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MANHATTAN AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION SECTION TWO REAL ESTATE FOUNDED 1868 BUILDERS AND DEVOTED TO ftEAL ESTATE. BUILDING MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUOION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND ViaNITY* This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure bults. Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, Wills and lieal Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. ______ voL cvn (2759) NEW YORK, JANUARY 29, 1921 No. 5 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. JAN. 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 & 25, AUen 8t, 37 (1:300-19), wa, abt 50 s Hester, 25x50, 5-sty bk tnt & strs ; Supreme Housing Corpn to Barnet Druss, 43 Allen; mtg $10,- 215; Jau2S'21; A*12,000-18,000 (R S $2.50). 2,000 Attorney st, S3 (2:340-58), W8, 125 u Grand, 25x100, S-sty bk tut & strs & 4-sty bk rear tut; Largo Curpu tu N Y Edison Co, Irving pl & 15th; mtg $15,000; Jaull; Jan20'21; A$13,- 000-20,000 (R S .flS). O C & 100 Batavia st, S (1:111-25), ss, abt 65 e Roose¬ velt, 20xS4.0x23x48i0, 2-sty bk storage; A$4,- 000-5,500; also FRONT ST, 80 (1:33-40), ns, abt 28 e Old si, 23.8x85, 4-8ty bk loft & str bldg; A$22,500-'28,000; Eliz E Turner to Eliza W Baker, Aiken, South Carolina ; QC ; E.T.&I; Dec28'20; Jan'24'21. nom Bleecker st, 27-31 (2:529-55), na, 310 w Bow¬ ery, 64.10x71.4x64.10x08, 7-8ty bk loft & str bldg; Herman Lozowsky, Bklyn, to Saml J Jacobsou, 93 Pulaski, Bklyn; mtg $87,000; Jan24; Jan23'21; A$36,000-74,000 (R S $-20). O C & 100 Bleecker st, 27-31 (2:529-55), ns, 310 w Bow¬ ery, 64.10x71.4x04.10x68, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; Saml J Jacobson, Bklyn, to Bertha Greenblatt, 1449 Carrull st, & Ray Tanenbaum, 1094 Park pl, both of Bklyn; Jau24; Jan25'21; % pt; A$S6,000-74,000. nom Bleecker st, 405 (2:023-17), es, 22.7 n 11th, 20.11x50, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Geo O Glenden- ning to Eustace Cunwav, 127 E 35; mtg $27,- 000; AL; Jan21; Jan22'21; A$6,500-9,000 (R S $5.50). nom Bleecker st, 407-9 (2:023-18-19), C8, 43.6 n nth, 41.8x50. 2-4-8ty bk tnts & strs; Geo O Glendenniug to Eustace Conway. 127 E 35: mtg $27,000; Jan21; Jan22'21; A$13,000-18,000 (B S $11). nora Bond st, 10; see Great Jones, 11. Cannon st, 47: see Delancey, 282. Catherine si, 17 to 25 (1:250-37), ea, 35.10 s Water, 89.2x41.4x89.2x49.7, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Wm W Appleton & ano, TRSTES Jas E Cooley, to Catherine Slip Realtv Corpn, 25 Catherine si; Jan7; Jan21'21; A$20,000-'27,fl00 (R S .'ii40). 40.000 Chambers at, 120 (1:1,30-9). ss, 149.11 e West Bway, 2S.2X— to Warren (No SO), x2Sx—, S- sty stn loft & atr bldg; Jeremiah P Donuvan, Bklyn, to R A Manning Realty Curpn, 27 Wil¬ liam; B&S: mtg $115,000; Jan21'21; A$83,000- 105,000 (R S $75). O C & 100 Chambers st, 120-2; see Warren, 54. Charles st, 48 (2:011-15), as, 181.7 e 4th. runs S74.10 to 7 av xne34.1xn46.8 to Charles. xW20 to beg, 3-sty bk dwg; Archibald S Mllligan. Milwaukee. Wis, to Frank T Johnson, 48 Charles; mtg $6,000; JanlS; Jau22'21; A$3.000- 12,000 (R S $9). nom Clinlon sl. 103 (2:348-30), ws, 301.4 a Riving¬ ton, 23.4x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Julius Is¬ rael to Priedland Investing Cnrpn, 37 Clintun ; mtg $21,000; Jan20'21; A$20,000-40,000 (R S $34,25). O C & 100 Croton st (8:2123-21), na, 200 w Ams av, 2Sx 92, vacant: Matthew P Doyle, ref, to Trowel Bldg Co, 2282 3 av; FORECLOS Augl4'17: JanlS; Jan-24^21: A.$7.S()O-7,.3()0. O C & 100 Delancey st, 122 (2 :.3.33-43), ns, abt 75 e Es¬ sex, 25x100, S-sty bk tnt & atr, 2-aty ext; Dora Warshaw. widnw, Bklyn. to I'hilip Warshaw, 730 Marcy av, Bklyn: 1-6 pt; .\T ; QC; Septl6 '19; Jnnl9'21; A.?37.()00-33.000 (R S .$2). nom Delancey st, 282 (2:333-70), nwe Cnnnnn (No 47), 30x30. S-aty bk tnt & atra; Hugo Hnaga. Long laland City, LI, to Mnrria & Wm Wein- reb'& Rose 'Wnloski, OS Brnume: mtg $10,000' Janl2; Jan'20'21; A.fll,000-15,000 (R S .|6). num Eaat st, 26 (2:319-20), ws, 179 s Rivington. 21x100. 4-aty bk Inft bldg; A$4,000-8,000; also RIVINGTON ST, 309-73 (2:319-19), swc East Bt (Nos 41-3), 80x70. vacant: A$20.000-20.000; John C Champion to Chas P Champion, 222 W 23; undivided int & AT; Dec24'20; Jan24'21 (R S $S). O C & 100 East st, swc Rivington; see East, 20. Essex St. 101 (2:410-63), ws, 77.6 n Delancey, 22.6x43.9, S-stv bk tut & strs; Jos H Mayers to Rose Mayers, 101 Essex; JaulS; Jan24'21; A.$7,S0O-11.0OO. O C & 100 Front st, 80; see Batavia, 3. Great Jones st, 11 (2:530-13), SWC Lafayette (Nos 366-72), 26.2x100x34.0x100.6, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$3S,000-34,000; also BOND ST, 10 (2:530-0.3), nws, abt 18 w Lnfnyette, 26.2x100, S-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$23,000-26,000; Al¬ bert Lehman & ano to Mitchel Lehman, 740 West End av ; QC; mtg $45,500; Janl4; Jaii22 '21 (R S SOc). O C & 100 Greene st, 122; aee Greene, 120^4, on map 122. Greene st. 120M:, on map 122 (2:499-15), see Prince (Nos 100-8), 20x50, S-sty bk loft & str bldg: Dura A Schweckendick, Bklyn, to Adel¬ ine R Beiber, 1192 Greene av. Bklyn; AT & int; mtg $------; Jan20; Jan25'21; A$12,000-1.3,- 000 (R S $1.50). 1,600 Henry st, 137 (1:283-15), ns, 151.6 w Rutgers, 23.9x100. 4-stv bk tnt; A Parker Nevin. ref, to Lawyers Mtg Co, 59 Liberty, plff; FORECLOS ------; Jaull; Janl8'21; A$1S,000-21,500 (R S $20). 20,000 Henry st, 171 (1:284-10), ns, abt 65 w Jef¬ ferson, 21.8x75, 3-sty bk tnt; Harria Y'arin to Benj Cook, 171 Henrv: V" Pt: mtg $12,250; Novl5'20; Jau21'21; A$10,S00-13,000 (R S $6). 100 Horatio St. 114-18 (2:642-4), aee West st (Nos .309-17), 125x109.5x131x109.7, 2-8ty bk garage; Albert C Merkle, Inc, to John T Dooling, 179 E .80; Janl7; Jan2S'21; A$107,000-P$107.000 (R S $2,30). O C & 100 John st, 32-4 (1:07-26), sec Nassau (Noa 68- 70), .37x.32x.37.»»x.32.0. 12-sty bk loft & str bldg; Henry K Sheldon. TRSTE under deed ot trust, to Brooklvn Trust Co. TRSTE unded deed of trust, 177 Montague, Bklvn; B&S; Aprl4'13: ,Tan21'21 ; A$215,000-270,000. nom Lafayette st, .366-72; see Great Junes, 11. Lawrence st. 81; see Ams av, 1360. Madison st, 147 (1:275-31), ns, 109.0 w Pike. 25,3x100. S-stv bk tnt & strs; Ethel Block, Bklvn, to Wm Block. 168 Houper st, Bklvn; AL: Dec24'20: Jnn20'21; A$12.000-24.000. riom Manballan at, 69-71, or 125TH st. 507-9 W (7:1982-22). ns, 72.S w Ams av. 40.10xl00x42x 100. 1-sty bk atr; Thos S Walker to Hanna- leon Corpn. 307 W 125: PM; mtg $20,000; Jan 21; ,Tan22'21 ; A,$23,.500-30,000 (R S .$38). O C & 100 Monroe st, 234-6 (1 ;201-56-57), ss, 1,30.5 e Senmmel. 34,9x95.4x,34.9x95.3. 2-S-sty bk tnts & strs; Wnlter P Roder. 1045 73d, Bklyn. to Renlty Circle, a corpn. 1,89 Montague, Bklvn: Jnn'JO: Jan21'21 ; A$25,000-,30.0no (R S .30c). liom Mulberry st. 142-44 (1:2.37-7), es, abt 125 8 Grand, .30x100, 2-sty bk garage; Chas Salo- innne tn Niehnlas Ciago, 81 Mulberry; % pt; AT: mtg $'24,000; Jan20; Jan21'21; A.$36.000- .38,000 (R S $10). O C & 100 Nassau St. 68-70; see .Tohn. ,32-4. Oliver St. 37 (1:278-14). ws. 25.2 s Madiaon. 28x.30. 3-stv fr bk ft tnt & atr; Catherine Rus- cinnn tn Thna Gnrnne. 110 Cherry; V- pt; Nov r20; Jnnl9'21; A$8.000-8,500 (R f? $2).. nom Pike sl. 64 (1:234-29). ws. nbt 40 a Monroe, 23x00. 4-aty bk tnt; Snm Michelow tn Louis Eig, 09-71 Kenrney av. Jeraev Citv. ,NJ ; % of V. part; AT; Janl; Jan20'21; A$8.000-11.000 (R S $1). O C & 100 IVince st, 106-8; see Greene, 1201.,', on map 1'22. Kenwick st, 26 (2;.394-C5). es. abt 260 n Cniinl. —.X—. 3-sty bk tnt; Julius Hallheimer. ref. to John C White. 290 ■«' 12: FORECLOS Jnne4'20; Jan21; Jan22'21; A$4,S0O-,3,O00 (R S $3). 6.000 Ridge sl. 132 (1 :344-.50). ea, 67 s Stanton, 27 XlOO, 4-sty Ilk & fr tnt & str & S-atv bk rear tnt: .\Ifred E .Marling & aim. TRSTE Saml Phillips, tn Morris Jacubowitz. 314 2d; B&S & CaG; JanlS; Jan21'21; A$14,000-19.00fl (R S .$16). O C & 100 RiviHEton st, 369-76; see East, 20. St Marks pl, 42% (2:449-10), se, 106.2 e 2 av, 18.10x35, 4-sty bk tnt; Jas L Feder to Gizella R Blnch, 531 W 143; Nov24'19; Jan24'21; A .f4,500-6.500. "0™ Spruce Bt, 19; see William, 193. Spruce st, S3 (1:10S-31), nws, abt 130 w Gold, 23,10x74.11x24^1x71, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Albert B Merrill, Essex, Mass, to Hilliard & Merrill, Inc, Lynn, Mass; B&S; mtg $19,000; Janll; Jan2S'21; A$'27,000-32,000. nom Sutton pi, \,MT Av A, 1054 (5:1372-26), nec .37th (No 501), 20.5x70.3, 4-sty stn dwg; Geo M Osborn to Anne H Vanderbilt, 060 5 av ; B&S & AT; Janll; Janl9'21; A$9,S0O-16,S0O (R S $45). O C & 100 Sutton pl, IB, or Av A, 1068 (5:1372-33), es, 50,10 s SSth, 10.8x51.1, 3-sty & b stn dwg, with right to use garden or space in rear with other owners in said block ; Sutton Stiuare, Inc, to Isabella M Cammann, 909 Park av; JanlS; Jan20'21; A$4,000-7.000 (R S $22.50). O C & 100 Vandewater st, 36 (1:113-14), ss, 106.11 w Pearl, runs Wl7.4xs50.2xel4.4xn21.10xe2.9xn28.2 to beg, 2-sty bk loft bldg; Giuseppe Piro to Benedetto Gaceione, 10 Roosevelt; % pt; mtg $5,000; Jaull; Jan21'-21; A$4,500-6,500 (R S $1.50). 1.400 Wall St. 54 (1:40-11), na, 144,2 ae William, 25,2x115.10x25.4x117.6: also WALL ST. ns, 169.4 se William, 25.2x114.3x25.4x115.10, 11- sty bk office & str bldg; Central Uuion Trust Co to 54 Wail St Corpn, 54 Wall; Dec31'20; Jan21'21; A$000,000-800,000 (R S $1,150). O C & 100 Wall 8t, ns, 169.4 se William; see Wall, 54. Warren st, SO; see Chambers, 120. Warren st, 50-2; see Warren, 54. Warren st, 54 (1:130-11), ns, abt 100 e West Bwav. 25x100, S-sty bk left & str bldg: A$42,- 000-55,000; also WARREN ST, 32 (1:1.30-10), n s, 125 e West Bwav, 25x175.10 to Ch;imbers (No 122), 2-5-sty stn loft & str bldg; A$83.000-105,- 000; also CHAMBERS ST, 120 (1:136-9), ss, 149.11 e West Bwny, 2S.2x— to Warren (No .30) x2S.x—, S-sty stn loft & str bldg; A$83.000- 10.3.000; Estate of Eugene A Hoffman. Inc, to Jeremiah F Donuvan, 124 S Oxford, Bklyn; B &S: Jan20; Jan21'21 (R S $.330). O C & 100 Water st, 384 (1 :231-S2), ns, 49.10 e Oliver, 16.10x60. 2.sty hk loft & str bldg: Antonio Borelli to Rosa Borelli. his wife, 52 Roosevelt; Oct20'20; Janl9'21; A$4,000-4,000. nom West st, 509-17; aee Horatio. 114-18. Willett sl, 65 (2:.3SS-23), ws, 123 a Rivington, 25x100, S-stv bk tnt & atrs: Sigmund Kraus to Max Weitz, 15 (ioerck ; PM mtg $15,000; Jan 10; Janl9'21; A$13,000-23.000 (R S $20.50). O C & 100 William st. 193 (1 :102-13). nws, 00.4 ne Spruce. •2.3.10x83.6x^24.Sx88.4, 5-stv bk loft bldg; .\.f.37,OflO-4fl.OOO; alao SPRUCE ST. 19 (1:102- 10), nes. 62 n William, runa ne22.8x—23,lxnw 13,3xaw42 tn st xae19.4 tn beg. 2-atv bk office & str bldg: A$^2S.OO0-24.0OO; Spiegel Bros. Inc, to Adnlph Spiegel, 47 W 119; Mar20'20; Jan25 •21 (R S $5.00). O C & 100 3D St. 189 E (2:399-43), nea. 175 nw Av B, 24 x9(i.'2. 6-atv bk tnt & strs: Ilvman Katz tu Re¬ becca Katz. 189 E 3: mtg $------; AL; Janll; Jan22'21; A.S11..300-23.000 (R S $1). O C & 100 4TH St. 88 E (2:445-10). sa. 842i e 2 av. 20.6x 8'2,2, 3-stv bk tnt & atra; Emil Huchfelder et nl to Jnenb Heller. ,3'20 E 4; mtg .fO.OflO; Jau 18: Jan21'21; A.$8.000-10,0fl0 (R S $10.30). O C & 100 4TH sl. 90 E (2:445-11), as. 104.8 e 2 av. 20.4 x82. 3-atv bk tnt: Emil Huchfelder et al to Jacob Heller. 320 E 4 ; mtg .$7..300; JanlS; Jan 21'21; A.1S.OOO-10.000 (R S .$10..30). O C & 100 4TH st W (2:013-9-10), sec 11th (Nos 230-52), 4S.7x,33.3. 2-3-sty & 1) bk dwgs ; Elvira F Pas¬ ture to Williama-Dexter Cn, 180 Remsen, Bk¬ lyn: mtg $13,000; Jan^20'21; A$10,(IOO-]3,500 (R S $15..3()). nom lOTH st, 112 E; aee 121at, 265 W. IITH st, 222 E (2:406-20), SS. .308 w 2 .av, 21.6x95, 4-sty bk dwg. 2-atv ext; Marin Baccia to Chas Guerrieri. 327 E 11: mtg $10,000; Apr 9'20; Janl9'21; A,$10,(IOO-12,000 (R S $13). O C & 100 The text of these pages is copyrighted. AH rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecution.