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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 107, no. 1: January 1, 1921

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UANHA1TAN AND BROMX RECORDS SECTION SECTION TWO REAL ESTATE FOUNDED 1668 BUILDERS AN °GUIP1 DEVOTED TO ftEAL ESTATE. BUILDING MANACEMENT AND CONXTRUCTION IM GREATER NEW YORK AND VIQNITY This aection includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages,' Assignments of .Mortgages and Sattaflea Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales. I'orcclo.iure -Suits, Judgnieiits in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens Mechanics' Liens, SatisHed Mechanics' Liens, Atiachnienls, Cliatlel Murtsaftes AtTecung Real Estate. Building Loan Cuntracts. New Buildiiigs and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recoraea Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CVII (2755) NEW YORK, JiVNUARY 1, 1921 Mo. X CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. DEC. 22, 23, 24, 27, 28. Bleecker at, 2-6; see Bowery, 316-8. Cedar st, uwc Bway; see Bway, 135. Church St, 47-51; see Fulton, 182-4. Crosby st, ai (2:473-28>, es. abt 125 n Grand, 25x100, 7-sly bk tnt & strs; Colum¬ bia Trust Co, GUiN Sydney K Russell, to Baitholuniew Sbarboro, 614 Bemeut av, Richmond, NY; B&S; Dec22'20; A$i3.600- 22,auu (R S mu). ao,UOO Crosby St, 57 (2:482-9), es. abt 170 H 6pring, 25x100, vacant; Mary C Ferguson. Manchester, New Hampshire, et al to N Y Edison Co, 130 E 15; Decs; Dec24'20; A $13,000-13,000 (R S $17). O C & 100 Desbrosscs st, 3» (1:223-12 & 14). ss, 10.8 e West, runs s87.6xe2:;xn43.9xeS3.2 to Washington (No 438) xn21.10 xw 82.10 xn 21.10 to Desbrosses xw23 to beg. 2-sty bk stable & 2-sty bk oftice; Central Union Trust Co. TRSTE Mary E Cunningham, to Hermann H & Donald M Cammann, Mer¬ rick, LI; 4-4S pt; AT; Decl5; Dec28'20; A$25.500-27,500 (R S $2.50). 2,375 Ue.sbro.Nses st, 33; also WASHINGTON ST. 4:;S; Wm de L Cunningham to same, &c; Decl5; Dec2S'20. nora Ulvision St. 25:S-5; see East Bway, 266. East Broadway. :.'6U (1:287-28), ns. 54 e Montgomery, runs nl03.9 to Division (Nos 253-5), xe36xs42xw9xs61.5 to E Bway xw , 27 to beg, 2-2 & 1-3-sty bk tnts; Wm Lust- ' garten & Co to Terrain Realty Co. 206 Bway; QC; Dec9; Dec23'20; A$27,000-33.000. nom East Broadway, 266; also DIVISION ST, 253-55; Terrain Realty Co to Saml A Moss, 244 E Bway; mtg $25,000;; Dec22; Dec23 '20 (R S $5). nom Eldrldse st, 250; see Houston. 151 E. Essex st, 101 (2:410-63). ws. 77.6 n De- lancey. 22.6x43.9. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Isaac Alexander & ano. EXRS & TRSTES Abr Alexander, et al to Jos H Mayors. 101 Essex; B&S; Decl6; Dee24'20; A$7,500-11,- 000 iR S $16). 31,000 Fulton si, 1S2-4 (1:80-8), sec Church (Nos 47-511. 33.1x77.5x25.11x78, 1 & 2-sty bk & fr str; John F Yawger, ref. to 205 Broadway Corpn, 195 Bway; mtg $105,000; FORECLOS -------; Dec2S'20; A$345.000-255,- 000 (R S $220). O C & 100 Gouverneur st, 56: see Monroe, 212-14. Ureenwjch st, 256-8 (1:129-12). swc Mur¬ ray (Nos 86-90), runs s26.10xw25.6xw56.1x n8xn26.5 to Murray xe78 to beg. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Nilton Realty Corpn to Carne- val Realty Corpn, 89 Murray; mtg $40,000; Dec23; Dec24'30; A$45,000-00,000 (R S $13). O C & 100 Greenwich st, 460 (1:224-29), es, abt 70 n Desbrosses, 25xS0, 5-sty bk loft & str bidg; August F Beekmann. Palisade. NJ, to A F Beekmann & Co. 400 Greenwich; mtg $25,000: Dec22; Dec23'20; A$14,000-23,- 000 (R S $17). O C & 100 Henry st, 33 (1:280-6). ns. abt 230 e Cath. 25x87.6, 5-stv bk tnt & strs; Morris Shidlovsky to Jas Ferrando, 366 Water; mtg $15 OO; Dec27; Dec28'20; A?14.000- 23,000 (R S $9). O C & 100 Henry .st, 312-14 (1:267-63-64). ss. 311.5 6 Scammei, 60x95.0. 2-5-stv bk tnts: Cyli Teitelbaum, P.klvn, to Helen Zlotolow. 314 South st, J:miaica, LI; mtg $28,500; DeclS; Dec22'20; A$24,000-50,000 (R S $5). O C & 100 Houston St. 151 E (2:417-11). sec Eld- ridge (No 250). 29.3x74.5, 5-sty bk tnt & strs: John Finek et al, Individ. EXRS & TRSTES Geo Finck et al. to Sander Tlla- titsky. 162 E Houston; Dec20; Dec27'20; A $30,000-42.000. 52.000 Houston st, 151 E, sec Eldridge (No 250); John Finck & ano. EXRS & "TRSTES Antoinetf Finck. to same; Dec20; Dec27 '20 (R S $52). 52,000 Hudson st, 166-72; see Laight, 48. Hud.son st, 265 (2:594-90>, ws, 270 s Bpriiig. 16x65. 3-sty £r bk I't tnt & str; also HUDSON ST (2:594), ws. 286 s Spring. 0.3x65x0.4x65; Central Union Trust Co, TRSTE Mary E Cunningham, to Hermann H & Donald M Cammann. Merrick, LI; 4-4S pt; AT; Decl5; Dec28'20; A$7,000- 8,000 (R S $1). 875 Hudson st, 265; Wm de L Cunningham to same; QC; Decl5; Dec28'20. nom Hudson st, 271 (2:594-89). ws, 250.1 s Spring, 20x65. 3-sty bk & tr tnt & strs; Central Union Trust Co. TRSTE Mary E Cunningham, to Hermann H & Donald M Cammann, Merrick. LI; 4-48 pt; AT; Dec 15; Dec2S'20; A$9.500-11,000 (R iS $1). 875 Hudson st, 271; Wm de Lancey Cunning¬ ham to same; QC; DeclS; Dec2S'20. nom LaiKht st, 4S (1:220-34). nee Hudson (Nos 166-72). 38x100. 3 & 4-sty bk tnts & strs; Central Union Trust Co, TRSTE Mary E Cunningham, to Hermann II & Donald M Cammann, Merrick. LI; 4-48 pt; AT; DeclS; Dec28'20; A$42,000-4S,000 (R S $4). 3,541.67 Lnlght st, 48, nee Hudson (Nos 166-72): Wm de L t^unningham to same; QC; AL; DeclS; De(28'20. nom Leonard st, 36; see West Bway, 176-86. Lewis st, 185 (2:360-18), swc 5th (No 824), 25x29.8x25x29.7, 4-stv bk tnt & s'.rs; Wm Peter Brewing ,Co, Union, NJ. to Wm Peter Brewing Corpn. Union. NJ; Novl; Dec2S'20; A$5,500-7,000 (R S $10). nom Manhattan st, .^O; see 125th st, 451-5 W. Mercer st, 173 (2:513-20). ws, 63 s Houston. 37x25. 5-sty bk loft & str bIdg; U S Trust Co. EXR & TRSTE Edw A Ham¬ mond, to Nilton Realtv Corpn, 149 Bway; partition deed; Dec21; Dec28'28; A$6.0flO- 9,00(1 (R S $10). 10,000 Mercer st. 192; see Bway, 625. Monroe St. 212-14 (1:261-73-74), sec Gou¬ verneur (No 56). 50.5x69.10x50.2x66.2. 2-5- sty bk tnts & strs; Julab Realty Co to Julius Rosenstein. 395 Ft Washington av; Dec23; Dec24'20; A$24,000-37,000 (R -S JD. O C & 100 Morris St. 2-6; see Bway, 29. Murray st, 80-90; ses Greenwich. 256-8. Orchard St. 144: see Rivington, 86. Pearl st, 12 (1:9-20), ss. abt 130 e State. 19.6x83x19.8x83. 5-sty bk storage; Chese- brough BIdg Co to Battery Park Land Corpn, 60 Wall; Novl6; Dec24'20; A$25,000- 30.000 (R S $60). nom Perry st, 173-5; seo West, 417-18. Ridie st, 104-6; see Rivington, 198-200. . Rivl.neton st. SB (2:111-39). nee Orchard (No 144), 25x75, 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Isidor Singer to Rosa Singer, 1391 Madison av; mta- $3,350; Dec24'20; A$25,000-42,000 (R S $9). nom Rivlni^ton st, 198-200 (2:344-76), nee Ridge (Nos 104-6), 50x90.1x50x90.3. 6-sty Ik tnt & strs: Saml Flerk. Far Rockaway, NY. to Saml Fleck Rciltv Cornn. 15 Park Row: AL; Dec8; Dec23'20; A$49,000-95.000 (R S $14). nom nivinirton st, 263 (2:333-18), BS, 50 w Columbia. 25x100. 5-stv bk tnt & strs & 2-stv fr rear tnt; Wm Jaffe to Ida J.nffe. 854 Driggs av. Bklvn; 1-9 pt; mt.g $15,000; Decl3; Dec22'20; A$17.000-22,000 (R S $1). nom Rutgers pi. 19 or Monroe st (1:270-10), ns. 104.6 w Clinton. 26x110. 6-sfy bk tnt & strs: Edw C O Thomas to J Herbert Car¬ penter. 10 Ellis pi. Ossining, NY, & Wm A Butler, 30 E 72, EXRS & TRSTES Sid¬ ney Mason, plffs; FORECLOS Dec20: Dec 22'20; A$16.000-35.000 (R S $30). 30,000 St Nieholas pi, 34-6 (7:2054-25-27). es. 249.1 s 153d. 75x100. 2-5-sty bk tnts: Richd Jamefi Realty Corpn to Ollie Realty Co. 801 We.'^t End av; Dec23; Dec28'20; A$32.- 000-80.000. nom South st, im; (1:251-9), ns, 19 e Oliver, 31x54.11, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm A Wil¬ son & ano to Edith H Theall, 626 E 16, Bklyn; mtg $14,000; Dec21; Dec22'20; A $0,000-13,500 (R S $8). nom Sprine St. 1(;0 (2:487-21), ss, 20 e West Bway, '^lOxJ-lU, 3-stv bk tni & strs; Central Union Trust Co. 'rRSTB Mary E hani, to Hermann H & Donald M Cam¬ mann, at Merrick, LI; 4-48 pt; DeclS; Dec 28'20; Af.9.000-9,500 (R S $1). l.OOO Spring; st, lUO; Wm de L Cunningham to same, &c; Deel5; Dec2S'20. nom Tompkins st, swc 3dj see 3d, 422-4 E. Trinity pt, 7-U; see Bway, 29 Vestry st, G5-U; see West, 260-3. WashniK')"" »«• ■i:'^; see Desbrosses, 33. ■Wavcrly pi, 113 (2:553-30). ns, 219.8 e 6 av, 23.3x100, 4-sty bk dwg; Georgia W Jones, New Rochelle. NY. to Ray Realty Corpn. 11 E 10; mtg $14,000; Dec22; Dec27 •20; A$14,500-16,000. O C & 100 Waverly pi, 113 (2:553-36), ns. 219.8 e 6 av, 23.3x100, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Amelia J Schmersahl, Vonkers, NY, to Georgia W Jones, New Rochelle, NY; mtg $8,000; Dec 21; Doc24'20; A$14,500-16,000 (R S $16). nom West st, 260-63 (1:218-34). sec Vestry (No 65-69). 75.9x102.6x75.2x101.7. 9-sty bk loft & str bIdg; P J Carlin Constn Co to Lillian F Carl n. 270 Washington av. Bk¬ lyn; AL; Pebl'17; Uec23'20; A$SO.000-195.- 000. nom West st, 260-3 (1:218-24), sec Vestry (Nos 65-9), 75.9x102.6x75.2x101.7. 9-sty bk loft & str bldg; P J Carlin Constn Co to N Y Municipal Failway Corpn. 85 Clinton. Bklyn; mtg $160,000; AuglO'16; Dec24'20; A$SO.OO0-19S.00O. , 100 West st, 417-18 (2:637-45-46 & 84), neo I'erry (Nos 173-5), 50x72x31x86.7. 1-2 & 2- 3-sty bk & fr tnt & strs; also JEROME AV. es, 91 n Fordhani rd. 81.9x125x87.llx 125, vacant, Bronx; S M & K Realty Co to Leonard Collins, 1772 Union, Bklyn; mtg $35,400- Dec22; Dec24'20; A$28,SnO-33,000 (R S $2). O (?•& 100 Wooster st. 51 (2:475-18). -ws, 36.4 s Broomo, 18x75. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg: Wm P Dixon & ano. EXRS & TRSTES Saml D Babcock. to Elsie B Smith, 400 Convent av; Dec23; Dec27'20; A$5,500-7.000 (R s $12). ri,mo 31) st, 422-4 E (2:356-49). swc Tomp¬ kins, 60.5x65x50x58.8. 6-sly bk tnt & strs; Leon Sobel to Tami Ami Realty Co. 215 Manh.nttan av: mtg $40,500 & AL; Dec22; Dee23'20; A$12.000-32 000. 30,000 3D st, 2-6 W: see Bway, 6S1. 4TH st, 279 W (2;ol3-7), es, 65.9 s 11th. 16 9x60, 3-stv cSr. b bk dwg; Christina J Higley. devisee Maud W Tooker. to Sarah C Sweeney. Hotel Woodward. 55tb st & Bwav; DeclS; Dec23'20; A$4,500-5,500 (R S $1()). no"" 5TH st, 824 E; see Lewis. 185. 7TH St. 182 E; see Av B. 108. .STH St. .^'.4-ri6 E (2:377-9-10), ss. 70 e Av C. runs e37xs97.6xw24xn24.6x\vl3xn73 to beg, 2-4-sty bk tnts; Beatrice Sch-n'artz et al, heirs Louis Rosenblum, to Jacob Rosonbluth. 356 E 8; 4-15 pt: .AT: mtg $11,000: Dec21; Dec22'20; A$13.0O0-17,OOO (R S $2.50). 2.400 IITH st, 68 B (2:562-18). ss. 336.11 e University pi. 21.2x94.9. 3-sty bk l"ft & str bldg; R K Realtv Corpn to Elrin? Realty Co. 49 E 10; mtg $19,000; Decl6; Dec27'20; A$16.000-17,000 (R S $4.50). llTH st, 68 E; Firing Realty Co to Ade¬ laide H Pybas. 904 Lex av; mtg $19,000; Dec23; Dee27'20 (R S $11). O C & 100 IITH st, 68 E; Quiller Morgan Co lo R K Realty Corpn, 22 W 15; correction deed; mtg $11,000 & PM mtg $9,000; Jan24; Dec 27'20. O C & 100 l.-iTH St. 106-8 W (2:608-35). ss. 120 w 6 av. 40x103.3, 6-sty bk tnt ,■{.• strs: Solomon Silk i