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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 108, no. 12: September 17, 1921

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MANHATTAN AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION SECTION TWO REAL ESTATE FOUNDED. I«68r AND ^^ BUILDERS OUIDE DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE, BUILDING MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITY This section Includes all recorded Conveyance!, Ml(KeIlaneou(i Conveyance*, Mortcagas, AadKnmants of Mortgagee »>»d SatlaBa* Mortgages and Mortgage Extenslong, Leaises, Auction Salaa, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advartised Legal Sales, Foreclosure »"™ Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Llena, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages AftectlH Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts. Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan. ____ Vol. CVIIL (2792) NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 17, 1921 No. 12 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. SEPT. 7, 8, 9, 10 12 & 13. Allen St. ISt (2:415-301, ws, abt ISO s Riving¬ ton. 23.\87.0. S-sfy bk stable: Louis Henig to Herraan M Monoson, 24 .Attorney; y, pt; ratg $18,700; Sept7; Sept8'21; A$12,0(i0-20r000 (R S ?21. O C & 100 Allen st, 171 (2:416-20), ws. 75 s Stanton, 25 X87.6, 6-sly bk tnt & strs; Graud Lodge of the U S of the Independent Order Free Sons of Israel to Dora Kessler. 611 AVales av; Sept7: Septl(r21 ; A$12.00O-2S.0O0 (R S $251. 35,000 Allen st, 171: Dora Kessler to Benj M Gruen¬ stein. 119 AV 71: Jos L B Mayer, 2 AV 89, & Edgar Gruenstein. 60 AA' 95; mlg $20,000; Sept 9 ; Septl0'21. nom Bleecker st, 359 (2:620-40). es, 51 s Charles, 17x09.10x1.5.4x09.10, 2-sty bk tut & str; Carroll H Brewster, REF. to Henrietta AV A Hoff¬ mann. 160 E .56. plff; FORECLOS ------; Octl ■18; Sept7'21: A.$7..SOO-9.000 (R S $1). 1,000 Bond st, :« (2:S30-31i, nes, abt 190 e Lafay¬ ette, 26.3x110 3-sty bk lofl & str bldg, 1-stv fr ext: Philip Lipin et al fo Isidor Mendelson, 2849 AV 29. Coney Island. NY; ratg $19,125- Aug30: Sept7'21 ; A$19.000-2e.000 (R S $12,501. 100 Broome st, 33 (2:322-28), ns, 50 w Mangin, 25 XlOO, S-sty bk tnt & strs: Heris Schwartz to M Schwamm, Inc, 63 Park Row: mtg .'(i7,000; SeptS; Septl0'21; A$,S,000-lO000 (R S $4). 6 c & IOO Canal st. .385 (1:227-31. ns. 43.1 w AVest Bwav, 21.4x70.11x21.4x70.,8, 5-sty bk factory; Irving National Bank. EXR & TRSTE Denis Arnould, to Benj C AVeisberg, .592 Henry : PM mtg $15,- OOO; Sepf8'21: A$lO.500-21.000 (R S $301. 3f>,00« Canal st. 499 (2:,S94-113i, nes, 9S,4 nw AVatts, runs ne3t!.10xn21.9xw5.0xsl0.exsw— fo st. xse 10.8 fo beg, 1-sly bk tnt & strs: Max Lach¬ man. EXR Chas S Priedlander, to Lucy Mad¬ den. 3 St Luke's pl; Augl2; Sept7'21; A$S.00O- 8..SflO (R S $050). 6 400 Cannon st. 80-82 (2:329-11. es, SO n Rivington 36x7:j, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Robt B Roosevelt et al to Mollie Brand, 332 Delancev ; B&S ■ Au" 5: Sept9'21 ; A$12,000-32.500 (R S ,$2.8.50). nom Cathedral Parkway (7:1893-51-551. ss. 100 w way. 10O.xl(io vacant; Liberty & Church St Co to 610 AV 110th St Corpn, 55 Libertv Septl''- Sept]3'21 ; A$114,000-1H.OOO (R S $170). O C & 100 Cherry sf, 82 (1:252-21, ns. 25 e James. 24.10x 59.8x24.8x59.10 2-sty fr bk ft tnt & strs : .A$0.- 000-7.SOO; also CHERRY ST. 84 (1 :-2.S2-3) ns 49.10 e James. 24.5x59.4x24.3x59.8, 2-sly fr lik ft tnt & strs; A$O000-7..S0fl; Chas AA'anninger ef al. E.XRS AVm Nelson, to Christina Ferrulo. 1 James sl; Ang27; Septl0'21 (R S $15.50). 13,500 Cherry st, 84; see Cherrv. 82. Forsyth st, 168-70; see" Rivington, .30. Forsyth sf, 169 (2:421-34), ws. 73 n Riving¬ ton. 27X.S0.2. 5-sty bk tnt & sirs; Jos Gordon to Ephraim Flescher, 90 S 2d, Bklyn: mtg $11,000: SeptO; Sept7'21: A.$9.000-10.obo (R S »8^. O C & 100 Grove ct. 3 (2:58S-pt It 681. begins 149.6 c Hudson & 110 s Grove, rnns el6.8xn24.2xwl6.S XS24.4, 3-sty bk dwg; .A$-------.$------; also 1-6 pt GROVE ST. ss. 1.54.10 e Hudson (2:583-pt It 19). runs s09.2xw23.3xs.S.lxw31.exsl2.2xe97.Gxn 93.4 lo Grove st xwS.ll t,, beg. vacant; .A$------- ■■?------: Caroline M Proudfit to Margt T Brad¬ ford & Edith Elliot. 414 AA' 121; ratg $2,500; PM mlg .$2,750; Sept9; Septl3'21 (R S $7). O C & 100 Grove st, ss, 154.10 e Hudson; see Grove ct, 3. Hamilton ter, 53-73 (7:2050-113-118), es, 504.0 n lllst. 275x73.5x276x96.0 2-6-stv bk tnts & strs: A$l 13.000-380,000: also SOTH ST, 19 AV (3:.8S2-29). nes. 325 nw 5 av, 25x98.9, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; A.$67.5O0-S7,000; Territ Invest¬ ing Co to Leo Ritter, 22 av & 82d, Bklyn, % pf, & AVra C Ritter, 11 Bay 20th, Bklyn, 'i,J, pt • correction deed; .Aug27; Sepfl2'21. O C & 100 Henry sf, 134 (1:273-32), ss, abt 135 w Bul¬ ger, 23.10x100, 1-sty bk school; Abr Lefkowitz to Kabbi Mordecai Rosenblatt Congregation, a lorpii, 134 Henrv; ratg $5,900; Nov8'20; SciPtl2 ■21; .A$14.000-25,000 (R S SOcl. O C & 100 Houston st, 214-18 E; see 1st, 107-11 E. Jane st, 49 (2:020-53), ns, 123.0 e Hudsou. rnns e27.0xnS8xw2G.Oxsl4.Sxwlxs74 to st, 5-sty ik tnf: Jos Schift, Bklyn, fo Jennie Schiff', 1423 Carroll. Bklvn; AL; SeptS: Septl2'21: A $11.0IKI-20.000. O C & 100 Jumel ter, swc Sylvan ter; see Sylvan ter, 20. I.udJow st, 86 (2:400-37). es, abt 100 n Broome. 25x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & sirs : Juliette .Appeliiiiura, Bklyn, to 86 Ludlow St Corpn. 15 B 107: ratg $19,750: SeptO: Septl2-21: A$17.000- 27.000 (R S $71. O C & 100 Madison st, 263 (1:269-44), ns. 68.8 e Clinfon, runs nOS.2xel.5xn32.1xe2S.6x8100.3 to st xw25 to l)eg. S-stv bk tnt: Harry Edelson fo Abr Aren- sou. 53 Rutgers; lA pf; AT: mfg $20,875; Sept —'21 ; Sept8'21; A$14,000-25.000. nora Madison St. 355 (1:207-291. ns, 210 e Scammel, 23.9x96. S-sty bk tnf & sirs: Metropolitan S:iv- ings Bank to Denwood Realty Co, 509 AA'illis nv. Bronx: B&S; CaG; Septl2; Septl3'21: A $S.O(K1-14,000 (R S $18). O C & 100 Mercer st. 231: see Mercer, 223. .Alercer st. 223 (2:533-27), ws, 203 s 3d, 20x .SO. 3-sty bk loft bldg: A$OS0O-lO00O; also .AIERCER ST. 221 (2:533-28), ws, 283 s 3d, 20x .30, S-stv bk loft bldg; A$6..S0fl-lO000; Mary R (ioelet et al, TRSTES Ogdeu Goelet, et al, to .\iirou .Appell. 1-381 Bristow, Bronx, y, part; Sept:!; Sept9'21 (R S $22). 22,000 Mercer st. 327 (2 :5S3-25), ws. 222.6 s 3d, runs w—xs3.0xw5xsl9xe50 to st xn22.0 to beg, 3-sfv bk loft bldg; Mary R Goelet. et al. TRSTES. Ogden Goelet. et al, to Louis R Fisher, 028 Saratoga av. Bklyn; U pt; SeptS; Septl0'21: A.$7.000-11.000 (R S $11). ILlMMt Monroe st, 116 (1 ;2S5-32), ss, 75.7 w Rutgers St. 31.2x17.3x31.2x17, 4-sly bk tnt & str: Na¬ than Ginsberg lo Lena Ginsberg, 1545 Miuford pl: ratg .$4,000; OctlS'lS: Sept9'21; .A$3.000- 5.SOO. nora .Alulberry st. 86 (1:200-10). es, 125.7 s Canal. 2S.lxl(Hl.S. S-sty bk tnt, strs & 4-sty bk rear tut; Loretta Sl Doherty. Bklvn. to Genevieve C Doherty, 372 St Johns pl^ Bklvn; AT&I: mfg $15,000: SeptO; Septl0'21; A$17,00O-2:i.0O0 IR S $0). nom Old si, 36: see South. 40. Rivington st, 36 (2:421-82), nec Forsyth (No 108-70). 20.3x100x25.5x100. S-sty bk & stn tnt & strs; Barbara Purges to 36 Rivington St Corpn. .346 Bway: ralg $44,750; SeptlO: Septl2 ■21 ; .A.1129,000-50,000. O C & 100 South st, 40 (1:35-49), nwc Old sl (No Sfl), 23x44.10, 4-sty bk tnt & strs: Irving Garev, 0.32 Bway, to Chas K Ohler, 40 South; QC; .AL: SeptS; Sept9'21; .A$30.000-36,000 (R S SOcl nom Sylvan ter, 20 (8:2109-071. swc Jurael ter, 20 xSl.O, 2-sty fr dwg: AVm I Hill to Heurietta & Carolyn Dunn, 72 AV 95; mtg .$3,000; Sept x.34.0. 2-sly fr dwg: AVm I Hill to Henrietta & Carolyn Dunn, 72 AV 93: ralg $3,000: PM mtg $1.0(H): Septl: Sept7'21; A$4,50O-5,00O (R S $4..->0). O C & 100 Thompson st, 242-8; see AA'ash Sq S, 38-59, or 4lh St. .82-4 AV. AValker st, 78-80 (1:196-29), nec Courtlandt :(Ucy, 48x90.7x44.5x101.9, 8-sty bk loft & Str bldg: Chas Lone. Bklyn, to Bankers Binderv Corpn. 78-80 AVidkcr: SeplG: Sopt7'21 ; .A$54.000- 105.000 (R S $021. O C & 100 Washington Sq S, 68-60. or 4th st, 82-4 W (2:3.3K-31-;JSI. sec Thompson (Nos 242-8), 4flx 100x47.10x100. 4-sfy bk tnt, 2-sty bk & fr tnt & 2-sty bk bldg; Mary E Bleecker, Flushing. N V. individ & EXTRX Rachel McCreery, to Ele¬ na Realty Corpn, ------, NY; Augl9; Septl0'21; correclion deed; A$.30.000-63,200 (R S SOc). O C & 100 1ST Bt, 107-11 E (2:428-221, ss, LSO w Av A, .S0x01.4x50.4x,S5 to Houston (Nos 214-18). O-sty bk tnt & strs ; Jos IT Schwartz to Lilmae Corp. 32 Bway; mfg $50,000: PM mtg $17,000; Aug 30; Sept9'21; A$S2,0OO-62,00O (R S $31). nom 4TH St. 83-4 W: see AVash Sil S, 58-39. 4TH st, 327 W (2:615-58), es, 44 s Jane, 22x :30x22x5S. 3-stv fr bk ft tnt: Jas M Roland, Libertv, NY, to Margt AV Cuslons & Josephuie P R AVard, 433 Union av N, Cranford, N J ; 1-3 pl: Julv23; Sepl9'21; A$e,000-S,000. uom STH st, 17 AV (2:572.32), ns, 280.6 w 5 av, 25.1x03.11, 4-stv bk tnl & strs: A'incent C Pepe to Emmii Grassotti, 136 Bleecker; ratg .$10.(K10; AugSO: Sept9'21; A$2O00O-:V2.000 (R S $19.50). O C & 100 UTH st, 54-6 E: see Bway, 848-58. I4TH st, 58-62 E; see Bway, 848-58. ISTH St. 208 E (3:896-44), sws. 466 nw 2 av. 22x103.3, 4-stv bk dwg: Ella M Mott to Margt B AVilson, 783 5 .av : mtg $12,000; Augl7 : Sept 9^21 ■ A$17.00O-2.3.50O (R S $'211. O C & 100 ISTH St. 342 VV (3:7.38-031, ss, .3-25 e 9 av, 18.9, :i-sfv & 1) bk dwg: Geo R Du Bois to .Alargt G Marsh, 312 AV 15; mtg $10000; PM ndg $5,000; ------'21; Sept9'21; A$7.800-10,500 (RS$8l. O C & 100 17TH st, 23 W (3:818-041. ss. 358.4 w 5 av, 22.8x92. 4-slv bk loft & sfr bldg: Eliza Gug¬ genheimer to H AV (; Realty Co. 50 Union sq; rafg $13,000; Septl2-21; A$26,000-3S.OOO fR S .$2S..S0(. O C & 100 17TH st, 213 W (3:707-321, ns. KiO w 7 av, 17.2x44.5xl7.-2x44.9, 2-sty bk tnt; David Harris lo Hovhan Chakraakjian, 436 9 av : B&S: CaG; Sepl9; Septl3'21: A$S,:iOO-G,000 (R S $0,501. O C & 100 19TH st, 430 E (3:9,50-45), ss, .300.3 w .Av A, •23x92. 3-stv bk tnt: .A$8..300-10,000: also 19TH ST 422 b" (3:050-441. ss, 281.3 w Av A. 25x92, S-slv bk fnt: A$.8,:3OO-lO,O0O: N Y Life Ins & Trust Co. TRSTB Mary (iriffin, to Harry Ki¬ merling. 1.568 President. Bklyn, & Max Kimer¬ ling. 233 E 21; Sept7: Sept9'21 (R S $201. 20.000 19TH st, 422 E: see 19th. 420 E. 21ST st, 249 W (3:771-131, ns. abt 200 e 8 av, 23x98.9, 3-sfv stn tnt: Lonis P Van Riper, in¬ divid & heir Maria A A'an Riper lo Georgiana Flock. 2-24 part. 42 AV .'is; A'incent A'an Riper, 1-24 part, lis E 33. & Marion A' R Morris. Ridgewood. NJ. 1-24 pt: ratg $-22,000; SeptO; SepfS'21 : A$10.0O-34.00o (R S .$3). nom 26TH St. 242 E (3:900-331. ss. 80 w 2 av. 20x 74. 3 stv l>k tnt: Cath L I'rice. Bklyn. fo Cos¬ mic Ho'lding Corpn, 198 Bwav; SepfI2: SeptlS ■21 ■ A$8,.S0O 10.,S00 (R S $8,301. O C & 100 27TH sf, 103 -VV (S:S03-pt It 321, ns. 80 w 6 av. -20x83.3. 4-sfv bk lofl & str bldg: Leopold Freiman. KEF. to Loiifro Realtv Corpn. 103 AV 27- rafg $27..500; FORECLOS; Sept7; Sepf8"21; A$-------$------ (R S .$-23). .50,350 .SOTH sf, 19 W: see Hamilton fer. 33 7S. SOTH sf. 345 W (3:734-10). nws. abt 2.30 e 9 :iv. 25x98.0, 3-sfv bk dwg; Gilbert Knh lo Jens P Nielsen. 311 AV .30; ratg .$9,000; AprO; Sept7 •21: A$14.flOO-17.000 (R S $18..50). O C & 100 31ST st, 112 W (3:800-.S01, ss, 102.0 w 0 av, •20.10x103x21.4x98.10. 4-sty stn loft & str bldg, 2-stv hk rear office; Nettie Lepow to Ethol Realtv Co. 114 AV 31: ratg $-----: Julyl3; Sept 9-21 : A.$40,3(10-48.000 (R S $1). O C & 100 SIST St. 114 W (3:800-31), ss. 183.4 w fl av, •20.10x107.3x21.4x103. 4-sfv stn loft & str bldg; Nettie Lepow to Bthol Realtv Co. 114 AV 31; mtg .$40,000; JulvIS: Sept9'21; A$11..3OO-49,000 (R S .$11. O C & 100 34TH St. 332 E (3:939-43), ss, 217 w 1 av, 23 xOS.O. S-slv bk tnt & strs: Louis C Habig, Bklvn. to AVra J Habig, 3.32 E 34; »/• Pt; QC; .AngS: Scptl2'21; A$11.000-15,SOO (R S SOc). nora 42D st, 133 W (3:995-17). no, 247.10 e Bway, 20x100.5. 5-sty stn str, 2-8ly ext: Broadway- John St Corpu to AA'ynuemere Realtv Corpn, :{7 AVaU; MarSI; Sept9'21 ; A$19O,000-20S.0OO (R S .$70. .30). O C & 100 4SP st, 462 W (4:10.52-58), SS. 179 e 10 av, 19x100.3. 3-sty & b hk dwg: Geo AVhileside to .Alraa Mullen. 408 AV 43; ratg .W.OOO; Sept9; ScptI3'21; A$ll..500-14,000 (R S $8..30). O C & 100 46TH sf, 403 W (4 :1056-29A). us. 62.6 w 9 av, 18.9x75.3. S-sfv bk fnt; Susan & Edw J Mack- ay fo Theo A Fisher. i;{5 AV 49; ratg .$3,000: SeptS'21 : A.$9.SOO-11,500 (R S $9.50). O C & 100 The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All riKhta ar» reaarved. Notice la hereby rlTen that lnfr