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■ATTAN AND BRON.Y RECORTS SECTION •KcrrioN Tw« AND ^^ BUILDERS DEVPTED TO REAL ESTATE, BUILDI(4G HANACEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORKAND VICINITY This section Includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages. Assignments of Mortgages atid Satlsfl^ Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure SuIV Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affectum Real Estate. Building Loan Contracts, Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CVIII. (2785) NEW YORK, JULY 30, I92I No. 5 CONVEYANCES. his May nom see Manhattan. JULY 20, 21, 22, 23, 25 & 20. Beaver st. 51 (1:25-38), ns, 111.4 w AVm, runs n70.1 xeO.2 xnSl.lO xwS xswlO.l xw20.9 xs99.11 to Beaver, xe:39 lo beg, 0-aly atn office & str bldg; Standard Commercial Tobacco Co to Broad-Exchange Co, 113 Bwav; mtg $103,000; JulyL"; July23'21; A$1SO,000-203,000 (R S .fllS). O C & 100 Bleecker st, .S65 (2:020-19). sec Charles, 20x 47.5, 3-aty bk tnt & atra; Morria A Eiaeman to Philactoa Bros Realtv Corpn, 305 Bleecker; mtg $13,000; Julyll; July22'21; A$10,500-13,O0O (K S $3). O C & 100 Canal st, 394 (1:212-29), ss, 81.3 nw AVest Bway, runs swS0xwl9.1O xne.2 xw3.8 xn3 xe 10.7xn9.9xne7S.9 to st, xse21.1 to beg, O-sty bk loft & atr bldg; Edw E Desaar, Ridgewood, NJ, to Julia C Huntlev, 200 So Maple av, Ridgewood, NJ; mtg $27,750; July21; July23 '21; A$12,000-30.000 (R S 50c). O C & IOO Cannon st, 84 (2:,'329-S), ea, 125 n Rivington, 25x100, S-aty bk tnt & sirs & 2-sfy bk ext; Joa AA'eledinger to Minna AA'eledinger, wife, 84 Cannon; AT; PM; mtg $13,500; 23; July25'21; A$S,000-13,00O. Cathedral Pkway, sec Riverside dr; Cathedral Pkway, 612. Cathedral Pkway, 613 (7:1893-pt Its 32 & 55), 88, 200 w Bway, 122 lo Riverside dr xlOl.Sx 152.11, 1 & 2-sty fr bldga & vacant; Liberty & Church St Co to 375 Riverside Drive Corpn, 200 AV 72; JulylS; July21'21; A$------$------ (R S 5300). - O C & 100 Charles Bt, sec Bleecker; see Bleecker, 365. Cherry st, 32 (1:112-44), ns, abt 140 w Roose¬ velt, 22.1x236x11.4x2.35.9: also V-, of the ALLEY adj on e, 4x00; also STRIP begins at the nwc lot land first above described, runs n4.6xel9.0 xs4.'2xwl9.H to beg, 6-sfy bk tnt & strs; Ber¬ nard (iolden, Bklyu, to Andrew L Molinelli 236 7Sd, Bklyn; mtg $.30,000; JulyS; July21'21- A$16,00))-30.()()0 (R S $8). nom Christopher »t, 112 (2:588-50), ss, 135.10 e Bedford, 2.3.4x93.1x24.11x97.10. 3-sty fr tnt & atrs; Pasquale Meola to Minnie Meola, 95 Christopher; JulyL'O; July22'21; A$13,000-1S,SOO (R S $5.50). nom Eldridge St. 205 (2:421-68), ws, abt 173 s Stanton, 23x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-8ty bk rear tnt; Carl A Rodenburg, GDN Carl E Ro- denburg, lo Nathan VIodinger, 203 Eldridge, 1-3 pl; mtg $17..300; July21; July2'2'21 - A$17.- 000-25,000 (R S $3). 3,000 Eldridge at, 205; Philip L Rodenburg, AVee- hawkeii, NJ, & ano, to same; 2-3 pt; mtg $17- 500; July21; Jul.v22'21 (R S $0). nom Front St. 236 (1:97-32), nws, at aws Peck si (Nos '2S-30). 25.1xSSx23.5x5S. S-stv bk loft bldg Jos Mathias, Bklyn, to Edw (i Ryan, 210 Jef¬ ferson av, Bklyu; PM mtg $30,"0(K); Julv20; July21'21: A.$2O,0O0-26.(H)0 (R S .$47). iiom Front at, 230 |1:97-S2). nws at sws Peck si (Nos 28-30), 25.1x53x23.3x.3.3, S-atv bk loft bldg; Edw O Ryan. Bklyn. to Philip J Begloff. 500 AV 143. & Chas F Mischler, 620 Col av; mfg $30.(:ki0; JulyL'O; July25'21; A.$20,000-26,- "*'-. , nom Hender.son pl, 14 (5:1.38S-2.3E). es. 100.2 n SOth. 17.4x40, S-sty & b bk dwg; JIary F AVaf- kina fo Anna II Hall, 333 Park av'; Junc20; Jnly20'21 ; A$:!..30fl-7.(H)0. ix.mo ■ Inham st, nwc Bway; aee Bway, nec Isham. Lafayette sf. 384-)!»: see 4th, 2-'20 E. Lewis st, 55 (2:328-231, ws, 173 n Delancev, 2ox1fH1, 4-afy bk tnt & sirs & 2-aty fr re.-ir tut; Lawyers Mtg Co fo -Annie AVimigrad 120 Broome; B&S; JulylO; July20'21; -A$S.O00-10- 000 (R S $11). O C & 100 Madiaon at. 156; see Pike. 42. Mitchell pi, .» (S.-ISOI-S), ns, 34 e 1 av, 18x SO.IO. 3-afy & b atn dwg; John H McBride & ano. individ & ADMRS Alarv McBride, to Mar- cin Miczyiiaki, 4 Alifchell pl- Jan3; JuIv''S">1- A$4,30O-7,0OO (R S $9.S0J. "9 25(1 Mitchell pl. 4; John H McBride, Jr, to same; B&S; JuneO; Julv2S'21. nom .Alonroe st. IS (1:270-0), ns. abt 200 e Cath, 23x100. 0-atv bk tnt & sirs; -A$14,O()O-SO,30O; alao .AIONROE ST. 13 (1:278-7), na, abt 225 e Cath. 25x100, O-stv bk tnt & sirs; -A$14,000- .30,500; Saml Harris lo Abr Rnsoff, 1127 ITorest av; li, pt; AT; AL; July22; July23'21 (R S $5). 5,000 Monroe st, 15; see Monroe, 13. Monroe st, 279 (1:205-3), ns, 50.2 e Jackson, 25x93, O-stv Ilk tnt: Pauline GoUIMsher lo Morria Bogad. 295 Henrv; mtg $10.7.30: PM mtg $3,000; JulylS; July21'21; A$S,000-2S.50O (R S .$9). O C & 100 Norfolk Bt, 36 (1:312-9), es, abt 125 s Grand, 2Sxl(K). 6-sty bk tnt & strs ; Alfred J Amend, BXR Heleue Ahrensbeumer, to David D AA'eiu- berger. (iOS AV 1.'39; mtg $8,000; JulyLl; July2S '21; A$18,000-2S,000 (R S $15). 23,000 Peck si, ',J8-;10; see Front, 236. Pike st, 42 (1 :'274-'22), swc Madison (No 1.50), runs s2Sxw71xs25xwlSxn50 to Madison x eSO lo beg. 0-aly bk tnt & strs; Saml Gold¬ stein lo Saml Ehrlich, 232 Clinton; V» pt; mtg $29,400; Jnly22; July25'21; A$21,000-41.000 (R 5 .$3.05). nom Thompson st. 208 (2:537-1), es. 100 n Bleeck¬ er, 2Sx1(K), O-sty bk tnt & stra; Paaquale I Simonelli fo Roaa, his wife, 139 AV 94; mtg $24,000; Dec22'20; July'22'2I; -A$1S,000-S4,000. nom Thompson at, 20«; Rosa Simonelli fo Giuaep-. pe Locicero, 208 Thomnson; mtg $24,000; PM mtg $15,000; July20; July22'21 (R S $22). nom Thompson at. 234-6 (2:aS7-lS). sec 3d (No 72), 60x75, O-sty bk tut & stra; Frank B Col¬ ton, East Orange, NJ, to Jos J Lordi, 7 5 av; mlg .$.3'2.000; Sept29'20; July2S'21; A$ll,000-75,- 000 (R S .$10). nom AVashington st, 229-31 (1:128-8-9), es, 71.11 s Park pl, 42.10x70.2x44.1x77.10. 2-4-sfv bk loft 6 str bldgs: AValter E Shullleworth, Bklyn, lo James Pike, 22 Adelina pl. North Bergen, NJ: mtg $55,000; JulylS; July20'21; A$38,S0O- 48,000 (R S $15). nom Washington at, 229-31 (1:128-8-9), es. 71.11 s Park pi, 42.10x76.2x44.1x77.10, 2-1-sty bk loft & sir bldgs; Jaa Pike to J C Shute Co, 231 AVashington; mfg $33,000; July—'21; July23 '21; A$38,S00-48,000. nom Water st, 101 (1:33-12), cs, 45.2 n Gouver- nenr la. 19.9x84.11x19.9x85, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; James A AValsh, Bklyu, to Dominiek .1 Tierney, SOS 72d, Bklvn; B&S; CaO ; mtg $28,- 000; JulylO; July20'21; A$29,000-37,000. nom Water st, 248 (1:98-9), nws, 1.S2.S sw Peck si, 25.1x98.9x24.3x100.4, 5-sty bk loft bldg; Herman .loseph, REF, to Emma Y Cosby, Sa¬ vannah, (ia, plff; mtg .IS.WM); JulyL'S; Julv20 '21; P-ARTITION; A$19,000-30,000 (R S $22.50). 30,100 1ST St. 46 E (2:443-54), ns, 262.0 e 2 av, 24.2 Xl00.1x23.11xl00.2. 5-sty bk tnt & sirs; A$12,- 000-23,000; also IISTH ST, 71 E (0:1019-27), na, 20:3.5 w Park av, 25x100.11, 5-stv bk tnt; A$12,- 000-20,000; also 70TH ST, 361 B (3:1451-20), ns, ISO w 1 av, 23x102.2, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; A .$9,000-14.:300; Rector, &c, Grace Church lo New Holding Co, ------; B&S; JulylO; July21'21 (R S •$•57). 57,000 3D at, 72 W; See Thompson, 234-6. 4TII st, 2-20 E (2:,3Sl-0), awc Lafayette, (No 384-88), runa s7S.llxw98xn27.7xwl77.2 to Bway (Nos 092-094), xn4S.S to 4th, xc275.3 to beg, 12-sty bk loft & sir bldg: Saml K Jacobs, AVoodiuere, LI, to Silk Realtv C'o, 4-2S 4 av- mfg .$1,003,000; JulylS; Julv20'21; A$300.00()- 1.123.000. uom 7TH at, 99 E (2:433.33), ns, 101.3 e 1 av, 20.4 x07.0. S-aty bk fnt: Riiytison Rcalfv Corpu to Ray Tally. 0.30 AV 171; AT; QC; JunelS; Julv 21'21; A$11.0()0-,SO.()00 (R S .30c). O C & 101) OTH sf, KI4 E (2:303-14), sa, 101.6 e Av D. 40.9x92.llx40.9x9S.II. O-sty bk tnf; A$IS,00()-3S,- 0(K); alao OTII ST. SIO E (2:303-10), sa, 202.3 e Av D, 40.9x93.11. O-sty bk tut; A.$lS,0O0-.'i5,00O; Nathan Auerbach to Saml Schciner, 274 AVil¬ sou av, Bklyn; \:. part; Novl5'20; July'20'21. ^.. o c & 100 OTH St. 816 E; see 9th, 811 E. lOTH sf, 301 E (2:104.33). us, 95.0 e Av A, 25x94.8. 4-afy bk tnt; Bartholomew Lefkovics lo Rcbe<-(-a Glanz, 110 1st; mlg $10,000; Julyl; Julv20-21: A$18,0OO--25,00O (R S $14). O C & 100 iC'TH st, IH W (2:373-33), ss, -282.4 w 5 av. runs s92.Sxw().4xslOxw20.2xnlOxw2xn92.3 to st. xe2S.O to beg. 4-sty & b bk dwg; Central Union Trust Co & ano, E.XRS Ida M Ryan, to Adolphns F Long. 147 Moffatt, Bklyu; JulylS; Julv21'21; A.$2S,0OO-43,(H)0 (R S $47.50). 47,100 lOTH St. 18 W (2:373-33), ss, 282.4 w 5 av, runa s92.3xw0.4 xslO xw26.2 xnlO xw2 xn92.3 fo st xeL'S.O to beg, 4-sfy & b bk dwg; Adolph- ua F Long lo American Truat Co, i:35 Bway; mlg $18,000; JulylO; July22'21; A$25,000-45,000. nom IITH st, 238 W (2:613-10), sa, .1.30 o 4lh, 20x 95, S-sty & b bk dwg; Chas AV Knight to Margt