Harrison, Mont¬ clair, NJ, to Jos A, Pasquale F, Bruno & Alfonso P Bisceglia & Filippina De riosa, San Jose, Cal; mtg $42,500; July22; July 28'20; A$37,000-47,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 Henry st, 44 (1:277-36), ss. abt 320 w Market, 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Frank W Chambers, ref, to Amelia Harless, 324 Decatur av, plff; FORECLOS Junel4; mtg $28,000; June29; July23'20; A$15,000-32,000 (R S $5). 5.0OO over mtg Henry st, 44; Amelia Harless to Ernest Tillman. 98 Clinton av. Jamaica, NY; AL; July8; July23'20 (R S 50c). gift Henry st, 44; Ernest Tillman, Jamaica, NY, to Salvatore DI Gesare, 15 Monroe, & Salvatore Mogavero, 44 Oak; AL; Julyl5; July23'20 (R S $11). nom Horatio st, 30-4; see 4th, 338 W. Hubert st, 11-13 (1:214-12), swc CoUis¬ ter, 50x100, 6-sty bk warehouse; Sarah Moller, EXTRX, &c, Peter Moller, Jr, to Italian Vineyard Co, 11 Hubert; JulyS; July21'20; A$33,000-48,000 (R S $67). O C & 100 Hudson st, 041 (2:627-13). ws, 59.2 n Horatio. 29.2x109.2x29x112.4. 5-sty bk tnt 6 strs; Renee Gross. 1391 Mad av, to Benj Rosenblum, 317 E 13; mtg $31,000; Decl7 '19; July22'20; A$21,000-33,000 (R S 50c). Budson st, 041; Benj Rosenblum to Sadie Harris, 317 B 13; mtg $31,000; Decl7'19; July22'20 (R S 50c). O C & 100 Kins st, 04; see Varick, 174-88, Liberty st, 1«; see William, 73-7. Macdougal st, 90-4 (2:526-52-54), es, 97.11 s Bleecker, 60.1x100.1, 3-3-sty bk tnts & strs; Hearth & Home, Inc, to Ethel L McLean, 907 5 av; Julyl6; July21'20; A $31,500-33,000 (R S $41). O C & 100 Maiden la, 159 (1:72-6), ns, 101.6 e Front, runs n49 to ss Fletcher (No 37) xe20x348.6 to Maiden la xwl9.9 to beg, 5-sty bk loft bldg; Bentley W Warren, 185 Beacon, Bos¬ ton, Mass, & ano, TRSTES Wm P Milton, to Jos P Cullman, 39 W 71; B&S & CaG; June5; July22'20; A$15,000-19,000 (R S $35). 35,000 Mercer st, 164; see Bway, 591. Norfolk st, 75 (2:352-26), ws, 100.4 D Broome, 25.4x100.3x25.4x100.1, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; Henry Stemme to Tecor Holding Corpn, 1497 Lincoln pl, Bklyn; AL; Julyl; July26'20; A$20,000-27,- 000 (R S $26.50). O C & 100 Park ter W (8:2243-296-298), ses, at nes 217th, 104.4 X 83.10 x 100 x 114.7, vacant; Emanuel Alexander to Magnus W Alex¬ ander, 15 Beacon, Boston, Mass; mtg $12,- 500 on this & other prop; Jan25'15; July 22'20; A$12,50O-12,500. O C & 100 Pearl st, 81; see Stone, 48. Pearl st, 370-3 (1:95-15), ss, 49.4 ne Ful¬ ton, runs s88.11xne6.1xe25xn92.7 to Pearl XW32.9 to beg, except part conveyed by Hy W de Forest to Marie M I de Courval, Princess de Poix, by deed recorded NovS '02, 5-sty bk factory; Hy W de Forest, Oyster Bay, NY, et al, to John Loughlin, 1297 Rogers av, Bklyn, & Martin P Lough¬ lin, 207 Park pl, Bklyn, firm Loughlin Bros; B&S & CaG; mtg $20,000; July21; July24'20; A$24,000-38000 (R S $29). 100 Prince st, 110; see Greene. 115-17. Itivington st, 311 (2:328-50), ss, 50 e Lewis, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Morris Markowitz, Bklyn, to Mamie Weil, 1666 Union, Bklyn; mtg $19,300; AL; July21; July27'20; A$10,000-17,500 (R S $1). O C & 100 Rivington st. 314-18 (2:329-64-70 & 72- 74), ns, 50 w Goerck, runs n25xe50 to ws Goerck (Nos 83-95), xnl75xwl00xsl00xw 18.9xsl00 to Rivington xe68.9 to beg, 8-5- sty bk tnts & strs & 3-sty bk tnt; Bertha Allen, Bklyn, to Simon Freedman, .551 Van Sicklen av, Bklyn; 13-40 parts; ratg $85,000; June5; July2r20; A$71,000-136,000 (R S $7). nom Rivington st. 314-18; also GOERCK ST, 3-95; Simon Freedman, Bklyn, to Edith R Kane 215 Pennsylvania av, Bklyn; 13- 80 parts; mtg $85,000; June9; July21'20 (R S $3.50). nom St Marks pl, 36; see 2 av, 127-31. St Marks pl, 82; see 1 av, 131. Scammel st, 55; see Cherry, 381. South st, 351; see Water. 495. Spring st, 331-3 (2:596-93-94), ns, 20.3 w Greenwich, 40.6x40, 2-3-sty fr tnts & strs: Lawyers Mtg Co to Bernard Clark, 605 W 156, & Anne E Conrady, 474 Central Park W; Julvl9; July22'20; A$10,000-ll,000 (R S $10). " O C & 100 Stanton st, 147 (2:354-55), ss, 75 w Suf¬ folk, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Chas Perman & ano, EXRS Abr Rosenthal, to Mary Rosenthal, 11S7 Eastern Pkway, Bklvn; mtg $24,000; July21; July23'20; A $16,000-32,000. 28,500 Stone st, 48 (1:29-24), ss, abt 85 e Coen- ties allev, runs s73.2 to Pearl (No 81) xw 28 Sxn21."5xe21.5 to beg. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Saml Brody, Bklyn, to 48 Stone St Corpn. 48 Stone: mtg $41,000 & AL & PM mtg $19,000; July27; July2S'20; A$17,- 000-22,000 (R S $44). O C & 100 The text of these pages Is copyrighted All rluhts are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution